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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/23 in all areas

  1. "My greatest triumph? Obsidian survived." Interview with Feargus Urquhart
    6 points
  2. Borrowing a bit from the GOG product page (no price point at the moment) New playable class with 6 archetype variations. Become a shifter and use animal aspects and forms to decimate your enemies with the fury of a wild beast! New companion for your party: a Sarkorian tribal chief who has mysteriously survived the ravaging of his homeland. A brand-new, previously unavailable area, which you will be able to explore with your new ally, fight new enemies, and uncover some old secrets. 9 new spells will aid you in battle with foes both new and old. Optional romance with Ulbrig, available for both male and female characters.
    3 points
  3. Phew Wing Commander complete fully. Got the Medal of Valor for not having Maniac die, never knew he was that bonkers - killed me once with friendly fire. Got the good ending, the Firekka drove off the Kilrathi. The last mission was trivial, apparently if one wave runs away the other waves don't show up.
    3 points
  4. Are they supposed to be different? They are both four words.
    2 points
  5. Here's a video about the same thing. Hope youtube accepts connections from your provider.
    2 points
  6. Hello, this is customer service, how can I help you?
    2 points
  7. But if those 3 people do the work of 1/3 of a person each, then it might not be that bad.
    2 points
  8. Yeah, but BPM isn't really made for such extreme gameplay. For standard gameplay, I think I'm pretty satisfied with Blood Mage having more significant drawback but being still enjoyable. And also... Indeed, it is fully hardcoded. So can't be fixed at my level. The only thing I can do would be to remove these spell from the game or giving them a completely different effect. Not fun at all. Basically yes. For withdraw and similar effects, one can't say whether high INT is a buff or an issue. That's why fixed duration was a better way to balance the spell. I get that in Vela's case it's a nerf. I had this on my radar once, but somehow I discarded. The reason why I discarded is that it is pretty simple to avoid by simply not doing this (given that it is significantly tedious to do it evey time one gets an affliction). The reason for some other nerfs was to make the nerfed ability usable without braking the game or running into an easy auto-win combo. Outworn buckler really has to be used in purpose to get the "problem"*. *Granted that Strand of Favor & Friends are in the same case, but you have to do it only once per run, making it way more tempting...
    2 points
  9. Yup, I think so. If he's still checking the forums, @Raven Darkholme was quite the expert of that strategy IIRC. Could give you thoughts. You can have only one active summon ability at a time, not counting your pet if non-Ghostheart Ranger or Familiar if Conjurer. Anything you'll summon on top will refresh or replace your active summon. If you want to dig deeper into summons, the thread below by @Elric Galad is super helpful, but also Elric improved quite a few summons in BPM but it mostly doesn't touch Wizard summons I think. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/114591-mechanics-the-summoners-tables/#comment-2202629
    2 points
  10. Sorry, I forgot that this was an ultimate run. The hostile group with the skaenite celebrant only reliably appears if I blow up the oil barrel then save and reload. I have no idea under what conditions they are supposed to appear. If I don't do that, the area where they appear, right below the stairs leading down to the lower part of the roof where the god killer rum can be looted, is empty. On the other hand, the group on the steps going up to the keep are always there after I finish the Blow the Man Down quest, but they're non hostile, and if you attack them you anger every on that screen.
    2 points
  11. New release! I've implemented automatic updates! (You still have to install *this* version manually though) I've also added a popup selector for most of the *.prefab fields. You'll get to choose from among what's available in the corresponding "PillarsOfEternityII_Data/assetbundles/*.unity3d" files. This will make it a lot easier to find values for character and effect prefabs, among others. Also started exporting conversations.manifest and fixed some other stuff mentioned here: 2023-01-19 Auto Updates! When a new release is available, a dialog will give the user the opportunity to download it. Added a "prefab path" selector popup. conversations.manifest files will now be exported. Fixed an issue which caused GameDataObjects to be created with DebugName set to null. SpeakerComponent.ChatterFile will now correctly default to an empty ID string. Improved generation time of Conversation & Quest diagrams. StringTable queries now search GameData/Conversation/Quest tables asynchronously.
