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5 points
comrade being comrade as usual. him and betsy devos perhaps hang out at the same club? we all need guns to protect us from all the other people who have guns... oh and we need protect from grizzlies too. obviously not recognizing the circular logic. *shrug* however, reality is we got the second amendment. don't like the law? change the law. is all kinda stoopid laws which cause more harm than good. pretend such laws don't mean what they clear say is not helpful. solution is to change the laws and complain that legislators ain't doing their job is hardly a compelling reason to expect SCOTUS Justices or some other source to swoop in and magic change the law. as for the rittenhouse case, we did mention earlier how we had not followed the case and had almost zero interest in the outcome. got multiple armed people, at night, during a protest and somebody ends up dead? why is anybody shocked? were a whole lotta stoopid which predictable resulted in people dying. take same situation as happened, but if rittenhouse had ended up as the corpse, is likely his killer woulda' been able to claim self-defense as well. is so not surprising. however, we read that the weapon charge were dropped and so we did delve a bit 'cause is an area o' the law 'bout which we is not uniformed. Disqualification Based on Age Under federal law, with certain exceptions, a person under age 18 is generally prohibited from possessing a handgun. [18 U.S.C. s. 922 (x) (2).] Under Wisconsin law, with certain exceptions for hunting, military service, and target practice, a person under age 18 is generally prohibited from possessing or going armed with a firearm. Also, as discussed below, a person must be 21 years of age or older to be eligible for a state license to carry a concealed weapon. [ss. 29.304 and 948.60, Stats.] top o' page 5. before the rittenhouse case, lawyers, judges, congressmen and residents o' wisconsin all pretty much knew that minors weren't allowed to carry fireamrs save for a few exceptions. one judge changed the law? quick explanation as to what happened-- wisconsin has a law which as stated 'bove made illegal for anybody under 18 to possess a firearm save for hunting, military service and target practice. however, a few years after passing the wisconsin law, youngsters linked with gangs started carrying sawed-off shotguns and when stopped they were always on their way to the shooting range or to go hunting... with their sawed-off shotguns? so the idjits in wisconsin does what legislators do and instead o' making a simple fix, they complicate a bit. a sub-section to the law preventing minors from carrying firearms were added to address the sawed-off shotguns, but for whatever reason, the age were lowered for those kinda weapons. the subsection most assured did not nullify the law regarding the prohibitions o' firearms for minors. all it did was remove the exceptions for military service, hunting and target practice for sawed-off shotguns... but it lowered the age limit for such cases. *eye roll* the judge in the rittenhouse case read the subsection as if wisconsin statute 948.60 were either non existent or invalidated by the short-barrel rifle/sawed-off shotgun sub-section, which is ludicrous. in illinois, where rittenhouse acquired the ar-15, he were breaking law, 'cause while folks his age could possess such a weapon, they needed be registered to do so. rittenhouse were not registered. so rittenhouse acquires illegal in illinois and takes his ar-15 to wisconsin where the law is even more strict regarding weapon possession by minors and the judge somehow reads statute in a way most improbable. as an aside, if we were defending rittenhouse we woulda tried to do same and suggest the legislation created a conflict o' interpretation. such conflicts is indeed decided in favor o' a criminal defendant. the thing is, we woulda' expected to lose. however, as we observed regarding SCOTUS fixing american gun laws in absence o' legislative action, most o' the liberals offended by the rittenhouse judge behavior need be self aware o' the potential hypocrisy. if is bad for judges to make or change law for rittenhouse, why is ok to do so regarding guns or taxes or speech? many laws is bad, but is not a judge's role to fix bad or harmful. the rittenhouse judge ignored any kinda ordinary legislative interpretation. Justices ignoring the Constitution to fix a problem is no more admirable. gonna repeat we did not follow the rittenhouse case and we got little interest in learning more. a derpy teen from illinois illegal acquired a weapon (again, this ain't a question as kyle admitted on stand he were aware he didn't have the permit needed to posses such a weapon in illinois) and he took the weapon to wisconsin where before trial everybody save a handful o' militia members and apparently one judge were aware it were illegal for a minor to posses such a weapon for the purpose o' defending cars from protesters. cars? once we heard at least one of the folks confronting rittenhouse were also armed, we assumed there would be a good chance kyle would successful raise self-defense, but as we keep observing time and again, not being sent to prison for murder is hardly a judgment on kyle's character. dumb. reckless. callow. the actual case, viewed micro, is uninteresting. macro is a different matter. change rittenhouse age, race and whatnot and view as a statistic is worthy o' consideration, but the individual case is not worth your effort (edit: this is our opinion--you may disagree and is no reason to accept our pov as more valid) to spend additional time questioning the hows and whys o' the verdict. HA! Good Fun!3 points
