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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/21 in all areas

  1. It's interesting to watch old movies with practical effects and see how they've aged relatively well while cgi looks like a 90s Playstation game.
    3 points
  2. I love this: - We need to read and base our politics on actual scientists *someone shows actual scientists* - I don't know, I've never heard about those guys. What Kanye have to say on the matter or Oprah?
    3 points
  3. That the trickle-down effect of tax breaks for the rich (top 1 percent ) somehow benefits the economy is an urban legend... it only makes the rich even richer and doesn't create any positive side effects, like jobs or stimulating the economy. https://www.salon.com/2020/12/27/50-year-study-of-tax-cuts-on-wealthy-shows-they-always-fail-to-trickle-down/ The result of a study spanning the last 50 years. Ediit: You can find the same study referenced on multiple sites, including nytimes and washington post, but they just offer their own take on the result.
    3 points
  4. Feeding time: 3:38. Cat "ice cream" on a stick: 6:35
    3 points
  5. If you're open about mods but are affraid of running something that could break the game, I would suggest to have a look at the changes from my Balance Polishing Mod. It is more conservative (and with less creative feature) than the mods quoted above : https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/438?tab=description I had quite positive feedback from @Jayd (if I remind well) specifically about how the Shifter feels with it. Specifically : - Shifting duration scaling with PL - Animal forms slight rework (Wolf & Stag especially, since they felt a bit meh) - Wildstrike Frenzy procs on Crit instead of Kills, which makes it more usable - Some high level spell rework, especially Entropy which greatly help Wildstrike Frenzy getting some crits.
    3 points
  6. were a personal choice by tom. can't even blame on bad cgi. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. The issue has been resolved. As it turns out, Cargo - our data storage system - ****s the bed if an integer is specified as a float. I'll post a note on it, so that we can fix it in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    2 points
  8. The wiki generates those lists from datasets (it uses an extension called Cargo). Often the generation seems to have hickups. Sometimes there are multiple entries of one item, others are missing. Sometimes it can be fixed doing an empy edit (just so that that the list gets generated again properly). Often I can't change anything though. My knowledge about how that wiki operates under the hood is very limited so I can't really do anything without diving deeper into that software - which I don't want to do. But maybe if we tag one of the wiki guys here, for example @Tagaziel, they might be able to fix it...? Edit: several unique weapons also seem to have disappeared from other lists. For example Spearcaster is not only gone from the unique weapons list bzt also from the list of all arbalests. The wiki moved from gamepadia to fandom recently. Maybe that caused some problems, too?
    2 points
  9. James Cameron utilized the budget he had for The Terminator extremely well. People forget that movie was made on a fairly limited budget. I really miss practical effects. CGI has come a long way and it's a wonderful tool, but it's overutilized these days. Practical effects still have a place, even in giant blockbusters.
    2 points
  10. Sweet Tooth reminded me that goblinization day was just a couple of days ago. Though they just spontaneously changed we should have had elves and dwarves being born to human parents for about a decade now. There was also a virus that killed a bunch of people. Now that's a Netflix series I want.
    2 points
  11. @ArtistFormerlyKnownasKP Glad you liked The Movie! Massive plot holes/inconsistencies, endless singing, repeated character beats, and a kinda TV movie formulaic plot got on my nerves when I first watched it, but I liked it a lot more for what it was on a second watch and forgave some of its flaws and realized that it did some neat twists on even some of the repetitions. Plus, I mean, Pearl's in it, so... By the way, have I ever told you guys that the only thing better than Pearl in SU is...
    2 points
  12. Roses are red Violets are blue Whatever the subject Boeroer tells you
    2 points
  13. Had a long day today. I'm in the process of putting the finishing touches on my 15 page paper. It has been a real pain especially trying to organize everything. It is going to be stack of bricks off my shoulders once I'm all done with it. I logged on and posted some stuff on a forum I haven't visited in a while. Hope everyone here has a fantastic day and treat yourself and others well!
    2 points
  14. Been experimenting with pretzel making. The last few times they've tasted a little off but today I've gotten the perfect consistency of a crunchy brownish/gold crust to a fluffy inside.
    2 points
  15. My daughter requested spicy crab for her 14tg birthday, so we are at a place called the Boiling Crab. She ordered King Crab legs, my wife got snow crab legs, and I got shrimp. Trying to keep the cost down a bit.
    2 points
  16. Michael B Jordan is pretty awesome in everything. I need to get on his workout regimen.
    2 points
  17. I'd be pretty loathe to throw away a 30 G tube of the stuff that I've only used probably 6-7 times, so I'd hope it's fine, .
    1 point
  18. I'm thinking I've got to write some emails tomorrow when I wake up, I'm really curious! That said, I have a tube of paste from 2003 that is still useable, it works, but it was never really good to begin with either.
