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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/20 in all areas

  1. From the Games Not Even Melkathi Would Likely Play files, here's a couple very early X4: Foundations pics: Right now I'm less playing the game and more fine tuning the control setup of my new flightstick. To it's credit, the game has a profile for my exact flightstick (Thrustmaster T.1600M HOTAS), though it's not exactly how I want it set up, but at least it gives me a solid base to start from. As a bonus, here's the flightstick in question:
    4 points
  2. For the dose of snark..but close to reality..
    3 points
  3. uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, Smart HTTPS, Canvas Defender, Disable WebRTC, NoScript, User Agent Switcher, Tampermonkey, Dark Reader, Behind the Overlay. I recommend any and all for Firefox. NoScript is the one that takes the most work to upkeep, since you basically have to build a library of trusted sites as you go along, and casual browsing of foreign websites (i.e. ones you haven't visited before) will frequently lead to them breaking.
    3 points
  4. For a more serious reply, Joe's both an author and avid gamer, and unlike most people reviewing games he plays on a god tier level of skill. And sometimes without him realizing it that comes across as strangely disconnected from the reality of most gamers, a trifle arrogant, or both perhaps. Like his Furi review, where he shows the game stats of his first playthrough and goes all "I was pretty bad there, I died 84 times in total" and casually says things like "overall I thought Hollow Knight was too easy". He also really makes the best April Fools jokes on YouTube. Heh.
    3 points
  5. Hello there, Since it can be hard to figure what summons exactly do and how they scale (especially their weapons and armors), I decide to look directly in the GameData Files to understand how it works. Note that the tables on this thread have not been fully tested (TBH it would have been too long), but I checked several creatures to check if I understood correctly all the principles. There might be a couple of interpration errors, but based on my samples, I am pretty confident with the results. First, the base stats. They work exactly as characters stats : Accuracy and all Defenses get +3 per level and also benefit from Stats (included bonus from items for Summons that copy yourself). Caster level is used to determine the level value except if the creature as a greater intresic leve. For example, Chanter's Animated Weapons have an intresic level of 17, so : - if a level 13 Chanter cast the spell, it will count as level 17, - if a level 18 Chanter cast the spell, it will count as level 18. Thanks @thelee gamefaqs for these explainations : https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/non-pl-scaling The only exception is Skeletons summoned from Chanter's Phrase "Many lives..." that don't scale. Summon Spell Stats Base Stats Attributes Duration Number Party / Teams Deflection Fortitude Reflex Will Melee Acc Ranged Acc Base Health Health per level MIG CON DEX PER INT RES Wizard Maura's Writthing Tentacles 15s 3 Team 30 5 30 5 35 25 60 10 14 10 10 12 12 8 Familiars 60s 1 Party 15 10 10 10 15 15 24 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 Essential Phantom 30s 1 Team 45 35 35 40 