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Okay, tried again with a phantom and got it to work. It's indeed Avenging Storm. And it will loop as long as it doesn't miss (which obviously breaks the cycle). As soon as it's going you should use Clear Out or even better Clean Sweep (or use a Brute to have Carnage going for you) to trigger shocking loops on all enemies in AoE range. As expected Avenging Storm not only procs itself which is already hefty enough but also Static Charge gets applied with Avenging Storm and as soon as AS crits the resulting procs of shock damage will also proc Avenging Storm again which lets this stuff snoball like crazy if you're lucky and no miss is interrupting it. Pretty cool. But as I said there seem to be other spells that are more commonly triggered. Some pretty lame (Blizzard or Returning Storm for example) - but all of them apply Static Charge. If you're patient Fighter Bloodmage with decent regeneration gear you can use Blood Sacrifice to stay hidden and send one Gathering Storm Phantom after the other. As slong as you personally don't proc Gathering Storm your fresh phantoms will always be able to proc it anew. Edit: by the way Ball Lightning is only 1/rest but it's very good (especially on Fighter/Rogue due to the Sneak Attack/Deathblows bonus). Another reason for going Fighter with LDV imo. I combined it with the Mantle of the Seven Bolts and you'll have 2 really impactful abilities per rest that can help you turn the tides real quick.4 points
If avenging storm is considered a weapon effect from lord darryn's this explain why it's a neverending effect. Since you hit, it procs again, indefinitely. The AOE is maybe because mob stance triggered the attack on the next enemy so the infinite proc continued on the next one but i'm not sure about this because it happened so fast that I had no time to realize what was happening.3 points
The political education of Peter Meijer “Well, my Republican Party wouldn’t scare him,” Meijer said with a shrug. I asked if he understood why George and his friends might be scared right now. He smirked. “The inability to affirmatively and consistently reject anti-Semitism and white supremacy?” The fundamental problem, Meijer said, is that Republicans are offering no plans for improving lives and making the future a more promising place. Instead, the party continues to rely on grievance and fear—and misinformation—to scare voters into their ranks. But he didn’t say any of this to George. ... the most disturbing aspect o' the current gop leadership is the collective awareness they is shoveling trump's bs, and the realization o' just how dangerous were january 6. these guys know how close we were to seeing the system break over a lie. tds? serious? nevertheless, these same individuals is active undermining already insufficient procedural safeguards so that if something similar happens in the future, the outcome will be different. HA! Good Fun!3 points
sup guys, me again so, i did all my playthrough from nekataka onward basicly in veteran+all upscaled mode. execept dragon in BOw and reef vampires and wael oracle didnt foudn it particulary challenging, hated sss exp so just did the minimum required fights. loved FS i want take next run higher, shoud i potd or direct potd + upscaled ? will there be a noticeable diffrent between veteran+all upscale and potd no upscales? on my next run i will use some henchies as i really cant suport xoti and aloth anymore, they are hell annoying. party compo will be mc herald, eder ( love him cant pass him up), bloodmage/lifegiver hench, priest of wael hench, and nr 5 pure mage hench, probably blood mage or evoker ( i love lvl 9 missil spell) i didnt find myself using empowering much for boost spells or rarely, mostly was for replenish on long fights, so having blood mage and no empowers dont seem such a big deal. could maybe even do priest/druid mix and take 2 pure blood mages for the sake of it, as the priest level 8 and 9 sells didnt seem so much game changing to me but maybe in potd it will any thoughs? one thing i noticed is crush damage weapons seems to be the best for most bosses as their crush def are lower than others excep a few exceptions. ( and awesome modals). also i will probably use more arcana for scrolls, except diplomacy other skills didnt seem much relevant through my playthrough2 points
I guess they could. If so then HC's Avenging Storm would trigger from LDV's Avenging Storm.2 points
That mean they could stack even if only the Voulge one have this suprising effect.2 points
