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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/20 in all areas

  1. Admit it, you just want to do the helicopter in a video game.
    3 points
  2. I shaved my hair completely once to be like Picard. I thought I could pull it off. I couldn't. The pics shall forever haunt me.
    3 points
  3. Ok, I know I'm late to this, but here's what worked (so far) for me: I simply edited the "NewsArchive.xml" file. In my case it is located at %userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity II\ I removed the <News> and <Packages> statements, and to be safe, marked the file as a read-only.
    2 points
  4. Next game on my 2020 finished list is Vaporum from GOG. Steampunk dungeon-crawler RPG made in Slovakia. After I've found out, that this game was made in my home country, I purchased it immediately, and started to play few days later. I was not satisfied that much about game purchase in very long time. All what I have expected from the game was delivered and some things have been surmounted. AI on normal difficulty was satisfying, enemies challenging and puzzles were doable with little bit of thinking. The only one, which outmatched me, was the teleport puzzle in The Office level, where I was not able to find out any visual hooks to teleport in correct order to the final switch. Also the game was balanced pretty good for older people, with slower reflexes . Few timed puzzles were on the edge, but they added time stop feature to help you out. Although I haven't used it, I see that feature as a big plus for elderly gamers. The biggest negatives for me was little bit to dark levels for my linking, few of the hidden buttons were impossible to be found without map guides and me being to rusty for this type of games Still most of the secrets were easier to find than in Grimrock 1 for example. EDIT: In few weeks there should be released prequel Vaporum: Lockdown, which I'll be awaiting with open arms and wallet
    2 points
  5. Dark Souls has already been mentioned. If you're looking for something more anime then I suggest Code Vein. Also, all the Risen games. I'd mention Elex, but that's more futuristic than fantasy... I guess Code Vein is modern-ish, but it feels fantasy.
    2 points
  6. I think, you have forgotten about the champions of balls and dong physics in entertainment industry, the makers Red Dead Redemption 2. Well, it would need little bit of adjustments for smaller than horse proportions, but I believe, they already have all of that in their hands...
    1 point
  7. Nope, I still get a news article that Bill Bailey the porn star is dead. Maybe I read too many news....it certainly can't be the fact that I order hookers online.
    1 point
  8. If you can augment it with LEDs does that mean you can create a hologram when you helicopter? These are the attentions to detail that earn you a 10/10
    1 point
  9. I will say this, I've never watched that show seriously but somehow I still get the reference. That's got to be some sort of cultural achievement.
    1 point
  10. Woops, I've dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong...
    1 point
  11. Aaand... that's why you block all trackers, always.
    1 point
  12. I got the UK comedian. I think you watch too much porn.
    1 point
  13. hey i'm only human i'll have it fixed in the next update (i'm almost positive that i used mule kick and greater lay on hands as tests, which apparently are two of a handful of exceptions)
    1 point
  14. Demon's Souls if you have a PS3. Best of the Souls games I reckon. Persona 5.
    1 point
  15. I have been using trimmers on my own head for nearly two decades. Pretty amazing to think about how much I've saved in haircuts.
    1 point
  16. i have itch for some nice relaxing sim game. Anyone remember Sim Golf? I loved that one. Anyone know about something similar? I would get Sim Golf but no idea if it works on modern systems
    1 point
  17. Amid pandemic, U.S. renewable power sources have topped coal for 40 days
    1 point
  18. RtwP. For the cohesive experience across three games. I don't mind TB too much but it drags fights out for much langer than they need to be. Killing a trash mob in D:OS can take ages. I also don't give two hoots about a tactical Eora game. The strength of this world lies in it's RPG properties.
    1 point
  19. So the IRS has been sending stimulus checks to people years dead: https://abc7news.com/finance/treasury-dept-wants-stimulus-money-back-from-dead-recipients/6154344/ They have also sent small business bailout money to such worthy small business as Harvard University (received $12.4M despite controlling a $34B trust), the Los Angeles Lakers (they make $49M annually just in merchandise licensing alone, not counting actual operations earning) and General Electric (whose 1Q earning thus year were $2.98B). Now.. they DID send that money back. But only after it was revealed in the press that it happened. But the pizza place in Covington TN just announced they cannot re-open and will be gone after 43 years. They didn't get a goddamned nickel. The US Federal government can't even give away money competently. But this same government told us in the last administration they could lower the temperature of the earth if we just paid them more taxes. The misplaced faith of people everywhere to cede more of their rights and money to governments everywhere in exchange for empty promises would be comical if it wasn't so f-----g sad.