    2 points
  12. After a break from since September, I started to play Assetto Corsa Competizione few days ago again. This time in GT4 cars. I have picked up Aston Martin and started to race on Low Fuel Motorsport again. After few very nice races and three podiums in Split 2, I had today a lot of time to race a little bit around. Unfortunately, it looks like, that Friday is the worst day for racing, especially, if there are a lot of Porsche drivers on the grid In three races, I was hit in almost every single corner of the Donington track by Porsche drivers, which forgot that they have also brakes in their cars , and I have lost almost 1/4 off of my Safety Rating, which pretty much sent my performance back to July of last year. Enough is enough, I will be having fun tomorrow making videos of reports of the incidents
    1 point
  13. I wish. One of my colleagues has the day off to work the nightshift, and the other one is just a lazy, no good, ****. Typically I need 3 minutes per move I have to do with a few exceptions, so I can move about 20 trailers/containers per hour, he does five, tops, so his presence isn't noticeable. Me and my colleague typically carry for him. To be completely honest, if he hadn't been there at all I'd have been sort of fine with it, instead I get furious with him. Atleast one of my colleagues that was supposed to handle traffic came out and helped out as much as he could. I owe him some cinnamon buns at the very least.
    1 point
  14. tl/g;dw (too long/german; didn't watch): 3rd party sellers with lots of used cards (likely former miners) store or even wash cards improperly, short out when put to use by buyer due to moisture build-up inside cards, quick permanently dead/damaged card
    1 point
  15. I think that building pieces, specifically small things like, beds and chests should be able to snap against the wall instead of just in the center of the floor. From an aesthetics perspective, I'd never place my bed in the middle of a room but rather snuggly placed against a wall, usually in the corner against 2 wall. Also it would be nice if ceiling lights could snap to the center/corner of tiles
    1 point
  16. Space Dandy 16-18 The crew goes fishing and Dandy goes back to high school. This was the easiest alien they could have registered. And the first girl to fall for Dandy. But they got carried away with the school stuff and went off to infiltrate a girls-only school. I'll assume the girls he was interested in were all underage. Luckily, none of them gave him any chance.
    1 point
  17. Aaaaaaaaaand this is why one does not simply buy cards from Moria:
    1 point
  18. To be fair, JMS was sharing that when he was reminiscing about the passing of some of the B5 cast and his memories of them, especially Andreas Katsulas.
    1 point
  19. There is a big sale too. I decided to pick up Outward on sale and give that a try.
    1 point
  20. I deactivated all my mods (CP & BPM) and BS does not restores a spell all the time, at least not in my game. I only cast lvl 9 spells and I was only getting the spell back every 3-4 BS which is in line with the 33% probability.
    1 point
  21. I'd do all the red marker quests and then go on. The point of no return is You can keep the guy waiting around while you do other stuff. So he's a Shifter does that mean....you know what never mind.
    1 point
  22. Well that is better than what it the forum software usually did in that case. Not post, kill your text and call it a day. The prime reason why I CTRL + A; CTRL + C every post. Even the shorter ones nowadays.
    1 point
  23. Haven Park giveaway on GOG. It has a pretty decent reviews. https://www.gog.com/game/haven_park
    1 point
  24. Hm, well it was what I am doing today. Can't be helped I guess with a team spread over 13 hours worth of time zones. I like that Slate referred to this as barely noticeable. Maybe Wales should blackmail us, tell us to give X amount or else the design is permanent.
    1 point
  25. Actually Outworn Buckler and Lethandria's Devotion procs on switch are easily scriptable...not that I think you should remove them. In my ultimate run that script only triggered once. But if it saves me from a wipe it's worth scripting from my point of view.
    1 point
  26. If it's fully hardcoded, then it's totally legitimate and intended. Seriously though, while having unlimited spells across virtually any vancian caster (whatever the UI can handle) is cheesy as hell, you have to really get out of your way to use it and I think it's fun that it creates a game in the game with its own power curve progression, where you try and figure out which enemies have which spells, how you can steal those etc. Plus, I think it's fun if it leads to the first Ultimate-like run on BPM!
