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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/20 in all areas

  1. adopted another dog. *sigh* the little mutt is less than 4.5lbs and is a couple years old. not a great deal o' fur at the moment, but his coat were in terrible shape when rescued. am suspecting some fur will grow back... maybe. he had a terrible infection in his front left leg and were likely gonna need amputation, so we paid for treatment and as luck would have it the limb is salvageable. should make some kinda recovery if not total. ... have never in our life bought a sweater for a dog. had never considered the possibility. the little fella is not a shaky little dog, but given his non-coat, ridiculous size and other health issues, we bought him a fleece-lined vest, we kid you not. am now that guy: the schnook who buys clothes for dogs. we would explain how/why we adopted, but it doesn't make much sense. all that mattered is that he needed a home and we got space and plenty o' free time, so... am gonna need name him. at the moment he is current recovering from medical treatment and we will bring him home on monday. gotta couple days to decide name. HA! Good Fun!
    6 points
  2. Best Obs games KOTOR2 Alpha Protocol e: is it Thornton or Thorton? NWN2 POE2 Tyranny South Park POE1 FO:NV Outer Worlds Pathfinder card game Never played DS3 Grounded Armored Warfare SkyForge
    4 points
  3. As various discussions have been seen regarding the ages of the forums and those "old regulars"...
    3 points
  4. trevor slattery were a bit fuzzy on the details. The Horrific Sand Creek Massacre Will Be Forgotten No More “At daylight this morning attacked Cheyenne village of 130 lodges, from 900 to 1,000 warriors strong,” Chivington wrote his superior late on November 29. His men, he said, waged a furious battle against well-armed and entrenched foes, ending in a great victory: the deaths of several chiefs, “between 400 and 500 other Indians” and “almost an annihilation of the entire tribe.” This news was greeted with acclaim, as were Chivington’s troops, who returned to Denver displaying scalps they’d cut from Indians (some of which became props in celebratory local plays). But this gruesome revelry was interrupted by the emergence of a very different storyline. Its primary author was Capt. Silas Soule, a militant abolitionist and eager warrior, like Chivington. Soule, however, was appalled by the attack on Sand Creek, which he saw as a betrayal of peaceful Indians. He refused to fire a shot or order his men into action, instead bearing witness to the massacre and recording it in chilling detail. “Hundreds of women and children were coming towards us, and getting on their knees for mercy,” he wrote, only to be shot and “have their brains beat out by men professing to be civilized.” Indians didn’t fight from trenches, as Chivington claimed; they fled up the creek and desperately dug into its sand banks for protection. From there, some young men “defended themselves as well as they could,” with a few rifles and bows, until overwhelmed by carbines and howitzers. Others were chased down and killed as they fled across the Plains. Soule estimated the Indian dead at 200, all but 60 of them women and children. He also told of how the soldiers not only scalped the dead but cut off the “Ears and Privates” of chiefs. “Squaws snatches were cut out for trophies.” Of Chivington’s leadership, Soule reported: “There was no organization among our troops, they were a perfect mob—every man on his own hook.” Given this chaos, some of the dozen or so soldiers killed at Sand Creek were likely hit by friendly fire.
