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41 hours into Stellaris... I did not realize you could integrate your vassals into your empire at the beginning and hence my empire grew a bit too slow in the beginning. Should be able to finish my playthrough next week. After a great start the game did get kinda boring and repeative, but that was to be expected since it's Paradox and they will add tons of content later on.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Stellaris... I was thinking about buying it, but as someone who never played Paradox games before, or any 4X for that matter, I must ask: does it depend on manual speed, like some RTS games(Starcraft comes to mind as a hateful exemple)?


Because the focus on grand strategy instead of combat gives me the hope I could play it well with my stupidly bad dexterity, but I'd rather not discover I was wrong after spending money on it.

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Started playing Battleborn. Seems fun. Bonus: the initial character is called Mellka. They have a typo in the name - I spell myself with one L - but close enough :)

Do keep us updated on the quality of the SP campaign please. :p

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Currently it's just a multiplayer shooter. I do not know if there's plans for that to change.


For the time being, I'm trying to keep up with all the ambidextrous teens with lightning-fast reflexes, playing Overwatch.

Well, it turns out that there's still need for wisdom and healing in hectic combat. This was from my first try as Mercy. Ever since, it's my favourite hero! :)




Just wanted to give you props for picking a healer. I tend to be the team tank myself, usually Roadhog or Reinhard.

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Started playing Battleborn. Seems fun. Bonus: the initial character is called Mellka. They have a typo in the name - I spell myself with one L - but close enough :)

Do keep us updated on the quality of the SP campaign please. :p



I hear it is too short. Which it probably is, seeing how at the moment it is 8 missions only.


The setting is interesting. So far they have not done too much with it.


The Prologue - Tutorial was fun and fairly good at giving info on the setting through the dialogue between characters.

Missions 1 and 2 were fun, but the writing was limited to the kind of running commentary we are used to from Gearbox through Claptrap, Handsome Jack etc.


With the nice art stye, I feel they could have made an animated series or graphic novel out of the story and done it more justice.


I'll keep you posted though.

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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Hmm I think I just accidentally finished Dark Souls 3. The ending I got... well, was a bit disappointing, I'll guess. A boss fight with two phases and then a 15 seconds cutscene. Doesn't really feel like it's the real ending.


What exactly happens if I "link the shrine"? I have no idea and the game doesn't seem to explain either. The only thing coming to my mind now is that I am now the endboss dude. Sitting on the same position, waiting for the next one to arrive.... but why...

Welcome to Firmsoft. :) As great as they are at atmosphere and gameplay, they've always sucked at narrative payoff in their games.
Thing is, I don't know if I have seen every area or not. At least it feels like I've skipped a chunk or two. But I feel too tired to re-check every map again. Also I noticed that some of the questlines are unfinished and I am not sure if they would pick up again if I go back to location x or if I broke them with doing certain other events in the wrong order... Hated this already in the other games.


Generally I think this game is awesome, yet I still think it is the easiest title so far. It's like I've been able to rush through everything. Right now I am merely lvl 93 while in DS2 I've been 150 at this point... Heh. And I skilled my character like arse.


/edit: And now I am unsure if I should do a newgame+ or wait for dlcs. Hmmm...

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I beat Neon Struct. Stealth game that can be summed up in "Thief light" in modern environments. Nothing spectacular about it but at the same time, it was a decent time waster. Took me 4,5 hours to complete.

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Playing total war warhammer with the necromancer in the vampire counts on normal. So far learning as I go, some battles I whipped ass and some battles I won but suffered worse than the enemy. So far doing decent I believe, roleplaying and while I don't believe I will survive the chaos warriors (hell I haven't even gotten past 14th round from start overs), I don't care. I'm simply having a blast and can't wait to jump in again. My next battle is with dwarfs and while I can now down almost everything they have, it's their range that's giving me the biggest problem. Damn those dwarfs for keeping their range protected or else I'd send all my Calvary and bats and hounds and zombies to just straight up maul their faces....lol.

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Wanted ot play some Ds3 again but the broken Darkmoon and Aldritch covenants just drained all will out of me. I'll never get the Darkmoon blade at this rate. :/

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Beat Far Harbor. Or close enough. I finished the final quest, but I'm not bothering to do the "talk to so-and-so" miscellaneous quests at the end.


I think I've figured out why this DLC sucked all the motivation out of me. It's completely passionless. The DLC improves things by having more skill checks, choice, and consequence, but at the end of the day, there's this supposed three way conflict going on and barely anyone gives a crap. The only guy in Far Harbor who actually is pushing to fight the Children of Atom is a jerk and not a questgiver. The only guy in Acadia pushing for peace has two quests (find info out, now use info). And the guy in the Nucleus pushing for war is too busy sending you after his own people. Also he's completely insane and unlikeable.


This is the great conflict? Three groups that seem fairly content to sit on their butts so long as nobody bothers them?


