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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/21 in all areas
5 points
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4 points
For a man, it has to be tactical But yes Piers Morgan is someone that needs to be immolated.4 points
oh i don't think it's cheesy to hire specialized companions for a fight, but both brand enemy and gouging strike have hilarious consequences for the patient that i have to imagine was a bit unintentional. Esp with berath challenge, you end up with some pretty weird world events. Roving packs of bleakwalker paladin assassins, who all they do is point at someone and say "hey! you! yeah, you! you're my enemy now" and go hide out in a bunker for a week until their target dies. Entire kingdoms and revolutions are toppled by puny paladin pipsqueaks. Fireproof blankets are in high demand...3 points
Struck by lightning and burned to cinders; if that isn't a vote for iconoclasm by God, I don't know what is - deus vult!3 points
Elon Musk shows off SpaceX's 1st Starship Super Heavy booster.3 points
I believe this ended up being the winning post: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/716719/run-all-programs-as-admin-by-default/?p=4975198 The description from the user is a little misleading, since it seems to suggest that changing the key simply allows the hidden super Administrator account to run everything without needing approval, but changing the key as suggested had UAC prompt me to restart immediately and upon logging back into my normal administrator user account (i.e. not the hidden super Administrator), everything UAC-related was gone. You'll know that it's working if you open a terminal (either PowerShell or cmd should be fine) without specifying it to run as admin and it still shows itself as being Administrator-elevated at the top. @Sarex Yeah, I know there are still some permissions stuff outside of the UAC stuff (for example, I still can't just start deleting files out of system32 like you could in Windows 7), but at the very least it ends 99% of the daily annoyances. Like good lord, I was having to run my mouse software in administrator mode in order for my mouse to interact with other administrator-elevated applications. I was about to have a brain aneurysm trying to figure out why I could interact with regedit with one mouse but it was completely ignoring the one I actually wanted to use - never experienced something like that before. Ended up restarting my mouse software in administrator mode and suddenly it let me. Alright, cool...so long, UAC.3 points
What? That is a fantastic carrier. I had a jeep brand one and it was awesome. Took both my kids on some crazy adventures strapped to my chest. Piers Morgan is dumb.3 points
Oh yeah, I'm sure racism is no longer an issue in South Africa. Well done Bruce.3 points
3 points
With Community Patch all wonky DoTs (that I know about) got their mechanics and descriptions fixed.2 points
2 points
https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/37768/whats-new-in-night-city-patch-1-2-development-insight2 points
That was my idea, sort of. But in practice the disengagement attacks didn't trigger that often (even when I changed my equipment to have more engagement slots). Thing is, my experience has been that the enemies usually "cower" and only run away sometimes. This rarely triggers bonus attack. Repulsive Visage is a very good defensive tool, but not a great counterattack one, I thought. I had more ripostes due to misses. I even tried to build for disengagement bonus Deflection, to maybe intentionally trigger those misses, but that also didn't work great. Moving around, trying to provoke was wasting time that could be spent rapidly butchering enemies outright. Just as well, as I enjoyed a more mobile and aggressive playstyle more. Escape and eventually Flagellant's Path traverse the battlefield blazing fast and you end up simply melting the enemies. Early on I did use Tuotilo's Palm a little, but soon I've gave up on it. Enemies could rarely do serious harm trough the defensive buffs and Repulsive Visage and damage was much better with a 2nd weapon.2 points
I don't know guys, they're doing something right. I know it's annoying for us, but honestly... the amount of times I had to fix crewman #6's Windows (either at work or for friends and family) because they accidentially clicked themselves back to the computerized stone age has been approaching zero since Windows 8. Except for ransomware problems. Can't fix people clicking and not paying attention when they see an email with big_boobies.wmv.exe attached. Last thing I need is a simple "click here to disable all the annoying warnings and trash your computer easily" button. #sickandtiredafter30yearsofgivingsupport2 points
Snyder cut. If they ran the slow motion scenes at normal speed, it'd be a 90 minute movie.2 points
Nah, not random. Tear down every Confederate one. Won't fix anything, but neo-Confederate tears is a resource we must harvest.2 points
I think it's not a bad idea, in order to provide a drawback for using the potion and limit its common use. I agree with Boeroer that a non-random fatigue would suit better, especially fluff-wise. I'm not sure about asking Noqn to implement it for the initial release, but it's probably a good possible nerf if needed2 points
