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  1. I really liked Pompeii but I'd be lying if I said I remember it perfectly. I was a little bit sauced because we stopped at a wine tasting thing beforehand.
    3 points
  2. what china achieved in spite o' its poverty is kinda amazing, but geography were the pivotal factor. a european population a fraction o' the size o' china, constant on the edge o' starvation, would be intractable and difficult to control, especially as the native european populations had developed independent. two valleys east or west in what is now germany or france mighta had a culture evolve with its own unique traditions and languages and even when those peoples eventual began to mix, they retained their tribal identities for many centuries. china were different. two river valleys representing the near entirety o' the population, and in spite o' extremes o' poverty and starvation which woulda' driven people elsewheres to revolt (instability such as were the norm in european colonies) china had incredible cohesion over an inspiring span o' centuries. homogenous culture and a population limited to only two main waterways allowed for a bureaucracy to develop in ways not possible o' replication anywhere else on the planet save egypt which you already mentioned. unlike the tigris and euphrates, the nile flooded regularly and the flooding were instrumental in reinvigorating the rich soil which the egyptians farmed. explains why egypt enjoyed similar longevity, eh? 'course in spite o' homogenous populations and a concentrated population, poverty and starvation is ordinary disruptive to smooth running o' a government. eventual a bureaucracy will find it impossible to control a starving population... even with the benefit o' a state religion which convinces the population that suffering is natural and even godly... or somesuch. which is why chinese police power and force resources were constant directed inwards. colonization is unlikely if all efforts is focused on preventing internal strife and discord. current chinese authoritarianism and brutality is not shocking when one considers history. but again, is curious that success were exact what led to so much chinese suffering. 'cause o' the unique rivers, chinese homogenous populations grew beyond that which were achieved anywhere else. once populations grew too large to be sustainable by conventional farming, the bureaucracy were able to impose nationwide laws regarding cultivation which allowed the population to grow even further. success! 'course the success only magnified the future problem o' impossibility o' sustainability. in spite o' advantages o' geography leading to homogenous populations, china still required police power directed internal to maintain control as the chinese population suffered at levels which would (and did) drive european populations to rebellion. in a land o' plenty, the chinese eventual produced arakis like scarcity. weren't lack o' water which led to suffering. were the excess o' people which were the problem, and the excess had only been possible 'cause o' unique circumstances o' geography and culture. is easy to dismiss chinese authoritarianism and brutality as inhumane, but for much o' chinese history, the bureaucracy were trying to stave off mass starvation (and enrich themselves while developing a tradition o' improbable cronyism, but prevent famines were also a major motivation). genuine fascinating if a bit horrifying as well. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NBV3XB1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_MDZ0QYDK446K2G54JP7T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 That's the one I get. It tastes kind of like ketchup, hot sauce, and soy sauce mixed together but good. A sweet heat type BBQ sauce is a good comparison.
    3 points
  4. Some of the chicharrones I've had was like a year ago from Torchys where they were used as chips to go with some spicy queso. Now I want some tacos and some tequila. Yall are a bad influence.
