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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/20 in all areas

  1. @Amentep told ya. HA! Good Fun!
    4 points
  2. Makes you wonder what Dinosaurs really looked like..
    3 points
  3. Outside of a Royal family or a Kennedy I can't think of anyone who has ridden so far on his father's coattails than Brian Herbert.
    2 points
  4. I'll have to save this one for tomorrow... but then I'll do my best to answer.
    2 points
  5. wtf? seriously, wtf? anybody else lies to federal prosecutors, impedes a Congressional investigation and threatens witnesses with murder and it not matter if is mueller or some random oil pipeline investigation or fed free-range abuse case 'cause the d-bag is going to prison for such crimes once convicted. what the hell do you mean by distinguishing 'tween protecting trump and criminal acts? the criminal acts were not obscure and stone sure as hell knew what he were doing could be criminalized. weren't some archaic bit o' legal mumbo jumbo which resulted in conviction o' otherwise benign behaviour. what is with some of you people? stone got sentence commuted 'cause he didn't rat out trump. period. commuted sentence was a reward for staying loyal to the don. the day his sentence were commuted, stone public stated how much easier it would have been if he had cut a deal with feds. how can you be ok with that? ... honestly, what is wrong with some of you? this is not normal. this should not just be another trump moment. btw, this corrupt BS couldn't happen in south africa preciscely 'cause your constitution prohibits such nonsense... and you still don't see a problem? am disappointed in you bruce.
    2 points
  6. don't be like vol. take an extreme example and somehow makes it emblematic o' an entire group is wrong, and you know it. is tragic how popularity o' fox news proved it were commercial viable to sell modern mass media as a product which were meant to not only resonate with a particular viewpoint, but to further polarize. fox model had competing organizations dueling to out conservative or out liberal each other to appeal to their respective audiences. fox did what were obvious in retrospect and sold people news as the audience wished it to be. unfortunate, the alternative facts culture has become less fringe with each passing year. viewpoint news were hardly new in US history, but viewpoint history as some kinda packaged and sellable commodity is... well, ok, that ain't new either. difference is the speed with which stuff is available and proliferates. am pretty certain gd wouldn't have used the link to the racist puke promoting greater access to guns and ammo if he knew more 'bout the kid's credentials, but in today's world, who can keep up with such stuff? history and facts is viewpoint specific? no, but you wouldn't realize that truth if your only experience were the internet. armed with google and a bit o' free time, you can always find a dissenting opinion on any historical issue. is why @Hurlshot and his observation 'bout teachable moments is so important. when faced with angry, stoopid and ignorant, responding with anger and indignation is not gonna be helpful if you wanna bring 'bout education. teachable moments we suspect hurl references is not like how board issues play out, thank goodness. the holocaust survivor who is confronted by holocaust denialism gains little by raging at the offender and sending 'em a text with links to a half-dozen holocaust history sites. "If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence." turn holocaust into some kinda viewpoint battle does not promote education. regardless, @Guard Dog, be better than vol. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Megabosses have been discussed a lot for being too different from other encounters. And overall a bit tedious. This is not that they are simply harder, it's that they rely too much on sustainable/renewable builds and often deny a whole bunch of abilities or builds. Therefore, they only favor few tactics. Many of them are cheesy ones that I nerfed by my balance mod.I know that Phenomenon (one of the author of Community Patch) wanted to tweak Megabosses for less HP. After a feedback about my mod, I now wonder the same. If only a few builds can beat them it might be annoying, especially for Solo runs (people tend to be completionnist you know). That's why I wanted your opinion about the subject. If I lower their HP, I might consider buffing them in other ways (More Accuracy, PEN, new effects ?). My goal is to make them more interesting, not simply easier. Dorudugan might be the most critical case. Not sure there is even a problem with Belranga, Auranic or Hauani O Whe (even if less HP can make them less tedious). For Dorudugan, I think the following could be nerfed : 1) Less HP 2) Resistant to Perception instead of Immune. 3) Only 32 RES (-66% negative effect duration instead of -75%) 4) Can be interrupted. But I'm not sure what could be buffed to keep him challenging. Maybe something to counter summons spam more easily ? What is your opinion about this ?