Some preliminary data concering Omicron. Vaccination efficacy drops to 25% after three months with a booster shot and is a nice flat 0% after six without booster. Existing monoclonal antibodies are completely ineffective. Time to note that this doesn't say anything about severity, but it all but rules out stopping infections with the existing vaccines. Testing was done in vitro with live omicron strain viruses. In other words, Omicron necessitates an adapted vaccine. Sucks for the people who have been waiting for a spike protein or inactivated virus vaccine because they don't want no new-fangled gene therapy nonsense, because by the time Novavax et al are ready and available, Omicron might just emerge as the dominant variant.2 points
If you freed the Sea Dragon Scyorelaphas during the quest "The Shadow Under Neketaka", he's taken care of the final boss for you... It's not super straightforward to understand the first playthrough, I'll definitely give you that.2 points
lack o' outrage is, we suspect, almost complete attributable to lack o' awareness. the pnp pathfinder fans clear didn't care, just as pnp d&d fans didn't care 'bout dragonspear's issue. wotr were not a new adventure path, so whatever issue pnp people mighta' had with anevia were pretty remote and well trodden. the gamergate folks are still largely unaware o' the anevia stuff, and the problem now is that many o' them has played through the game and likely has commented 'pon or come to conclusions regarding the title. sudden become aware and need face hypocrisy regarding dragonspear or change their position on wotr is not a comfortable place to be. how does one square contempt for dragonspear while giving wotr a pass? HA! Good Fun!2 points
Here are a couple suggestions I was thinking. 1. Some sort of cart to carry items around the yard. Rather than just moving stem pallets around it would be nice to have a small wheel barrel or garden cart that you could take around with you to gather items. Perhaps it has a set amount of slots in it. 2. Would love to see some sort of creature that was specifically tamable to be used as a transport mount. My suggestion would be a Walking Stick. It can climb certain objects, but doesn’t move the fastest. It’s main attraction would be to take on journeys to use as a carrying mount. Perhaps it can hold up to 12 slots. 3.Other types of creatures in the game such as beetles, moths, butterfly’s, grasshoppers, crickets. I’d also love to see a 2 person flying mount such as a dragonfly. But have it be low on stamina so it can cross the map in a single flight or perhaps it has lower defense. 4. I would also love to see weather effects. Perhaps a sprinkler system installed in the yard. Every so many days it rains. This would open new opportunities for new items like a rain collector. I would even love to see hazards like maybe a garden snake or even a weed eater that targets set locations. Maybe you have to build a metal fence section around your base to “deflect” the weed eater from destroying any property. 5. Would love to see more furniture and base décor to make your backyard abode feel all the more cozy. 6. I get the idea that this backyard experience has just happened to 4 individuals. So, the idea of custom characters are out the the picture but it would be nice to be able to edit them with new outfits, hairstyles, etc to make them more unique to us or add a few more characters to be able to pick from.2 points
Kanie that is why you must ONLY rely on the globally famous "BruceVC reviews " for deciding on where to spend your money2 points
possible confusion. am thinking the near complete lack o' people being upset is the surprise. particular after other games which dealt with similar content had developers facing considerable backlash, owlcat taking a hard pass shoulda' elicited some reaction. reality has been no reaction, or near none. in the crpg, is not actual implied what is the medical condition, so am suspecting the vast majority o' posters shrugged and moved on w/o a second thought. probably figured it were just another example o' sketchy owlcat writing. in retrospect this approach were a good choice by owlcat as they has somehow managed to avoid controversy. am nevertheless surprised owlcat were allowed to sleight-of-hand this aspect into nothingness. HA! Good Fun!2 points
2 points
I've never used before this weapon on a fighter, but I have used it frequently on barbarians and druids. To my surprise I noticed that gathering storm, which is a "random" spell that procs on 50% health is quite strong. I was on my way to neketaka and I was near Beina at level 8 (potd), so I gave it a try. I was about to lose the combat then this happened. It just fantastic . The few remaining enemies were dead in a matter of seconds.1 point
Stardust Crusaders 45-48 DIO's World So that's it for part 3 and goodbye to the best named attack in anime.1 point
LMAO. I love that he put his crap-eating face on right after that, absolutely zero shame. Yes indeed, so glad that he put that at the end of the video instead of the beginning, . Oh, you literally said just about exactly what I said under the video - I hadn't looked below and read what you said yet. Oh no, the reviews I saw specifically mentioned it was more for the non-stop epic action stuff. Isn't that what you liked about the series in the first place? The promotional materials for this show make me want to stay as far as I humanly can as it is...1 point