25 25 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Substancial Phantom 30s 1 Team 45 35 35 40 25 25 30 10 12 10 16 14 14 15 Monk Dichotomous soul 15s 2 Team 25 20 20 20 30 30 42 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 Priest Spiritual Ally 30s 1 Party 25 25 20 10 25 25 30 10 17 22 12 10 12 16 Berath Incarnate : Pallid Knight 35s 1 +1 Team 15 20 20 20 25 25 36 12 17 20 11 10 12 10 Berath Incarnate : Usher Team 30 25 25 30 25 25 30 10 17 20 11 10 12 10 Eotas Incarnate : Females 35s 2 +1 Team 20 20 20 25 25 25 40 10 16 14 14 13 12 11 Eotas Incarnate : Males Team 20 20 20 25 25 25 40 10 18 20 12 15 14 13 Magran Incarnate 35s 1 Team 5 30 5 30 25 25 60 20 20 16 12 12 17 20 Skaen Incarnate 35s 1 Team 10 25 10 40 40 40 75 25 22 20 11 12 11 14 Wael Incarnate 35s 1 Team 30 10 30 10 25 25 36 12 16 10 25 25 20 16 Ryrmgand Incarnate 35s 1 Team 20 30 20 5 40 40 500 50 18 13 15 12 10 12 Druid Ondra's Whip 45s 1 Party 30 5 30 5 35 25 60 10 12 10 14 16 10 8 Sporelings 45s 2 Party 10 20 20 20 30 40 72 24 14 8 8 9 10 11 Minor Blight (Example : Fire) 20s 1 Party 20 20 20 20 25 25 36 12 14 14 10 16 10 10 Blight (Example : Fire) 20s 1 Party 20 20 20 20 25 25 36 12 16 14 10 16 10 10 Greater Blight (Example : Fire) 20s 1 Party 20 20 20 20 25 25 36 12 18 14 10 16 10 10 Watery Double 30s 1 Team 45 35 35 40 25 25 30 10 12 10 16 14 14 15 Call of the Primodials : Adra Ooze 30s 3 out of these 4 Party 10 20 10 10 25 35 48 16 10 12 18 10 18 16 Greater Black Ooze Party 10 20 10 10 25 35 48 16 12 14 8 15 8 18 Bog Ooze Party 10 20 10 10 25 35 48 16 12 24 8 19 12 14 Magma Ooze Party 10 20 10 10 25 35 48 16 14 24 10 10 14 14 Lashing Vine 30s 1 Party 20 5 30 5 35 25 60 10 16 10 14 12 10 8 Fire Stag 35s 1 Party 25 20 20 20 30 30 36 12 16 17 15 14 8 9 Aspect of Galawain : Bear 35s 1 out of these 3 Party 25 20 20 20 30 30 36 12 30 24 18 26 10 20 Aspect of Galawain : Lion Party 25 20 20 20 30 30 36 12 26 26 24 22 10 22 Aspect of Galawain : Wolf Party 25 20 20 20 30 30 36 12 20 20 26 30 10 24 Chanter Skeletons Invocation* 12s 3 Party (Team for split) 15 20 20 20 25 25 36 12 4 4 4 10 10 4 « Many Lives... » ** 10s 1 Team 15 20 20 20 25 25 36 12 4 4 4 10 10 4 Ghost 12s/25s 1 Party 30 25 25 30 25 25 30 10 12 10 16 14 14 15 Wurms 25s 3 Party 25 20 20 20 35 35 48 16 9 10 13 11 6 9 Wurms Upgrade 25s 3 Party 25 20 20 20 35 35 48 16 9 10 13 11 6 9 Will-O-Wisp 25s 2 Party 30 25 25 30 30 30 36 12 7 8 13 16 12 16 Will-O-Wisp Upgrade 25s 2 Party 30 25 25 30 30 30 36 12 7 8 13 16 12 16 Ogres 25s 2 Party 10 10 10 20 30 30 60 20 10 18 11 10 13 12 Ogres Upgrade 25s 2 Party 10 10 10 20 30 30 60 20 10 18 11 10 13 12 Drake 25s 1 Party 30 15 20 20 35 35 54 18 18 17 19 10 8 16 Drake Upgrade 25s 1 Party (second drake joins team) 30 15 20 20 35 35 54 18 18 17 19 10 8 16 Dank Spore 25s 1 Party 10 20 20 20 30 40 72 24 16 20 7 12 11 12 Dank Spore Upgrade 25s 1 Party 10 20 20 20 30 40 72 24 16 20 7 12 11 12 Animated Sword 25s 1 +1 (+1) +1 Party 25 20 20 20 35 25 72 24 20 12 18 14 10 10 Animated Pike Party 16 12 20 10 14 10 Animated Wand Party 12 12 24 12 16 10 Animated War Bow Party 16 12 24 10 10 10 Dragon 25s 1 Party 0 0 10 30 50 50 200 50 25 22 18 24 20 20 * Note that the splitted version are based on the same stats / creatures, but also benefits for diffculty mode scaling for some reason, contrary to the orignal one. That's +8 Acc/ all defense, +1PEN/AR