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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/19 in all areas
7 points
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4 points
I'm sorry, but as soon as someone starts arguing about how it's ridiculous that 2 teenage girls can wield superhuman powers because sexy powered armor their whole argument goes out the window, as far as I'm concerned. I mean, we're talking about Wolfenstein here. WOLFENSTEIN! These games aren't exactly known for being realistic. This is a series that features dual wielding assault rifles and shotguns, a woman doing action stunts straight out of Fast n Furious movies while in late term pregnancy, nazi fire skeletons, Mecha Hitler, oh, and by the way, BJ gets his ****ing head cut completely off his body and SURVIVES! 2 teenage girls doing crazy action movie stuff because sexy powered armor fits the series to a tee, as far as I'm concerned. Wolfenstein: Youngblood may have a lot of problems (bullet sponge enemies, cramming RPG elements where they aren't needed nor wanted, etc.), but the protagonists aren't one... two, I guess, of them.3 points
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So it's immersive that the armor can make BJ the paraplegic do his ****, but unimmersive that his two daughters can do it? He goes on about that alot. Too bad about the other things being added like RPG mechanics and whatnot. Respawning enemies I would guess is a systemslimitation, gotta conserve that consoleram somehow I guess.2 points
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I assume they are referring to "Bitterballen", which is a fried ball of breadcrumb filled with meat ragout. They're delicious. Other than that, a very Dutch thing to do is put chocolate sprinkles on bread and we have, of course, "Stroopwafels". For traditional meal food, we do this thing where we take boiled potatoes and a vegetable (such as kale or sauerkraut), add some tiny bits of bacon and/or ham and then SMASH THE ****ING **** OUT OF IT until it's a big mush. I hate it. It is usually served with smoked sausage.1 point
Smells like a contract negotiation leak to get someone to up their offer. LOTR series already has all its major creative/ admin side roles filled, iirc, and is starting to release cast information. It's too far along for Friedman and Weiss to be parachuted in.1 point
Dammit Amazon, I just praised you! 'Game Of Thrones' Showruiners Are Reportedly In For 'Lord Of The Rings' TV Series1 point
Hit-to-Crit can be rather good. Hit is the widest base pool of outcomes to start with (apart from Miss-to-Graze in situations where you're seriously overmatched!), and lots of items have special effects on crit, as do some class abilities (particularly Monks and Skalds). Plus, Crits add PEN, which gives them more consequence than the simple damage (and, where appropriate, duration) differential between Graze and Hit. It's absolutely secondary to ACC, but still worth pursuing to a certain degree. You just have to be aware of the diminishing returns you get by stacking different sources. Graze-to-Hit, yeah, is pretty inconsequential, and all other sources of it (like Flails) are weakened by the ready availability of 50% G2H from a tier-2 PER inspiration, available to 1st-level Fighters and anyone in a party with a 5th+ level Priest.1 point
In general, "conversion" bonuses (miss to graze, graze to hit, etc.) are much worse than they seem, as Enoch has been alluding to. To compare, 3 accuracy (equivalent to a single level-up) is effectively 12.5% miss to CRIT against enemies with parity defense. I think the mistake you may be making is giving your tank both high armor and high deflection. Pick one, not both, and you'll be in a better position to have a durable character that can still lay down some pain. Edit: though as a Crusader, you may not need either if you take some of the tanky passives in both of the trees.1 point
Actually, wait, I was doing all that with the old Miss-Graze-Hit-Crit thresholds! Now it's: 24 or lower: Miss 25-49: Graze 50-99: Hit 100 or higher: Crit So Graze-to-Hit conversion is even worse. I think I can still amend the post above, so I'll give that a go.1 point
Your math was correct, in that it caclulated the change in the percentage of Grazes that would convert to hits. I just took it the next step, by expressing it as a percentage of all attack rolls, not just the ones that resolved as a Graze on the first pass. [EDIT: And I did it wrong-- math now fixed below!] And I was only talking about the marginal increase that you get from Confident Aim, not the total of the PER inspiration and Confident Aim. To illustrate, assume that you're attacking an enemy with a weapon you're proficient with, and your total ACC is perfectly equal to their Deflection. With no buffs: A straight d100 roll against the game's thresholds. 24% chance to Miss, a 25% chance to Graze, a 50% chance to Hit, and a 1% chance to Crit. With just Confident Aim: As above, but add 30% Graze-to-Hit after the initial result. 24% Miss, 17.5% Graze, 57.5% Hit, 1% Crit. With just Disciplined Barrage: the +5 PER translates directly to ACC, which shrinks the Miss window and adds to Crit. Your first pass results in a 19% Miss, 25% Graze, 50% Hit, 6% Crit. Then you apply the 50% Graze-to-Hit conversion for 19% Miss, 12.5% Graze, 62.5% Hit, 6% Crit. With both Confident Aim and Disciplined Barrage: As above, but apply both G2H conversions sequentially. 19% Miss, 8.75% Graze, 66.25% Hit, 6% Crit. Lastly, remember that this is a best-case scenario. If you're fighting an overpowered enemy or if you've buffed your ACC and debuffed your enemy signficantly, you might have a smaller initial Graze window, which would reduce the number of times that the conversion is relevant.1 point