    1 point
  27. Note that this part only works with BPM. Other exceptions are : - Secondary skeletons from Chanter Skeletons invocation upgrade - Secondary drake from Chanter Drake invocation upgrade - Skeletons from Chanter skeleton phrase I didn't touch them. Touched Water Clone because the IA was broken and he wasn't able to use his spell. So I made it longer to compensate (I have no idea how to fix the IA). This is not a bug, it is an intended nerf. Minor is up to 3, Medium up to 6 and Major up to 9. When Noqn make the 3 blood sacrifice activable separately he remarked the displayed levels was 3, 6, 9 and this was most likely what the devs intended. But somehow it ended being 4,7,9 in vanilla. This change is a small nerf and a way to harmonize with BPM Brilliant Cycle, which is 3,6,9.
    1 point
  28. Cipher fighter is pretty bad because for fighter both their +accuracy stance and all defenses buff (forgot the name) don't stack with borrowed instinct, so you get less value. Far from unviable bad but probably not what you'd expect from a multiclass. Cipher already has accuracy buff so you don't need to worry about it when picking barbarian. Stalker is great because their accuracy stack and really helps your borrowed instinct to land. Monk also works, but mostly because they are just op for anything
    1 point
  29. I'm heading to Deadlight now. L6 but should be L7 by the time I finish Blow the Man Down. Can murder Aloth and use his grimoire to steal escape. The celebrants are multiclass but should get escape at L7 also. Then I can save Beina for L16 and steal Shadowing Beyond. Or I can figure out how to get to L16 without combat and without going way out of my way, then go to Beina. The pathing is kinda tricky. Usually I'd be around 13 when I go to Beina after Hasongo, if I went from Hasongo to Dunnage to Crookspur to Beina I think I'd be L15. I could go north and do Nemnok's quest but pretty out of the way since I have to come back and kill him. Hmmmmm..if the boots of cheese still worked like they used to I could do Bekarna's Folly, but they don't. Could throw in Poko Kahara but that requires a battle at the end. Maybe doable if I stock up on scrolls especially if I already have escape and withdraw. First I'll try to find those celebrants. I can technically save and load, I just need to time it at the end of a session if I'm recording or it looks sketch. That is really weird they only spawn if you blow up an oil barrel though... This is just a practice run though, I'm not used to BPM changes yet, probably be a while before I can do an actual "ultimate" run. Not technically ultimate since that turns off mods, but I already did a real ultimate so whatever. This should be harder anyway. ------- I got to Deadlight and I haven't looked for the celebrant that spawns by the barrel yet, was completing Blow the Man Down and saw quite a few celebrant guards around, but most of them aggro everyone. But there is one in the secret dock you can kill without repercussions. However the fight is pretty tough because the enemies start out neutral so you can't kite them and have to take on several at once. Exploding the gunpowder barrel in the middle takes out most of the group but leaves 2 to 5 guys depending how lucky you are. The spellblade is also a source of spell theft but doesn't have anything particularly great (though free casts are free casts). I'm trying to figure out how to group the enemies so I take out as many as possible but not the spellblade or celebrant. The celebrant usually is out of the explosion. I remember on a normal POTD solo run I could take the whole group out by throwing a sparkcracker first, then blowing up the barrels, but Vela is really, really stupid and she runs towards sparkcrackers and gets blown up, so...hmm. I don't have enough good equipment yet, scrolls etc. to make it feasible taking on several at once. If I could reload I'd just cast grimoire imprint on the celebrant and steal escape, then the fight is doable, but that is 1/6 chance so I have to be able to take some hits and use the nerfed blood sacrifice that destroys healing in case it takes me a dozen casts. Kinda tricky... Just have two withdraw scrolls also. Don't have any fangs yet so can't make more. This would be much easier if I had already stolen withdraw, but I haven't run into any eothas priests yet I don't think. Might need to rethink the stat spread. I dumped might and resolve and maxed INT DEX and PER because once I get Escape resolve doesn't much matter and after Shadowing Beyond might doesn't matter either. But...I am really bad at combat right now. The celebrant is definitely skaen because he just used escape to zip past me and murder vela when I thought I had them engaged...