3 points
My wife ordered some traditional Russian plates and my dog ate several of the packing peanuts before we could catch her. That was very weird of her to do since he's never done anything like that before but she's a weird dog so I didn't think too much about it. I was about to take her to the animal hospital when my wife figured out they weren't the normal packing peanuts but some plant based alternative that basically dissolved into nothingness. Crisis averted and it also explained why my dog was trying to eat them in the first place.2 points
I think the Black Company series will be good. The way the story is told, there are so many time skips and details glossed over that sticking to the overall plot is easy enough. Come to think of it, it's kind of the same with Dagger and the coin.2 points
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seems like an innocuous enough query until you consider what the actualization o' a carnivorous bovine might entail. HA! Good Fun!2 points
Breivik would've walked if he were Amerikan tbh2 points
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That's Geordi's and Data's impossible geometric shape they designed to kill all Borg before Picard decided it would be genocide. Ah, okay, then things really changed a bit for Sailor Moon, I wonder how the issues are going to be once they started to run concurrently.1 point
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This guy has very high armor. You don't have enough penetration (see the "No Pen." message in the combat log in the lower right of the screen). That's because you attack the Titan with slashing or piercing weapons (like the hunting bow, guns, sabres, swords and so on). As you can see it has 11 armor against most things and even 13 vs. pierce damage. In the combat log it is shown that you tried to deliver slash damage (your hunting bow does pierce or slash damage depending what armor is lower - in this case slash armor at 11). Given your low level I assume that you are far from reaching 11 penetration with your hunting bow. I assume your whole party is using either pierce or slash damage. Underpenetration means a severe damage malus. Making sure you penetrate enemies' armor is one of the most important things to do in Deadfire. THat's why switching weapons according to the enemy is important - and to pick some abilities that may raise penetration (for example Fighter's Penetrating Strike) or lower enemies' armor (for example Wizard's Expose Vulnerabilities). As you can see the Titan has only 7 armor vs. crush damage. So the easiest way to beat him is to attack with crushing weapons. Instead of pierce or slash weapons use weapons that do crush damage. It doesn't even matter if the crushing weapons have lower quality or whatever - underpenetration is so severe that it's much better to attack with a weak crushing weapon that can penetrate than with a good pierce weapons that cannot. Ohter alternatives are shock damage and corrode/acid damage. For example Serafen could have Antipathetic echo (corrode), Aloth could use some shocking spell like Crackling Bolt or something. Also there's a hunting bow in Port Maje (you can buy it) named Essence Interrupter which is very good and does shock damage. What always works: ablities/spells that do raw damage (see some Ciphers spells vor example) - raw damage just ignores all armor.1 point
I think there should be implemented a tab similar to the resource one, but where you could see all the insects in the game. Here's how it should work: Once you kill a creature for the first time it pops up in the corner with the message "Weevil Discovered" for example, similar to when you discover a resource for the first time. Now you're able to look at the the weevil in the creature tab. The tab is fairly limited at first, only showing the creature and the potential loot it drops. To figure out the creatures weakness you need to find burgl and accept his daily "kill this insect" missions, instead now it's a kill and scan insect mission. To scan a slain insect you walk up to said insect and hold the interaction button to scan and harvest the insect and thus is added to the mission quota. If an insect is part of a scan and kill mission, you're not able to just harvest the insect, just to avoid missing potential mission progression.1 point