Probably gonna level to 60, then quit. For me the leveling process was always the interesting bit. Can't be bothered with raiding or pvp, too time consuming.1 point
Ok guys. Obsidian approved my run so I'll start publishing it from tomorrow1 point
I really want a PoE 3 to finish the Watcher saga... (On Aedyr please!)1 point
don't want this to devolve into a Gromnir thread, but quick response: dave gaider messaged us kinda midway through bg2 development and asked if we were ok with inclusion o' "Gromnir" in bg2. we assumed the character would be included along the lines o' larry, daryl and daryl in bg1... likely a flatulent kobold who gets gibbed after mouthing off to an ogre, or something similar. we told dave to, "do your worst." as noted in the link, our cameo got cut late in bg2 development and so dave instead added his Gromnir to tob. were only a couple aspects which surprised: -dave made his Gromnir more significant than we expected. even got voiced dialog. -the degree o' backlash created by all the cameos o' boardies, as well as surrounding the npc contest submissions, shocked us. converse, we were not surprised by lanfear's inability to laugh at a joke. HA! Good Fun!1 point
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It's not a specific wishlist setting. It's bundled into the Game Details list setting. You can pick Public, Friends Only, and Private. If your games-owned/played list is not visible, the links at the bottom, which includes the Wishlist link and Recently Played links etc, is not visible/there so no one can visit it. I was one of those "level 0" profiles forever until these changes. Now at least people can see how long I've been on Steam and any profile header message I type in. (edit - this is US Steam, I have no clue if it's the same around the world) So instead of seeing something like this: (not my profile, hence the blurring out) People see something like this: (edit - annoyingly, the Inventory link is still there but if you click on it it takes you to a "sorry this page is private" message page so making that private does work)1 point
LFG and crossrealm killed wow for me, there was no community anymore. You LFG'd and met a couple of random people, said "hi" (In the beginning, nowadays it's not even that) did an instance with them, and never saw them again.1 point
I thoroughly enjoyed both PoE and Deadfire. I certainly hope we haven't seen the last of that IP. It was a RPG for RPG fans. A love letter to days and games gone by. Even if something like that does not have a future it was well worth the time and money spent.1 point
Meh, it doesn't even bother me anymore, I'm kinda apathetic to the whole situation. This sort of crap used to really get under my skin, but then I came to a realization. Sure, most of what [sneering Jim Sterling voice] AAAs [/sneering Jim Sterling voice] are putting out these days are these "live services" or "games as a service" or whatever they're calling it these days, and the vast majority of them are the same ol' giant open world map collect-a-thons, battle royales, or hero shooters. At the same time, there is a veritable deluge of really good games coming from indies and AA developers all the time. So, if I never bought another AAA game ever again I would be completely satisfied and wouldn't feel like I was missing out on anything. Plus, AAAs do still put out great games that aren't following what the latest trend is or what focus groups told them would appeal to the largest possible demographic... occasionally (e.g. God of War). What I'm saying is that I'm not dependent on AAAs for my gaming. When they do make a game that appeals to me, it's a nice bonus, but I don't need them, I have tons of great games to play from smaller studios.1 point
I only have the cat, but to use it, you have to equip it on your belt, and then activate it from your abilities.1 point
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I don't remember the source, but it is not anything from the books. I think it will be about Numenor. Edit: Amazon’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ TV Show Confirms Second Age of Middle Earth and Númenor Setting0 points
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I want another counter next to the reputation and post counter, showing how many times in total the user has edited any post.0 points