    2 points
  5. I’m so glad they’re making videos again
    2 points
  6. Mmmm, only in Age of Empire 2 Scimitar are used as ranged weapons. Are you speaking about Scordeo's Trophy ?
    2 points
  7. As for why China invaded Tibet in 1950... the main reason I can think of is, the two rivers (and their river valleys) @Gromnirrefers to both originates in Tibet and so makes it a strategically important area. Yes, sometimes water is more important than oil or rare earths or anything else you can dig up from the ground. Wars have been fought for less reasons than controlling rivers and water sources. On a related note, it's going to be interesting to watch how this dam blocking one of the sources of the Nile is going to pan out. Will Egypt go to war over it. On a related note to the related note, looks like the Tigrayan people have had some success in kicking the Ethiopian army's butt and the leaders of the federal government are now calling for civilians to volunteer to fight for them... well, good luck with that. If you don't have a real national identity, it's hard to use nationalism as a tool to get gullible people to fight your wars on your behalf to stay in power. Edit: Because I haven't posted much in the way of links in the last few posts https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-58163641 Edit2: link for the above, alliances being formed and lines drawn in the sand? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/7/saudi-supporting-egypt-sudan-water-rights-amid-gerd-dispute
    2 points
  8. largest economy is also utter bs. imagine a family o' four living on $100k a year in 2021 milwaukee-- hardly sooper rich by american standards. now imagine a family o' forty living on same $100k. the reason why china eventual adopted their draconian and self destructive one-child policy is 'cause o' the widespread famine. as large as is the chinese population, near all o' that population lived along two river valleys. chinese bureaucracy were indeed a marvel, but it had stretched the limits o' an agrarian society past sustainable limits. ask for per capita gdp o' chinese in the 1500s. have no idea what the numbers would be, but would be shocked if it resulted in top or best or most wealthy. china were dirt poor and were struggling yearly to stave off mass starvation event. pretend like they were some kinda enlightened exemplar o' peaceful restraint is worst kinda dark humor or just simple ignorance. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  9. I find myself constantly being attacked by mosquitos and that’s fine but I can’t outrun them. Even in full spider armor they will continue to follow me from the hedge all the way to the haze they simply are too fast or have to much of a follow distance/pursuit, they need to be debuffed
    2 points
  10. As you might guess from the title, I have been trying to make a mod that lets me open the party selection window because I have the game on a mechanical drive and the load times are ... long. Having to switch several zones to swap in a "Suggested party member" is a somewhat lengthy process that I'd like to enbriefenate. To that end, I've tried the following, but with no success. I made an item, put an itemmod on the item, put a statuseffect on the itemmod, put the item in my character's inventory, made a new hook that checks if the player is in the scene (as above) and if any party member ("b1a7ea1e-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") has the status effect from the item above, with the script to Open Inn (I couldn't find one to open the party selection window) with this guid: "19b74d83-b66b-4cd2-aad2-5f43a2a5b3fa". Does anybody know what I might be doing wrong or a better way to do it, please?
    1 point
  11. I have noticed something that may or may not be intended. However it is nifty to exploit. Grass planks floating in water can be stood on. If they have momentum you can go quite a distance. So use this and put in two items. A oar which I would recommend being the length of a stem. This could get you momentum on a plank. The other is a canoe. It could be useful for moving between the two bank of the pond or just cruising through the flooded zone. Have your person carry it like planks but make it where once picked up it just list you as full.
    1 point
  12. The moment the Taliban topples the government and takes over the country every dollar spent there and every life lost there will have been for nothing. Let that be a lesson for a future generations. The time will probably come when it is necessary to go in and kick another country‘s ass. Although that certainly should be a very last resort. But staying there afterwards and trying to turn them into something they cannot be is a fools errand. They should’ve partitioned the damn country and giving it back to the individual clans. I don’t think there has ever been a centralized government that controlled more than the area immediately around Kabul for a long period of time.
    1 point
  13. If I can ever convince myself to do that I'll let you know. I've also watched some more Vampire Princess Miyu, but it's going really slowly. I find watching the anime to be quite emotionally draining. I love it to bits, but watching more than one or two episodes in a row is pretty demanding. Plus I need to keep my Princess Tutu game up.
    1 point
  14. I always get mixed up re: high vs. low sensitivity definition, but I and many others had to use/set hardware mouse setting in the Launcher, cause while mouse movement was "ok" it still felt sluggish. Meaning the game's graphic cursor goes away to be replaced by Windows white desktop pointer ... which means in winter it's almost invisible. I changed Windows default pointer to "larrow.cur" in Windows mouse settings - so it's still white but has a thick black line around it. I think the 1st patch made hardware mouse the default instead. I didn't install it yet tho - waiting for the 2nd one that supposedly has some AI changes.
    1 point
  15. Made a pretty simple, yet very tasty chicken dish. I pan-fried a chicken breast, and while it rested I made a dressing consisting of garlic, lemon juice and zest, with honey and olive oil. I then cut a spring onion into small pieces, and pan-fried them for 1-2mins in oil. Then mixed it in with the rest, and also added parsley. Afterwards, I made delicate slices of the breast, and did a rustic sort of plating with lots of the green below and on top, and over that; lots and lots of parmesan. As long as you get the right balance between lemon and honey, and don't mess up the chicken, it's a very simple, light and easy to make dish. I had some small potatoes on the side, but they weren't really necessary.