    1 point
  19. Made/ate lunch. Played mobile slots. Scratched my arse. Pestered hubby in the backyard. Browsed the 'net. Made/ate dinner. Pestered hubby in the garage (outside was too windy apparently). Listened to music. Scratched my arse. Now it's either time to watch a little TV, play more slots, or play Dungeon Keeper. I'll toss a coin. ...pretty much like every other day, in other words. ...I wish we had a cat cafe like they have in places like Japan, near here. I think there's one in San Fran, but I'm not driving up there.
    1 point
  20. I went a bit overboard with the paste, the Kryonaut has crazy performance compared to most others. It's basically overkill if you have a standard use case, though not maybe as much if one is running a really hot cpu
    1 point
  21. Hmm...maybe! I'll be adding a couple of additional fans I purchased recently to the case, maybe I'll try re-mounting it then, because it is definitely thermally limited from what I tested.
    1 point
  22. Wow, dang. I went to look at that cooler of yours, and it's no slouch. I've seen plenty of people get better results than mine on air though, maybe the thermal paste isn't up to snuff or didn't get a good spread or contact?
    1 point
  23. I did three runs, the first one seemed low though to numbers I've read in other places, so I closed a couple of background programs I had for the second and third run. To be fair, the memory is running on it's XMP profile, but that should have very little effect here. 14752 15183 15145 The temps go to about 70C during these tests, and the water is decently heatsoaked, so no shenanigans there. I went through all twelves passes though I should say it does take a little bit more than one minute
    1 point
  24. One very quick reply before I'm off to sleep (4 am, again, and next week will be really fun at work too, so yay, I'll reply more extensively after some sleep). I have a really hard time answering the question. Did I enjoy the first two episodes? Yes and no. The first one was so-so, the second episode was decent, but everything before Kozue's future best friend forever Midori shows up is middling (this happens somewhat early, I think), and even then there are a couple of episode where the two have a rather unfriendly rivalry before they overcome their mutual antipathy and grow into being fast friends. This then really is when the anime picks up. Similar to initially watching Sailor Moon, I've started watching this one after Midori and Kozue became friends, and caught the beginning of the anime in a rerun. I was surprised and a little taken aback at how Midori treated Kozue initially. Fun fact: Tsutomu and Kozue are actually cousins... uhm, twice removed. In conclusion: It's worth watching, I suppose, for historical reasons, if nothing else. Attack No. 1 was a watershed moment in anime in Japan. It's fair to say that there'd be no Sailor Moon without this (Attack No. 1 is something of the origin of really popular shojo anime aimed at teenagers, rather than much younger girls) - even if Ms. Takeuchi read a different volleyball manga. While it first aired, it was one of the highest rated shows on Japanese TV - it even had an evenening prime time slot.
    1 point
  25. some o' the textualist lines is being blurred a bit. when Scalia were 'round, there were an obvious standard bearer. of the so-called conservative Justices, the originalists is making a bit o' a comeback, which woulda' disappointed Scalia more than a little, but the new originalism only holds when and where is convenient. all Justices kinda knee-jerk pretend to be offended at being described with the strict construction label, but most ordinary persons use interchangeable with originalism so is kinda a quibble over nomenclature... which admitted is the job o' Justices. Gorsuch is trying to find his stride, but there has been curious moments. is no question when a 1st amendment religious freedom (not so much establishment clause) case comes before the Court, Gorsuch is gonna embrace an expansive interpretation o' liberty rights. is some good and some bad in that. however, J. Gorsuch defense of obergefell were, to say the least, problematic, and joining the majority in a recent capital punishment case exposed not just Kavanaugh, but the entire majority to a wholly justified and impassioned rebuke from Sotomayor. we can count on one hand the number o' times we has applauded a Sotomayor dissenting opinion, and we would have fingers left over after we were done. nevertheless, Gorsuch is a competent writer and for the most part he has been a conscientious textualist. few complaints from our pov. Alito and Thomas has abandoned ideology as they embrace the political war on big tech insofar as free speech is concerned. worse, J. Thomas' dicta in the recent Presidential election cases were more than a little disappointing and we were in full wtf-mode for a time. larry tribe explains the concerns o' many observers albeit w/o the brevity o' a typical obsidian message board posting. Justice Thomas’s solo dissent is another matter altogether. The question at hand concerned only the relationship between a state legislature and the state constitution as construed by the state’s highest court. But Thomas seized the opportunity to rant against the nonexistent dangers of undetectable fraud and to suggest that the 2020 election — the most secure and reliable election in our nation’s history — was clouded by uncertainty that only the U.S. Supreme Court could clarify. While he had to concede that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision “does not appear to have changed the outcome in any federal election,” his ominous warning that “we may not be so lucky in the future” stoked the same false and self-fulfilling narrative of fear and victimization that