    2 points
  5. Deltro's Cage Helmet is too cheesy for me personally. For the same reason I don't use Barring Death's Door and Salvation of Time which are excellent with a Bloodmage: if you can't die you can do Blood Sacrifice all day and night and can drop CON to 3 while raising MIG to 20. My normal routine (admittedly not in TB which I don't play) is to have the tank exposed and then first start buffing/preparing with the other stealthed party members. That means Dire Blessing, then Devotions etc. while Assassin Wizard would do Arkemyr's BD, Infuse wVE and so on. The Wizard can then switch Grimoire no problem (no idea how long that takes in TB). Everybody except tank is still stealthed after that. Usually the tank is completely surrounded by enemies by now. Then I start CC'ing and debuffing which usually would drop stealth. And that's why I like Arkemyr's BD so much: first of all l'll get the party buffs as always and thus I'll be able to hit way better with the debuffs/CC which will increase my nukes' efficiency a lot - but on top of all the buffing I'll be having constant Assassinate (which stacks with all that for all the CC/debuff you're doing). Which then means my final nuke that will lift invisibility will have enormous impact and the best possible damage. It's a bit like chess to me I admit and I play the game slowly because of that (even if it's RTwP). I can't get no satisfaction(r) from casting Shadowflame from stealth at the start of every combat while my buddies just stand there watching. But on veteran it may indeed be the better solution in terms of time investment/result ratio in nearly all cases. As I said: I'm not doing Turn Based so I don't really know if that's working there. Also stuff like Death Ray is crap for Assassins in RTwP and Smoke Veil better than Shadowing Beyond. And honestly when I wrote my last answer I already had forgotten that you wanted to play TB mode, heh. So take it all with a huge grain of salt. But it's indeed so that I only get little enjoyment from doing stuff like casting Chain Lightning on myself to get a huge lash (you don't need high CON for that if you have access to Barring Death's Door and Salvation of Time as I said - to make the cheese completely round ;)) and then blasting the enemies with Shadowflame (presumably while wearing Engoliero do Espirs to maximize the overkilling ;)). But it's also so that everybody is different and enjoys different things - so I guess all different angles mentioned here may help you to find a character that is fun to play for you - just don't feel pushed into a certain direction. It's def. saver to have high CON and not too high MIG and that can prevent frustration. It's certainly no fun if your char is dropping in every fight.
    2 points
  6. another misunderstanding. is two potential cases going to The Court. first one is the sequestered votes case which The Court is ignoring-- The Court received the request to hear but they have made no move to do anything 'bout the issue. the taciturn SCOTUS approach as to the sequestered ballots is understandable as the issue is moot-- weren't enough sequestered pa votes to make any kinda difference. why would the Court intervene in a contentious political fight where their decision would have no impact on the final outcome? the other case, which has rudy attempting to disallow more than a million votes based on an equal protection claim without a showing fraud, or proof for that matter, does not offer SCOTUS the possibility o' handing trump co a win. SCOTUS cannot review what weren't argued and decided. even if rudy were to win his current case, all that would happen is the first court which heard the case would take up the issue once more, but this time the standing issue would be satisfied, as that is what is being appealed. is tough to see an endgame where trump is successful in Court. there were a possibility before the first rudy fail in the 3rd district that the goal were to achieve SCOTUS review, but given the narrow appeal after that loss, am not seeing a viable SCOTUS win for trump. assuming there is an endgame, the following is the actual strategy: the shenanigans by rudy is a delay tactic while he, ellis and others spout conspiracy theories outside the confines o' courtrooms where they would need provide real proof. trump recent suggested that he would leave the wh only if biden proved his 80 million votes were legit, when actual burden is on trump and his lawyers to prove the votes were fraudulent. ... is tough to see how the political fight where pennsylvania legislators disenfranchise millions will be more successful than the legal battle rudy is comical fighting, but if the choice is between no possibility o' a win (legal) and a novel approach which has state legislators ignore election results (political,) then am seeing the appeal o' the political route. however, keep in mind that trump needs political mutinies in three o' the battleground states he lost to change biden's electoral college win. a SCOTUS endgame is doomed. political, on the other hand... likely doomed, but the thing too many people keep forgetting is that there is no Constitutional right for Americans to vote for President. still seems doomed, but am trying to see a reason to fight other then the obvious, which is grift. as long as trump continues to fight against the inevitable, he has the opportunity to request his supporters contribute money, and currently 75% o' such monies is going to the trump leadership pac. looks like a scam. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. you cannot. even where is not strictly illegal to do so, is unethical and would result in not only law enforcement being subject to discipline but would be a fruit of the poisonous tree situation and the evidence would be disallowed. the notion that flynn's signed declaration o' truthful testimony to law enforcement woulda' been disallowed in most western countries, much less most o' the world, (am honest unable to speak to south america but most o' asia and africa is having a jaundiced pov when it comes to suspect rights) is based on ignorance. hard to believe this is still being argued. not really a fuzzy grey area. yet another gop lawsuit bites the dust... dismissed with prejudice. this were the curious lawsuit where a pa gop legislator who successfully won reelection in 2020 were claiming he were injured by the pennsylvania mail-in scheme passed and signed into law last year... and then brought a lawsuit to enjoin all pennsylvania 202 election mail-in ballots received, but only after the election results were certified. ... the genuine strange aspect o' this lawsuit were that it made it to the state supreme court. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  8. IMO you should absolutely max Con as an Assasin/Bloodmage. One thing is that it will help with Blood Sacrifice. But there's more. You should probably be human and nearly always at least Blooded - with Fighting Spirit. So more Con - more safety. But wait, there's even more. IF you're serious about nuking, you kinda need Deltro's Cage helmet. You'll want to hit yourself with Chain Lightning. And you'll want it to HURT. You want to crit yourself with the Assasinate 50% crit damage bonus, regular 25% crit damage bonus, 30% Overpenetration bonus. This can mean being hit for like 130 damage - and you still need to survive (and get a sweet 130% lash for your spells). For that purpose, avoid buffing Reflex. Consider Reflex debuffs. And you still want a HP buffer to still use Blood Sacrifice. Having more then 10-12 Might is not worth it IMO. Not that much damage impact AND you do increase self-inflicted damage from sacrifice. Arkemyr's Departure is probably cool and all. Particularly if you want to focus on debuffs, rather the direct damage. But not so great for action economy in Turn Based. You need a whole round to cast it. Meanwhile Shadowing Beyond is instant and you can start casting another spell immediately. Also using Arkemyr's Grimoir means you're not taking advantage of Ningauth's Teachings, and that's a fantastic grimoire for an Assassin Bloodmage nuker. Note Death Ray is absolutely fantastic in Turn Based mode and one of the staple spells I've kept using till the very end. And opening combat with Shadowflame with +25 Accuracy is often an "I win" button.
    2 points
  9. I don't live in a city, or town, nor any kind of municipality. Where I live there is no fire department, no trash pick up or water utility. Heck police and EMS are easily 20-30 minutes away. I don't even get mail delivery here! But the nearest town where my PO box is located is Covington TN. Covington is a small and nice enough little town. Population around 8k give or take. It has a handful of historical buildings that make up a quaint "town square": The Lindo Hotel was built around 1850 and has a really great restaurant in it. I wouldn't know myself. The one thing Covington does have is great BBQ joints. Three in fat I'd say were as good as any in the world. @Hurlshot can back me up on how good the Rendezvous is down in Memphis. Bell, I'll take Pappy & Jimmie's every day of the week: Other than that there isn't much to tell. We do have a confederate memorial at the courthouse. I think they are taking it down. Don't know. Don't really care. It's a small town. You can drive across it's widest point in about 5 minutes assuming you don't catch any red lights.
    2 points
  10. ^ I sent my cousin-in-law a funny-face picture a while back, when I first got the callphone account. Just a close up of my forehead-to-chin, sticking out my tongue, and she didn't recognize me - thought it was some random wrong number text from a ... teenager. Even tho I understood it, kinda (pic was a bit odd, ok), somehow/strangely I felt a tad affronted.
    1 point
  11. Dealayed Fireball generally triggered before regaining control over my caster. I've found it very difficult to use well. But Inspired Beacon was indeed great in Turn Based. It would often last 2-3 rounds, so its not too difficult to take advantage of it.
    1 point
  12. Waiting for the tweet saying this.
    1 point
  13. Well, what do you know. I figured it out. Turns out I actually really know the guy from... like 25 years and what looks like 150 pounds ago. Wouldn't have recognized him, but yeah, mom immediately knew who I was talking about.
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the tips, I'm going to look into them For the belt, if I can't make it a soulbound item like in the first game, I might make it a unique belt with just the spells and none of the crazy stat bonuses. I was kind looking forward to those, but if the belt offered all that stuff right off the bat, it would be way too powerful. If it had just the spells, it would be interesting and situationally useful.
    1 point
  15. If unity at gunpoint is your idea of how to run a railroad you can count me out. In China and even Russia dissenters are imprisioned, shot, poisoned, or just disappeared. You want to see that kind of s--t here? I'll take disunity any day.
