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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/19 in all areas

  1. "What is Rymrdude doing?" "He's chilling..."
    4 points
  2. ever try and get your wife to say, "we make big trouble for moose and squirrel"? am knowing we couldn't resist the temptation. ... am s'posing is another reason why is best Gromnir remains unmarried. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to help check her balance. So I pushed her over. I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day. I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised. My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away. The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally passed her a glue stick. She still isn't talking to me.
    2 points
  4. Not sure this is the right place... But whatever - i want to more people try this and share their opinions. After countless sleepless night in thoughts about PENETRATION i've changed my mod. But let's start from far - i want to explain what downsides of vanilla system was fixed. There is a several scenarios in vanilla that looks...far from perfect (in my opinion, of course). #1. Balanced scenario, when Attacker's PEN = Defender's AR (which is not often). Attack deals listed damage (good for Attacker), but Defender's armor not working (at this moment you thinking: "What for this armor needed?!") In fact, Armor just protect you from possible Overpenetration bonus damage. Resolution: I remember PoE 1 system (which was far from perfect anyway), when armor always give some protection. So i've changed PEN=AR Damage - now attack deals only 75% damage (-25% Damage penalty). Even the Light Armor will reduce some damage and protect Defender from attack. Good for Defender, bad for Attacker you say, but... #2. Attacker's PEN exeeds Defender's AR by 1 or 2 points or whole bunch of points, but less than x2 (13,5 Pen vs 7 AR etc.) In vanilla game Attacker gains nothing and armor still don't give any protection to Defender. Literally, there 2 breakpoints – PEN = AR and PEN = x2 AR – everything between gives nothing to both Defender and Attacker. Resolution: Since game counts OVERPEN as PEN/AR ratio (which is not perfect but doable), i've added incrementing damage boost with 5% step. In vanilla you never care to change your weapon if PEN exeeds target's AR less than x2. Now you will want to do it to deal maximum damage. And vice versa. This how it looks: (PEN/AR ratio) x1.0 = 75% dmg (PEN = AR) x1.2 = 80% dmg x1.4 = 85% dmg x1.6 = 90% dmg x1.8 = 95% dmg x2.0 = 100% dmg (PEN = x2 AR) P.S. Now i running some tests - if all goes fine, i'll upload a new version with more precise damage calculation. #3 (implies from #2). Bonus Damage from OVERPEN no longer exist. On Obsidian forums people often wondering, what is "Overpenetration" - probably, when your sword drivening through enemy stomach up to the hilt. So, Attacker will deal full damage only when his PEN exeeds Defender's AR x2 or more. On one side, Attacker will be rewarded for every PEN point, on the other side Defender still receive some protection from armor, which reduces with higher Attacker's Penetration, so EVERY AR & PEN point will be working for both sides in every possible scenarios. Pure and simple. Overall damage output for all charachers will be slightly reduced, but not drastically. #4. Vanilla UNDERPEN damage penalties was changed. UNDERPEN 'window' slightly increased: from -1 to -5. When Attacker's PEN less than Defender's AR, Attacker receives additional -10% Damage penalty per point under the target's Armor, Max -75% at 5 points). But you don't need to stack your AR to +5, becose even with PEN>AR Defender have moderate damage reduction. So overall incoming damage will be less than vanilla. TOTAL VALUES: PEN > AR (PEN/AR ratio): x2.0 = 100% dmg (vanilla: 130%) x1.8 = -5% dmg (vanilla: 100%) x1.6 = -10% dmg (vanilla: 100%) x1.4 = -15% dmg (vanilla: 100%) x1.2 = -20% dmg(vanilla: 100%) x1.0 = -25% dmg (vanilla: 100%) PEN < AR -1 PEN: -35% dmg (vanilla: -25%) -2 PEN: -45% dmg (vanilla: -50%) -3 PEN: -55% dmg (vanilla: -75%) -4 PEN: -65% dmg (vanilla: -75%) -5 PEN: -75% dmg (vanilla: -75%) So, this variant of Penetration system have several pros: Light Armor and Clothing will be useful, even on POtD, and give protection not only from possible OverPen +30% bonus damage Attacker gains reward for every Penetration point that exeeds Defender's AR Every AR point for Defender will be rewarded and give additional protection even when Attacker's Pen exeeds AR less than x2 More smooth UnderPenetration damage penalty increment Terminology slightly changed (including Cyclopedia entries and tooltips) PEN < AR: No Penetration. 25-75% dmg. PEN ≥ AR (but not x2): Partial Penetration. 75-95% dmg. PEN = x2 AR: Full Penetration. 100% dmg. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/241
    1 point
  5. Hellfire expansion added to the Original Diablo for free on GOG. https://www.gog.com/news/release_bhellfire_expansion_to_the_original_diablob
    1 point
  6. I don't care who my leaders pray to, have sex with, dress like, or eat/drink/use in their free time. All I want from them is to do their damn jobs and leave me the f--k alone. Don't take any more of my money than the barest minimum the law requires. Don't tell me what I can/can't read/watch/listen to/ believe in. My home and my property are exclusively mine. Stay the f--k away and don't bother me about what I do there. If they do all that I don't care if they are fundamentalist Muslim, gay atheist, or bible thumping Pentecostal minister with a secret cocaine habit.
