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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/20 in all areas

  1. #TeamCorpo I'm going to sell my soul and be a EA suit.
    4 points
  2. You'd be surprised just how far arrogance and an air of superiority can get you. People, especially in large groups, are idiots, so if you carry yourself like you're better than they are, a shockingly large percentage will just believe you.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. barr is dangerous because he is competent. just one example, but multiple federal judges has criticized barr for his summary o' the mueller report, observing how the conclusions the ag reached were inconsistent with any plausible reading o' the report. is a couple o' crimes possible barr could be charged with related to his summary, but such requires proof o' criminal intent and even if there is such evidence to be found, is it practical to charge? short o' an email where barr states he knew his summary were a criminal misrepresentation o' a federal government document and that his purpose in misrepresenting were to personal benefit trump as 'posed to the PotUS, criminal charges is unlikely. is dozens o' instances where is not reasonable to believe barr were acting in the interest o' the American people as is his duty as ag. however, reasonable is not the language which is appropriate in a criminal prosecution. for criminal, need a significant step beyond unreasonable and typical the intent o' criminal purpose need be proven. barr's dangerous belief the authority o' office o' the President is limitless save for the obvious accountability to the electorate every four years and the possibility o' impeach and convict by Congress is extreme. is almost no legal scholars who share barr's view, but such a fringe reading o' article 2 while misguided and obvious dangerous is not necessarily criminal in and of itself. barr could be impeached and convicted by Congress. maybe. wouldn't necessarily matter if barr were no longer ag. for instance, if the senate weren't a bunch o' sniveling cowards and sycophants and it became obvious earlier this year the senate were gonna vote to convict trump, the President could not have resigned before conviction and then still run for Presidency in november. no longer in office don't necessarily prevent Congress from acting. 'course what would be the point? worse, would establish a dubious precedent. the framers never considered the possibility o' our current Congress. in 1787 it were believed senators would obvious recognize the abuse o' power o' a President or ag and regardless o' partisanship they would be more concerned with the integrity o' the Constitution than party loyalty. how could senators ignore something like fed police acting against the will of state and local government to arrest protesters? w/i a few decades o' the adoption o' the Constitution, the framers no doubt realized their error, but it were already too late. their mistake is our burden. HA! Good Fun! ps barr is our nominee for most dangerous man in washington dc. much o' trump's early legal efforts were marred by gross incompetence and almost comical bungling. barr, whatever his faults, is not incompetent... possible glaring exception were barr's firing o' the us attorney o' ny. competence makes barr a threat to democracy but also makes his prosecution for crimes unlikely.
    3 points
  5. one way the trump administration is getting away with this nonsense, other than too many Americans turning a blind eye to such excesses, is the fact that extreme few people has been charged. the arrests is a terror tactic, bold and unapologetic, but w/o charges, the basis for a civil rights claim for those whisked away in vans w/o warrants or probable cause is functional eliminated. the feds don't have authority to do what they is doing, but w/o charges to create a cause o' action, the Courts can't stop the fed police from continuing their naked villainy people are being imprisoned (dictionary definition) w/o there being a real threat o' prison. is not as if trump is coming up with these schemes. oh sure, trump is demanding his justice department make a show o' force, but william barr is the guy who is actualizing this crap and weaponizing legislation which is only tangential related to what is being done. the portland protesters is not, save for perhaps in the tortured imagination o' vol, serious attempting to overthrow the government o' the United States of America. nevertheless, william barr is using insurrection laws to arrest and Not charge people as a way o' displaying the tough on crime stance trump wants to project. get rid o' trump in november elections is increasing vital given the extremes william barr is going to to enable the corrupt and tyrannical whims o' the President. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  6. Good news, was pretty painless to implement! Download: Carnage Indicator.zip Nexusmods: www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/448/
    3 points
  7. Went on a 15 minute hike with my son, up to the nearby Stave Church. My (soon-to-be) 2 year old son loves to yell "KIRKE!" (church) whenever he sees one, and can stare at them for minutes. Fun fact: The stave church is a reconstruction, after previously being burnt to the grown by the infamous Varg Vikernes. For the curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stave_church https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantoft_Stave_Church
    3 points
  8. These headlines drive me nuts. When you attempt to murder someone, you are no longer a protester. You are an attempted murderer. You have crossed a line and do not deserve any protection. Just like when a police officer kneels on someone's neck for over 8 minutes and kill them, you are no longer a cop. You are a murderer and should be held fully accountable for that.
    2 points
  9. One of them would be replaced. If the Community Patch takes precedence, the indicator will always be displayed correctly. But if my mod overrides CP, the Stag Carnage indicator would only be displayed for barbarians.