    1 point
  20. They are tagged as illusions. Wael's Eye and Whitewitch Mask both raise their Power Level.
    1 point
  21. If it hadn't such a long recovery phase. It's nice on a tank who's standing there, holding enemies and somebody else is casting nukes though.
    1 point
  22. To be honnest, if PoE2 devs went with an ATB system rather than this absurd round-based ruleset, the transition between both systems would have been much much smoother. PoE2 TB is beyond redemption in term of balance. It's probably fun enough though, so I guess the goal is reached.
    1 point
  23. ^ Backyard barbeque cammies; you'll never see them coming when you light up that grill.
    1 point
  24. My son asked to play Lord of the Rings Online, so I decided to join him. I am letting him play my old account with my level 100 captain, so I decided to start from scratch. It's still just a fantastic bit of world building they managed to pull off. I love how alive the zones are. I think we'll just enjoy exploring the Bree-lands and Shire together.
    1 point
  25. ‘Safe’ Becomes Rural Tourism Pitch to a Distancing Public NO! No dammit! People who live in rural areas moved there to get away from these f-----s! Do NOT go inviting them out here now!
    1 point
  26. Love everything I've seen in the game thus far, heard a lot of questions asked... But I dont know if they are adding a Couch Co op feature in the game...?! Would be nice, especially since I have to buy a Xbox to play..! If not I'll have to purchase 2 so I can play with my FAM...!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I thought it was a test to see if we actually read your posts.
    1 point
  29. I only recently started to play Deadfire and came here to look for information on a third part. It saddens me that the game didn't sell well. I find the worldbuilding really intriguing and would love to see where my watcher and her friends and foes would go next. Anyway, I second the sentiment that DLCs need a new level cap. I'm level 19 right now, played a bit of the DLC content and there is still lots of thing to do that I am basically overpowered for. Full blown expansions, set after the main story, instead of mini DLC would be my choice as well. I greatly enjoy the prose and flavour texts. I think they are a necessity as we can't see the characters emoting from our top down vantage point. But then again, I was one of the 5 people who greatly enjoyed Torment - Tides of Numenera. I might be in a minority of people who like reading lots of text ingame. There asolutely needs to be spoken banter though. It's one of my favorite parts of PoE, especially when Eder gets bitten by Itumaak. Romance - eh, it's not a necessity as far as I am concerned but a minor pet peeve of mine was that everyone is bi for the watcher. I totally buy it for Tekehu and Serafen. But Aloth, who went into full "no homo" mode twice? The BG2 EE did that better, characters have their preferences and that feels a lot more natural. But as I said, that is a really minor peeve. As for age groups, I'm in the 30+ range as well. Unfortunately that is also an age where there's work and family to take care of which leaves little time for gaming. Maybe some more concessions for the newby generation need to be made, as sad as I think that is. It's better than having the genre die out. Just don't dumb it down as much as Elder Scrolls.
    1 point
  30. I had a post a long time ago where I judiciously pick-pocketed every single non-hostile NPC. TL;DR - in base game, it's not worth the skill investment. It's useful only for a few thousand gold over the course of all the pickpocketing--nothing really special otherwise (might be useful early on, but doing a few mid-game quests quickly trivializes those returns). You don't even need a high sleight of hand for that due to how much of that is in the form of money and the game undervalues money for pickpocketing difficulty. You actually need stealth more than pickpocket. This is true even for reverse pickpocketing bombs. I basically wrote a manifesto calling sleight of hand a trap choice (especially since it's in the same group as much more relevant combat skills like alchemy or arcana) - and it was utterly nonsensical... sometimes you need like a sleight of hand of 7 to pick pocket a piece of hardtack, but then on another NPC you can get a fine-enchanted weapon with a sleight of hand of 1 (someone much later did some deep-diving and it turns out sleight of hand difficulty is based in part on the enemy level; which makes no sense from a player's perspective). Like @AeonsLegend says, with Loaded Pockets it's more interesting, it's low chance of getting some moderately good magical gear [and potentially some useful crafting mats] and it's randomized, but that means now I actually want to judiciously pick pocket again (in my most recent game I got some good magical gear in Port Maje, which was a nice boost). You still don't really need a high sleight of hand, though. Just moderate stealth and in a pinch some spark crackers to distract NPCs.
    1 point
  31. You're lucky that I know UK programming, the first headline when you search for Bill Bailey is a dead pornstar.
    0 points
  32. A beloved corpse is reanimated apparently -https://www.microprose.com/news/microprose-is-back#
    0 points
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