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oh no, my stolen copy of windows 10/11 isn't activated, whatever will i do :'( it's amazing what you can do with just a .bat file that's been openly hosted on github for several years these days4 points
Chainsaw Man 1-3 I tried watching this to fall asleep but ended up interested enough to stay up. Between watching this and Hellraiser last night I had a dream with body horror caused by some kind of liquid that mutated things into Eldritch Abominations, the end of which involved the remains of a man getting dipped into a pool of water with the liquid in it and coming back as a human torso with bloated tentacles and a disfigured smile. I am now convinced that this is the origin of Bruno. Anyways Chainsaw Man was enjoyable. The protagonist is shonen as shonen can be, but it's played more fun than anything. I think the main girl is a Camellia-tier yandere but we'll just see how that goes. Next up is Narutaru.3 points
unsolicited advice: alt + b is a viable option for salvaging a frozen fight. a switch to real time is the ordinary solution to a few o' the locked-up combat bugs which still happen in tb mode and is more likely if you got loads o' mounted combat options. however, there might be a time when a switch to rt don't fix the problem and when such happens during a boss fight it is more than a little frustrating. solution: alt+b, the bug submission feature, makes it possible to create a save during combat. if the switch to rt don't clear your problem, you may need to complete restart the game. creating a wotr bug submission results in a save point being generated which will protect the effort spent on your boss fight before the game predictable crapped out on you at the worst possible time... again. warning: a reload o' a save from combat will reorder initiative. HA! Good Fun!3 points
The "expression" on kitty's face while on the motorbike cracked me up. OwlKitty rules. Now they need to post up the making-of video.3 points
2 points
The Reese's Peanut Butter Cups were never going to make it to next year. I was smart enough to not buy any gummy bears, they wouldn't have survived to Halloween, I would have devoured them all, but I did get Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. There's a 0% chance that I have the willpower to not eat them for a full year. Everything else... There's a chance... Slim chance, but there's a chance.2 points
Sorry for the double post, I couldn't combine this in an edit for some reason. Yeah, we avoided some obvious leave me alone houses but we tried any that seemed like they could go either way. I also brought a good amount of candy with me in case someone answered the door but didn't have candy and it actually came in handy because my next door neighbors answered but had no candy.2 points
Most modern candy (where mostly sugar, with or without nuts) will keep a very long time as long as it's not in warm/humid storage conditions. I don't have stat facts but imo it's like canned goods - a year, maybe two it's generally fine, beyond that it's still perfectly edible but may not have the best consistency/color or flavor anymore. So a lot depends on how the candy is stored.2 points
Took my son trick or treating for the first time and he loved it... and the candy.2 points
Glorious autumn day here in Cackalacky:2 points
Bolsonaro's supporters (mostly truckers) started blocking roads on Sunday and the police didn't act against it until today, when the Supreme Court ordered them to do it. It shouldn't have been required, of course. Bolsonaro has "disappeared" since the results of the election were announced. This doesn't look good. People are wondering if he will contest the election or if he is simply refusing to announce that Lula won. But I think he is waiting to see how big the protests are to decide what to do. If he feels he has enough support, who knows what he can do. Luckily the situation seems to be getting better.2 points
I still wouldn't call it failed, but let us hope that that is how it ends up. Another encouraging thing is that once Russia has used this potential energy weapon that it has / had at its disposal, it will never have it again. Other countries will act, too, and not in ways that will please Russia.2 points
Imagine if we could have gotten a Labyrinth David Bowie & Dune Sting crossover movie? **** it, make it a musical, go full Bollywood with it. It would have been GLORIOUS.2 points
Grain transports leave Odessa in defiance of Russian withdrawal from the deal. We will see what their reaction is.2 points
Btw, I thought it was a nice touch that this can go one of two ways. In my first (aborted) game, I found myself defending the inn, as I suppose many people do. But in my second (also aborted) game, I ended up doing things quickly enough (no idea what the limit is), so the attack on the inn never materialized and I ended up being thanked for being quick. I think I also got some extra gear and extra XP, which probably wasn't significant. But I thought it was nice that they'd thought of this possibility and then realized it in the narrative, too.2 points
Uh oh... Poor Gorth. Ended up in a bit of a bind. How to wing it in this situation? Ahah! Space bar!... Ok, fully scripted. At the end, Gorth is a legend! Which suddenly gave me a metric tonne of levels to level up. I just picked something, because I knew I had to go visit Hilor (was that his name?) in Drezen and respec. Two handfuls of Bard - Thundercaller for giggles It also gave me an insane amount of hitpoints... Edit: The preceding fight was moderately obnoxious, as it kept hanging and I had to redo it four times. Fourth time was when I realised I could fix the hanging game by switching to realtime and back to turn based again. The hanging seems to be caused by2 points