    2 points
  10. I did some more thinking and I came to this conclusion: The best alignment system is: NO ALIGNMENT AT ALL In the video from Josh he should add one great example: The Witcher series. Lets look especially at part 3. The game is very reactive ( most quests have several solutions and some of them have great impact), there are several factions and tons of characters. While the game gives you tons of choices that also include morale or alignment stuff, the game does not judge your actions by calling them good, evil, lawful, chaotic and so on. You do something and the game shows you the results of your actions, in some cases many hours later (which I consider good to avoid save scumming). I think this is one of the reasons why the witcher games are so immersive. The devs are not distracted by thinking in categories such as good and evil. They only think about what options would make sense for this char and how would other chars react to this. As opposite example, Josh spoke about how much work it was in PoE2 to do all this ( personal likes and dislikes like pro religion or anti huana, dispositions like cruel or benelovent, the reputation with the different factions). A game can keep track of some reputations internally when needed but it should not show this the player.
    2 points
  11. "The greatest trick the English ever pulled was convince the world they didn't exist."
    2 points
  12. It's all that keeps me going. Played some more Majesty. I think I need to read the manual.
    2 points
  13. Whispers of a Machine is dirt cheap on Steam. If you want a Nordic Noir What-If-Deus-Ex-Were-An-Adventure-Game, it's pretty good.
    2 points
  14. I'm a few days into a juice cleanse. I've been feeling lousy the last couple months and doing a bad job avoiding bread and stuff on my intolerance list. So I decided to reset a bit. Right now its protein shake for breakfast, juice or smoothie for lunch, and then a regular solid dinner. Day 1 was miserable. Day 2 and 3, I was tired. Today is day 4 and I just had a fantastic 45 mile bike ride. I felt very good throughout. So hopefully I can remember that feeling when I start craving break again in a week.
    2 points
  15. I just LOVE it when problems solve themselves!
    2 points
  16. OK, I know I told Gromnir no more memes.... that pledge lasted just 17 hours
    2 points
  17. I actually fancy Nomad - knowing nothing about Cyperpunk being an outside seems like a good match for first playthrough. Though, yeah I like how dark the corpo in the trailer is. Ha! Not that my current laptop will be able to run it anyway.
    1 point
  18. After defeating the Pursuer, I went back to Heide's Tower of Flame, and unfortunately after few attempts to get to Dragonrider or Old Dragonslayer, I found out, that the Old Guardians are somehow too powerful for my character With bad taste in my mouth, I went back to Old Bastille, and decided to try how difficult will be Ruin Guardians this time... I have also found out, that you can summon a powerful caster phantom Pilgrim Bellclaire. So I've decided to summon her, and to my surprise, instead of 33 tries as in NG, I was able to get them down on 4th try Whole fight took me 2 and half minutes.
    1 point
  19. Rule #1 in Majesty: When in doubt, spam Paladins. Unless the scenario prohibits them. Then don't.
    1 point
  20. Though you can also ask here and someone will answer. (with someone quite likely being Skazz or me)
    1 point
  21. https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Smoothies
    1 point
  22. Realms Beyond, turn-based RPG based on OGL rules (open license of DnD 3.5), will be comming to GOG soon!!! https://www.gog.com/news/coming_soon_realms_beyond_ashes_of_the_fallen
    1 point
  23. ... this p00p bugs us on some level, 'cause rewriting history to make certain individuals look good is not helping prevent repeat of old failures. the c-span video of bush addressing the NIH is 30 minutes, but everybody reading should do selves a favor and watch it. HA! Good Fun! ps 4:11 is where bush mentions dr. fauci.
    1 point
  24. The truth is that the English have been, historically, very focused, very effective genocidal imperialistic maniacs. They were also particularly good at the whole dividing and conquering thing. So the whole "we're posh, prudish, sensitive buggers who stammer a lot and star in romantic comedies" is just a big sham. I imagine 18th and 19th century English people driving colonization were probably more like Jeremy Irons playing a villain than like Hugh Grant playing some kind of knob.
    1 point
  25. Women's Day is the 9th of August in South Africa? Belated happy Women's Day
    1 point
  26. I started up Dishonored. What is there to say about the game, I'm sure most of you have already played it. It's Totally Not Thief™. For a PS3 game, it holds up surprisingly well visually.
