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  1. From the Gamespot interview with Swen Vincke June 9: "SV: The previous Baldur's Gate games were based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5. We're now Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition. " Why...? I never...!
    2 points
  2. built a new build ... it's no 3900X moon shot, but at least we're back in the atmosphere ... did you know there is no 'go to last post' button on mobile got one bell and two whistles, onboard wi-fi/bluetooth and glow-in-the-dark chipset heatsinks
    2 points
  3. i just watched that Picard trailer three times and then replayed the scene with the Japanese Vulcan with what appears to be a cheap looking katana on his back several times just to make sure my eyes didn't deceive me. Granted it's only a wooden handle so it might just be a bent stick but the imagery alone is ridiculous.
    2 points
  4. Wasted day but at least got a good sleep. Was funny to see Discovery Science show Make it to the Moon while Discovery showed some lunar landing conspiracy show...and History showed Ancient Aliens.
    2 points
  5. Hey guys! I want to share with you something:
    2 points
  6. I meant it as another knock on Sven's knowledge of the series and I acknowledge that was low of me
    1 point
  7. So he played Icewind Gate 2, and has blocked any and all memories of either the vanilla version or the EEs?
    1 point
  8. "Go back to " has a long history here. Maybe some of the international folks have similar things in their own countries. Words or phrases that have other much more negative connotations behind them than may appear at first glance or to someone unfamiliar. https://www.npr.org/2019/07/15/741827580/go-back-where-you-came-from-the-long-rhetorical-roots-of-trump-s-racist-tweets I've personally been told to go back to various different places usually depending on where I am in the country. Though to be fair to the racists, because everyone needs a break, I'm decently tough to pin down since my (ancient alien) ancestors are from figurative literally everywhere.
    1 point
  9. Gratz! PS. Will you upload your run? The ooze and Dorudugan aren't very hard because you can easily withdraw Vela and then pull them away from her. Then you can use the Dichotomus Soul to do the tanking while using the Long Pain/Whispers of the Wind to deal damage... And yes, only Lover's Embrace requires true stealth, while the other items (cloak and helm) with stealth abilities work also from invisibility.
    1 point
  10. Not denying the flaws of the game in the least, and you're quite right. Conceptually, the difference is still huge, though: in PoE and Deadfire, although you're ostensibly in a hurry, you can spend a million nights resting in an inn. Nothing will ever happen. This is not so in Pathfinder. I find that I quite prefer the Pathfinder model, although the game itself does have some remarkable flaws.
    1 point
  11. Warlock is cool, especially with all the Rekvu items. They key to fun is always Blood Thirst + spellcasting. Yeah, Carnage can't crit. Even high rolls are condiered hits. I don't know why. The main downside of this is that Blood Frenzy won't get triggered by Carnage attacks ever - while Spirit Frenzy will (since it procs on hit, not on crit). Druid + Barbarian is equally fun I'd say. Other than in PoE death by DoT does reliably trigger Blood Thirst in Deadfire.
    1 point
  12. I don't think I understand. I don't understand how is Deadfire approach supposed to be different (it's not like we can loose our soul permanently) and most games don't provide gameplay mechanic to support the narrative (not that it is good, but...). In BG Seravok won't proceed in his quest, in BG2 you can't actually die due to getting your soul sucked out. Narrative is there to get readers/player attention and keep the "hooked". Whenever stakes are genuine or not it doesn't really matter. Personally, Pathfinder's timers did nothing to me, considering how dull the rest of the opening was. Tyranny opening and timer was great, even though the timer was so generous it might have not existed (fun fact: you can wait till the day of the swords before reading the edict and then you will have entire year to fulfill its requirement )
    1 point
  13. Yes, you've said all that before, but you've failed to properly substantiate why it is so. Adding abilities to fighters does not make them "essentially fighter-mages" by itself, nor does it "homogeinize classes" or make combat roles less important. Hell, a Fighter does not become less effective at chopping stuff up because he uses Combat Expertise against another Fighter in one encounter and takes advantage of Power Attack against a bear in the next. Nor does he become more adept at stripping magical protections or able to heal others. Knowing how to disarm or trip someone does not make you a wizard. It does mean however that you have to know the class you're playing and do something with it beyond drinking a potion and charging. You may not like that you have to micromanage your party to succeed in the highest difficulty level (?), and that's fine. But now you're arguing that fighter abilities blur the lines between casters, tanks and damage dealers. I doubt anyone who has played any class-based game released after 2005 or so will buy that. Again, NWN2 and Spellforce are two rather different games where activated fighter abilities make controlling their positioning at all times a mandatory task for the player in order to make the most of the character. In neither of those games fighter types become comparable to casters in either stats, role, or playstyle. You seem to be hung up on your experience with PoE/Deadfire. That suggests that the "problem" is with those games rather than the concept of fighter abilities.