    1 point
  9. For some of those interesting background points: Gizmodo - How The Old Guard dug deep to bring the comics to life
    1 point
  10. The term you're looking for is 'chav'. Beefeaters are for those who like juniper flavoured alcoholic spirits. The refined gentleman would make a squad of Yeoman Warders.
    1 point
  11. Here government spent close to billion euros to build several mask factories from scratch that will produce about 300 million masks in years, but even with money those factories took several months to be build and get manufacturing robots from China. But currently Finland is in my understanding Europe's largest chirurgical mask producer. Although that may come with quite big price tag in future as one part of deal to get those factories was that all the mask used by our hospitals will be ordered from those factories.
    1 point
  12. likely genesis Two Texas police officers fatally shot while responding to a domestic disturbance if you are confused by vol description v. what is reported in the link, see our previous posts regarding vol transitive property quirks. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  13. The only thing I remember about SS3 was the anti-crack measures, the indestructible monster that kept killing you.
    1 point
  14. A Shifter heals after Spiritshift and you will still be able to use Lay on Hands and other Paladin stuff. So that can work (and you wouldn't have to settle down on one particular form). Besides that I would consider Lifegiver. If you want to tank while shifted your vastly superior healing spells like Moonlight etc. will help immensely. After shifting your healing will drop though. You could compensate by using the Spine of Thicket Green after shifting - or just live with the malus until encounter's over. You can use Druid healing before/while shifted and use Paladin's Lay on Hands afterwards (since it doesn't suffer from the Power Level drain. In non-shifted form I would use the thickest armor if your goal is tanking. Since you might want to pick Two Weapon Style for your Spiritshift attacks you could take a bashing shield setup when not shifted: it profits from both Weapon & Shield as well as Two Weapon Style. Look a Tuotilo's Palm or Magran's Blessing for example. Analternative could be to use dual hatchets since they have some defensive capabilities. There's a hatchet called Vion-Ceth which does +30% dmg against all enemies with a plant effect. Druids can cast plenty of plant spells on enemies which can be used to unlock that bonus 100% of times. For example. Another good weapon could be the Lance of the Midwood Stag which can give you +2 to all Power Levels as soon as you have a plant effect (e.g. Woodskin). As tanker you want high RES. Good INT and solid MIG would be good for the healing. DEX is good for faster casting, esp. in thick armor.
    1 point
  15. Please dont forget because I am genuinely interested in your opinion because I want to share something with you that is a positive but you may already be well aware So go into as much detail as you feel you need ....I can always have more detail in important introspective questions we should all be asking ourselves about what this virus and the reality of the proper lockdown and subsequent " virus best practice " means to us and our views on what defines us It cannot end sooner enough for me, human beings are gregarious creatures by nature and most of us need to interact with other people in different ways. This artificial shutdown and lack of personal connection with everyone correctly wearing masks just makes it more foreign.....so I am predicting until the vaccine becomes mainstream this will be our reality.....its not great especially when you live by yourself and I only see my family 1 in 120 days ...and I dont have long-term friends living in my complex so it gets lonely at times Thank goodness for PC gaming and software tools that allow me to interact with people remotely
    1 point
  16. If you drop its RES then its Will and Deflection would automatically drop as well. You would have to raise them back manually again (if you want to keep them at the same level as before). I don't like Megabosses simply because of the bloated HP. If you have a build that can hit them reliably and at the same time survive most attacks then a Megaboss could go down quickly for all I care. There is a game called Titan Souls - it only has boss battles and you only have one arrow for each fight. So it's more like puzzles. You have to figure out how to beat a certain boss. If you do it's one hit and it will die. The game's great and the battles are designed really well. I wish Deadfire's Megabosses would be more like that. Most of them already have a puzzle-like approach (except Dorudugan I guess - if you dismiss his fire-healing). Now I don't want them to drop after one hit obviously - but once you figure out how to beat them it's just a grind that heavily favors replenishable resources. That's no fun at all, at least for me. 16K+ health... I mean wtf?