Where's the "get us equipment to fight the coming war" quest? Where's the "sabotage the other guys" quest? Where's the grand third-act "oh crap, the war is actually happening, this is all terrible, what will we do" quest? There are quests that change the world, even. You get quests to help shore up the defenses of Far Harbor, but you're just doing it to protect against sea creatures, not the other factions.


It's just a whole load of nothing that ends. The solution for peace was genuinely interesting, I'll give it that, but the conflict itself was virtually non-existent. And so it was ultimately boring. 

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Wanted ot play some Ds3 again but the broken Darkmoon and Aldritch covenants just drained all will out of me. I'll never get the Darkmoon blade at this rate. :/

Agreed. I only got summoned once for Darkmoon, and my connection failed. Why can't we just invade the worlds of sinners to gain Proofs? It even makes more sense for Darkmoon, lorewise.

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Playing a couple of games at the moment:


The Witcher 3: Finishing up some contracts before starting Hearts of Stone. Decided not to bother with any of the Gwent or Race side-quests. I did all the fist fight side-quests though. I recently heard that if you play the game on Death March difficulty it will be a lot more rewarding. Wish I had started the game on Death March instead of Normal. Oh well, that's what replays are for. :)


The Ultimate DOOM: I recently bought the DOOM classic pack on steam. I am playing through the game(vanilla - no mods) on Ultra Violence difficulty. Maybe I'll play DOOM II with the Brutal Doom MOD later on. It's still a lot of fun. Holds up perfectly to this day.


Vanquish: I'm on the final act I think. I started the game on hard and I got side-tracked a bit somewhere in the middle but I picked it up again a couple of days ago and I think I'll finish it today.

Edited by Katphood

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Grabbed Left4Rats in the Steam sale. It's great fun so far, Despite our Bright Wizard's constant running ahead. Melee is fun, the loot system is interesting and the levels are entertaining so far. I can't praise the visuals because my PC can't go above Lowest settings. :D

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Vanquish: I'm on the final act I think. I started the game on hard and I got side-tracked a bit somewhere in the middle but I picked it up again a couple of days ago and I think I'll finish it today.



1.13 killed off Ja2.

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The new Master of Orion game. Its.... I don't love it. I like it. don't love it. It does take some strategic decisions out of your hands. Although it is cool to see all the old factions again. Like running onto old friends. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Lots of Overwatch, have settled on Pharah and Zarya as my main characters. Zarya is pretty fun as I have to charge people down, got good returns by exploiting Rheinhart tunnel vision and just walked through the shield to lance him from behind. But I like Pharah the best, not sure why everyone says getting hits with her rockets is hard, get a decent amount of direct hits and her concussive blast is handy to seperate people or just annoy

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Vanquish: I'm on the final act I think. I started the game on hard and I got side-tracked a bit somewhere in the middle but I picked it up again a couple of days ago and I think I'll finish it today.





Nope. Got distracted by Uncharted 4 and DOOM. The only hard part so far has been that encounter with the two scorpion-like robots. The boss fights were pretty easy actually. Overall a very fun game though. Glad I didn't start it on normal or easy, some games simply deman to be played on the hardest difficulty otherwise they become boring. I also started The Ultimate DOOM on Hurt me Plenty but then I felt it was simply easy and then I switched to Ultra Violence. Uncharted 4 did kick my ass a lot though and that was on the hard difficulty setting not the Crushing difficulty setting. Still managed to beat it but I did die a lot. :)

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Nope. Got distracted by Uncharted 4 and DOOM. The only hard part so far has been that encounter with the two scorpion-like robots. The boss fights were pretty easy actually. Overall a very fun game though. Glad I didn't start it on normal or easy, some games simply deman to be played on the hardest difficulty otherwise they become boring. I also started The Ultimate DOOM on Hurt me Plenty but then I felt it was simply easy and then I switched to Ultra Violence. Uncharted 4 did kick my ass a lot though and that was on the hard difficulty setting not the Crushing difficulty setting. Still managed to beat it but I did die a lot. :)


Hard is the right difficulty indeed. Challenging enough but not that hard that you couldn't have fun and freeform around the rooms. Yeah, if you take the game for what it is, a throwback to old arcade shooters that you play for highscore, you'll have lots of fun with it. Challenges are there for when you feel you've got the hang of the game. ANd god hard is there so that it's a japanese game :D :D.   Don't know about doom but yeah Uncharted 4 hard  has some difficult encounters, but that's also because of the design. The combat set pieces are so few nad so much adventuring in between, that you can't really get into the combat enough when it's already over. Also in some encounters they just give you so much terrain to exploit for stealth take-downs that when you arrive to another encounter where you can't do any of that, you don't really know where to start or you start in the middle of the firefight and you can't hide anymore.


And the encounter i least like is the final boss battle. I mean, people complain about the prequels but at least there boss fights are just doing what you did the whole game. In u4 they just give you a brand new mechanic at the end of the game for some reason, and while on lower difficulties you can just smash through it, on hard and especially on crushing it becomes a chore. I even used slow motion cheat on crushing and it still was a chore.

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1.13 killed off Ja2.

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