if you play in Hard for example. ** Note that this version is based on the same stats / creature as the invocation version but does not scale with the summoner level. However, it is apparently level 5 with +2PEN/AR for some reasons (that's the best approximation I can get). The second part is about the Summons equipment or natural armor / weapons. This is a bit more complicated because there is no universal rule about how they scale. It truly depends on the summons. Some summons get +4 Accuracy, +15% damages and +1PEN every 4 levels beyond 1 (for weapons) and +1AR every 4 levels beyond 1 (for armors). That what is reffered as "nomal scaling" and follow the table in the Gamefaq above. An some simply don't. The following tables give more details about which ones scale and which do not. Armor Table : Summon Armor Base Recovery Scaling, Item Mod & comments Wizard Maura's Writthing Tentacles 6 100% Normal Familiars 5 25% Normal Essential Phantom Copy of yours + Other Items Substancial Phantom Copy of yours + Other Items Monk Dichotomous soul Copy of yours + Other Items Priest Spiritual Ally 11 55% None Berath Incarnate : Pallid Knight 7 35% None, Immune to pierce Berath Incarnate : Usher 3+3 0% Superb, no scaling Eotas Incarnate : Females 5+3 20% Superb, no scaling Eotas Incarnate : Males 7+3 35% Superb, no scaling Magran Incarnate 10 67% None Skaen Incarnate 7 25% None Wael Incarnate 7 43% None Ryrmgand Incarnate 11 67% None Druid Ondra's Whip 5 100% Normal Sporelings 7 33% None Minor Blight (Example : Fire) 6 33% None Blight (Example : Fire) 7 33% None Greater Blight (Example : Fire) 8 33% None Watery Double Copy of yours Call of the Primodials : Adra Ooze 8 67% None Greater Black Ooze 6 25% None Bog Ooze 9 25% None Magma Ooze 7 100% None Lashing Vine 5 25% Normal Fire Stag 5 25% Normal, Fire Shield on Hit or Crit for 10-15 FIRE damage with PEN 7 Aspect of Galawain : Bear 7 25% Normal Aspect of Galawain : Lion 5 25% Normal Aspect of Galawain : Wolf 5 25% Normal Chanter Skeletons Invocation 0 0% None Many Lives 0 0% None Ghost 5 67% None Wurms 7 43% None Wurms Upgrade 7 43% None Will-O-Wisp 3 67% None Will-O-Wisp Upgrade 3 67% None Ogres 7 67% None Ogres Upgrade 7 67% None Drake 9 67% None Drake Upgrade 9 67% None Dank Spore 6 67% Normal but 3 class levels delay Dank Spore Upgrade 6 67% Normal but 3 class levels delay Animated Sword 3 0% Normal Animated Pike Animated Wand Animated War Bow Dragon 7 67% None Weapon Table : Summon Style Weapon 1 Weapon 2 or shield Damages Type PR Base Recovery Scaling, Item Mod & comments Damages Type PR / Def for shield Recovery / Acc malus for shield Scaling, Item Mod & comments Wizard Maura's Writthing Tentacles DW 7 – 10 CRU/COR 5 4 Normal scaling Familiars DW 8 – 13 PIE/SLA 6 3 Normal scaling Essential Phantom Copy of yours Substancial Phantom Copy of yours Monk Dichotomous soul DW 13-19 FIR or ICE 7 3 Normal scaling One does fire damages, the other ice damages Priest Spiritual Ally S & B 11 – 15 CRU 9+1 4 Fine, no scaling Shield Shield 8 -4 No Scaling Berath Incarnate : Pallid Knight 2H 18 – 24 SLA/PIE 7+3 4 Superb, no scaling Berath Incarnate : Usher S & B 11 – 15 CRU 9+3 4 Superb, no scaling Shield Shield 8+6 -4 Superb, no scaling Eotas Incarnate : Females 2H 18 – 24 CRU 8+3 4 Superb, no scaling Eotas Incarnate : Males S & B 10 – 14 SLA 7+3 3 Superb, no scaling Shield