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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/21 in all areas

  1. Don't have a historical person to note but my mom was the best person I've ever known.
    7 points
  2. But your positive posts have reached even us in third world countries! We have to start some hashtag trending for you, to overcome this injustice!
    5 points
  3. Yes, Hedy Lamarr is a pretty cool historical figure. Stunning actress, film producer, and co-inventor of a form of frequency-hopping spread spectrum.
    5 points
  4. Well it won't be a banned book.
    4 points
  5. Biden dogs sent back to Delaware after one bit a White House staffer. Champ and Major have been impeached! Well I guess he did what he had to do. If it had been me I think I would’ve fired the staff guy. If a dog doesn’t like you there’s something no good about you!
    4 points
  6. Joan of Arc. This one should not need much said about it, though the details of her life have almost definitely been revised or embellished in some parts because the 'known history' of her would seem to put her as being right up on the level of Jesus between her supposed perfection, her prophecies, and her wrongful execution - nevertheless, she's always been one of my favorite historical female figures. For only a few years of activity/notoriety, she managed to become quite the legend. Empress Theodora of the Eastern Roman Empire. Her background is not clear, as multiple conflicting contemporary histories were written about her and her husband's lives, but it is clear that she was of very humble origins (controversially so for the time). She is sometimes touted as a co-regnant (a regnant is the opposite of a regent) alongside Justinian the Great due to her unusual and intense involvement with stately affairs (her husband called her his "partner" in all deliberations, and while this almost sounds a little insulting in a modern context, it was a great compliment and quite unheard of at the time), and is perhaps best known for saving her and her husband's rule during the Nika riots in the capital. She was also a great proponent of women's freedom and rights during this particular period of Antiquity, having pushed her husband to create a number of pro-women laws in regards to legal guardianship of children, divorce, land ownership, prostitution, and for the harsher punishments of crimes against women. Theodora and Marozia, a mother and daughter who were purportedly the lords of Rome during its darkest days post-fall. They were not particularly noble or admirable women - quite the opposite, actually - but there's something about their history and its sordid intertwining with the Papacy (seven different popes in their line!) that's always made me remember them...that, and I love both of their names. I'm also fond of Hypatia, a noted (for the time) Greek-Roman mathematician and philosopher, who is best known for her resistance to converting to Christianity and yet continuing to freely teach both pagans and Christians and being loved by both during a particularly contentious time of religious turmoil, eventually leading to her horrific murder by extreme Christian partisans. I'm forgetting some others that I know that I particularly like, but oh well. You can probably tell that Roman and Greek history is my favorite area of history, . (e): Also, something that's under-known - many of the world's earliest and most notable computer engineers/scientists were actually women, something lost on most given greater male dominance in this field post-World War II and then especially so by the end of the Cold War and continuing up until now.
    4 points
  7. I found this very interesting. Read it this morning after looking up that solar clock IC posted. Since leaving the heliopause voyager 1’s velocity has been fairly constant at 38k MPH, about 17 km/s. That’s extremely fast obviously. But it’s nowhere near relativistic velocity you’d think right? You would be wrong. Since Sept 5 1977 Voyager 1 has spent 15981 days in space. But from its perspective it has only been in space 15959 days. Even at the (comparatively) low speed of 3.6 AU/yr time is still passing quicker for us than it. 11 seconds per hour after all this time. Wild stuff. At least I thought that was pretty cool
    3 points
  8. Marie Curie. The only person ever to win the Nobel prize in two fields of Science, one in Physics and one in Chemistry. Also, their family received a total of six Nobel prizes.
    3 points
  9. First they came for J.K. Rowling, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Harry Potter fan. Then they came for Dr. Seuss, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Green Eggs & Ham fan. Then they came for me [a person with a cartoon avatar], and there was no one left to speak for me. When will this vicious cycle end, KaineParker?
    3 points
  10. Yeah, there's an unfortunate strain in the left to stan for people who are obviously bad because they happen to oppose something as bad or worse. The idea that two things can be bad even when they oppose each other is hard to accept I guess. Oh and about THE SCOURGE OF CANCEL CULTURE DESTROYING CIVILIZATION BY BANNING* DR SEUSS, I had this linked to me about banned books. If accurate, it seems that the Concerned Christians are still the kings of cancelling. Once again the anti-cancelling crusaders charge the windmills while the real monsters get ignored (or supported). *not a real ban
    3 points
  11. Pardon me a moment. I think I have something stuck in my eye.
    2 points
  12. The Reason Why Social Media Makes Us Act Like Rats.
    2 points
  13. Marks of socialist utopia in the making @BruceVC is probably used to such stories or acts in his home South Africa
    2 points
  14. When people stop being mad on the internet. And then people need to stop being mad about people being mad on the internet. Afterwards we require people to stop being mad on the internet about people being mad on the internet about people being mad on the internet. So probably never lmao.