Im about 15 hours into Exanima and 13 hours of that was learning how combat works in the arena. I moved onto the main game when I defeated all the enemies in the arena under Novice First impressions, its by far the most realistic and exciting combat I have ever encountered in any game. Learning the physics of movement and combat swings and watching enemies groan and die has been very rewarding Its a hard game, I am only on level 1 of the dungeon and Im still learning new things around effective combat movement now that I face enemies outside of humans. I dont like how your red health doesnt restore itself but from what I read thats part of what makes it a hard game and challenging? But so far so good, I will give further updates once I have progressed further in the main game2 points
Firstly I'd try any Windows keys you already happen to have lying around, old keys down to Windows 7 will work to activate current Windows. Otherwise, yeah, maybe look into educational discounts next, technically this can even be the preferable option as I believe the version provided is more akin to the Pro version of Windows. Otherwise as mentioned, unlike with Win7, you can use an unactivated copy indefinitely, with the tradeoff of having a watermark and not being able to change the default wallpaper. In the end, Microsoft would prefer people to use their software to maintain market position, and as such even a non-paying customer is better to them than one who runs Linux or MacOS. Grey market keys are "risky" in that depending on the legality of the source, they may be revoked, maybe a month after activating, maybe years after. And the resellers typically won't be open about how their keys were sourced, so it's typically impractical to be picky. However plenty of people reason that even if the key is revoked every now and then, at $10-20 a pop it may end up cheaper even in the long run.2 points
Warhammer 40k, Saint Celestine I do believe...2 points
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2 points
Through a convoluted method it's possible to make a .character file containing a companion, making them hireable from an Inn, so I thought I'd make a package that contains all companions and sidekicks in Deadfire. Deadfire_Companions_at_Inn.zip Vatnir.zip (Requires Beast of Winter) Place the .character files in: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II\ExportedCharacters Each character is set to their default class, however this can be changed using the Reclassify Companions mod. I'm not really sure if there'll be many applications for this. Having these character in an S4 run (likely some modification will need to be made to certain conversations for them to progress properly) is pretty much the only thing I can think off top of my head is. I haven't done any very extensive tests, to see how stable a means of recruiting these characters this is way is. I wouldn't be very surprised if there are some strange behaviours and bugs during certain scenes though. Vatnir, for example, almost certainly will be very broken without Beast of Winter installed (or not hireable at all). Mirke being added as a sidekick by the Rum Runner's Pack DLC, it's very likely that you'll run into issues with her as well but I am not sure. From the small amount of testing I've done: The recruit button doesn't work for characters currently in the scene. Just like with adventurers it's not possible to hire 2 of the same character. When speaking to most characters they'll play their introductory conversation. Unless they have some kind of prerequisite (such as Mirke and Fassina) they'll then swap to their normal dialogue once you agree to their "joining" your party. Fassina automatically walks up to the counter when entering the Dark Cupboard. Konstanten will start his introductory SSS conversation after a delay when recruited in the arena inn. I would advise against importing a companion during character creation, when adding the actual Eder to the party he got teleported way up the beach, as well as some other strange results... This is caused by having the same voice as a companion.1 point
Sorry, I've had Linux bros tell me that sort of thing unironically too many times. While I actually have multiple Linux machines that I use and am comfortable with for specific uses, I pick up way too much miscellaneous software for all sorts of random purposes for Linux to not feel like a constant exercise in frustration whenever I try to do something new with it. Part of that is simply being way too used to Windows, part of that is my personality (just not having my normal Windows navigational keyboard shortcuts already feels like an intolerably painful slowdown when there aren't equivalents nor even a unified approach across distributions for Linux; there are times where I can literally go an hour without touching a mouse while doing real stuff because of how little it can be needed when you have proficient control of your keyboard shortcuts...I try to use my mouse as little as possible because of how slow and painful it is in comparison), part of that is Linux is just generally very sensitive and quite trying to use. It is way easier for me to break Windows in all the right ways to get it to work how I like than for me to screw around and try to do the same with Linux.1 point
Yes, that was the joke, hence the shifty eye emoji. As a Linux user I'm all too familiar with having to jump through hoops to get things working. Still worth it IMHO. But I'm not here to convert anyone, I was just taking the opportunity to make a lame joke.1 point
In my experience, stuff with peanuts or peanut butter tends to have the oils go rancid within like 6 months, so that's something to beware.1 point
They are but have to do their best to play it straight.1 point
Storage is the big thing, seems dark chocolate can last 2 years or so if properly stored. Didn't bother giving candy out, light off and everything. One kid had parents dumb enough to still have him ring my bell though, I suppose I should have felt bad telling him no and shutting the door in his face, maybe.1 point