Shield 8+6 -4 Superb, no scaling Magran Incarnate 2H 20 – 26 CRU/PIE 9+3 4 Superb, no scaling Skaen Incarnate DW 14 – 20 PIE 10 3 No Scaling Wael Incarnate DW 12 – 19 SHO 9 3 No Scaling Ryrmgand Incarnate 2H 29 – 38 SLA 12 4 No Scaling, AOE Druid Ondra's Whip DW 7 – 10 CRU 9 4 Normal scaling Sporelings DW 8 – 12 CRU 7 4 No Scaling Minor Blight (Example : Fire) 1H 7 – 12 FIR 7 3 No Scaling Blight (Example : Fire) 1H 8 – 14 FIR 8 3 No Scaling Greater Blight (Example : Fire) 1H 9 – 16 FIR 9 3 No Scaling Watery Double Copy of yours Call of the Primodials : Adra Ooze 2H 20 - 27 COR 8 4 No Scaling, Ranged, +15 Acc Greater Black Ooze 2H 11 – 15 COR 8 4 No Scaling, Ranged Bog Ooze 2H 25 – 32 COR 11 4 No Scaling, Ranged Magma Ooze 2H 10 – 17 FIR 9 4 No Scaling, Ranged, +5 Acc Lashing Vine DW 15 – 22 SLA/PIE 10 4 Normal scaling Fire Stag DW 8 – 13 PIE/FIR 6 3 Normal scaling, Stag Carnage 40 – 55 FIR/PIE 9 - Self Destruct, 2,5m radius Aspect of Galawain : Bear DW 8 – 13 PIE/SLA 6 3 Normal scaling Aspect of Galawain : Lion DW 8 – 13 PIE/SLA 6 3 Normal scaling, +20% attack speed multiplier Aspect of Galawain : Wolf DW 10 – 15 PIE/SLA 6 3 Normal scaling Chanter Skeletons Invocation 1H 13 – 19 SLA/PIE 6–2 4 Poor, No Scaling Many Lives 1H 13 – 19 SLA/PIE 6–2 4 Poor, No Scaling Ghost DW 10 – 18 ICE 7 3 No Scaling Wurms 1H 14 – 20 FIR 9 4,5 No Scaling, 1H Ranged Wurms Upgrade 1H 17 – 25 FIR 9 4,5 No Scaling, 1H Ranged All 3 apply a DoT that doesn't stack between themselves. Will-O-Wisp 2H 6 – 9 SHO 7 3 No Scaling, 2H Ranged Will-O-Wisp Upgrade 1H 6 – 9 SHO 7 3 No Scaling, 1H Ranged (so +12 Acc compared to non-upgraded version) Also add distracting effect Ogres 1H 24 – 35 CRU/PIE 8 4,5 No Scaling Ogres Upgrade 1H 24 – 35 CRU/PIE 8 4,5 No Scaling Drake DW 16 – 21 CRU/PIE 8 3 +5 Acc, No Scaling 14 – 24 SLA 8 4 No Scaling, used as a DW pair with 1st weapon Drake Upgrade DW 16 – 21 CRU/PIE 8 3 +5 Acc, No Scaling 14 – 24 SLA 8 4 No Scaling, used as a DW pair with 1st weapon Dank Spore 2H 11 – 17 COR 8 4 Ranged, No Scaling Dank Spore Upgrade 2H 11 – 17 COR 8 4 Ranged, No Scaling Animated Sword 2H Based on Weapons Normal Scaling - Animated Pike 2H - Animated Wand 1H - Animated War Bow 2H - Dragon DW 16 – 22 CRU/PIE 7 4 No Scaling Damage Types : CRU Crush PIE Pierce SLA Slash COR Corrode FIR Fire ICE Cold SHO Shock Note about the Styles : the Styles here only matter to understand if a specific bonus is applied : S & B : Sword and Board : means that a Shield is used, but no further bonus 2H : Means that the weapon used both hands. The game may internally categorizes as "One Handed", but it only means that it brings no further bonus. 1H : Means that the weapon receives the +12 Accuracy bonus as for 1-hander used alone. DW : Means that the weapon sets count as dual wielding (a pair of claws, drake's bite& tail, or a single tentacle all count as Dual Wielding for some reasons). Therefore, it adds -30% Recovery. I might add further explainations later based on your feedback because all these might not be that easy to get. It also explains with numbers why some summons "feel just better than others", especially the deadly Ancient Weapons that basically come with a +16 Accuracy / +4 PEN / +60% damage bonus. You may now that I have modding in mind so don't hesitate to make comments about what you think of the current balance of summons.