    1 point
  7. That'd be the ideal, yes, but when it comes to tribalism and large groups, it's not always the case.
    1 point
  8. Leadership should lead secularly, regardless of what their personal beliefs might be. A leader has responsibility to all those who they lead. Identity shouldn't be leveraged by the leader, and thus the identity of the leader shouldn't matter as long as they are fulfilling their duties.
    1 point
  9. I'm also pretty sure it does. You can't produce 10 procs rel. reliably if they would just proc off each other but not themselves. You have to have a very high crit change though. I managed to get a very high chance with Body Blows, Staggered (Spirit Frenzy), Weakened (Enervating Blows), Brute Force, Berserker Frenzy + Barbaric Smash and Enduring Dance. Enemies' fortitude was under zero at some point (wasn't very high to begin with). And then you'll see such chain procs. So maybe not a big problem in fights that have the appropriate level.
    1 point
  10. Programmers who tried recursion, usually learn to be super-careful about it... P.S. It's curious how OBS first tried to nerf the proc chance first, before giving up, and making "Swift Flurry will no longer recursively proc infinitely" in v1.1.0. But I guess it only means that Swift_Flurry_Attack cannot trigger another Swift_Flurry_Attack, while Swift_Flurry_Attack -> WotEP_Attack -> Swift_Flurry_Attack is still permitted.
    1 point
  11. Gog.com just updated Diablo with Hellfire. That must have been hard since Blizzard is not so fond about this addon.
    1 point
  12. Oki, thanks guys! Guess will start my run today then.
    1 point
  13. Installed some mods to avoid going crazy from some of the building limitations, so figured I might as well go over my (short) mod list and explain what they do: Pippi : mod to manage servers, allows setting up teleports etc. Only reason I have it is because it allows you to edit your character without starting over, picked this one because it's popular enough that it won't go away anytime soon. SP_Boss_HP: knocks boss HP down to sane levels for single player, only touches boss hp, so they'll still hurt like before Pythagoras Support Beams: ran into a whole lot of issues with stability that could have been solved by the vanilla support beams if the devs hadn't removed their stability transfer. This mod has the ability to be game breaking though as it transfers 100% of the stability. So I try to avoid it unless there really are no other options, well, besides starting over from scratch (the beams also aren't particularly pretty, so there's that too) Less Building Placement Restrictions - No NPC Camps (I switch between the normal and the Overlaps Edition): fixes a whole slew of issues with the building system, where the game wouldn't let you put stuff for no reason (eg. if you do it in a different order it does work). Doesn't fix everything, but god is this thing a QoL improvement. The overlaps edition also allows you to put stuff on top of each other, this is a godsend if you want to replace things (say you have a floor under a carefully positioned Wheel of Pain you'd like to be a foundation instead. The game will let you remove the floor just fine without destroying the Wheel, but it won't let you place the foundation (or, for that matter, re-place the floor) without removing and re-placing the Wheel, this mod allows you to do just that. And it allows for stuff like this for which there otherwise is no solution: While waiting for materials to be done I went exploring and found this fancy room: Wonder if this room's empty... My tower is nearing completion (at least the outside), if The Architect sounds like a Matrix reference there might be spoiler in the following screenshots. Put on the final roofing and took screenshot from the direction of the Aqueduct (but not from the Aqueduct because draw distance meant none of the lights were visible) Other angles, going around clockwise:
    1 point
  14. Yes. Can't believe I missed this. Thanks mate!
    1 point
  15. Yes, I later changed my route and do it that way now, besides the xp it also saves you travelling time.
    1 point
  16. Hey! I haven't had the opportunity to go through the last DLCs for Deadfire, so I started a new playthrough. I was feeling nostalgic for some Pillars. I decided to start a new playthrough using adventurers based on my former Obsidian co-workers. I have Berath's god challenge on, so if one of them dies, then I'll need to go and create a new dev. Josh is obviously the party leader.