Could well be nothing? There is not a major increase in supply, though that will potentially come. There is only a major increase in supply to Europe. Europe is getting its 'new' supply mostly by... inducing the breaking of existing contracts with other countries. Indeed, one of the more amusing things is watching Europeans pat themselves on the back and pontificate on their moral superiority over the rules based order and cutting down on reliance on Russia by, well, stealing what they need off others- morally, if not legally. Then of course having the mega hypocrisy of criticising those they've deprived of gas- and this is the kicker, since there's no major increase in supply, only supply to Europe- for going to Russia; and wondering why those countries really don't like them and see them as massive frauds. Euro Response Roulette: Russian bots? Russian disinformation? Hating our freeeeedom? Weeds who want to ruin our Perfect Garden (thanks Borrel, hilarious you said that in the institution Mogherini runs; you're not fit to tie her shoes when it comes to diplomacy). Not really, in this case it's the old "it's legal and necessary as we're doing it, you need to accept that your people just aren't as deserving of energy as Euros". Energy price deflation happens all the time. It's just a fancy way of saying... prices will drop. I doubt anyone including Russia expects the prices to stay as high constantly as new supply (and new infrastructure carrying it) will be developed/ built. That works both ways though. As for retaliation to stuff happening in Crimea, the change of focus to hitting energy infrastructure happened directly after the Kerch Bridge attack. Might not exactly be armageddon- at least now, when it's relatively warm- but then hyperbole isn't exactly unknown in military matters. "Mission Accomplished", Operation 'Enduring' Freedom, etc etc.1 point
Also you don't need an activated key to run windows, if they yank your key in a few years, you can just get another. The DRM only consists of the 'activate windows' nag screen.1 point
OEM keys are the cheapest, my windows 10 key was like 20 bucks. I looked around at price comparison websites and checked my results with trust pilot, Yelp, type listings. If you can find a site with a long history and with a realistic score, like 60-85% rather than 100% reviews, it's worth the risk.1 point
I've seen several posts with others complaining that he is not in the Oak lab, Outside the Oak lab, stuck in the floor/walls, etc... Seems something broke with his wandering or placement in the Oak labs.1 point
Too generic. Where is the Overlord subclass? Start with 100 levels, including 10 of Mythic Lich and a stronghold with thousands of minions, soldiers, maids and a few level 100 companions. Or playing as the villainess to tame the final boss? Does it work inside a labyrinth? You know what, forget all of that. I wouldn't mind pulling a Konosuba on Iomedae:1 point
I honestly don't know. It was fine. Clunky like rest of W1, but I never found it any worse then the rest.1 point
https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/mods/398 I figure @InsaneCommander and @Gorth ought to get a laugh out of this. Too bad there isn't a slime option.1 point
is why we can't watch all the right moves (1983.) is as if the writers stole our life story, and then made it much whiter... and set it in western pennsylvania instead o' south chicago. we would serious consider suing the writers/producers for theft o' our life story, but for the fact the movie were released a couple years before we graduated. also, our coach were less friendly and we sure as hell didn't have a hug-it-out moment at the end o' our career. regardless, am kinda glad the movie weren't great 'cause we get all nostalgic and misty-eyed when we watch it. ... am embarrassed to admit am only kinda joking. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Secret footage of the allies' current superweapon:1 point
Well, Henry pretty much confirmed that he had to force his hand on the scene where Roach died ... apparently the writers originally wanted Geralt to make a funny joke about it, which Henry refused to do. Now imagine you have to fight about stupid stuff like that in every episode...1 point
OTOH, could have been Luke for the even lower profile option. Not surprising, as there have been significant... creative differences between Cavill and the showrunners which have leaked out around the edges. Enough that a lot doesn't seem to be rumour at least*- though stuff like Cavill wanting some sort of creative control/ influence isn't confirmed. Superman gives a convenient excuse, but it could easily be two years or more before that goes into actual shooting. Would be funny if Cavill popped up on Hot D for a season; shame the current Stark isn't a Brandon or he could have played another Lord Brandon after his role in The Tudors. Guess they couldn't really replace the entire series leadership... but then is anyone watching for Lauren Hisrup's writing and showrunning? Mighty have been better to just cancel the thing. *recently one of the ex writers cited TWitcher as a project he worked on where a lot of the writing staff 'hated' the source material, which would definitely have annoyed Cavill. That writer didn't seem to have any reason to lie about it.1 point
http://www.izakayamatsuri.com/ We went to this brilliant, authentic Japanese sushi restaurant last night called Izakaya Matsuri , do you know it takes 10-30 years in Japan to master the techniques of sushi making!!! Imagine spending 30 years learning how to perfect something, that takes serious commitment and belief in what you doing https://chefzoeescher.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-become-a-sushi-chef-in-japan/ I love Sushi, its always so different and I love the variety of different tastes. And its lower in fat than meat and good for you when you dieting, I had deep fried pork dumplings for a starter and Rainbow roll for my main and my sister and stepmom gave me several pieces of there sushi and crab starters. I love eating with women, they seem to feel guilty about eating there whole meal and I always seem to score1 point
1 point