She sure deserved more than that terrible looking sendoff in SuperS. It was masked as a way to untangle the Nanoha timeline that's a tad confusing, what with several movies, series, spin-offs, continuations and in-between chapters. That was when I was done with the first season which is always the recommended starting point (except for someone who would want to start with the first movie for... reasons) and looked for a way how to continue. I went with chronological by release date after the video. Here, look at the video, I've time coded the most important part that he so helpfully left for the very end, the one that made me immediately disregard anything else he said. "And tell me that's not some tiddies you'd pay some good money for! *stupid grin* *wink*" I wish people would put these super self-defeating comments in the beginning. Like good old Unicorn of War did. I mean, I don't like what that guy is saying, but at least be begins with it so I can helpfully not listen to the rest. Not everyone feels like that, check out this super helpful five star rating on Amazon Prime: Granted, whoever that is, they're right about the sub-par animation, but I really have no idea what the sub-par writing could be. I mean, it could be that the subtitles were better written than the original dialogue, it wouldn't be the first time another translation pass creates superior dialogue, but that review doesn't look like it was written by a Japanese native, or someone able to judge the quality of dialogue in geneneral. Pacing problems? StrikerS is breakneck from start to finish, but never feels too slow or too fast. Probably talks about the centerpiece middle of the season two-parter that's almost entirely character interactions. The tail end of StrikerS feels a little tacked on and the level of care taken with the plot falls a bit, but that's like two episodes with a forgone conclusion anyway. So dunno. *shrug* Seeing StrikerS having a lower rating on IMDB than the first season is also a bit weird. Speaking of those laser beams of friendship, that's something that stopped me from trying Nanoha for the longest time. There's this image on the TV Tropes page: Female bonding at its awesomest. With that picture, and that caption, who wouldn't go *skip*: Turns out Fate and Nanoha become friends after being enemies for a while. That Nanoha summons the GDI Ion Cannon and blasts Fate out of the sky at one point is incidental to them becoming friends, not the root cause. Fandoms, the scourge of the world, really. Ugh. There are changes to how the second film opens to how the show opens, and I think it's mixing the ending episode of the first season with the opening of the second, but I'm not sure because I binged the two seasons too quickly to really separate them. In the series, Fate sending video messages to Nanoha's friends makes sense. The second film opens with showing that Nanoha's friends have Video messages from Fate, and that makes no sense at all. I'm just not sure if that happened in the first or in the second season before the action goes nuts. Lord knows why. The Book of Darkness opens for Hayate while she's reading on her bed in the original series, the movie begins with the Book of Darkness protecting Hayate from a truck driver who fell asleep and otherwise would have run her over, but mostly only because she stopped her wheelchair on the road and plays deer in headlights for 15 seconds - more than enough time to wheel out of the way otherwise, and all of the animation with the truck and some of the book is terrible CGI. Arf, Nanoha and Fate have their linker cores absorbed at the same time. That takes the series like half its run time to set up. I'm not going to finish the movie tonight, but I hope that means it takes a backburner on the action stuff and spens some more time with Hayate and her summoned family. Yeah, who am I kidding, right? Myself? The second movie also has half an hour more than the first, but the amount of real padding in the second season was a lot less than in the first too. That's... again, probably not enough. The series had double the runtime and felt barely okay, pacing wise. Geez. edit: Found this gem on Prime now: Yeah, I don't even. That's just super weird. I really don't want to know.1 point
#JusticeforNaru why do you keep watching rando video reviews by actual real life troglodytes??? no Yeah, the general writing quality of that show is like the only appealing part of that show to me, from what you've said about it. But you're right, still don't want to watch it, . Tough to see it being better than the first, .1 point