    2 points
  6. https://asiatimes.com/2020/04/478656/ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/china-bulk-bought-medical-supplies-abroad-before-crisis-hit-556gj7gn3
    2 points
  7. Almost. Lvl 1 is only base 500, not 500 + 1 x 50. So it's 1450*1.15 = 1668 at lvl 20. Upscaled scourge you face in PotD are actually 2084hp (due to PotD +25% health bonus). So much fun in Turn Based ! It's not a bug it's a feature. More generally, I don't like so much the design of many summons. The rules seem often a bit random and the re-use of component from creatures from the bestiary really lead to weird stuff. Granted that the summon design is still much much better than in old BG2 ! Ryrmgand Incarnate is just a Scourge. Dragon Summon is an independant creature in the gamefiles. But for some reasons they decided (or they were just lazy) to reuse the Base Stats of the Sea Dragon (the 8 first column of the first table). The Sea Dragon is a Boss, so it has to have huge HP pool. Is it suitable for a Summon ? Well maybe but it is still weird. The Dragon Summon has really weird Stats : low AR, low PEN, low damages, to the point these stats are even worse than a Drake. I think I'm going to tweak that. I managed to get a "general rule" for scaling : everything that is pet-like (Familiar, Fire Stag, Aspect of Galawain), a weapon (well, animated weapon), a Tentacle (Ondra's Whip, Lashing Vne Maura's) or a Copy of yourself has weapon scaling. Everything else does not scale (well, apart Dank Spore armor for some reason). Aspects of Galawain and Fire Stag deserve a mention, since their stats are literally based on Ranger Pet, which is... well not so strong, especially without ranger's passive. It's like the devs thought that inflated base attribute (MIG to RES) would be enough to make them nice, but... err... no. At least Fire Stag have this semi-broken combo with BDD. Basically some 2 Summon spells seem much better than other in their respective class : Animated Weapons and Call to the Primordials. And this beautiful Dragon is mostly good for its HP pool and abilities.
    2 points
  8. Disable Javascript. Boom! Now you know how to avoid most annoying features in about 95% of websites. It also breaks others and may stall your browser from time to time, but hey... (seriously, who the hell makes a paywall that can be sidestepped by disabling js...)
    2 points
  9. Also, imagine all the movies taking place in 2020 we'll see in the future.
    2 points
  10. Noclip is to release 5 videos long documentary series on The Outer Words. I shall update as they become available.
    1 point
  11. My dad sent me an early birthday present: It's got a warm, slightly sweet taste with an unbelievably smooth finish with almost zero burn. I don't even want to know how much this cost. I'm drinking it with no ice and just the tiniest splash of water.
    1 point
  12. China put a city of 15 million under lockdown in january while the rest of the world went "its just a flu :DD" i blame my gubmint's incompetence
    1 point
  13. So, is the US economy open for business again now? I seem to remember Donny promising Easter as the day the magic would have happened by. Buy a bandana and use that, it's about as effective as anything else which doesn't have proper fitting and a proper filter while also being washable/ sterilisable multiple times without the elasticised straps perishing almost instantly. They also make it look like you've joined a cool post apoc street gang while you wait in line to buy your eggs and flour.
    1 point
  14. Well, yes. The thing is if unsavory people have a point, then the point stands. The point is the point. It very much is the CCPs fault that everyone was caught flat footed by this. Besides. The CCP are actively spreading racism at home now. Making a big show of controlling the dangerous foreigners, giving their people an outside threat to focus on. And no less of course the increase in racism against people with Chinese origin living around the world is also true. People are still dumb enough to buy into that. We can all agree that some early responses around were pretty terrible.