I recently built a new PC. I've been using Windows 7 for the past decade+, and this new PC unfortunately required that I go to Windows 10. I do not like Windows 10 for a variety of reasons, a big one being its asinine UAC settings that are difficult to turn off. I've had UAC off on Windows 7 for the last decade with nary an incident: in theory, it's good security...in theory. I decided to grit my teeth and give it a chance, and...well, I lasted just about 36 hours after I switched the new PC to be my main PC before I wanted to punt the entire thing into the lake. But instead, I looked some stuff up and completely nuked all of Windows' UAC via some registry edits. Everything runs as admin all the time without needing to double do everything or right-clicking and hitting "run as admin"...and my stuff isn't breaking constantly anymore. I'm not running trashberg Linux here where I have to properly chmod and then sudo every freaking thing I want to do, guys - enough is enough.2 points
2 points
Indeed it is. I mean it's clear, I think, to each of us that real life sexual assault victims are often too embarrassed to talk about it (not only women, but men too, let alone go to the police or any other authority). It's bad not doing that on the show, especially since it is already a vehicle for empowerment. I still don't think an analogy like this works in the framework of Sailor Moon given the target audience of SuperS, at least not with the dream assault scenes, but the behaviour of the three is bad enough on its own to merit discussion and better framing that simply isn't there. Factor into that how it is resolved and it gets even worse. When the characters are random one-offs at least it makes a certain amount of "sense" to not spend more time exploring it, but it happens to every main character except Chibi-Usa (and no, I'm not sorry for spoiling that, she gets at least that lucky, and it should be really obvious that the villains won't be finding Pedosus the Alicorn until the very end of the season). So yes, they should really talk to each other about it, and it should have happened way less often.2 points
It's pretty sad that we've reached the point that the games industry is remastering 5 year old games.2 points
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I initially read that as "It seems I have passed". Thought you must've watched a really bad episode. @InsaneCommander You mentioned earlier about how when people, particularly the girls, are assaulted, nobody...really talks about it. I also thought this was really skeevy - one of them gets horrifically violated in an obviously traumatic manner, and then...nobody talks about it, it's like it never happened? What?2 points
Might need to wait for a sale to get it all. It was a pretty big relief that we received ours. Helps get us a bit closer to paying off debt.2 points
2 points
About the Potion of Enlightment, I thought about a possible change today: Would people like it if the potion gave a random wound as a drawback? This would force people to use Adra Potions together with this Potion of Enlightenment (not sure how big of a functional change it could be). There could be times where you would rather wait until the 2nd or 3rd wound before using the Adra Potion to cleanse them (which may be risky if the enemies can inflict wounds), but other times where the 1st wound you get is awful for your build so you immediately use an Adra Potion. Thematically one could imagine that this happens because the user gets extenuated beyond the limits of his/her body, because this potion drains the very last bit of phyisical or soul energy from a random part of the body where there was no energy already. Just a crazy idea don't hate me for it, but I couldn't help posting it here2 points
Okay, but the key thing is they do find and kill him, right? Right? That's a thing that happens? RIGHT?1 point
That's a very complicated way of putting it But in short yes. All I can do is take your word for it based on what I know of/about you at this point in time. Based on that, I actually will take your word for it, as I believe it's an issue that is important to you and you have given it a lot of thought, based on your past posting history.1 point
Hard to say Bruce... the two articles linked to are SA specific. Not living there, not experiencing the SA society, all you get is second hand information. I think the only thing most of us can do is to compare with our own local experiences wherever we live at the moment. In Australia, racism is alive and well. Doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon. But that is irrelevant for racism in SA other than as giving the impression that it may be a larger than local problem and if it's a problem in enough parts of the world, it may also be a problem in SA. I know, still not really answering your question, but I think your question is difficult to add much to for outsiders (if you want to talk specifically about racism in SA).1 point
A strange thing racism... I'm fully convinced it's an issue with and of society. When I was a kid and through most of my teenage years, I grew up in a place where i think you could say racism was effectively non-existing in daily life. Why? Because the population was 99.99% Danish. There was an Inuit from Greenland living in the neighborhood, but he was more an "object of curiosity" than an object of hostility or derision. I know things changed and they changed a lot, mostly for the negative since. Still, It's something you learn, racism isn't bred into your genes (not to be confused with fear of that which is different or not understood). Meh, still just trying to live life, judging other people and myself (yes, I'm sometimes quite judgemental, including where my own actions are subject of introspection, why did I do this, why didn't I do that? etc.) by actions and deeds rather than simple physical appearances. If someone wants to create increased awareness about racism (or most other kinds of discrimination), power to them. Edit: So much discrimination has somehow ended up becoming embedded in our language and our choice of words too. I know people resent political correctness and it gets out of hand sometimes. It can be part of what perpetuates a problem, although I think it's often more a symptom of underlying problems in society.1 point