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you are not paying attention. re read our posts. am not surprised by the verdict and we keep pointing out how once it were apparent guns were possessed by both rittenhouse and the protesters, self defense was likely. if rittenhouse had been the victim, instead o' the killer, the assailant likely woulda' been able to raise self defense in this situation. notice we didn't address your verdict comments and we specific noted that a reason for being in wisconsin were immaterial to the verdict. you aren't getting it. rittenhouse done wrong. he aquired a gun illegal in illinois and took it to wisconsin to protect cars. he were not standing outside his father's home with his ar-15 when the shooting took place. he were on the streets at night most assured not defending his father when the shooting occurred. am most assured not talking 'bout the verdict, 'cause the verdict don't matter when asking whether kyle were a tool bag for taking an ar-15 to wisconsin to confront protesters. why is anybody defending that behaviour? why are you finding excuses? oh, and biden supports a jury verdict-- he supports the system and is asking for calm. he is saying the right things. serious bruce, try and stay focused. HA! Good Fun!1 point
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I had a brain fart, I don't know how I misread what you wrote. Yeah, I like it more when he was in control and not simply just a beast. Right now he just seems like a victim.1 point
"Either way I like Warwicks original lore much better." I was replying to this part.1 point
The act of going there, perhaps stupid, was certainly not unlawful. By the logic of 'provocations' it was the unlawful, aggresive and destructive mob, which provoked 'protective' behavior of individuals such as KR. Once you start going who was the instigator for such a dangerous situation, perhaps, just perhaps, you should point to people devastating properties. I wonder what's the stance on the newest wave of rioting, devastation and looting in various cities last night and most likely a one, which will persist throughout the rest of the weekend. Just because people didn't like a verdict. In their minds it'd probably be best if KR was mauled to death during the original riot.1 point
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Isn't there something with The Red Hand? I remember trying to cheese that... but I also remember being disappointed, so I think the mechanic was that the outgoing damage increase was only effective while it was equipped (and then, possibly also only for its own damage), but the incoming damage increase was there no matter what.1 point
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Just for the quirky interest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_upon_a_time A list of the ritualised versions of "Once upon a time" depending on language and culture.. That reminder of the sheer universal nature of storytelling...1 point
Exactly. Two advantages: accurate aoe aiming (can't retarget in Turn Based) and can't be interrupted Frankly, I never really noticed my spells rolling over to the next round with any regularity. I mean it maybe happened a few times, but definately not often. And my Dex wasn't even particularly good. Perhaps you get interrupted too much or a similar effect is happening to delay your action? My experience is quite opposite to the OPs. Turn Based mode is paradise for wizards (and other casters too, to a lesser degree - wizards rule due to all the Free Action buffs they get). When you only get 1 action every round, a huge aoe spell with large impact will have WAY better action economy then 1 sword swing... Even better if you're a Spellblade and only exit Stealth once your spell resolves (while enjoying +25 Accuracy, +4 Pen, +50% Crit damage)...1 point
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so to confirm some TB ideas i'd seen before, does it make sense to make sure your casters always go last, then? that way you don't have to worry about enemies running out of area of effects1 point
Stoneshard is on sale: https://store.steampowered.com/app/625960/Stoneshard/ Buy it and review it. It is great. There is a demo you can try if you aren't sure. Review it because people are stupid. The bad reviews are that it is taking too long to develop. That is crazy, it is a small independent game and the price reflects that. People need to get with it.1 point
Re-aiming was removed during the development, though there is a mod that puts it back. I don't use that mod, I've never seen the need for it, but that could just be me.1 point
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i would also suggest that "hitting cap" is not as terribly a big problem for the later content in deadfire. in poe1, hitting cap early meant a lot of pointless encounters and being over-leveled for stuff. meanwhile, for Seeker/Survivor/Slayer and Forgotten Sanctum and megabosses, you'll still find lots of challenges and lots of good loot even if you're at level 20. FS is definitely balanced expected parties to be close to or at level 20, and even if SSS has a lower target level, some of the encounters scale up very well and stay extremely challenging. In both cases a lot of great end-game gear comes from those DLCs, even if you're not gaining levels anymore.1 point
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/winamp-prepares-a-relaunch-new-beta-version-almost-ready/ The llama's ass is ready1 point