    1 point
  14. ‘The Orville’ to Move From Fox to Hulu for Season 3
    1 point
  15. Imo his tv show had better moments than the movie. For example: Borat in a club Borat wine tasting (NSFW)
    1 point
  16. I watched Borat late night again, the first time I watched it was when it was first released in 2006. It must be one of the funniest movies I have ever seen because now I understand the parody and various tropes he highlights as the fictional character " Borat " His interview with the feminists and the speech at the Virginia rodeo was hilarious, I was reading up how many people tried to sue him and the production company after the movie was made but almost all cases were dismissed. I almost loved his constant and intentionally fabricated " ism's " , you name it he demonstrated it, and how people responded Sacha Baron Cohen is a genius and the movie is a must watch if you havent seen it
    1 point
  17. Figured I should go ahead and post it here too: one of our users, @Decadency, completed the Ultimate: Well done to him!
    1 point
  18. Couple of snakes seem to be living in the backyard. I call the bigger one Mr Snakey Cornelius S. Cornwallis Snakeypants III of the Connecticut Snakeypants and the smaller one Snek.
    1 point
  19. ...And I have to say it was quite an interesting experience! I also went for "No Rest for the Pro", and it didn't make the game all that much harder now that there's no travel fatigue anymore. And I managed to legitimately miss "Zero Knockouts" achievement in a solo run, which, I guess, should be an achievement in its own right. :D Just for clarity: I was playing without Trial of Iron (I don't believe in legitimate triple-crown-solo anyway) and without Expert mode (finished on Expert my first time, but decided to enable spell area indicators and info on dialogue checks for the second). With a final official kill count of 140, I've successfully finished most of the side quests in the base game (didn't touch the expansions yet, except for some stronghold stuff, but not all of it). A few exceptions (besides party members' quests, of course) are: - Endless Paths of Od Nua. I've only reached level 6, and consciously ignored some heavily guarded stuff on previous levels. I did kill that ogre chieftain on level 3, though. - Divine quests of Galawain and Berath (first could be done without much kills due to a bug, but I decided not to, and second requires clearing out Etik Nol, which is totally not a pacifist thing to do). - Clandestine Cargo - I could do it kill-free with a Rite of Walking Shadows, but it wasn't worth spending such a rare scroll for such a useless reward. Ignoring it (and, eventually, failing due to destruction of the Sanitarium) turned out to be the right decision: I really needed all these stealth rites later. By far, the most interesting find of this playthrough was the fact that this game does have almost everything needed for a "pure pacifist" run with a non-rogue class, even if the developers probably think different. My total number of story kills is 14. That is, 11 in the very first location (too much, I know, but I guess I was a little dumb when I started), and 3 in the final battle with Thaos. Everything in between is strictly optional, as far as the kill counter is concerned. So, after reading about the 12-kill run with a rogue elsewhere, I think that the real minimum would be 7. However, getting clean stats globally would be tricky - perhaps still possible without rogue's shadowing beyond, but I can't be 100% sure. For example, there isn't much XP to get in Chapter 1 unless you finish Raedric's hold (which isn't doable without a single kill), and you really need that XP to up your stealth. And, even if you manage that, I'm not sure a pure pacifist could do Cliaban Rilag without all the extra XP for non-pacifist side quests: for the last guarded door in this dungeon, you need stealth 15 + mechanics 8, or, more realistically, stealth 12 + mechanics 8 + lore 4 + a single rite of walking shadows. Me? I played as a pure pacifist story-wise (refusing to kill anything the game so often tried to trick me into killing just to progress), but wasn't aiming to do my second playthrough super-boring, so I did kill for side-quest XP when I had to - and, in a few cases, when I wanted to, which amounts to around 10 extra kills out of these 140. And, of course, there's that three-tusk staelgar leader whom I poisoned via dialogue without raising the kill count... *** And now, some rant... 1) Athletics and survival still look totally useless, despite their new mechanics. Not sure what was the point of changing them. I mean, high athletics is now equal to 1 extra healing potion per encounter? Great, but who needs that? Survival bonuses look nice... in theory... but in practice, they are just too weak to justify spending so much skill points. Of course, I'm judging from a solo run perspective, so perhaps I'm missing some great tactical opportunities for a normal party... 