Hmm, maybe devoted/streetfighter would be great for this weapon. Although it would be also nice to have a barb in the mix to speed the static charge more widely via carnage. I also see that Avenging Storm works particularly well with the LDV static charge AOE attacks. You could also wear Heaven's Cacophony or use a scroll to get this up more reliably.1 point
haha yh my first play was mc herald and i loved it much lol cus it was tanky as hell RP speaking and variety speaking its what i enjoyed. res from chant, res from paladin, some stuns, some passive buffs...i really had a blast with it and cant think of another being as versatile but open to sugestions. im in love with the jack of all trades use of herald and tankiness and universallity in terms of druid rust armor and maelstorm are awesome agree, but can be from scroll, a sorcerer mix only have 1 use of rust armor at level 20 which is bleh. i only used maelstorm on 2 encounters, bow dragon and weal oracle, as it was op and i didnt want abuse it much cept to be unable beat the boss without this extra help.same for other scrolls. i assume potd and potd upscaled will be lot harder. i was hesitating yh about priest between berath and wael as berath offer pallid summon and rust armor, even if rust armors dont stack have a priest able cast it considering sorcerer have only 1 cast of it is a welcome bonus. the berath symbol is nice too for small extra dmg. is the summon of berath really that good in compare ? to all good stuff priest of wael bring ? extra gaze of adragan, confusion, free iconic, arkemyr...thats alot goodies too. for skaen except the beyond ability and the free mass blind i dont see anything special in it, mind enlighten me i enjoyed cipher in poe but in poe2 somehow dislike them dunno. sure some nice abilities but dunno...dont feel the magic hehe. sc druid only seems interesting to me for maelstorm which seems cheesy,? his other level 8-9 spells dont seem that great to me , but feel free correct me. a party made of sc blood mage, sc life giver, sc priest could be fun too yh instead hybrid sorcerer , why not.1 point
It was not explained well but rest assured that you can use the Return Pillar as much as you want, it's insanely useful. You don't even need to go into inventory to use it, it's bound to left bumper by default.1 point
Forgot to comment on this: building around Arcana is incredibly impactful at high level, for instance with an Assassin, Arcane Archer or even Arcane Knight IMO. But it feels a bit cheaty because it's so powerful and flexible and copies powerful class abilities instead of doing its own thing. And resources are so easy to get that once you have enough capital to keep going there is no tradeoff.1 point
it's also a bit weird because you can actually get a bit of a lore dump from the guardian. i think there's also another way to avoid the guardian fight - i think if you just sacrifice your faction allies, the guardian never shows up (presumably busy with your allies). i know i've stumbled into ukaizo without a fight, and it struck me as a bit weird that it's that easy (and that easily for the player to overlook) to avoid what is supposed to be the last fight. (if you clear all the megabosses, it can even still be a bit of a rough fight due to all the scaling bonuses it gets as part of its "the last megaboss" buff.) at least in a game like F:NV you needed lots of skill checks and correct dialogue tree navigation regardless to do that.1 point
Maybe this requires another devoted/assassin run, this time with LDV and the Mantle for a thunderbolt ninja? You could harm yourself with lightning at the start of the game and hopefully proc gathering storm, then go invisible and unleash mayhem. You'd probably want to dump CON to make it easier to get down to bloodied.1 point
Nope - funny you mention it because that's one of my very very few RP issues with Deadfire. Freeing him but keeping a bit of his soul in there is the obvious optimal choice, but it robs you of 2 epic fights. The latter you might even never know you missed unless you paid attention or read the wiki lol.1 point
Ball Lightning and Mantle of the Seven Bolts require a little bit of positioning to optimize impact but with anything Assassin they're absolutely devastating indeed. Wear Deltro's Cage, Deltro's Helm, harm yourself with shock damage beforehand and open up with those... zap zap zap.1 point
bleh...how nice of him but really ... is there a way free the dragon without him removing guardian of ukaizo? i dont kill him or keep him chained1 point
well gee i never before tried binding the voulge to a fighter, but maybe now i will...1 point
The labyrinthine design of the area didn't bother me that much because it's easy enough to teleport back to a Layline Fount on the rooftops. Without the Return Pillar it would have been frustrating for sure. I really like the sound design of Chiyoda where the track playing at ground level is essentially a muted and ambient version of the track that plays on the rooftops and the transition is seamless.1 point