    1 point
  27. NZ Startup to Build First Long-Range Commercial Wireless Power Transmitter.
    1 point
  28. Yes, I think it’s been understood a while ago that alignments are artificial and bad. Either choices are really dry to fit alignment requirements or they can be subjectively tagged as good or bad (like ME2 “what to do with age they” choice, which is rather grey and yet gam tries to assign clear paragon/renegade choices). PoE dispositions system runs sometime into the same issue. as to not showing it... i don’t think that would be a good idea. the problem with doing game like Witcher3, is that all reactivity in Witcher3 is hand scripted - choice and consequence is set by designers. That’s great! But that is also a lot of work. Systems like alignments, reputations or Disco Elysium’s roll modifier systems attempt to add reactivity to players actions without having to manually craft each reactions - so rather then getting individual reactions for each things we do, they get counted and once we reach a threshold we get a reactivity. Our choices still matter, and we get reaction to them, but it’s much less work for devs to plan out and implement. Disco Elysium seems somewhere in the middle - calling back to individual actions, but giving them abstracted reactivity. however, as reactivity is system driven, I think you want players to understand what is happening. Being called out by someone for being cruel, without being aware of our reputation status would feel off. Similarly, Disco Elysium system works precisely because we KNOW how previous choices affect our roll. Nothing is stopping the devs for implementing “surprise!” reactivity as well.
    1 point
  29. I missed the Druid shapeshift attacks, but uploaded a patch to Nexusmods. If there are any indicators missing, let me know! Whispers of the Endless Paths works as veteran81 showed, but I've omitted Wahai Pōraga since it incorrectly made one AoE indicator for each enemy within its spin AoE, despite only triggering Carnage on the main target There's a way to show the correct indicators, but it causes Wahai Pōraga's spin not to trigger if the main target is missed, which I feel is far worse... Thank you!!
    1 point
  30. You are definitely onto something here. I went out and looked at rocks that may be harboring ants that are stuck. Sure enough I found several areas with ants clipped inside of the rocks. I must have had at least 4 areas where (all rocks) they were stuck at. I killed them off and will find out soon enough if they respawn. *UPDATE* I found this to be helpful enough that I was able to respawn the worker ants on just a single in-game night. I went back to ant hill after tracking/killing off all ants I could find. Sure enough in the ant hill there was nothing but worker ants and in the nest area I found a total of 18 ant eggs. If you stick around the worker ants start to respawn even more eggs.
    1 point
  31. Yes, the very hope was that with Micr focus on gamepass the studios will be allowed to work on variety on projects: the big, the small and the niche. We will see how long it will last, and how well it will turn out, but for now we might have few things to look forward to. The "held-back-by-XBOX-one" is not something I quite understand. The promise was of 1 year support for the older console - which isn't long. Most studios they aquired won't have a flagship big titles in that time (like Avowed) so they might/might not be released for series X only. Things like Psychonauts2 or Wasteland3 aren't exactly next gen. I suppose most of complaints come from the new Halo, which I don't have an opinion about.
    1 point
  32. Appears you need to rebuild the drew collector and mushroom farms to get them to work for a while anyway. water, acorns, and weed stock stop spawning on my server and I seriously dont want to start over again with a new save.
    1 point
  33. The point isn't that these apps aren't intrusive, the point is that there is no separation between Chinese business and the CCP. Also this false equivalency is bull since if we compare China to the US every US app is banned in China or is required to comply with their totalitarian censorious nature. But if you want to keep giving a foreign hostile entity your data, why don't you call them every once in a while with your WhatsApp
    1 point
  34. So, i noticed the second a enemy is out or range it instantly regenerates health at a fast pace. this can be annoying when trying to fight a tough enemy like a spider, a way to fix this mabye is to have like a minute delay or something before it can regan all its health. please fix it somehow
    1 point
  35. it is especially annoying when spiders run away especially mid fight. this happened to me and i chased it for nothing because i didn't want it to regenerate and left my freind to die while the spider recovered right in front of me
    1 point
  36. Me and my family really loves this game. We are currently building a village and its started to grow big. We would love to have more building options. Exterior and interior. More furnitures and usable stations. U guys started a really good sandbox. We mix missions with hours of building. Nice job. Enemys: bees, mouse, mosquitos, centepides, worms, bumblebees, dragonflies. ( all with different drops and crafting potentials.) Building: tables, more clay possibilies , ,couch, benches, beds , a big bonfire in my village etc etc....(materials from animals to make carpets or wall decorations, capes) ( weavingstations) Weapons: firearrows, knives. Food: lollipop to give sugarrush status effects? ( a more detailed and better overlook for smoothiestation) statusefffects ? Objects: paperclips, (metal) matchbox with matches. (Sulfer, fire) straws (plastic) Rubberbands ( rubber ) Colourschemes: different berrys to mix and colour ur armor and objects. Backpack upgrade. More slots. Organize after certain categories Shovel to dig underground. Thank u Keep up the good work
    1 point
  37. This is the single biggest change that will decide if me and friends play this game long term as we all have somewhat erratic work/family lives. Therefore at the moment if a friend is on for 3 hours and I join after 2. I can only play 1 hour before being kicked off as host leaves, or he has to wait 2 hours for me if I am host. Without a change there is no point in our group devoting any serious time to this game, which at the moment the 4 of us quite enjoy, although not often as a full group given other commitments. I would imagine there are a number of other people in this situation as well so please send a comment to bring to forefront of devs attention. Thanks.