    1 point
  30. I've never understood the neurotic need for huge amounts of dead space in newly designed UIs. Instead of almost all of the space of my 1440p monitor being using, now maybe about half of my screen is used. If you use the "full screen mode" button (bottom right corner), I would argue it actually makes better use of space than the old version by having the navigational links occupy that little empty left-hand side that used to exist, but I'm not clicking that button on every page I visit - tie it to a setting cookie, and probably everything is fine.
    1 point
  31. Moonbow? What is that? (edit-nvm found it on previous page) So they're on the roof outside Aeldys' quarters? Is this just during Blow the Man Down or are they still there later? I usually go to Deadlight right away for Bow the Man Down from Maje and don't have Minor Grimoire Imprint yet. Tangaloa Island is pretty far out of the way also unless I go there right after Maje but again no Minor Grimoire Imprint yet unfortunately. Could go there between Dorudugan and Beast of Winter but that is pretty late in game. Hmm. Good to know about the Berathian priests on Huana ships. I thought the only source of those spells was Ysyr and that encounter is kinda rough. Thanks! Well you can save and it quits the game, then you can load. It would look kinda save-scummy though and that's a weird spot to end a session if I were to record them. You can't *reload* but yes can save/load or else you'd have to do the whole thing in one sitting. Might be against the spirit of the challenge, IDK.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. But...but innovation from adversity - art from censorship! If nobody is oppressing me, my creative output withers and dies! This is outrageous, it's unconstitutional...and really, I just don't like it. I'm going to have to come up with a new list of demands, preferably one where I can have my cake and eat it too.
    1 point
  34. Oh boy, a morningstar-wielding barbarian... I know where this is going. it starts with Bo and ends with -er. Seriously though Barb/Cipher with a certain Morningstar is all-kinds of synergistic and fun to play.
    1 point
  35. Hey everyone! The latest version of the forums went live this morning around 8:15AM PT. Please let us know if you continue to have any issues now that we have rolled out all our fixes and we will look into what we can do to fix things for you Thanks again for your tremendous patience and assistance with these issues that arose over the holiday break
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. --- Rogue with bashing shield: You can build a sturdy Rogue with a shield who is capable to survive in tough battles without hiding and still do good melee dmg. Let the Rogue use a bashing shield to still profit from the Full Attack strikes that contain afflictions (Blinding Strike etc.) and a hard hitting one handed weapon (war hammer, sabre, mace and so on). WIth a Full Attack the (weaker) offhand will strike first, not dealing that much damage but applying the affliction already. Second swing from the harder hitting main hand then gets the Sneak Attack bonus right away. A Bash is considered an ability - so it scales its accuracy with level (char level -1 = acc bonus) and is never behind your main weapon's auto attack too much - it keeps being decent (in terms of accuracy). My favorite late-game setup for such a rogue was Godansthunyr + Badgradr's Barricade. They work beautifully together. The bash of the shield procs Thrust of Tattered Veils - which has no limit per encounter. It will proc on every bash-crit. ToTV is a spell and thus doesn't profit from Sneak Attack - but it profits from Deathblows (+100%dmg) which makes it a nice addition to your dps. At the same time Riposte makes a lot of sense with such a Rogue (bash-crits from Riposte will proc ToTV, too). Godanthunyr allows to stun enemies on crit (so they won't be able to attack you) which also helps with unlocking Deathblows right away. The early to mid or even late game can be done with the superearly Larder Door and later Scath Gwannek if Azurro wants to sell it (kinda random event). Unfortunetly Dragon's Maw can't be bound to a Rogue so that leaves Badgradr's Barricade as the best option. Scath Gwannek is also nice because it has a 3/rest-spellbinding of Winter Wind (spellbinding with a Rogue: see below). This is still not a tank - but it's a quite sturdy Rogue who doesn't lose a lot of damage output. And you know what they say: "dead Rogues deal the least damage"... --- Ranged Rogue You can of course also play a ranged Rogue and thus circumvent the problem of getting knocked out so much while still contributing nicely to the party's damage output. Rogue