    1 point
  17. stop. just... stop. you gotta realize this kinda argument has zero substance and yet is the only reason we can see for your willingness to overlook how stone were convicted o' multiple counts o' lying to federal investigators (who woulda' thought that would be a crime?) impeding a Congressional inquiry ( well, the last few years has shown us it is ok if the President obstructs Congress, and stone were pretty much working for trump. therefore...) and threatening witnesses with death... honest we can't find a sarcastic way to spin that one. you? worse than a drug dealer? well, fed drug crimes have pretty steep sentences with minimum five years for most offenses. kid gets caught in an airport with 50 grams o' meth he acquired in europe and were gonna sell to his frat buddies who all chipped in so he could make purchase. stone worse than frat dude drug dealer? 'cause frat dude is likely looking at minimum 10 years 'cause o' high volume. stone were getting off relative ez by comparison, you know with his freaking death threats o' witnesses and all. maybe fed ain't your thing. common law? worse than arson? heck, nobody got hurt and were just an old abandoned building which burned. sexual assault? kiddie porn? toxic waste dumping? tell us how witness tampering ain't considered a real crime in sa, particular when tampering includes believable threats o' serious physical violence and/or death? start making a list and let bruce judge which crimes is real and which ain't? no thanks. so stop. oh, and am not particular upset with trump. after three years we expect corruption and mendacity from the President. am upset with bruce and those like you. each new implausible trumpism is marginalized or ignored. somehow each new violation o' law and public trust is no big deal to bruce. others seem to believe this kinda thing happens with every other President but somehow the deep state were out to get trump so only difference is we know 'bout trump... and at least he stands for good American values, right? is not trump who has us wasting energy 'cause am knowing he is a lost cause. is bruce who disappoints.
    1 point
  18. Legendary adds 15% additive dmg which is like nothing in the late game (e.g. 2.4 points per attack roll with a sword). The added ACC is nice but doesn't really matter as well as long as your are with a party. In none of my party playthroughs I even bothered to enchant any weapon (that didn't come with legendary in the first place) higher than superb. Great Swords are fine in Deadfire. Good base dmg, dual dmg, very good uniques, two summonable ones, reasonable PEN for a dual dmg weapon. The only thing that's not very good is the modal. Because no situation calls for a bit more additive dmg (6.3 per attack roll) while lowering ACC significantly. While I think that balance is important, even in single player games, I agree that when a nerf hits your char while you are doing a playthrough it can be very frustrating. That's why I once suggested that nerfs/buffs should be separate patches that only apply to newly started playthroughs. But using nerfs as explanation for sales drops... how many players actually used some "creative" powergamer's build which then got nerfed? Not that many I would suspect.
    1 point
  19. Yeah it's true for Bleeding cuts because 1) it's stackable, 2) DoT is triggerd on hit. So if you stack fast enough, every follow-up hit will be more and more devastating.
    1 point
  20. Thought it was because the CEO decided to say "We're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder." which is...a very creative interpretation of the man to say the least.
