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  1. Hopefully. Somehow I'm still picturing barbed wire and armed guards though Besides, to quote Assata Shakur “No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” IMO the best education you can possibly get is ultimately self directed. The best service a public school can give (beyond the basic curriculum) to to teach children how to learn on their own and inspire the desire to do so. It won't take for everyone I guess. But the world needs ditch diggers too. One thing that gives me hope is the one teacher on this board tries very hard to do exactly that!
    4 points
  2. Sort of funny to say idiocy warrants death, considering who his boss is.
    2 points
  3. Had a meeting with an external client on Teams, forgot all about my avatar : Probably should change that to be more corporate appropriate. One guy has Tom Cruise though, so really, the offensive bar is pretty high.
    2 points
  4. Been sitting here for a while, staring at the Amazon page for the Samsung 860 Pro 2TB sata3 ssd ($379). Hubby just bought one and I want one tooooooo....I need one for more game installs, my 1TB main nvme only has 330GB free right now - stupid ginormous games nowadays. But ... should I also get a 4TB one ($710) to replace one of my 4TB HDD storage? Or replace both HDD's (they can become external storage!), and to heck with it I'll just do video writing/editing to ssd? But the price for all of that! Gah! (hubby went thru same and chose being more sensible...) *mouse cursor trembling*
    2 points
  5. This is still the best Picard song: Make it so!
    2 points
  6. i pull enemies back away from the sigils they are huddling around, and then later just nuke the sigils outside of combat. it's very rare where i actually have to deal with sigils in combat.
    2 points
  7. I got an update from the store I ordered my GPU from; Expected delivery mid january at the earliest. Meh
    1 point
  8. Just for context, because the BBC piece doesn't make it very clear (that's a shocker). The study in question is part of the C-MORE study. It deals with patients who had moderate to severe COVID19, and who had all been hospitalized. While it is certainly possible that a fraction of asymptomatic and mild cases could also present these kinds of complications, the study in question doesn't really speak to that because the sample is composed of patients who developed pneumonia.
    1 point
  9. What about Effort (the great sword)? I mean it has no action speed/recovery speed buff - but wouldn't it work nicely with Predator's Sense? Also the 15% raw DoT lash itself is nasty. Besides that Blade of the Endless Paths is really a great weapon and I always shed a tear or two when I have to decide between it and WotEP (especially when having a Monk with Swift Flurry/HBD in the party). Time to export a character with one of them I guess...
    1 point
  10. "But you know the sad thing is there are a few accomplishments he could be proud of."
    1 point
  11. I did try the boots cancel action strategy for about 30 minutes earlier, the issue was the room I'm jumping into is absolutely tiny, and littered with enemies - and I can't pause. So I tried to spark cracker them out of the room -> jump in -> loot chest -> jump out The margin for error was so small I really don't think a Korean Starcraft player could micro that reliably.
    1 point
  12. He can't end combat@Boeroer with Berath challenge. Try to look up some ultimate runs on youtube to check how to steal the tablet. Or buff deflection as high as possible, that teleport rolls vs that defence.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I DEFINITELY think this game should have a split-screen/couch-coop mode. It would absolutely make the game! I would play it way more often for sure!
    1 point
  15. A game the goal of which is to take screenshots? Count me in.
    1 point
  16. There's some more information on the Kickstarter page.
    1 point
  17. Melee, as I too prefer it to ranged. I'll give you the foundations of my build but, as I said, my game is heavily modded (and I'm using all Berath's Blessings along with two god challenges) so I cannot attest to the power or viability of the build in the base game. For attributes, I maxed PER and focused the rest on DEX and MIG in that order—but I'm notoriously an inveterate speed b!tch, so you may prioritize MIG over DEX if that's your preference. For equipment, I picked items that either increase PER or increase DEX/decrease recovery: Helm of the Falcon, DoC breastplate, Blade of the Endless Paths (not Whispers, mind you), Torc of the Flacon's Eyes (it exists in the game but it is placed nowhere, so you need a mod to get it), Chameleon Touch, Boots of the Stone, Cutthroat Cosmo. Rest of the items come either from mods or from exporting characters that have them and hiring them (specifically, Violet Redemption which would otherwise not be available until you literally have no fights left in the game.) For abilities, I made sure to take Borrowed Instinct, Tactical Meld, Recall Agony, and Hammering Thoughts from the Cipher; Marked for the Hunt, Stalker's Link, and Accurate Wounding Shot from the Ranger. I picked the Hunter's Claw/Fang thing too, but ended up never using it. I picked almost all animal companion buffs. The build has very high accuracy, high damage and penetration, and very good speed. Note that the idea comes from posts in this thread—credit where credit is due.
    1 point
  18. I have no clue what is happening in this trailer, but it's a Swery game so... yeah.
    1 point
  19. Libertarians Have No Home in Either Dominant Political Party Mostly agree. I still fail to see how refusing the vote for what I despise is somehow "wasting" my vote.
