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  1. these guys do not get it, but there is a reason they don't get it. is similar as to why police association in buffalo didn't get it after the old guy they pushed fell and cracked his skull while cops moved on looking for more folks to push and shove and strike. cops got a whole lotta experience and training which reinforces their notions o' what is reasonable use o' force. training tells 'em, literal, is best to not hesitate when themselves, other cops and civilian bystanders could be injured by a suspect-- go straight to violence. the one cop in the minneapolis situation who expressed concern over what were happening to george floyd were the guy with only four days o' experience on the job. is precise 'cause he had so little on-job experience that we suspect he were better able to see the situation reasonable. the other cops, 'cause o' years o' reinforced training and observation o' fellow cops, knew that even when a fellow cop may be going too far, as 'tween fellow cops and a suspect who gave police an excuse, fellow cop always gets benefit o' the doubt. and just 'cause am suspecting our message might get lost, am believing racism is a big problem with the police. again, cops is looking for an excuse once they is in a situation where they believe it is essential they show they ain't weak. fail attitude test and riot control is just such situations. cops is far less reluctant to restrain self if the suspect is a minority. there is centuries o' systemic racism which has led minorities to be distrustful o' police, so is hardly surprising minorities express such distrust when confronted by cops. distrust expressed becomes yet another excuse for cops. unfortunate, we, as a people, can't discuss racism. other than to admit racism is bad we can't talk 'bout race issues in a real way in this country 'cause it makes everybody uncomfortable, and Gromnir don't see any fix for that issue. race is an important factor in the excessive force by cop debate, however, am thinking people need realize just how casual is the everyday violence and brutality US cops traffic. just as bob kroll don't get it, am thinking ordinary viewer is similar misunderstanding. we looks at george floyd and see the exception, 'cause the knee to the back o' the neck lasted near nine minutes. such violence must needs have been motivated by mental illness or racism or... whatever. no excuse for such violence in that situation, so must needs be something else. cops see different. cops see only thing wrong being the nine minutes as 'posed to perhaps three. if george floyd had been pinned such for a minute-and-a-half, and lived, nobody would care and would be no protests, or so goes the cop narrative. cops don't see anything wrong with the initial use o' force and until we get to such a root problem, will be no change. the old guy in buffalo weren't pushed 'cause he were white or old or 'cause the cops were mentally ill. old guy were pushed 'cause cops were in a crowd control situation surrounded by dozens o' other cops and the cops believed their training and fellow cops demanded a show o' force. am not wanting to marginalize the racism aspect if for no other reason than fact we have been on the receiving end o' such... more than once. nevertheless, having kinda, to a limited degree, seen the law enforcement side o' the equation, am recognizing all too well just how fundamental and foundational is violence in the US police experience. if you address police excessive force as a race issue, then am suspecting change will not be achieved 'cause in pressure situations, which is what cops face all the time, they is gonna revert to training and experience. *shrug* am not having any real answers on this issue. institutional and legal obstacles to change is worse than many is aware. cultural issues is at least a generation or two removed from making change possible. every person has a camera phone, so we the public is actual finally getting to see some o' such violence. also, we got a extreme diverse population in the US with massive income disparity issues which tend to fall along racial lines. for chrissakes, we has spent a fair time in asia and US police coddle suspects compared to what we has seen in even Japan. this kinda thing is handled and reported different in other nations and where is largely a homogenous society, this crap is functional less an issue. am all out o' answers. HA! Good Fun!