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Yeah, Hilor is in the Inn. I think second floor near Nenio.1 point
@ShadySands sorcs are better at just about everything in owlcat's games. on the downside, even at lower levels there is a handful o' critter specific spells such as natural rhythm and greater magic fang we wish were on the sorc spell list... but probable wouldn't take anyway 'cause o' the conservation o' spell slots necessary for sorcs. barkskin is also nice for the druid who wants to tank up their leopard or just better defend their dog. am also gonna admit that with a 10 int, a human druid has an abundance o' skill points. can even take pickpocket background and need never worry 'bout having to take camellia with you just 'cause she has trickery and stealth. even so, chances are sorcs is still gonna be better. having to take three levels o' hunter means any other multi options is nixed, but even so, am betting sorcs end up being the more potent choice once combats start. am likely to go druid for our first serious test as posed to limited randomn world map encounters after hiring a merc. speaking of hiring mercs... does anybody know where hilor is in drezen? he is the pathfinder society guy from whom you get your mercenary recruits. have never bothered playing past drezen, so has never been an issue, but we took a quick spin 'round the city and didn't see him. HA! Good Fun!1 point
1 point
Phone cameras: there's that certain distance and lighting where they do fairly well. And then there is ... ...nope, that doesn't work for me.1 point
ginsburg was in her late 70s and were a cancer survivor... multiple bouts o' cancer. obama broaching the subject o' retirement was hardly terrible, and in retrospect am hopeful ginsburg had enough self awareness to realize her arrogance (all supreme court justices is arrogant, so am hardly doing the unthinkable and singling out the recently deceased) resulted in mitch mconnell and trump being able to cement a conservative majority. seriously, if you survive cancer diagnosis multiple times and make it to late 70s, every day is a gift, but you gotta know you have already cheated death to make it so far. gd is listening to his the talky radio again and believing that biden is looking for a way to add "radical" liberals to the Court. doubtful. biden has a fractured democrat party with no clear ideology. has gd been paying any attention whatsoever to recent senate votes? replacements, when and if they become available, is not gonna be from far end o' the spectrum, though as we has noted more than once, the liberal-conservative bit don't work so well for most Justices. also, am suspecting given how effective kagan has been at lobbying fellow members o' the Court in recent decisions, she may have some input and is doubtful she would recommend radical. oh, and if all the weird sources gd absorbs today is selling him and other independents on the threat o' the radical liberal agenda, imagine how loud will be such apocalyptic warnings when the midterms roll around as they inevitably do. no matter who biden might nominate there will be alt-right and far right wingnuts claiming such persons is radical... 'cause they made same stoopid accusations 'bout biden o' all people. biden is unlikely to provide republicans with any extra talking points. am suspecting that at least until after the midterms, genuine radical appointments for the Court is unlikely. breyer is 82. is somehow insensitive to point out that while breyer might survive the biden administration, he is unlikely to be mental or physical fit to maintain his role on the Court for the next administration? if not asking breyer now, then when? and for those persons who suggest that folks such as breyer and ginsburg have earned the right to decide when they is gonna retire am gonna point out we ain't talking 'bout a greeter at the local walmart. these are retirement choices which may affect hundred o' millions for many decades into the future. is not as if biden can force breyer to retire, but it would be f'ing irresponsible not to have the conversation if breyer is too obtuse to bring up the subject himself. HA! Good Fun! ps for perspective, am recalling merrick garland being described as radical by a few alt-right pundits, which in light o' garland's voluminous history o' opinions were a patent ridiculous accusation. 'course judge garland's position on second amendment issues mighta seemed radical to gd, but otherwise...1 point
I bought Stellaris Nemisis, the Lords of the North content pack for Crusader Kings 3, the Heirs of Alexander content pack for Imperator Rome, & OOTP 22. The other $1357 I’m sure I’ll just waste.1 point
@Bartimaeus@majestic Exactly, in the end of S Usagi and Chibiusa were starting to have a better relationship and now Usagi looks more immature than Chibiusa. @ArtistFormerlyKnownasKP1 point
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Most likely unable to get through that manga. Theoretically you could try to get through one episode of Crystal (not the first one though, that's too similar to the 90ies anime), then you'd know if you can stomach the manga. I might have been Dak'kon in a prior life. Endure. In enduring, grow strong.1 point
1 point
Well some brave choices were made, I expected there to be some differences from Whedon's take...1 point
1 point