    1 point
  21. funny part may be it has taken so long to see big pharma getting villain role. is a bit transparent mercenary, but writers o' movies and tv know it is good to sell villains who scare their audiences as 'posed to picking villains who scared the parents and grandparents o' the audience. anticipate future villains is what good scifi does, but such is rare even in the genre. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. I would consider a spin-off title being a game that offers the same IP in a different format; familiar, but not the same core game play. Fallout 2 is nearly indistinguishable from Fallout at a quick glance—it's actually too close. You can see where the new sprite content was rendered with the wrong lighting & material settings, such that it doesn't match very well. It's practically a standalone expansion. But it's Fallout gameplay. FO:Tactics has the turn based combat, and great improvements to it, but it's not otherwise Fallout 3 material. It's funny but InXile's Wasteland 2 seems to be based more on FO:Tactics than Wasteland; I'd class WL2 as a WL series spin-off that's close enough to almost pass for a Tactics sequel. FO3 is Oblivion with with an IP reskin, plain and simple; not even a TES spin-off, because it's practically the same game repainted with a new campaign. FO3 seems like a FOBOS spin-off to me, because it's very easy to look at these two, and see the first —a lite iso-style RPG, and see the second as derived from the first, and made first person, with the world treatment being shockingly similar IMO; especially as pertains to the Brotherhood becoming the knights of the wasteland. FO4 I didn't play, but I have seen videos and reviews of it. I think they took the many forum suggestions seriously and were able —at least as a machine— to do the power armor properly & plausibly... though I don't know the specifics of its wear & tear, and protection, and of course... one would have to ignore their crafting & modding aspect of the game entirely. No PC would know how to make alterations to power armor... the very attempt is out of character—so that kills the roleplaying right at the start. Even the Brotherhood of Steel could only polish and cosmetically modify the armors. FO4 seems like a shooter with multiple paths. Based on the Fallout IP, but not really Fallouty, or very RPG-like. They appear to be following a pattern of simplification; trying to eliminate the last remaining vestigial RPG aspects over the long term. Presumably to make a 100% reaction simulation; to remove even the concept of roleplaying a PC (which not everybody 'gets'...), and instead offering simple player substitution. IE. "What you would do if you were there". No roleplaying at all. It's a badly skewed version of the Fallout IP world setting, but it's still recognizable. I'd call it a FO3 spin-off; offering the IP setting, but radically different gameplay. *Incidentally, I'd call FO:New Vegas a FO3 spin off too, but in this case, it's the reverse of Bethesda's typical treatment; it further complicates it with depth, and brings it closer back to the series proper. NV was still developed on the leash, so it's closer to FO3 than it is to anything else in the IP.
    1 point
  23. gd sounds much like an early 20th century marxist. what marx followers got wrong were the inevitability o' collapse. self-defeating prophecy. the capitalists woke up in time, thanks in part to marx, and made just enough changes so revolution were anything but inevitable. maybe some folks wanna argue revolution and rebuild woulda' been better, but such is a different issue altogether. fact is the collapse were not a certitude in spite o' fact obstacles to change and scope o' threat were far more dire than those we face today. am not being dismissive o' 2020 debt growth and income inequality problems. contrary. situation is worse than many wanna pretend. am so inexplicable frustrated by those who saw recent years as some kinda economic boom w/o recognizing how underlying problems were getting worse at an alarming rate. Gromnir is precise the guy who were making money these past few years and even we can see how paying off debt with more debt is not sustainable... and use cooked unemployment numbers don't actual make employment situation better, particular when in decades past a single minimum wage earner were enough for statistic average sized family to survive in the USA. etc. predictions o' doom is not misplaced. many problems. many enormous problems. gd reads history, so he should be aware we has stood at the edge o' the abyss many times. pretend as if this time we is safe 'cause we escaped doom all those other times is foolish. similar, presume doom is inevitable in spite o' all the other past certain collapses is equal naive from our pov. serious, US social and economic cataclysms is a bit like a buffy universe apocalypses-- they happen all the time. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. https://imgur.com/gallery/0qm1O3L
    1 point
  25. I was gifted an Xbox One some years ago (would never buy one myself, given its horrid games library relative to Sony and especially Nintendo). It's a horrific user experience. Update every time I turn it on combined with absolutely lousy download speeds (I have a gigabit connection...and it takes 15-20 minutes to download a 1.5GB patch...what the hell, Microsoft? I know I don't live exactly close to major civilization, but that is so slow relative to every other content provider). These updates seem to be re-inventing the wheel for the UI every time too, which means stuff is constantly shuffled about for no real reason. Ads everywhere. Annoying prompts constantly. Login or you might as well not own this console. Terribly slow everything due to using an HDD with games sometimes exceeding 80GB. It is just the worst user experience and it makes it so I never, ever use it, and should've just sold it the moment I got it (...which I probably would've done, but couldn't realistically without seeming like a terrible person to the person that gifted it to me, bah). Awful console.