    1 point
  16. Don't the Glittering Gauntlets do daze on hit and getting hit (besides +9 deflection)? Maybe you could look up the unique spell Zandethus' Draconic Fury from Zandethus' Dragon-Scaled Grimoire - I believe it terrifies on hit and getting hit. That might be the exact same implementation you need (only with daze instead of terrify). Avenging Storm has something similar but iirc it only works with weapon attacks (hitting enemies with a weapon and getting hit by a weapon) but maybe that's easy to remove. Then Offensive Parry (WotEP) dazes on hit. Maybe you can use that part as well. If it's a problem that it's gloves that have to do this and not the carried weapon then maybe look at Hylea's Talons and/or Boltcatcher and Gatecrasher gauntlets who all apply an effect on hit. They do it with a certain chance and not with every hit - but I guess you could easily set that to 100%, right? I can imagine soulbounds' level-up conditions being hard to mod.
    1 point
  17. Boeroer, that worked! I created a community_patch subfolder in the override folder and Community Patch now shows up in my game's mod manager. Thank you so much for this suggestion!
    1 point
  18. I just had a run-in with a friend of my neighbor. Greeted me, asked me how I am, long time no see and all that. Baffled as I was I played along, said I'm fine considering the circumstances and bid him farewell. Of course I have no idea who the hell that guy was. He noticed too because that's what he said to the neighbor once I closed the door. Neighbor also wondered how he would know me, but the two left and I could no longer follow the conversation from behind the door. I also call the neighbor just neighbor because I have no idea what his name is. My parents used to be prominent public figures before retiring, being involved in municipal politics so I'm used to being greeted by people I don't know asking me to convey their best wishes and greetings to mom and dad, but that was different. If I had to guess I'd say he mistook me for my brother. He's more widely known and was a member of our (volunteer) firefighters before moving to another city, and even if I can't for the life of me see it because he looks completely NOT like me there's supposedly some family resemblance. Gotta ask the neighbor next time I see him. Or my parents. Maybe they know.
    1 point
  19. In real time with pause, I like to run away from the sigil before it activates, into a chokepoint where I can abuse area of effect spells. You might have trouble with your slower initiative characters in turnbased mode though! The other thing I like to do is use spells like Delayed Fireball in order to deal massive damage to enemies (and sigils!) before combat begins. I believe in you
    1 point
  20. I know you're playing in turn based, but I think in rtwp Patinated Plate would be the best for dps. There's a GameFAQs guide that says that it's the most lightweight heavy armor with the correct enchantments due to some silly inversion things that I don't fully understand.
    1 point
  21. *Pulls out piece of meat and a fry pan* - "I need to cook this before it goes bad, but first need to use the bathroom." (in the bathroom) "...the soap dish is gross, I'll just clean that out." "Is that mildew around the sink drain? ... it's so dusty in here ... I've neglected the floor grout too long. And..." ...two hours later... Hubby poking his head into the bathroom: "So, can I take a shower now?" Me: "OK." ... *flounces off to couch, plays slots on the tablet* ...an hour or so later... "I feel like I'm forgetting something." This is LC's brain.
    1 point
  22. I was always under the impression you were active on these forums because of me and my support for Bioware games....I am surprised that is not the most important reason ?
    1 point
  23. Nioh. Completed the main game, 1 Twilight mission, 1 DLC mission, several side quests. The game offered a decent variety of skills and weapons, but the story was completely linear and unengaging, just as the structure of main missions, while side quests provided different types of objectives and victory conditions. The KB&M controls were customizable and generally comfortable, but there were no on-screen prompts for keyboards. The graphics and art style were detailed and consistent, FPS drops were relatively rare. The bosses were numerous and quite diverse, though most would kill the PC in 2 hits. Same for the majority of normal enemies. Loot was randomized and color-coded, like in Diablo, so it seemed very un-Souls-like and made acquiring new armor and weapons pretty dull.
    1 point
  24. No, but you can take all the folders that now lie in the override folder and put them into one subfolder, for example ..\override\community_patch\ Don't think that's the trick but it won't hurt to try it I guess.
    1 point
  25. Latest Mandalorian episode was quite cool. Generally feels like Mandalorian is probably the best thing happening to Star Wars in years. Even I like to watch it and usually I'm not big into Star Wars stuff, because it's always such a cliche and cheesy.