    1 point
  16. Crap. Now I want some cracklins, thanks. Last night I grilled some salmon and potatoes
    1 point
  17. Compared to a bag of chips? I think compared to a bag of Cheetos or whatever pork rinds edge them out slightly. Still not something I'd do, because if I'm going to eat low carb or high fat there's options that are a bit healthier.
    1 point
  18. Kanie how did ancient man play RPG....no one thinks to ask this question
    1 point
  19. Patron: Year 7 to 10 may be when one starts to have enough population/income etc. to start speeding up Research (Easy/Normal/Hard probably affects this because of reduced/increased resource fees/costs - I think, probably ). I finally got Stone houses. Annoyances: ---not enough descriptive UI info. "This lets you upgrade to Stone houses" ... but it doesn't tell you what that means, really. One thing is it increases family capacity by two. Nowhere in-game is that stated. Stuff like that. They may be working on bettering that but right now... --Like many similar games, the number of houses you need and the space they take up becomes rather absurd. I'm constantly building extra empty houses so there are always some immediately available for kids moving out of their parents houses. --Why are city planner square grid-based layouts schemes, but the effective radius coverage of something is usually round? That's not efficient.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, exclusion of self-target and hostile/non hostile are two different things. For example, you can't Distract yourself with a smoke grenade even if you're in the friendly-fire AoE (too bad for Streetfighter).
    1 point
  21. Yes, some alternative would have been nice. But you don't have to use Flames of Devotion, Sacred Immolation or Brand Enemy. You'll still have auto attacks and Lay on Hands and all the other non-fire stuff. I do like Inspired Beacon. With a SC Paladin you'll have enough Zeal at the highest levels (with the proper party) that its cost doesn't matter much and +40% dmg and blinded foes is pretty nice if you don't have to manage Zeal a lot. Combine with 20% dmg from Sworn Enemy and your dmg output isn't bad even against fire immune enemies. And at least against Vessels, Spirits and all summoned creatures the SC Paladin has an alternative. By the way: can a confused Paladin cast Exortations on himself? Edit: tested it quickly - no, the Paladin cannot.
    1 point
  22. am recognizing a low-carb diet is something we should consider. invariably we order a pizza and the urge to explore low-carb options vanishes at least temporarily. that said, am admitted at least curious 'bout low car alternatives which ain't just some kinda cheese wrapped with bacon or a cheeseburger which is served to us in multiple layers o' lettuce but sans the bun. have seen numerous recipes which call for coconut flour. the flour is not used as part o' crafting a bread substitute, but looks to be a staple for those recipes which call for a dredge before frying. maybe worth a look, right after we order a pizza. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. The Item: "Trap_Item_BurningGround" (without underscore between words) links to this ability: "9532c2e3-ef26-493a-83de-0bd6866ee173" which is: "Trap_Item_BurningGround_Ability" and links to: "809b7234-8f81-4542-9d79-550572a2e7b4" which is : "Trap_Item_BurningGround_Ability_Attack" ... which indeed, has no duration. meanwhile the "Burning_Ground_Trap" ability links to this attack: "3999697c-0a58-4791-8291-6393c8ca7a7d", which is "Burning_Ground_Trap_AttackPulseAoE", ...which has this component: "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackPulsedAOEComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "Duration": 9, "PulseIntervalRate": 3, etc. I can't find any item that links to the latter, though, so ... maybe the former one is a later model?
    1 point
  24. Erdogan definitely tries to play the US and Russia against each other. He's not going to do any of the stuff that would really cut Turkey loose like quit NATO though, and the US has no desire to try and force them out when all they really have to do is wait for Erdogan's mistakes to catch up with him (and at the moment there's only ~5% between Erdo's AKP and the CHP in opinion polls). Same with Poland, whatever the issues are they'd prefer to wait them out if at all possible, and the issues aren't that serious compared to even just the S-400/ F-35 issue.
    1 point
  25. am not too often using what could be recognizable as a barbecue sauce for our pulled pork. after low and slow barbeque, we pull the pork and then add a bit o' moisture back to our spicy pile o' pig meat. chicken stock, white wine, dates, roma tomatoes, garlic, cider vinegar and dark molasses is the constants, but what we eventual throw in the pot, simmer and then reduce is likely changing with each iteration. even after the reduction, our sauce is gonna be relative thin. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. More Princess Tutu Sailor Neptune had a guest role, and one of Ahiru's friends is voiced by Nanami. Ahiru's voice actor is bloody fantastic in sounding like a duck turned girl, by the way, and apparently was chosen by Ms. Itoh for the role before production started.