2) Who the hell decided that limiting item summons to 20 seconds was a good idea?! They are already limited to 1 summon per rest, so you basically killed off a game feature. As if there's not enough dumb "balancing" limits taking the fun out of the game already. This was a huge disappointment and a horrible thing to do with a patch, I never expected to come back to something like this. Although I did find a lot of use for summons in my pacifist schemes, but that's about everything they are good for now. 3) I would very much like it if some future Obsidian RPG showed a little more respect for stealth characters. Namely, I hate proximity scripts which force me out of stealth for a "very important" dialogue before I am technically detected. And I absolutely hate that convenience script on stairs in Heritage Hill tower! Ruining my stealth just to ask if I want to go to the second floor, or to the first floor? Yeah, great idea, great time saver. Especially when there's a bunch of hungry undead waiting for me on both floors, just near the stairs. Thanks devs, I really needed that. Twice. Not that it helped you much in tricking me out of my pacifism... 4) A little less underestimation would be nice too. Remember those looters under Madhmr bridge? I actually sneaked around their 2 lookouts, only to find the rest accusing me of killing them because they "heard fighting". So I just killed them all. That was also the biggest exception to my pacifism, because, technically, I didn't have to, but they didn't give my cruel character any good reason to spare them, and Peregund promised reward... 5) I totally expected the final fight to be tricky on solo path of the damned, but I didn't expect it to be impossible without using a horrible (and, thankfully, still unpatched) exploit. Looks like it is. Cipher is definitely not a bad solo class, but totally helpless against Thaos' will stats and extra resists. My only chance came from re-rolling the stats in a tavern (that was the second time I had to do this in this run, with first being before Cliaban Rilag due to a lack of mechanics) and re-making my cipher into a stupid tank with super-high endurance, deflection and accuracy. Oh, and that exploit too, otherwise I don't think my kiting skills would be enough still. I do remember someone complaining about Thaos being too vulnerable to paralyse-lock in original game, so I assume this was rebalanced with a later patch. Good call perhaps, but still not a good idea to lock ciphers out of the party completely. Perhaps a few skills/talents/items/drugs with good spell-accuracy buffs on self would help. Of course, if anyone knows how to kill Thaos with a solo 12 lvl cipher on Path of the Damned without any dirty tricks, I'd be very interested to hear all about it.
    1 point
  20. https://www.tellerreport.com/business/2019-07-16---a-9000-year-old-village-discovered-near-jerusalem-.H17iDLi-r.html An ancient 9000 year old village discovered near Jerusalem, really interesting as it has evidence of these early civilizations being much more advanced than we thought. Archaeologists are ecstatic Here is another link that discusses more interesting details about what is new about this find https://infinityexplorers.com/9000-years-old-town-in-jerusalem-discovered-by-archaeologists I wonder if " white male privilege " was used back in those days ?
    0 points
  21. I thought I'd read something about them letting it go or letting it go soon. Irans actions make sense in that context. As for the British actions, it does seem odd to have the law suddenly be enforced where it wasn't being for years by Spain, or anybody else for that matter. So, the Iranians being more than indigniant is certainly understandable as they'd be like 'WTF? Why are you enforcing it NOW?' regardless of whether they were actually complying from the start or not. Also, I wonder, if war breaks out between US and Iran and the UK gets dragged into it one way or another, would that be reason enough to cancel Brexit or at least for the EU to delay it further? Going to war just as you enter economic turmoil is a pretty dumb idea, unless of course the point of the war is to fix the turmoil. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/20/boris-johnson-iran-gulf-crisis-admiral-lord-west https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/20/new-pm-take-note-iran-crisis-could-escalate-into-war
    0 points
  22. Does that mean Armstrong went off Kubrick's script or what? I mean moon landings were fake, lmao.
    0 points
  23. So apparently this is not a "cgi show". I'm really curious how edgy they will make the costumes. I'm imagining it to look either extremely cheap or not like all the WH40K art at all.
    0 points
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