1 point
am not suggesting is the same, but the willingness to minimize the threat o' an autocrat is not new. the movie were in fact released not to criticize nazi germany but rather to highlight the fact the same willful ignorance had been embraced by far too many during the mccarthy era. we don't learn. in fact, because were not same, were easier to ignore the threat and the four years o' excesses and violations o' rule o' law. serious, how often did some idjit on these boards and elsewheres accuse folks o' trump derangement syndrome with each new complaint regarding the previous unthinkable? is not like trump were putin or hitler or... whatever. those patriots who ignored or deluded selves for more than four years were able to look to historical analogues and convince self that trump were hardly the monster being conjured by the liberal media to scare children and fence-sitting independents. inch by inch, and crime by crime, the rough beast, its hour come round at last, did slouch towards bethlehem to be born. ironic. with each new transgression it became more difficult to rationalize and marginalize trump, but in spite o' that it actual became easier for the gop to just go along, 'cause supporters became increasing personal invested in the lies and the knee-jerk tds and fake news responses became second nature. so which were more contempt worthy, the radicalized millions who cheered the monstrosity or the thousands with real power and influence who were fully aware o' what were happening within their party and nevertheless chose to look away, towards a future where trump would be gone and those radicalized millions would need look elsewhere to spend their political contributions? HA! Good Fun!1 point
I have to say I really haven't found the level in SMTV with Surt to be all that fun. I've never been a fan of level design that curves back on itself because it seems designers can't help but put in 'gotcha' moments, where first time through you'll fall off something and have to backtrack around repeatedly. I've got to the end boss, I think and but getting there felt like a real slog.1 point
yeah, I got MW5 as well and I am really disappointed. Bot AI means everything ends up in brawl destroy base missions are stupid endless respawn of enemies is retarded I could live with most above but most importantly Upgrading mechs is very limited so you end up with same mechs all the time. Why are there size hardpoints? Why I can't change engine size? Why I can't change armor type? Who thought that making small laser +1 a good idea? I guess I am too spoiled by Battletech Roguetech1 point
Indeed, nothing specifically about the episode, we did talk about the family integration being better than in Sailor Moon. Which is pretty much true, on the other hand, Sakura's family is an integral part of the story. Sailor Moon's biggest issue is that Ms. Takeuchi just threw everything but the kitchen sink into the first few issues and then kept piling ideas on top of it. There's no consistency, characters are introduced and discarded within a few issues. She probably felt like giving Sailor Moon a regular best friend would be a good idea from a narrative point of view. She was right, but nothing was made of it, like ever. It's okay since I already know all the characters, but otherwise, oh boy, there's this weird guy who made a Nanoha video I watched who recommended starting the series by watching THE MOVIE 1st and THE MOVIE 2nd (real titles, lol) because they look better, were shot in 16:9 and are faster paced. I already knew from there what I was getting into, I guess, but it's really, ah, just worse than I imagined. That's not going to stop me from posting about it every now and then. That's generally an issue, but probably worse for Japanese than for many other languages, I'd venture. Just need to watch an interview with someone to realize that, compared to the formality of what's taught in the course for the time being - which probably won't change, because language courses always teach the proper way to speak and write, not the way the actual people do. As a result, you're overly formal and formulaic, something that actually comes up in Clear Card because the new mystery transfer student (tm) talks like that all the time, and the girls comment on it. It's also noticable because voice acting doesn't sound like regular speech, and it isn't. There's a reason why people laugh at the weebs who taught themselves Japanese through anime, because they talk like weird anime characters. I also have no ambitions to ever talk or write like a native. I'm doing this out of an intellectual curiosity, one that was sparked funnily enough by watching a video on grammar. If I end up being able to read untranslated mangas or watch anime without subtitles, that's