with maxed MIG, low INT and Persistence (its wounding dmg per tick scales with MIG, its overall dps raises the lower the INT) has great ranged, single target dps. Also arquebus with Rogue is not a bad pick imo. Especially Pliambo per Casitàs, which has a marking enchantment, is great to hunt down casters and such in the back rows. You can team up with another ranged party member near you and while delivering deadly shots give your nearest partner all-stacking +10 accuracy on the target. Shoot at he same enemy and they will go down very quickly. ---Spellcasting Rogue Another way is to focus on spellbinding/-holding/-striking (and so on) gear. Since Deathblows works with spells you can pile all sorts of damaging spell-per-rest gear on the Rogue (see Flames of Fair Rhian, Amulet of SUmmer Solstice, Sun-Touched Mail etc.). Once enemies have two afflictions on them the Rogue can bombard them with his double damage spells with high accuracy. As with all spellcasters, you might want to spare the bulk of the spells for the tough fights and "just be a normal Rogue" in the easier ones. But once it's time to turn the tides the Rogue can really pull off some tricks then. Same with scrolls: a Rogue with Deathblows and a scroll of Missile Barrage on double-afflicted enemies is very deadly (again: +100% damage). --- Draining Rogue A Rogue with a draining weapon and good DR can survive a single encoutner long enough do have decent impact. Tidefall is a great weapon because it combines the health draining (which is dependent on the damage you deal) and the wounding (which works like a multiplicative lash and thus also is dependent on the damage you deal). Hitting with it won't raise your health of course (use potions of Infuse with Vital Essence for that), but it will work well for your endurance. You will sacrifice a bit dps because no Full Attacks/dual wielding and also bc. of longer recovery due to thick armor - but it's doing very well against high DR foes (wounding is raw dmg that bypasses DR completely and the higher base damage of two handers has an easier time with DR in the first place). It also makes using Backstab+Shadowing Beyond (and Cape of the Master Mystic) worthwhile in tough encounters. There are other alternatives with draining and they start pretty early (Gaun's Share, Oidhreacht etc. ). It's one of the very few times I actually used Rose of Salthollow - and it worked quite well. Also looks badass imo. --- The standard melee Rogue unfortunately isn't that well-suited for PotD's late game. Way too many enemies with way too much health (or endurance) for a single target damage dealer who's not able to survive concentrated attention.
    1 point
  38. Just a few experiences: Ghost Heart/Ascendant can be very good - also bc. of the highest accuracy a class combo can get on its own. It is very good with Frostseeker for example. Builds focus very quickly and procs the AoE of Frostseeker all the time bc. of high ACC and Driving Flight. The AoE also generates focus. No fuss with the Animal Companion but can summon it behind enemies and then use it with stuff like Ect. Echo for example. --- Arcane Archer/Troubadour is also very good, especially an Arcane Archer with high Arcana using Spearcaster (unique arbalest). Sure-Handed Ila applies to reloading weapons such as Arbalests twice (so 2* -20% reloading time) which combined with Gunner and some reloading gear (like Acina's Tricorn and Sharpshooter's Garb + penelty-reducing pet such as Abraham) leads to awesome shooting speed with very high accuracy. You can actually use the arbalest modal to chain-prone even the tough singular enemies which takes them basically out of the fight. On top of that you have lots of useful invocations, Aefyllath adds damage to your shots and the Imbued Shots Pull of Eora and Binding Web are very useful with Driving Flight, delivering double CC fields with high speed and a ton of accuracy. --- Arcane Archer/Paladin - a very versatile character with high accuracy (epecially with Accurate Wounding Shot and Flames of Devotion in combo with the Ring of Focused Flame). Flames of Devotion counts as elemental attack so it doesn'r get the -5 ACC an Arcane Archer gets with "normal", non-elemental and non-imbued shots. Can heal, support, deal damage, do great CC, is sturdier than the usual ranged char. Can heal and revive his animal companion. Spearcaster is good, but any reloading weapon is good. --- Troubadour/Streetfighter with the Red Hand is a devastating shooter once you pick up the upgrades Whisp summons. With them you can distract yourself which stacks Sure-Handed Ila (2* -20% reloading) + Aefyllath (+15% burning lash) + Heating up (-50% reloading, extra Sneak Attack dmg). Also the