    5 points
  2. The belief that law enforcement in "high-risk jurisdictions" need an approach resembling counter-insurgency operations overseas seems to massively overlook what actual counter-insurgency work entails: Public diplomacy Training indigenous forces Infrastructure construction
    3 points
  3. Maybe there is a page to be taken from the military playbook here. Usually I go full porcupine when police and military are compared. When I cops following some military traditions like the 3 creases, hand salutes and such it annoys the hell out of me. Who the f--k do they think they are? But... I digress... On of the biggest reason cops result to casual brutality so easily is, in their work, they lose the ability to empathize. It IS a terrible job. You spend years neck deep in some of the worst situations the human race has to offer. They become jaded and cold and oftentimes lost the ability to see the people they interact with as human beings. It happens because they are always on the "front line" so to speak. When you join the military as an infantryman or other "front line" position you will not be there your whole career. You won't even be there for half of it. You will move up and on into leadership and administrative positions or other jobs in the service altogether. But a policeman can start his 1st day as a patrolman and retire 40 years later as a patrolman. Here is what I propose. A maximum "front line" patrolman tour of 10 years. After that you can move into some other aspect of police work, accept promotion, etc or take a 50% retirement. A walk away package of 50% benefits once you reach retirement age. That is not a terrible deal. Suppose you were a 24 year old rookie. In 10 years if you have not moved up and can walk away at age 34 with retirement benefits and still young enough to begin a second career doing something else. Leaving cops on the frontline of LE means they get meaner, colder, and more dehumanized. They may not even mean to but the psyche will do that as a defense mechanism. When Derek Chauvin had George Floyd pinned down he didn't even regard Floyd as a human being. He likely thought of it as stepping on a roach and genuinely could not understand why people were so upset. They need to be removed form the field BEFORE they get there. That idea coupled with decriminalizing non-violent offenses to "turn down the temperature" on police interactions with the public along with some reforms in training would go a long way to fixing what's wrong. It won't fix racism. I don't know what will do that other than time.
    3 points
  4. If you've ever had the displeasure of having to drive through the Los Angeles metropolitan area, "dystopian horror" might be too mild a term. Also:
    3 points
  5. Buying excess military stuff is a bit of a trap- it's pretty cheap to buy but extremely expensive to maintain (which is partly why it's cheap to buy, of course). Ultimately it's to do with 'tough on crime' rhetoric being popular with voters in most places and you can't visually get much more 'tough on crime' than cruising around in a vehicle designed to survive being blown up by an IED in Iraq even if it has a gallons per mile stat instead of miles per gallon one.
    2 points
  6. I'm thinking Count Dooku for Hogan.
    1 point
  7. Heh, an interesting point someone made..
    1 point
  8. am recalling an ai oddity from a couple years ago... could google if we were intrigued enough to do so. regardless, had two ai set to communicate with each other and the ai kinda sponatneous developed their own language and shorthand such that researchers couldn't follow what were being communicated. the ai were promptly shut down. were a facebook experiment o' all things. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. I might finally have a pleasure of playing Bloodborne. Bloodborne is rumoured to be coming to PC
    1 point
  10. If this means that the answer to every problem is no longer "more cops on the streets", then we are getting somewhere. Because for as long as anyone can remember "more cops on the streets" has been used as an empty political gesture presented as a panacea. Now, the answer isn't "no cops on the street" either. Complex problems require complex solutions. But... law enforcement is mostly treating the symptoms. Generational poverty, racism, these are the diseases.
    1 point
  11. You are correct sir. The Cubs are the oldest continuous team. I should have worded that question differently. They were also the White Stockings, Colts, Orphans, and a few others IIRC. Nicknames were almost all informal and interchangeable in those days. Someone has been watching Ken Burns Baseball 1st Inning.
    1 point
  12. *sigh*.... feels like ages since I posted any Rammstein in this thread Edit: They got fed up by a lot of media calling them alt-right and neo-nazis. Tired of the crap, this was their way of setting the record straight, their hearts are on their left side (metaphorically and literally), supporting the left wing spectrum of politics
    1 point
  13. If moderators exists and are all powerful could they post a post that even them could not moderate?
    1 point
  14. Hello, I never posted here before, but I made a few mods for this game quite a while ago. I didn't think they would interest anyone, but this one added a lot of atmosphere to my last playthrough, so I finally published it. It's for those who enjoy companion interaction. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/417
    1 point
  15. A new version is available. The number of voice acted lines showing up has more than doubled by now.
    1 point
  16. Defunding (not even a real word, is it?) is the most moronic thing I've heard in a long while. If anything, they need more funds and a way to ensure they get better spent. Apparently addressing mental health issues, training, more training and vetting (even among force veterans) seems to be some sorely neglected things in the police forces.