Also, as Boeroer said, many wizard buffs are swift actions in TB, and there is no limit to swift actions. That means you can cast /every/ wizard buff you have in round one, and with no cooldown, cast another spell normally right after. For a melee caster, that is really powerful, as you don't have the RTwP recovery between them.1 point
In turn based mode, every spell has a cast time that is noted in the spell writeup. That's how long that it takes to cast. So, if a wizard had an initiative of 9, as an example, and cast a spell with a cast time of 4, it resolves on 13. That is likely something you already know. Now, there is no upper cap for a round's times. The round ends when the slowest person finishes. So, if the wizard above goes at 9, and all the other party members have gone, and the last enemy goes at 11, the spell will resolve at 2 the next round. This is something the player can track on the initiative list that is provided. You will see exactly when the spell resolves. But, in many cases, the wizard in this example will get to act again in that same round. Here's why. In a typical D&D type game, initiative is rolled every round. In Pillars it is not. It is random on the first round, but after that it is based on three things: armor, the action taken, and the characters Dexterity adjustment. While Dexterity does not have the impact it does in RTwP, it still does play in. A lightly armored character with fast attacks - a dagger rogue for instance - will always be neat the top of the turn order. A low dex, high armored character tends to be low, which can be great for a priest since heal spells tend to be instant or fast cast, so an end of round heal lets you send it where you need it. With a melee character, the game resolves the attack, does the 'when does the person go next' calculation, and sets it up for the next round. For a caster, that is done when spell resolution happens, but, as the character does not have an action /in the current round/, if that 'when do I go next' comes up before the end point of the current round, they get an action in that round. As an example, I've had many times where Xoti has had a low round 1 init and gone last, cast a CT1 heal which goes off at 1 in round 2, and she gets another action at 3ish in round 2. The only time that you would miss a whole round is if the caster goes close to last and casts a long cast time spell when the party and the enemy are all very fast. It should not happen often. As for knockdown, it might look nice, but is much more effective in RTwP. In TB, it basically does nothing on it's own. It doesn't change init, it doesn't cost an action to get up. It doesn't take away an attack. Sometimes, if you knockback with knockdown, and then move away, it might take a guy his round to get back into melee range, and it can interrupt a cast of course. As far as spells being worth it? Yes. Spells are always powerful, it just takes some practice with them in TB to adjust to the way Pillars works in TB.1 point
Iodine successfully tested in satellite ion thrusters Iodine is cheaper and easier to store than xenon, and now it looks like they have resolved the corrosion issue.1 point
You're talking nonsense, there is no such thing as Star Trek Discovery.1 point
Star Dreck: Venal Disease, Season 4, episode one. Opens with a very helpful reminder of how absolutely balls to the walls dumb the premise of last season was. 700 years in the future, the Federation was unable to find reliable alternatives to the warp drive that have been in use in various "25 years into the future" episodes throughout the entire run of the franchise, several alternatives to warp drives that were already pretty much reliable in the older shows, but hey, never mind. Been there, done that. IN AN INSTANT, THE BURN FLASHED ACROSS ALL KNOWN SPACE. Sure Michael. It's 700 years into the future. If you want the Federation to have fallen, then just do that. So many possibilities. Renewed tensions with the Klingons. A second war with the Dominion. A costly Borg invasion. Internal decay. Out of all the options in the galaxy to reach the point where they wanted to be, the writers sat in their writing room and came up with the dumbest excuse of a plot premise in the history of ever, and that includes Jar Jar Binks putting forth a motion that eventually changed the Republic into the Galactic Empire. Hell, Jar Jar is a better character than any of the people on this ship, and that's... ... Okay. *steps down from the soapbox* I'm 36 SECONDS into the episode at this point. 36 SECONDS. Hell. 50 seconds in: The reminder that THE BURN was caused by the scream of a uhm, whatshisface race name (I know it's Kelpien) child. I wonder if I'll get through the "Last season on Star Dreck: Worse than AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIDSSSSSSSSS" without suffering a stroke. NUMB ARM. NUMB ARM NARM NARM NARMM NARM NARM NARM. Oh, right, that numb nut Booker is still around too. Great to see Cyborg Whatsherface and the other people of the bridge crew that didn't get names until a couple of episodes back because why bother with worldbuilding. Spoilers from here on out, don't tell me I didn't warn ya. Can someone put me out of my misery please?1 point
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