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About Yeeeaaarrrggghhh

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  1. Disclaimer: I am neither a modder nor proficient with RegEx so someone else is more than welcome to correct or expand this. I also don't know if these will break the crap out of anything else. Running these through Notepad++ Replace in Files and selecting a mod directory, including subfolders, and using regex makes a lot of the corrections that Grape_You_In_The_Mouth made. I don't have one for StringTactical because I didn't see it in the files I was playing with but it's probably easy enough to figure out with some examples to work off of. Once the expressions were written, they only take a few minutes to apply to all the files and I was able to get most of the descriptions in The New Class project to work. Find: (.*)"RecoveryTimeID": "(.*)", Replace: \1"RecoveryTimeID": "\2",\r\n\1"OverrideTacticalActionType": "None", Find: (.*)"Maximum": (.*),\r\n(.*)"Minimum": (.*) Replace: \1"Maximum": (\2),\r\n\3"Minimum": (\4),\r\n\1"TacticalMinimumOverride": 0,\r\n\1"TacticalMaximumOverride": 0 Find: (.*)"Minimum": (.*),\r\n(.*)"Maximum": (.*) Replace: \1"Minimum": (\2),\r\n\3"Maximum": (\4),\r\n\1"TacticalMinimumOverride": 0,\r\n\1"TacticalMaximumOverride": 0 Find: (.*)"Description": (.*),\r\n(.*)"DisplayName": (.*), Replace: \1"Description": (\2),\r\n\3"DisplayName": (\4),\r\n\1"DescriptionTactical": -1, Find: (.*)"DisplayName": (.*),\r\n(.*)"Description": (.*), Replace: \1"DisplayName": (\2),\r\n\3"Description": (\4),\r\n\1"DescriptionTactical": -1, Find: (.*)"OverrideDescriptionString": -1, Replace: \1"OverrideDescriptionString": -1,\r\n\1"OverrideDescriptionStringTactical": -1,
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