on Jan. 6 wrought death and destruction on the epicenter of democracy. Moreover, Justice Thomas shamelessly distorted the words of Yale Law School’s dean, the distinguished election law scholar Professor Heather Gerken. In the midst of Republicans’ push to pass voter ID laws that ostensibly secured elections but actually disenfranchised Democratic voters, Dean Gerken had observed that anyone bent on pulling off voter fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election would be more likely to “steal some absentee ballots or stuff a ballot box or bribe an election administrator or fiddle with an electronic voting machine.” So here’s the kicker: Gerken’s point was simply that polling places are secure, so they don’t need extra “security” from voter-suppressing ID laws. Her point was not, as Justice Thomas asserted, that mail-in voting is insecure. Turning Dean Gerken’s point upside-down, Justice Thomas cited it for the altogether different and entirely unsubstantiated proposition that voting by mail is unacceptably vulnerable to fraud. Even if that inference could be drawn – which it can’t – it had nothing at all to do with the case before the Court. (edit: underlined by Gromnir for emphasis. am knowing some may not realize, but for a Justice to do this is more than extraordinary.) Justice Thomas’s opinion is particularly egregious because those most aggrieved can hardly speak up. Joe Biden’s need to govern makes it counterproductive to engage in unending debate about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Dean Gerken’s role as head of one of our great law schools makes it awkward for her to chastise that school’s own distinguished alumnus, Justice Thomas, for his intellectual dishonesty. were a bad look for Thomas, and am expecting to see more as 'posed to less. however, our biggest concern regarding the current Court has gone complete under the radar: the shadow docket. To get on the shadow docket, any litigant can apply to a single justice, who decides whether to forward the dispute to the full court. Five votes among the nine justices are needed to grant a request. No oral arguments are made but opposing attorneys can file briefs in opposition. To be granted, the request must meet certain criteria, including that the applicants would suffer “irreparable harm” if it is not granted. The public generally sees the court as sorting out matters of national importance through extensive briefing, oral arguments and lengthy rulings that explain the law. But the number of substantive shadow docket decisions rose dramatically during the Trump administration. In those four years, the government filed shadow docket applications at 20 times the rate of each of the two previous eight-year administrations. The high court granted the government’s requests in a majority of cases. https://www.reuters.com/article/legal-us-usa-court-shadow-video/the-shadow-docket-how-the-u-s-supreme-court-quietly-dispatches-key-rulings-idUSKBN2BF16Q with acb's arrival those shadow docket cases is occurring at an increased rate and a majority is being decided 5-4 or 6-3, with no written explanation as to why the Court barred State action, granted relief or even executed a human being for all practical purposes. rulings just kinda happen and most don't know what is taking place or accept meekly the new norm the majority is establishing. ... am kinda concerned. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. Attack Number One sounds pretty brutal. However, one thing I don't think you covered in your post was whether you ENJOYED the two episodes you just watched. Was it any good? Surprisingly, there are decent quality blurays of this (well, at least it's an actual bluray-quality transfer - i.e. not terrible upscales a la the Sailor Moon blurays).
    1 point
  27. Both surprised and not surprised at the same time. Once the lethargy is over, do you think the character moments in the movie outweigh the plot holes? Because they are plentiful in this one. Enough for a Cinema Sins episode. Not that I watch their videos, I just know of them through Mike and Jay often complaining about them - as a stand-in for all these YouTube channels. 40 minutes ago I noticed that Attack No. 1 is on Amazon Prime Video. I have just finished the first two episodes, because I couldn't help myself. I loved watching this when it first aired and haven't seen it since, in spite of not really liking either volleyball or even sports anime. Similar to Sailor Moon in being a first in a genre, sort of, Attack No. 1 was pretty much the first sports shojo anime. It is from 1969 and it shows - both in the animation and the themes present in the anime, regarding late 60ies social dynamics at Japanese schools, the behaviour of the teachers and the coaches. There's also the issue that the first, say, 15 or so episodes have a really meandering start. The animation doesn't improve over time, at least, not as far as I remember, but we're talking about a 52 year old anime now that, like many of its contemporaries, had troubled production, insane time constraints and not much of a budget. There are many, many, many one star ratings on Amazon for this, citing violence as the primary reason for the low rating. Indeed, the anime comes with an age warning and a higher rating than usual for anime that was originally dubbed for our afternoon kid's entertainment programs - precisely because of the violence. There's no sugarcoating this, it's even directly present in the opening sequence: The coaches all pretty much emotionally and physically abuse their athletes, sometimes to the point of them being battered, bloody and unconscious, and unless I'm entirely mistaken Kozue Ayuhara (in our dub Mila Ayuhara, so, should Mila slip through somehow at some point, keep that in mind) does get a