    1 point
  17. Check out the crowd at this KBO game
    1 point
  18. You just need bit of patience. Keep in mind that you are gonna work with a very small pictures: The base portrait is just 210x330 and the watercolor one is even smaller: 90x141. You really don't need to make a clean precise work. All the imperfections won't be noticed with such small dimensions
    1 point
  19. Hi @lishuai! Thank you. I guess so - can't really confirm 100% since a significant amount of time passed since I played PoE. But since those talents work with all elemental damage (except DoTs) it should work, yes.
    1 point
  20. 1.2 Changes Greater Focus : +1 starting and max Focus per character level, up to +20 starting and max Focus Keen Mind : +1,5 starting and per character level,+30 starting Focus Complete Self : (minor buff) 50% +5 focus on Crit. This one should be enough. Brutal Takedown : Interrupt on Hit -> Interrupt on Graze (to give it more interest compared to Takedown Combo) Rooting Pain : +0.25 PEN per PL above Tier 4 (instead of nothing). The total absence of PEN scaling (passive usually does not scale) was annoying. Moon Godlike : 10 health +2/PL (I think it's pseudo-PL like Monastic Unarmed Training) so it would sit around 30 at max level. CP made it 10 health +1/PL This would be comparable to restore (except for PL scaling) but with much greater AoE. This 3x per encounter would feel enough, even if you don't control it. Maybe even a tad strong. It's around 100 party health for the price of a Helmet and Racial. Fire Godlike :(I have already set ashen skin to +4 Fire AR to match Pale Elves)+1AR under 50% -> +2Base Damages 2-4 -> 4-5Damage increase : +20%/PL ((I think it's pseudo-PL too), so ultimately close to fire shield. BalancePolishingModBuffs 1.2.zip BalancePolishingModNerfs 1.2.zip BalancePolishingSummonRebalance 1.2.zip I hope I'm done now (and I can finally release it on Nexus)
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Not to mention, prices are amusing. 50% off Dragon Age 2 still costs 20 quid. Why? It's barely worth playing for free. And they still couldn't be bothered to release Mass Effect2 DLC on steam.
    1 point
  23. Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I play on 720p . . . and 30fps . . . even 32 bits. The hours that I've lost . . . the games I had to uninstall . . . won't stop hurting. It's like we're all still there. You feel it too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past!
    1 point
  24. Realms Beyond first videos.
    1 point
  25. Unions have nothing to do with socialism. Unions help workers to get what they deserve. Just compare the crunch exploitation of game creators and the “small” workers around movie creation. The video game people in numerous cases do not even get credited for their hard work...
    1 point
  26. On the other hand uncontrollable private monopolies are as damaging to economy as state monopolies, and without subsidies, the agriculture in some countries would not exist anymore...
    1 point
  27. If you mean "Not entirely willing to **** you up the arse with a broken bottle and having you thank them on your knees afterwards" you are completely right.
    1 point
  28. Well it’s not free to play, if you need to pay for it with your free time, which you could spent on something more fun... like lobotomy...
    1 point
  29. This thread pleases Slaanesh
    1 point
  30. I admire the imagery you evoke here.
    1 point
  31. Ok, problem solved for me. First i had to enter: startquest Assets/Data/Quests/PX1_Bounties/px1_03_tsk_boss_odhl.quest to start the quest and right after that i had to enter setglobalvalue n_Boss_ODHL_Stage 1 to trigger the initial event of the quest (i think thats the logic) Laenric has spawned after reloading the map. I killed him and was abled to turn in the quest without any problems. Nice cape! Still the question is why there was no way to do the quest regularly.
    1 point
  32. Does this make Snoke Hulk Hogan?
    0 points
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