    1 point
  27. The Polish government apparently doesn't like media they can't control https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58180761 Poland's parliament has passed a new media bill that opponents say is an attempt to silence a TV channel critical of the government. The government says the law is needed to stop hostile foreign powers taking control of its broadcasters. The "hostile foreign power" may get upset though. But critics say it is an attempt to push US company Discovery to sell the country's biggest TV network, TVN. The law threatens to sour relations with the US, a key ally, and deepen EU concern over media freedom in Poland. Maybe somebody should show the Polish leadership a history book. The US has a proven track record of throwing allies to the wolves the moment the relationship isn't beneficial enough. I'm sure Putin would love a Poland all alone in the world.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, makes you wonder which country it was then, that invaded and occupied Tibet, forcing the government into exile. And then there were those naval vessels escorting Chinese, industrial grade fishing vessels into other countries territorial water so they can "strip mine" their traditional fishing grounds and chase away the locals. Seriously mate, enough with the lies and the CCP propaganda already. Edit: I'm sure the four existing military bases on Antarctica is only for "research" purposes... and the airport being expanded on Manus island to be capable of handling Chinese airforce planes or the naval base being built north of Darwin is definitely not there to enact a military blockade of Australia, oh no
    1 point
  29. kinda looks like the foundation o' our dream diet. add eggs and call it breakfast. add a bun and condiments and then call it lunch. add more sausage and call it a last meal. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. They probably haven't seen the superior Charlton Heston movie <<The Omega Man>> that was the direct forebear of <<I Am Legend>> in which the protagonist survives the viral apocalypse because he developed and administered the _vaccine_ to himself. "Beauty, eh?"
    1 point
  31. Sometimes your options are limited.
    1 point
  32. Lima Bean soup for dinner. And lunch tomorrow. And probably the day after that.
    1 point
  33. Coconut water and a protein bar.
    1 point
  34. Avoiding wolves, tigers, scorpions, and snakes was the video games of the Neolithic Age.
    1 point
  35. Thank you for the help, I've finished and released the mod on Steam Workshop. I decided to use Boolean isPreviousScene(Guid) and a couple of ModScriptHookComponents using a custom Global var to act as a switch to stop the save/load gain exp bug I had. Here's a link where you can find it. It's use is self-explanatory. Ship Battles Give Actor Experience Mod on Steam for Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. If you do decide to try it out, please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues. Especially if you found a map I missed. (I only added 9 MapData Guids, so I'm sure I missed some). Once again thanks for you time!
    1 point
  36. ? Helwalker/Ascendant works well right off the shelf bc. of the +10 MIG for more damage and soon with +10 INT fpr longer Ascension. If you don't want to come too close in the beginning you can also use a ranged weapon. For example Essence Interrupter + modal. It will ascend you very quickly. But Ghost Heart/Cipher with Frostseeker is also very good. But the high(est) ACC also comes a bit later via Borrowed Instincts + Tactical Meld. By the way Helwalker/Ascendant can also be played with Frostseeker. But Instruments of Pain + melee stuff has more impact at the highest levels, it's true.
    1 point
  37. Decided to go full fantasy rpg parent and hid half of a "key" among each of my children's belongings. Now I just need to figure out how to re-lock that dungeon.
    1 point
  38. am not gonna claim brotherhood of the wolf is a good movie. we will offer the two word summation as to why we purchased tickets to watch and did not feel cheated: monica bellucci. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  39. Perhaps it is planned already, but when I installed grounded I imagined the ultimate boss would have to be a Praying Mantis. We all know that kung Fu assassin bug is a psycho. Another scary bug would be a giant centipede, or a scorpion. But other ideas I had is to have more "friendly" bugs, that you can ride, pet, "milk" or "shear" to grab some valuable resource. Perhaps get pollen from bees. The ****roach actually produces a sort of "milk" that scientists have even considered it could be food for humans. It may not be a friendly insect, but it would be fun to smash ****roaches between giant piles of thrash and gather some kind of edible (I know, disgusting). How about mounts? The horned beetle seemed interesting to me, if you can have them as a mount and tackle on larger foes with its help. Butterflies for flying mounts? Perhaps that would be dreaming too much...
    1 point
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