slap or two by her friend Tsutomu (there's a budding romance going on, but... see spoiler below), which is framed as it was: Normal in that day and age. Not that the girls are any better when they fight amongst each other. They do happily slap each other just as much as the coaches clobber them with balls, right from the start. If this is viewed through the lens of modern sensibility one would easily arrive at a one star rating too, on the other hand, all this did is show the reality of professional level sports training and the cruel competitiveness of Japanese schools in the late sixties. The matches themselves are, as usual for sports anime, not realistic. They start out okay-ish but become progressively worse the longer the show ran (it has 104 episodes, 101 of which aired here). The girls do have special moves at times that are magical in nature, and eventually Kozue and her team become world champions. Pretty much because she's perfected a volleyball strike that has the ball cut 90° corners in flight. She can also hit balls in a way so they become invisible, and one of the teams they play against in the world championship move so fast they become a blur. Here's a fun collection of what's going on: This is one part sports anime, and one part shojo. Unlike Sailor Moon, which is very comedic when it comes to the shojo parts, this isn't. It follows Kozue and her regular teenager problems, and the problems that come from her intense ambition to become, well... the world's best volleyball player. What really is like Sailor Moon on the other hand is that the sports anime part isn't really interesting. I mean, the games themselves aren't. Kozue's ambition driving everyone to its limits is interesting to see. The invisible balls that cut corners in flight aren't so much. Just look at that ridiculous collection above. Heh. It begins with her moving to Fujimi (from Tokyo, where she was a model student at an elite junior high school who does, however, not spend any effort on studying) at the age of 12 because the air in Fujimi is more conducive to her recuperating from a resperatory illness than Tokyo's smog ridden streets. Not knowing anyone, she befriends a group of outcasts that are bad students and have trouble with authority figures (the teachers, that is). She soon finds herself the target of viscious rumors and forming a volleyball team out of her little clique of troublemakers. She wants to win against the school's established team, and begins playing again. Spoiler (not that I think it's necessary, it's 52 years old and I don't even know if there's a way to watch it with subs, as far as I know there's no English dub): Mostly going from memory here. Parts might be exaggerated, others understated, but there's no hyperbole. At least, no intentional hyperbole. It's really that brutal, particularily for an anime aimed at pre to early teenage girls. Edit: I should note, maybe, that I was 11 when this first aired and I watched it. Right age group for a change, still the wrong gender, but there's also a shonen anime that I watched and liked, which I might also talk about soonish, about, well... uhm a teenage Robin Hood. It's much less ridiculous than it sounds, really. Or at least... I think it was. Hm.
    1 point
  28. Avatar was a glorious visual feast. And an incredibly trashy, tropey story mish-mash of white man saviour to the environmentally-friendly, tech-poor savage natives. Hence so many of the "Dancing with Smurfs" variety of comments in the years after. Eh, Honest Trailers pretty much nailed it.
    1 point
  29. The mod has several components. There's the main mod, which totally transforms the shifter. The net effect of the change it is makes a SC shifter viable, by adding a number of martial abilities that one would normally multiclass for. The tradeoff is you lose elemental spells and can't use scrolls. You get some pretty interesting additional shapeshifts, including the well-known shark as well as Lurker and, if you single class, dragon. There are also some optional mods you can download too, including shifter ultimate evo, which makes the game significantly harder (to balance the OP nature of the mod itself) as well as some mods that makes it even more OP, namely allowing spell-casting while shifted and allowing multi-classes to access the higher tier abilities, and adding a spell that gives you the brilliant inspiration as a tier IX ability. It's fun and worth a try if you enjoy playing shifters. I disable the mod whenever I'm not playing it, because it also adds a -20% experience point penalty which, in my game at least, affects you if the mod is active even if you're not playing a shifter. While it is OP, to be honest it's no more OP that playing an assassin in the vanilla game. It just makes the shifter much more powerful, such that you could solo the game and take on megabosses, as you can already with the various assassin builds. And it's fun playing if you like martial casters, as I do.
    1 point
  30. Woo. Even got that result when simulating the last 2 months. Tempted to leave Brno now, got 3 titles and 1 cup with them. But, suppose I will stay with them and do the dynasty route - I can't wait for my 17 year old wonderkids to betray me and go to a bigger club ASAP
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. @BruceVC@Gorth I stumbled across a very pretty picture today about Swedish power production, consumption, import and export. It's not very granular but it's pretty good, it doesn't show regional imports and exports though Vattenkraft = Hydro power Kärnkraft = Nuclear power Vindkraft = Wind power Biomassa = Biomass Fossil = Burning babies Solkraft = Solar power
    1 point
  33. Apparently, somebody still makes Game Boy games:
    1 point
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