    1 point
  17. Here's a screenshot of Josh's character. I got Modwyr and I'm headed to Tikawara to get my next Soulbound.
    1 point
  18. @Raven Darkholme Just watched the first couple of episodes of the Bloodmage/Priest of Skaen attempt, nice! But I wonder whether there is a reason not to take Hylea's Boon right away, add the black bird as a pet and do the Helping Hands quest by sneaking through the cave? I costs 2-3 hours tops, you get some more "Deceptive" and "Cruel" options (on deck with the ghost, the other in the cave), and it nets 1484 xp right away. AFAIK food effects last until the next rest, so there's no downside apart from 2-3 hours, but hey, 1484 xp might be worth that. And if it fails for whatever reason - I don't see why it would - it would be so early in that it hardly mattered. Am I missing something (again :)? (To be honest, I TCSed the original game without the DLCs, and now came back for the Ultimate - so I missed the fact that, like PoE1, you can't do DLC content after the main game, silly me:)
    1 point
  19. My first step concerning consumables would be to forbid the ones that simply copy class abilities. They take away uniqueness from the classes and they feel a bit "cheap". Consumables should not do something that can be achieved by abilities. Except maybe the classic healing potion - but I could do without. The food and drinks are ok in Deadfire I think. Giving a buff that lasts from rest to rest is something unique. Poison and explosives: also ok (but would been way better if there were any means to specialize in meaningful way with either skill or abilities - or both). But scrolls and most potions: nay
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I miss you guys too! I'm excited to go through them. I'll grab some screenshots tonight. I'm playing with one Blessing on, which is Explored World Map. After the Pyramid of Woedica, I went around and picked up Blightheart and Lord Darryn's Voulge. I landed in Nekataka and I'm going to make my way towards Modwyr. I have a soft spot in my heart for the Soulbounds.
    1 point
  22. Another thought I had: this would be pretty legit with Vatnir as a Zealot because of his robes that give action speed on low health, Godlike bonus, and the fact that he gets the prime cheese of BDD+Salvation of Time. You could make a custom Zealot with Streetfighter+preferred priest, Death Godlike, Vatnir's robes, and just go to town. Throw a Cipher in the party for Brilliant and you can go god mode pretty easily. Just a thought.
    1 point
  23. Vaan will lose the Main Character vibe very soon, so you can freely replace him with other characters, like almost everyone does, until you get the second grid
    1 point
  24. If it walks like a duck and talks like a rusty trumpet it's usually a bantam c0ck.
    1 point
  25. You guys are silly. The ultimate quest is not on a critical path and does not have a deadline. If it did you could extend the Ukaizo deadline by killing megabosses/finishing dlcs, but you can't. (Also the Ultimate doesn't have the eothas icon in the questlog.) The original question was if the quest was on a critical path, so I assumed @Zoso der Goldene knows about Eothas timers and was a little surprised by his question about crafting scrolls. Please keep in mind that the critical path quest have 3 timer resets the very first one only gives you 3 days ish to get to the dig(ck) site, so it's not like Ukaizo is the only timer and the Ultimate "implicitly inherits" (sorry for murdering your quotes and the english language :P) this one, the quest simply doesn't have a timer and is not on a critical path, which doesn't change the fact that you have to beat the game in give or take 90 ingame days.
    1 point
  26. Favorite: Multiclassing, companion interaction, and the hypertext system within the text to make various parts of the lore either easily accessed or skipped at will. I know they stole that last one from Tyranny, but I cannot overstate how much it improves the game. It's one of those things that a lot of people gloss over because it seems small, but has a broad impact and overall feel. Least favorite: PENETRATION. I *loathe* the penetration system. Probably always will.
    1 point
  27. My most favorite is the better stealth/sneaking and the more coherent Inspiration/Affliction system. The least I like the reduction of endurance & health to simple health - and the PEN/AR system.
    1 point
  28. I'd vote for Sadiq Khan. Britain needs more Muslim leadership.
    0 points
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