fine, but not an actual goal. There's no goal for me to pursue, other than... yeah, well, because I can. When I really feel like it, learning something new is essentially my personal reason to climb a mountain: Because it's there! As Captain Kirk once said, most likely because that's a quote usually and wrongfully attributed to Edmund Hillary. Even with English there are some things that you can't pick up unless you're physically present at some places or run into the words in some way or another and look them up - there are so many colloquialisms based on location. First time someone asking you to hand them a kleenex? What's that supposed to be? Right, a brand name for tissues that doesn't exist over here, or didn't, we do have Kleenex tissues too, now, but we call that a Tempo, which is (was?) our largest brand. Same goes for ordering drinks at a bar. There's no way anyone non-native knows what the hell (never mind why, which is something most natives alive no longer know) people are ordering an "Obi" when they want apple juice. Post WW2, Obi was the only apple juice brand available. It doesn't even exist any more, but apple juice being Obi never changed. For extra fun, go to Switzerland or Germany and try ordering an Obi. That's a riot. Yeah, that ends up being fun in some ways, but it makes me terrible at explaining things. One of my colleagues at work has this super annoying tendency to mix up grammatical cases that I keep correcting. In particularily complex cases he sometimes asks me why, and all I can say is "beats me but it is wrong". Being able to read that mess of lines you called nonsense (heh) is part of that. Beats me, really. I mean I once learned the ins and outs of this German grammar stuff at school, but not using something for some 25 odd years makes even me forget things. Just recently had a discussion about someone mixing up gebe and gäbe, both of which are subjunctive forms of geben, the German verb for to give and to exist. One does use the first form in reported speech (if you think reported speech is difficult in English, try German reported speech ), and the other one to express a possibility. These days they're even pronounced mostly in the same way. I kept correcting the text to read gäbe, and he kept changing it back. Barely anyone uses the second subjunctive mood to express possibility in language any more. Its usually formed by using the second subjunctive form of werden, which is würde - English "would" actually, so people would (ha ha) say "I'd do this and that" instead of using the proper form. Erm, what I wanted to say is that I know that now beacuse I looked it up. I did not really know at the time of correcting, I just knew that gebe is wrong and gäbe is correct. *shrug* That's what I liked about StrikerS. Characters having their "badass" moments felt earned or normal, not just there for effect. I mean, that's not going to make you like the season, given its other problems, but there's something rather satisfying to see Tia being able to outsmart and defeat her opponents when cornered in her moment of glory, relying on almost a full season's worth of training and character growth from silly shounen action first, thinking later to proper team member.1 point
Personal theory on why this plot point is hidden behind many layers of skill checks etc: Owlcat are based in Russia and don't wanna draw tooooo much attention to it.1 point
I think you got Avenging Storm. And because Gathering Storm is considered a weapon attack it will proc off itself endlessly in a loop until the duration is over or all enemies dead. It might proc off itself because it originates from a weapon - nearly all spells on weapons work with weapon quality/enchantments and trigger Avenging Storm, see Chilling Grave on Grave Calling for example). This doesn't explain why it hit directly in an AoE though. Maybe Relentless Storm and Avenging Storm got triggered both (both will proc Avenging Storm because weapon enchantment). Edit: or Avenging Storm/Gathering Storm also applies and gets applied by Static Thunder - which might proc Avengimg Storm again which might explain the initial AoE.1 point
am also confused by a few fixes. the loremaster quirk which allows you to choose any feat including trickster mythic feats were s'posed addressed in a previous patch, but we frequent test out mercenary builds and the loremaster exploit were still present last week. the nightspinner quest still bugged for us though it were addressed in a recent patch. similar, but different, the zaoris's pin from the mines is indeed gone, but is not available through crusade battles in our current run. etc. unrelated, but equal curious, have been waiting for somebody (anybody) to mention the anevia elephant in the room, but such has surprising never happened. given the siege of dragonspear kerfuffle, the lack o' acknowledgement o' anevia is curious. am suspecting more than a few people who claimed to have played the wotr pnp adventure has not, 'cause owlcat handling o' the issue were noteworthy though hardly surprising. personal we didn't bring up earlier 'cause we assume the worst o' gaming communities and have rare been surprised by the reality-- unnecessary distraction. nevertheless, is now three month post release and am nevertheless surprised by the absence o' people asking owlcat for an explanation. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Apparently I linked to this thread rather than the old thread in my first post. Not my finest hour.1 point