    1 point
  26. Blackened Plate comes fairly late though. I mean you have to kill some powerful fampyrs to get it. The Bloody Links with the enchantment "Crimson Steel" gives +2 Armor Rating when bloodied and thus gives the same base AR as plate armor - and at the same time gives all-stackable +5 to all defenses which is great. And it comes quite early (buy it in Fort Deadlight from No-Nut Ned). Devil of Caroc's Breastplate has a somewhat similar enchantment (+2 R when bloodied, but limited to 2/encounter) and will give you more resources (+2 Discipline and +2 Mortification). Reckless Brigandine has "Into the Breach": more melee weapon dmg as you lose health (but max +20% damage). AR increases as you lose health (max +2 AR). So it works a bit like the Bloody Links - but this requires to beat the Deathguard in the Forgotten Catacomb (which is a lot easier than killing the Fampyrs in Splintered Reef though). With "Constant Rebound" and "Bronze Juggernaut" as enchantments I also guess the Patinated Plate is great in TB mode (since the recovery penalty doesn't matter that much). Which you can also get quite early. Another heavy armor that could be nice for a damage oriented Brawler in TB mode is Kāhako Nihi. But also late ad it's best used with unarmed attacks.
    1 point
  27. Assassin/Bloodmage is fun. The+25 ACC from stealth/invisibility is great. With Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure you can cast non-damaging CC and debuffs without lifting the invisibility, which means +25 ACC for impactful debuffs all the time. If you have decent healing you don't need lots of CON. I personally really like to pile regeneration gear on a Bloodmage: Trollhide Belt, Rings of Regen., Three Trolls Stiched, Fleshmender... just to be self-sufficient. But of course a strong healer at your side is very helpful, too. Especially once you get Wall of Draining you can prolong all healing over time on you (Blightheart's shots, Lesser Lay on Hands from gloves, friends' healing spells and so on). You can also heal yourself with Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon. An Amulet of Greater Health and "Tough" can help if you feel you went too low. I mean if you can spare the ability point. And there's always +CON gear and food. I personally even like to play around with the risk of having high MIG and low CON. Like it's a challenge to overcome that danger of killing yourself with Blood Sacrifice. I don't remember if Voidward reduces Blood Sacrifice's damage...?
    1 point
  28. Now you see it, now you don't... ... I just can't get into the RT/reflection fuss. I mean chr. reflections could be used in stealth-based games in interesting ways I suppose, but other than that it just doesn't do much for me, especially for performance cost. Even when you're out on the street with more of those kind of reflections I hardly notice. I guess I simply don't look for/notice reflections much even in real life, like walking around downtown San Francisco. The 2080ti/9900k combo, with all max and max RT settings, managed a whopping ... 30-35fps at 4k (no DLSS) with this game. But it was actually a pretty smooth 30fps. Turn RT down a bit and other settings down and FPS went up to maybe 40fps. lol. Didn't try in DX11/noRT at all.
    1 point
  29. Jupiter fly-over Not so much a discovery as just enjoyable to watch.
    1 point
  30. Ok, ok, hear me out. This would have the same color scheme as the Marksman's cap and be made using the same material (Crow Feather, Berry leather, Spiderweb/silk) However it's not just more bow damage. Instead the set would focus on stealth, that decreases your aggro range. The design of the armor is as followed, a vest with feather parts around its shoulders that kind of resemble fur, leather shins with the spider silk holding it together and feathers popping out from underneath, and a hood similar to the spider hood but with berry leather instead. The set bonus would be Sniper (far shots do more damage/crit) And here's the kicker, the Marksman's cap would also count towards the set bonus, meaning you can choose between the hood or the cap to still get the bonus! That brings up my second idea: having more sets that work in tandem with each other for the bonuses, giving you some freedom of playstyle.
    1 point
  31. SpaceX's Starship SN8 prototype fires engines ahead of major test flight.
    1 point
  32. Ekera, They forgot their own lore ekera. Ekera, Haelig was just some guy that kept himself alive. Really good doctors die all the time, what say.
    1 point
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