    1 point
  20. Anyone remember the exploding whale in Fallout (or was it Fallout2)? This is the original
    1 point
  21. Come now, Michael didn't single handedly win the logic dance battle- she got help from her very conveniently on notVulkan, very conveniently in a Romulan sect despite not being Romulan, very conveniently staying on notVulkan Lieutenant Kima mother too. The really funny thing about Tilly being promoted is that she ran through a perfectly valid list of reasons why it was moronic when Saru suggested it- a in episode plot criticism role that Georgiou has filled for most of the season. It's a new and bold approach to point out how... odd your plot is, in episode*. A far better appointment would have been the Federation liason lady from the last couple of episodes, or maybe the blonde bridge officer who doesn't seem to have a job otherwise. They're still going to use Burnham for away missions anyway, and as a Commander she'll be ranking officer unless Saru goes so it's not like they'd have to give them (m)any extra lines. Overall though, they would have been far better off developing a character to take the role multiple episodes ago, same as if they wanted to kill off cyborg girl last season they should have spent time developing her instead of just telling everyone how bad they should feel. *similar was done far better for the debate with the Vululans though, since it set out how and why they would not be really be approaching it logically but from a position of their and the Fed's culpability being an underlying tenet of their politics. There have been plenty of other Star Treks in which the rigidity of the Vulkan mindset has caused similar problems, after all.
    1 point
  22. There is something eminently enjoyable about them, I love listening to their albums I have a spotify playlist that I listen to at work where they are featured quite alot, and I do get alot of weird looks at times when they come on, especially Alfadhirhaiti, Krigsgaldr and Hamrer hippyer
    1 point
  23. funnily enough that is approximately how much health dorudugan has
    1 point
  24. Sadly, the BT clearing doesn't last but 5 minutes or so. I think I put around 350 hours into DS on console (2 playthrus). I bought it on PC and still haven't reached chapt. 3 on it. I'd like to replay it again with the uber nice graphics of PC but I guess twice is all I'm in the mood for, at least until another year passes maybe. As to what I'm playing ... nothing. I guess I'm just not in a gaming mood so I'm going to stop trying for a while. I've even downloaded free demos and games just to check stuff out without cost but nothing takes. But ... they sure do look (briefly) great on that OLED TV!
    1 point
  25. So who'd been paying attention to this ? https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2020/11/cyberpunk-2077-to-become-one-of-the-most-expensive-games-in-history/ https://www.somagnews.com/cyberpunk-2077-the-most-expensive-game-of-all-time/
    1 point
  26. On that economic turn due to Covid, recent reports from some think-tanks in the UK are saying that over 700,000 people have been moved over the poverty line this year due to various pandemic related issues. Which apparently makes it that around 23% of the UK population is now considered to be "in poverty". Of course, the various right-of-center and left-of-center think tanks are arguing whether Government responses have helped or hindered.
    1 point
  27. After a million tries I've finally beat Father Gascoigne. Took the fight to the stairs and after grinding 2 vitality levelups, I was finally able to get through with it. Turns out I used him as a blood echo piggy bank, and once he was down, I got almost 18k blood echos. So I went right ahead and pumped everything into vitality. Will see how it goes from here.
    1 point
  28. A'ight, so I've got the Firebrand and Torrent of Flames part down. I couldn't make Fire Shield work in any way other than adding it as a spell the wearer could cast at their discretion, like Firebrand and Torrent of Flames. For now, I kept those two and slapped a +3 Might bonus on top, which is similarly in keeping with the original from PoE. I'll publish on the Nexus as soon as I place these items to various vendors. Thank you @Boeroer for all the tips that made this mod possible!
    1 point
  29. If unity at gunpoint is your idea of how to run a railroad you can count me out. In China and even Russia dissenters are imprisioned, shot, poisoned, or just disappeared. You want to see that kind of s--t here? I'll take disunity any day.
    1 point
  30. Replaying Longest Journey after more than 15 years. April is insufferable now.
    1 point
  31. Started a new game of Drakensang, I figured it's going to be worth the 3 bucks. Can't say that I ever was a fan of Das Schwarze Auge but perhaps I'll overcome my inertia and invest the time needed to learn - and appreciate? - a different RPG system. I find the lack of grimdark and cynicism in the game world very refreshing. The writing's hilarious so far (at least in the original German).
    1 point
  32. Yeeeeah, I can't say I remember good things from Mike from his days with Bioware so I'm not holding my breath for that studio.
    1 point
  33. I think it depends upon the character. Lots of these types of games are littered with opinionated companions that basically prefer the world to end than stick with a "leader" who disagrees with them on some things, and I'm not talking about being evil where it might make some sense. In Deadfire, Aloth is most guilty of this (although I don't think he leaves?). His opinions of the other companions and the MC are ridiculous and not even logical in my opinion. Looking at the long list of things he hates about various companions still annoys me, even though I can now play characters artificially built to please him. The rivalry system used in DA2 was a kind of compromise, as it allowed characters to remain loyal to you in spite of disagreeing, although even that required metagaming and intentionally leaving people behind etc. to work.
    1 point
  34. Like many of the fights in the Seeker sequence, there is a trick. All of the shades are invulnerable except for one. Kill that one (and the sub-shades it spawns on death), then find the next unprotected one (when you kill the vulnerable one, the vulnerability jumps to one of the other ones), lather rinse repeat.
    1 point
  35. Yes, these are the reasons you get a 3D printer...
    0 points
  36. Collapsed today - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arecibo-observatory-radio-telescope-puerto-rico-collapses/
    0 points
  37. Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw founds new studio with EA and Ubisoft veterans | PC Gamer
    0 points
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