Giant Study Finds Viagra Is Linked to Almost 70% Lower Risk of Alzheimer's Now working hard to gather firm evidence...1 point
I think being part of the Sakura package absolutely makes it better, because I already love and am used to the dynamics of the characters plus the general style and flow of the show. Imagine me trying to get used to how Xiaolang acts in the second arc with no proper introduction. I know myself - it would not go over well. Having 56 episodes before any of that is a great boon to it. Most likely, the best it could've done by itself is a 7/10. I initially included at least another handful more, but when I tried to write about them, it was basically "oh, this is just another great episode, but that's not particularly noteworthy in of itself, so...", . I'm unsure of what I wrote about it, if I wrote much about it at all - if the latter happened, that does not necessarily have any bearing on whether I loved it in all cases, because sometimes something is fantastic but not much needs to be said about it. If I recall correctly, I did not speak anything specifically of that episode, but rather simply said the way the show had actually truly integrated her family into the show in good and meaningful ways was excellent. Feel free to correct me if you can find a post where I actually talked directly about it, though, . Yeah, all that sounds no longer simply unappealing, but actually terrible, . It's not that I don't really care, it's that I don't care at all. There's a huge difference! Shorter is not always simpler, though...in fact, compromising between the two is often a reality of life in many different and unexpected ways, but especially language. If you want to be able to speak like a native speaker of probably any language but at least English, you're going to have to know tons of little things that would shorten how you would say or write something where simply writing super formally (and also awkwardly/stiffly/poorly...) would suffice, but which would instantly sound unnatural to native speakers. All the knowledge governing that stuff is difficult to learn unless you speak the language on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time, though (...having good pattern-recognition skills that let you quickly adopt others' writing/speaking conventions surely would help as well). The rest of what you wrote was nonsense, and I refuse to believe it could have meaning for anyone, . Grounded and mundane is what I tend to enjoy the most when I love the characters. If the Sailor Guardians want to just go out and do some shopping while having their style of silly, cute, and/or oft-times heartfelt dialogue with nothing else much really going on in terms of real events but still staying genuine to their characters without flanderization, I would almost certainly watch and love that, and I would think you would as well. Getting away from the mundane is usually what makes me less interested in something unless the writers have actually taken the time to really set it all up well, because it tends to get us away from what is most important, which is our characters simply being our characters. Prolonged action sequences, important narrative set pieces, "epic" character moments that require our characters to not be their normal selves but instead the "serious" and "cool" versions of themselves that don't make mistakes or really show off who they are as characters in any meaningful way...bleh to all of it. Obviously, there are different grades to this and good writers will figure out ways of getting everything to work in unison so you can let your characters be themselves while also having them respond to actual events that are occurring, but I think you get the idea.1 point
Stardust Crusaders 38-39 Pet Shop Shut up! Don't ask me! I'm a dog! Well that was something else.1 point