summons help with crowd control of course. They last long enough that you can use another invocation in between most of times. With the Red Hand you can already shoot twice before reloading - and with the combined reloading bonuses the reloading action is incredibly short. As close as one can get to a machine gun imo. Great char for hunting enemy casters for example. No ranger here of course. --- Single Class Helwalker or Nalpasca with dual mortars from Serafen (Fire in the Hole, Hand Mortar). It's great early on bc. of Stunning Shots/Surge but literally explodes once you get Resonant Touch and Whispers of the Wind. Makes most late game encounters with lots of enemies trivial. Also nice with Watershaper's Focus (+Blast) instead of mortars. --- If you have a Chanter in the party who wants to use the Invocation "Many Lives Pass By" and also uses the skeleton summons a lot and/or if you have a party with lots of summons use in general: Single Class Kind Wayfarer with dual pistols (Eccea's Arcane Blaster + Scordeo's Trophy). Ring of Focused Flame, all the shooting gear, Two Weapon Style and so on. Fast shooting in general with good accuracy. Take all the exhortations and upgrades (in a manner so that there is no overlap with the inspirations), Shared Flames, Lay on Hands... it will be a nice character for roleplaying purposes and will deliver nice healing, support and single target damage - and truly unlocks its great potential once you pick "Devine Retribution": it will give you +2 Zeal every time an ally goes down - and even summons count. So every time a summon in your party gets killes you get +2 Zeal. If you have an endless supply of summons (see Chanter or Monk) this will turn your Paladin from a limited-resource class into a class with refreshing (overflowing) resources. You will drown on Zeal which you can spend to spam FoD (+Whit Flames), constantly healing your party while damaging foes, cast all the exortations in seconds (they are instacasts and expensive - doesn't matter if your Zeal comes back all the time), revive your party's Animal Companions endlessly without drawback, put Brand Enemy on every enemy in seconds and whatnot. It's very useful in the later game but of course it's real trick only comes online very late. I still found it very enjoyable because it doesn't suck before and it was its own fun to work towards that goal to unlock Devine Retribution.
    1 point
  39. Serafen is another useless average joe character with horrible stats for both Cipher and Barbarian. As soon as I complete his main quest he's out of my party.
    1 point
  40. https://www.wowhead.com/news/netease-response-to-blizzard-entertainment-local-orc-statue-torn-down-331041
    0 points
  41. Woke up at 0700 for a meeting that was rescheduled at 0230 my time.
    0 points
  42. Princess Arete (2001). Yep, that's her. Her hair's not really quite that poofy normally, she's a bit too close to the camera. Right, first ten minutes of the film contain a fairly simple premise: Arete's father, King [Arete's Dad], sent out a quest for adventurers to travel [to where? Africa is mentioned, what country does this even take place?] in search of powerful artifacts - he who returns with the most valuable will take his young daughter's hand in marriage! What an awful idea. According to the officials accepting and storing the magical items, it's because the kingdom is facing serious financial difficulties and selling off these magical artifacts seems a surefire way to replenish their coffers. I suppose that's...effectively a reverse dowry, except they also take the artifacts from the guys who don't even get to marry her. Weird...you know, it kinda just sounds like a total scam. Anyways, here's the interesting bit: this search for artifacts already happened before the film starts - the adventurers are all walking in the front gate with their bounties right as the film begins as Arete quietly looks on from her locked tower and contemplates. It was an incredibly odd and slow film and I'm not sure what to think of it.
    0 points
  43. hmmm. such exhortations are indeed intimate and heavy with emotion. is also a whole lotta single-word invective. a$$hole is an example, yes? on the less serious end o' the extreme large spectrum o' utterances deep in emotion and intimacy, sally struthers taught us, aloha means goodbye. the quoted observation might not be as profound as mr. straczynski imagined. ... admitted, it says something a smidge off-putting 'bout Gromnir that our first response to the bit o' pith you shared were, "die." HA! Good Fun!
    0 points
  44. Once upon a time it seemed like Hades and Volourn would be here forever.
    0 points
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