    1 point
  15. Thanks for the tips! I understand now. after I posted I immediately though you might be living there for professional reasons - a friend of mine (from germany) worked in the energy sector there for a while. Thanks again!
    1 point
  16. As platformers go: I see you have Celeste, though with suspiciously low hour count. If that is something you enjoyed, you can't go wrong with good old SuperMeatBoy. On a less manually demanding front: Rayman: Origins and Raymen: Legends two superbly enjoyable games - the latter does come with Ubi-thingy and has some online components. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - don't recall seeing that in your list. A superb and content rich game. Freedom Planet: I recently played 2 supposively good Sonic games, and I thought they were terrible. Freedom Planet was like Sonic but good. Mark of the Ninja - superb 2d stealth game. More unusual but still: Snake Pass - an original and super enjoyable platformer. Played with with keyboard and mouse, but controller recommended. Not too long, but very novel. Played through Hollow Knight recently and I thought it was superb. It's combat is very deliberate, but quite simple, and if you don't go for 100% and optional hard bosses, it should be too hard. You do get bang for you buck. Spelunky. Excellent roguelite, and a replayable platformer. Steep learning curve. RPG: Fallout New Vegas- must play RPG. Other: I wouldn't be me, if I didn't recomment Supergiant Games - Bastion is a classic, Pyre is the weird one and my favourite. Transistor is pretty, but not as engaging.
    1 point
  17. So Keyrock doesn't think he's the only pilot.
    1 point
  18. INT does affect the AoE size of WotEP. As do Rings of Overseeing and such. Even Shared Nightmare (Cipher passive). It ususally is, but a confused Berserker will hit himself (since confusion has the effect that foe-only becomes friendly fire). But fiddly... Bună seara! I do - for professional reasons. We are moving back to Berlin in June. It was a nice time here in Bucharest. My wife has been to Satu Mare several times now but I didn't manage yet - although we did trips to almost all other regions. My favorite so far was Maramureș which is right besides Satu Mare.
    1 point
  19. As far as I'm concerned, Jotun itself didn't tell me what Jotun is.
    1 point
  20. Thanks! That would be the best of both worlds as a beserker/fury! It seems like the AOE of carnage is smaller than POE 1, but still that means 2/3 mobs will be affected- which is good! I like WoTEP 2h even though the cone is small on eder - i need to check if int affects the cone's radius. I I gave the +2 PL elec armor to Tekehu (druid). I will add deltro's cage helm to eder along with Lord Darryn's and test if the dmg proc applies to melee shock attacks. Most mobs have a weak AR to electricity, (as in Skyrim, most mobs are weak to fire). Interesting trend I have noticed. I dont think I would mind the micro too much to get maximum PL, at least for boss fights or difficult encounters. I am playing on POTD upscaled on my 3rd run (I have so much more time now due to COVID 19!) I thought Dancing Bolts was foe only, but if it procs the Cage helm then that is amazing! A lot of stuff in this game is not explicitly so I am glad you told me. On a different note, I was reading an old post where you mentioned that blunderbuss multi-**** applies the attack effect to all mobs (e.g., if a rogue using confounding blind, so it will apply to all mobs attacked) I will test it again for 5.0 but that seems like a deal breaker. By the way, I see you live in Romania? I used to live there for 5 years in the Satu Mare region Buna Ziua!
    1 point
  21. That's why I so enjoyed Freelancer. So easy to get into.
    1 point
  22. I can't remember who first made that snarky remark "It's one of those games only keyrock or melkathi play and won't say what it is". I do think it was when you were playing Jotun.
    1 point
  23. i could see it kinda make "logical" sense if summons that visibly wield equipment scale, and others don't, though it doesn't make any gameplay balance sense. but to boeroer's point i think for a summon mod/tweak, simplicity should be the overriding factor. even if that means tweaking a lot of base stats to fix the broken balance that might result from having every summon get scaling gear.