    1 point
  38. Hi guys! Love the game! Heres my current wishlist 1.Make it so all weeds are able to be cut in the yard, sometimes I’m hiking to a weed only to find out there’s no option to cut it down, it can get frustrating. 2. Would love another set of armor, or maybe a sled or cart that you can build to transport a lot of logs. A la, the Forest. Especially since weeds can be few and far between. 3. Id love to see some biomes added to the map. A) The berry bush forest area is so cool, I’d like to see more of these types of biomes, perhaps some real flowerbeds with densely packed flowers, you could do Orchids, Roses with thorns, even things like Lily’s B) Would love to see a frozen biome, like a large open chest freezer That’s been knocked over or a cooler that has a tiny opening kept cold by ice packs. C) Someone mentioned above a “rain” biome where there are sprinklers that are always on, so it’s muddy, and wet, and slow, and you’d need to build home made snow shoes to traverse the mud or something. D) perhaps the Shed could be opened up at some point where you have a deep dark biome in itself! E) maybe even a part of the actual house! Where you can get end game materials, but you have to constantly dodge a dog or cat on the prowl. E. Finally I’d love to see a desert biome, Perhaps in a sandbox, unhindered by any shade so it’s super hot. i mean the world you’ve created has so many awesome creative possibilities. I’m excited to see how you can bring them to life. its been an Absolutle blast so far!
    1 point
  39. Love the game so far keep up the awesome work here are some ideas to make it even better well for me anyway. Add a dyeing option- for armor/weapons and structures maybe useing flowers and mixing Add metals- like copper/iron and zinc maybe you find some quarters or something in anthills to hammer Add Forge- for refining metals for armor/tools/structures and copper for wiring up the batter for power Add quick waypoints More Traps- like sap trap to stop bug from moving for a time Add boat building Add power to bases- maybe a toy you can take batters from. carry it like you do grass but only one at a time cuz the weight Add bugs- (Butterflies/Moths) for gliders (lighting bugs) for helmet light (Pill bugs) for armor (Grasshoppers) for jump shoes Auto equip armor on death loot pickup Game mode option- to have it rain where you take damage if you get hit by water meters if not under shelter Water purifier or way to purify More food like soaps Story- expand your adventure by going in the house. it would be awesome to see it from a tiny perspective and the crazy things you could find and collect with new threats. PS: Sorry if some of these ideas are already in the making and for any bad spelling.
    1 point
  40. Hi, I was wondering about a feature for co-op if it's even possible or not. Currently co-op is only really one sided, like I can start a map and someone can join me, I can then also play that same map single player but the other person can't, unless I'm missing something and it is possible. So, anyway, I'm wondering if it's even possible to have a map share feature where you can have 2 people or 3 or 4 people share a map no matter who loads it first. So any one person sharing that map can load it up at any time and of course once it's loaded, the others will have to join to play that map. You can only load it with one person, but the point is that any of the people sharing the map can load and play it, even by themselves. I guess the way I'm thinking about it is through cloud saving, another person can load your map, if shared with said person. Anyway guys, thank you, awesome game!.
    1 point
  41. I would like to see the possibility, that everyone in a multiplayer game can save the game. For example, Journey to the Savage Planet did exactly that. Everyone could save the multiplayer game at any given time. That way if the coop partner wants to flesh out the base a little bit he can do that. Next time the coop partner can host the game and I save the current game for myself. Currently all participants have no interest in playing with the host, since all the progression is only on the host side.
    1 point
  42. Agreed. My GF and I have been playing together. Her on the Xbox and me on my Laptop. We've built bases and accumulated quite a stash. Since i hosted, if she wants to play while i'm at work she can't load the game we have together. If we had this ability she could solo and we could pick up together where she left off.
    1 point
  43. Yep, this is the most frustrating issue with this game. It's something happens while still within range. I really don't mind that spiders are very hard to kill, but I spend 20 minuites trying to take one down and while I was in battle with it the health regenerated. I literally watched the health bar go back up to 100% while shooting it with arrows. I shot at it with over 100 arrows. Total waste of time and resources! Very disappointing and unsatisfying.
    1 point
  44. Loving the game. Just some things that I thought could be improved. - Armour/Weapon/Tools/Resources shouldn't occupie space in our bag if it's equipped. - Could be a option to auto-organize bag/chest (Like "My Time at Portia") - If there is option to "Take all" from the chest, should be one "Leave all" - Build new bags with more space - Need a "Stats" screen to see how our character is doing (If armour give some benefits, etc) - An XP evolution with perks could be cool - Add Grappling hook and rope - A mode without hungry and thirsty features would be awsome! \o/
    1 point
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