Oh, and by the way, if you ever try Clear Card, then for the love of all that is holy, see that as a separate thing, otherwise it'll dump your rating to 5/10. Minor update on the Nanoha film: I'm still not finished with it. I think that should perfectly encapsulate how much I'm not enjoying it after binge watching the first season. It's a two hour movie that I started watching on and off 15 hours ago. Everything I liked about the series is gone in favor of movie-budget grade action scenes, character moments and exposition happen in glossed over flashbacks or compressed montages. The only good things so far are getting rid of the loli-moments (although that kills one of the few episodes that were almost only character bits), dropping the silly mana energy level and making Alph/Arf a magical creation by Fate. Presea gets an expanded background flashback that would be great if it happened organically at some point instead of a piano-music driven way to excuse her whipping Fate and to set up Fate being a clone because HEY GUYS WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME HERE, HAYAKU! Fate is even more fanservice than she was in the series with her outfit. Her mother of course tortures her, but with the pacing of the film this only worked because Fate had some time to be established by the series. For someone watching this as their introduction to the Nanoha universe that's just going to be a "huh?" at best. Arf switches between being dressed like a normal person and her usual fanservice outfit of an ill fitting crop top with unbuttoned hot pants. Why? No idea. No matter how this film ends: If anyone wants to try Nanoha, do it properly. The first season is only 13 episodes. Just skip the loli-parts of episode 5. Or just skip straight to the good stuff in StrikerS. Minor update on the Japanese thing (not that any of you really care ) Spoilered for brevity.1 point
1 point
I finally reached the castle at the end of the Chiyoda area. Of course, the castle is guarded:1 point
The game I am currently watching videos of is Wartales. It's in EA and I don't buy EA games generally as a rule, but it looks very interesting. If any of you are playing it, I'd appreciate your feedback.1 point
1 point
My booster shot was the worst of all three, like a day and a night of seriously unpleasant flu, and it only started something like 14 hours after, so everything is not lost yet for you. ....er...heh. Heh heh. Oh, have a video!1 point
Got the first two tomes of Olivier Ledroit and Thomas Day's BD, <<Wika>>. Story is fairly by the numbers "a-lost-and-orphaned-monarch-setting-out-to-reclaim-her-birthright" fantasy plot, but my god is Ledroit's art amazing: While I was at it, also bought another of Ledroit's artbooks, <<Fées et Amazones>>:1 point
Finished Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA The REBUILD MOVIE 1st Final episode's nice character wrapup has been replaced by a seizure inducing extended action scene of Fate and Nanoha fighting giant robots, Amy's decision to adopt Fate comes totally out of the blue, but at least it keeps the final talk between them, which is underscored by... well, soft piano music that had me burst out in laughter. Yeah, this film doesn't work vis-a-vis the series in the same way the Rebuild movies don't. The ending feels completely flat based on nothing but the film. Nanoha becomes friends with Fate instantly in a way that makes no sense because the episode establishing her easygoing and friendly manner were just dropped from the film in favor of dumb action stuff, and a lot of time spent telling us about Presea's past for a reason I can't figure out. It's really strange, they dropped establishing Nanoha in favor of expanding Presea, but they still kept both instances of Presea whipping Fate. Why? If you're pressed for runtime, that's the first thing to condense into one scene. Jesus. It's sort of nice to see that she didn't start out as power crazy maniac scientist-mage, but really, film, you have two hours of runtime, why is the villain of the film the one to get the most character development? Was that supposed to be a boon for watchers of the anime series? Things that made sense in the series make no sense in the film's finale that feels terribly rushed. Nobody is watching the captured Fate and they leave her alone with her techno-mage device because... yeah, no idea. Fate escapes and starts helping, and everoyne is fine with it for <reason that was established in the series but not in the film> and her and Nanoha fight a giant robot together, then are split up in the next scene. Why? No idea, something happened off-screen to facilitate Fate's fateful (lol) final meeting with her mother. I guess it's time for Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA The MOVIE 2nd A's (yes, actual title), oh boy, am I looking forward to that. Ho ho ho. Oh, right, the credits at the end are rolling over artwork showing Fate and Nanoha, and there's a nude one, because of course. The hell?0 points
"5 years later..." Since I know there's some US comic fans here, I thought I'd pass this sad news along: George Pérez reveals he has inoperable Stage 3 Pancreatic cancer He's a fantastic artist and a really nice guy. I hope that he gets a chance to feel the love from the fans and his family during what time he has left.0 points