    1 point
  24. I locked down ktchong because if I wanted to read blog posts I'd be at a blog instead of a videogame forum. In political news, that senator who totally didn't use her privlidged position as privy to briefings on covid-19 and being married to the chairman of the intercontinental exchange to do some insider trading will now liquidate her individual stocks. Probably won't mean **** in reality, and is just more of an argument for liquidating the government.
    1 point
  25. I really like this one so I took the liberty of modifying it a bit to bring back some of the details from the original:
    1 point
  26. If we're talking about masks, where I live they sell them in pharmacies.
    1 point
  27. For me usually a Barbarian is involved because Carnage applies Static Charge/Thunder in an AoE. If you combine that with a Monk you can have some nice effects with Swift Flurry (and Heartbeat drumming), especially on non-PotD difficulty. One special build I did with it: Berserker/Fury - bound the Voulge to the Druid's side of the multiclass. That way I could still use Static Charge (not Static Thunder though) with Carnage but also get the +3 PL to Storms which is pretty nice and stacks mighty fine with Deltro's Cage's +2 PL to shock abilities. That's +5 PL to your Returning/Relentless Storm which translates to +25% base dmg, +1.25 PEN and +5 ACC as well as +25% base duration. Additional +4 PEN for your shock spells via Tenacious(+2), Fury(+1), Heart of the Storm(+1). Also Blood Frenzy applies its DoT with the spells if they crit. Spirit Frenzy would apply Stagger on hit/crit. As Berserker you can "abuse" Modwyr in a second weapon slot in combination with Deltro's Cage Helmet: Frenzy (become confused) then cast Dancing Bolts on yourself (and also your enemies in the best case) and that way unlock Deltro's Cage Helmet's shocking lash for your following actions. Then switch to Modwyr (removes confusion - that is important since you don't want friendly fire with Relentless Storm, no no) and switch right back to the Voulge. That gives you electric storm spells with said +5 Power Level and an additional shocking lash (hight of it depends on the amount of shock damage you received from Dancing Bolts). Those storms will trigger Blood Thirst on kill - so you can swing the Voulge and cast even faster - which kills more enemies... and so on. If that's too much micromanagement I'd simply leave out the helmet and forget Modwyr and eat Luminous Lobster instead (resistance gainst confusion). Casting is pretty fast anyways due to Frenzy and Bloodlust, combined with fast caster - but once you get Blood Thirst it' a lot of fun. I generally like Barbarian/caster combos so this fits very well. You need some sort of outside healing though. Or pick Savage Defiance. Because Berserker's self damage is nasty and Furies can't cast Rejuvenation spells.
    1 point
  28. I suppose, people carefully choose the information to share, regardless of the medium, be it online forums or meatspace. I think, I've successfully adapted to the quarantine, as I fell asleep at work and reached my normal level of exhaustion and apathy. My clients became more active, so I had to work slightly longer than I expected, which made up for the time I slept. Today I've completed a body-weight workout (pushups, leg raises, crunches, squats, lounges, calf raises) and attempted drawing, which reminded me why I mostly do B&W sketches (might be NSFW).
    1 point
  29. Were going to build a lasagna tonight, but first were pregaming with wine and Voodoo Rangers.
    1 point
  30. Anima: Gate of Memories; Alpha Protocol; Beyond Good & Evil; Contrast; Dex; Dishonored; Double Cross; Loren: The Amazon Princess; Mars: War Logs (or any other game by Spiders); Prince of Persia; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
    1 point
  31. With all the Covid Conspiracies, lets add a dose of whimsy...
    1 point
  32. Have you tried either Hollow Knight or Disco Elysium yet? Two of the finest games of the decade imo.
    1 point
  33. Part 1: From Concept to Creation
    1 point
  34. Yet another entry in the popular series "Games that only melkathi (and maybe Keyrock) plays" And to be relevant with the times: (no it isn't my birthday)
    1 point
  35. Loren: The Amazon Princess. Okami So I used Inferno (they did not burn) and spent next 15 minutes trying to find the required brush technique (which I already had).
    1 point
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