    1 point
  26. Finally, a protest for a worthy cause!
    1 point
  27. Did we discuss the Kingdom of Amalur Re-Reckoning remaster?
    1 point
  28. Disclaimer: I am neither a modder nor proficient with RegEx so someone else is more than welcome to correct or expand this. I also don't know if these will break the crap out of anything else. Running these through Notepad++ Replace in Files and selecting a mod directory, including subfolders, and using regex makes a lot of the corrections that Grape_You_In_The_Mouth made. I don't have one for StringTactical because I didn't see it in the files I was playing with but it's probably easy enough to figure out with some examples to work off of. Once the expressions were written, they only take a few minutes to apply to all the files and I was able to get most of the descriptions in The New Class project to work. Find: (.*)"RecoveryTimeID": "(.*)", Replace: \1"RecoveryTimeID": "\2",\r\n\1"OverrideTacticalActionType": "None", Find: (.*)"Maximum": (.*),\r\n(.*)"Minimum": (.*) Replace: \1"Maximum": (\2),\r\n\3"Minimum": (\4),\r\n\1"TacticalMinimumOverride": 0,\r\n\1"TacticalMaximumOverride": 0 Find: (.*)"Minimum": (.*),\r\n(.*)"Maximum": (.*) Replace: \1"Minimum": (\2),\r\n\3"Maximum": (\4),\r\n\1"TacticalMinimumOverride": 0,\r\n\1"TacticalMaximumOverride": 0 Find: (.*)"Description": (.*),\r\n(.*)"DisplayName": (.*), Replace: \1"Description": (\2),\r\n\3"DisplayName": (\4),\r\n\1"DescriptionTactical": -1, Find: (.*)"DisplayName": (.*),\r\n(.*)"Description": (.*), Replace: \1"DisplayName": (\2),\r\n\3"Description": (\4),\r\n\1"DescriptionTactical": -1, Find: (.*)"OverrideDescriptionString": -1, Replace: \1"OverrideDescriptionString": -1,\r\n\1"OverrideDescriptionStringTactical": -1,
    1 point
  29. The Guardian - How white women use strategic tears to avoid accountability
    0 points
  30. Obsidian has disapproved my run of the ultimate, heres the reasoning they gave Sorry for the wait. After some more prodding Josh was able to make some time to finish going over some of the playthrough to give his opinion on the verification process. Unfortunately this particular playthrough is being considered invalid due to the force closure of the game and loading of a save where it would normally not have been available. From the footage you took, it looks like you were able to find a way around this issue, but we would need a playthrough where you do this without using the force closure method. The thought process behind this decision was that people felt that it wasn't within the spirit of the challenge as the players who accomplish it have done research into potential bugs and know the game inside and out as a result.One of the most common methods players have used to get around issues is to run consecutive playthroughs where one of them allows them to make mistakes or run into bugs to figure out a way around them and the other is their Ultimate Challenge run.I'm sorry for the disappointing decision that was made and hope that it doesn't discourage you from trying again and getting your name on The Ultimate challenge board. I'll look forward to that playthrough if you decided to take on the challenge again!Thanks again for reaching out to us and for your time and effort put into The Ultimate. heres the video where the bug occurred, guess its my fault this random bug occurs only in the ironman save and not the playtests too bad this challenge was so unfun and i'll never ever try anything like this again, more disappointed in the amount of time i wasted on the challenge itself than the result
    0 points
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