    2 points
  15. Good question? What will they do next? Come after people with D&D avatars?
    2 points
  16. is a whole lotta international observance days which ain't getting much use, even if they is amusing. perhaps give women september 9? is currently international talk like a pirate day. anne bonny could be the poster child for the septembr 9th addition? top o' the list for us is barbara jordan. has been a personal role model for us for a long time. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  17. Kanno Sugako, the first Japanese woman to be a political prisoner executed in Japan in circumstances very similar to the trial after the Haymarket Riot. Her life honestly sounds like it could be a movie and I believe there was a play about her.
    2 points
  18. And to show I do not preach to others things I do not do myself, I sent PMs to both Shady and Oner!
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. LOL there’s only one female in my life right now. And she’s a dog.
    2 points
  21. iCloud allegedly locked out a user over her last name Actor and author Rachel True reportedly added, "When I get a dog I'm naming it Boolean Bobby Drop Tables True".
    2 points
  22. https://www.newsweek.com/women-scientists-defied-odds-changed-science-forever-international-womens-day-1573764
    1 point
  23. Exactly. And the sad thing is that there are other options, plenty of left-wing candidates in Brazil. While I wouldn't bet any of them is honest, they are at least something new (even if most of them are former ministers of Lula). But now we will almost certainly end up with a second round in the election with the two worst options. Some will say he only did that because the economy was doing well and later that was lost when Dilma was president. Still, they robbed too much.
    1 point
  24. Can you add a sort and transfer all from inventory to storage? That would be amazing
    1 point
  25. Finally jumped into Badlur's Gate 3 ... my only really gripe so far is they didn't do a day or night cycle, but created a camp. What's the fun of playing a Rogue Vampire if it never gets dark out, might not have been the smartest character options in this case. It has a lot of cosmetic bugs still, but its definitely playable.
    1 point
  26. Nothing. I don't even get review copies for the posts I make here. I guess the Obsidian forum is not seen as a channel with enough reach
    1 point
  27. Maybe more deserving of the weird things thread, but it made me chuckle.
    1 point
  28. I kind of think the new developer might be better off just starting from scratch. Trying to cobble together something from existing work, probably from multiple sources at this point, and new work is likely to produce an incoherent mess, especially for a narrative-driven game. I'm writing this project off as dead in my mind. On the off chance that it releases and isn't a dumpster fire that will be a pleasant surprise.
    1 point
  29. https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/ Good work by this person, cut the loading times for GTA Online. If that were the only problem with GTA Online
    1 point
  30. To paraphrase the great philosopher Mick Dundee: That's not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy theory... Everyone knows there are shortages of gpus and cpus. The reason for that is not Intel and to a lesser extent Samsung crapping the bed or high demand for hardware due to everyone staying at home because of covid or supply side issues due to shipping being completely asterisked; the real reason is that the foundries that make them are now too busy making the microchips that are going into the vaccines to make enough cpus/ gpus. Think about it sheeple, you know it makes sense.
    1 point
  31. Live service generally entails a server-based architecture where your progress isn't stored locally. You must connect to the network to have access not only to the regular new contents and updates that are supposedly the upside of a live service, but simply to access your stuff and play the game. That's different from a DRM scheme like Denuvo which may need to dial home, even though the authentication mechanisms in live services do double as a form of DRM. Fundamentally you can strip or sidestep a DRM layer to get the game to work, but there's no way around a live service's servers shutting down.
    1 point
  32. I care little about either that game series or EA, but still find this good.
    1 point
  33. So you mean experience with buggy games, right?
    1 point
  34. Active as most Obsidian devs are here in this forum, wouldn't we have suspected something if they were working on Vampire?
    1 point
  35. The trouble with both of Paradox's statements are that they are exactly what I'd expect them to say if the game was looking to be cancelled, but they didn't want to outright say it because the CEO/ CFO have upcoming earnings calls and don't want to answer difficult questions. What I'd expect if they were committed to release would be a very explicit and directed statement, what we've got has a lot of wiggle room. "We have started a collaboration with a new studio partner to finish work on the game [vtmb2]. This has been a difficult decision, but we are convinced that it is the right way forward to do the game justice" is designed to imply all the right things, without actually saying them. 'Collaboration with a new partner'; if it's actually a new lead dev why not just say that? So yeah, it isn't even a question only of them not naming the developer. Trouble is that phrase is exactly the sort of term you'd use if you had brought a consultant in to potentially shut down the project rather than work on it. Same with 'finish work on' and 'do the game justice'. Shutting it down is also finishing work on it, and if it is unsalvageable the obvious PR tack to take is that it wouldn't have done the game justice. In short, those statements are exactly the sort I'd expect to precede a later statement about how, sadly, they've come to the conclusion that the game cannot be released and meet their expectations of quality so has been shut down. I'll freely admit that my interpretation is a baldly negative one, but it's hard to cobble together much positive out of the VTMB2 development circus. The record of games successfully escaping development hell is poor, the record for games successfully changing developers half way through is also poor. Paradox management may be mostly phone app free to play veterans now, but they'll still know those basic realities and adages about throwing good money after bad.
    1 point
  36. It is the natural evolution of the paradox model though: Now even dev studios come as dlcs.
    1 point
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