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It's unreasonable to expect anyone to be prepared for the Greater Werewolf fight at first shot without reading up on it. It regenerates too fast and is immune to anything but a small dagger from a previous room and a sword from the next one. Unless you've b0een stocking up on missile wands or explore connected rooms in the middle of fights, you won't have the DPS to outdo his regeneration. People will be lucky to even realize it's regenerating before they've wasted a good portion of their attack spells.


The demon's a bit better, but if you let him respawn even once, it's pretty much over. And there's not much reason to realize he will do that.


There are weapons that can kill Karoug. A couple of Bastard Sword +1/+3 v Shapeshifters are in the game and the second one is in Ulgoth's Beard. Adding a second sword to the game with the expansion and placing it in Ulgoths Beard is basically saying, you need this sword. I did find it odd that there was a second sword since I already had it for one of my characters, but realised it might be useful against werewolves later on. Even if you didn't find the second one in Ulgoths Beard by raiding one of the houses, you should have picked up the first one earlier in the game (Cloakwood or Baldur's Gate City depending on who you sided with in Cloakwood). The name of the bastard sword gives you a hint it'll probably be effective against werewolves since it has a bonus against shapeshifters.


The bastard sword in Ulgoth's Beard is in the room immediately after the Greater Werewolf fight. And I've never heard about there being another on the island.


You can know the dagger can hurt him just fine and it's shortly before the fight, but that alone won't give you the DPS to beat him. Even three backup mages with magic missile can run out before it dies, especially if you use any on other werewolves with him.



They need to update BG2:EE to 1.3, I find myself missing some features of BG:EE. The quickloot is slightly better, tabbing tells you the names of all visible characters so you don't have to hover over them individually, and learnable spells have a green hue.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Finished Watch_Dogs. It wasn't all that bad. It's basically a fun sandbox game with a mediocre story and a main character that is the very definition of the word "douchebag"...my god...I hate you Aiden Pearce, you are like Jack Bauer's retarded grandson!


In other news, Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is treating me just fine. It plays great on the PS4 whether you are online or offline(Yeah! take that you PC elitists!), and my female monk character washed the bad taste of Aiden Pearce off my mouth. Seriously though, this game is great, there are lot's of cool little things you can encounter and the attention to detail is amazing.

Edited by Cat Food
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There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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I have to ponder on Dragon Age 2, just what reason anyone might have for choosing to support the Templars at the end? Other than just because they feel like being a bit of a bastard? 


Either you're a mage yourself, or your sister is, and the Templars have basically said they're going to kill everyone for a crime that was committed by one person, who was stood in front of them.    It's kind of like "Okay, so you want to kill everyone who you know wasn't involved, and either me or my sister along with it? Yeah, I'll support you. Of course I will."


Okay, technically, it's possible your sibling won't be along, but still...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I have to ponder on Dragon Age 2, just what reason anyone might have for choosing to support the Templars at the end? Other than just because they feel like being a bit of a bastard? 


Either you're a mage yourself, or your sister is, and the Templars have basically said they're going to kill everyone for a crime that was committed by one person, who was stood in front of them.    It's kind of like "Okay, so you want to kill everyone who you know wasn't involved, and either me or my sister along with it? Yeah, I'll support you. Of course I will."


Okay, technically, it's possible your sibling won't be along, but still...

The reasoning would be that they're basically right, because all of the mages in the game do turn out to be abominations or madmen. Except the sibling.


In the attempt to make everyone seem like they had a good argument, they went too far in justifying their worst accusations.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Warlock 2: The The Exiled. Despite more options, races etc. I'm not really sure if the game itself is more "fun" than the original. Something about the Balance, encounter designs, such as they are when randomly generated, feels off. Hard to explain.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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My first CK2 game that I've played for more than one generation. Pretty uneventful for the most part, all the major powers are intact, and indeed have expanded, and I as a vassal of the Holy Roman Empire. I had hit the random button to select my ruler until I got the first 'regular' ruler (Catholic, Europe, Count/Duke) since this was a learn-to-play playthrough.


300 years of relatively peaceful vassalage, only one major war to usurp the Duchy I was part of, aside from that I mainly picked off small independents at the edges of the Empire, no further wars within the HRE itself permitted because of Crown Authority. In hindsight I guess that's why everyone recommended I pick an independent ruler. So I decided to spice it up a bit and rebelled for independence funded by my 10000 gold, with a pitiful army but tens of thousands strong mercenary bands. I won that war, with the aid of a helpful concurrent rebellion, but I have no idea just how doomed I am with a smattering of holdings across Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, France, Scotland, and Ireland. The former two form my power base, the others I'd guess would be extremely vulnerable now without the protection of the Empire.


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Playing Diablo III; got my Witch Doctor to over lvl 20 and finally the class feels "alive" to me. Before it just seemed like I was leading some zombie dogs around and they killed everything for me. But now I have some offensive spells that make it feel more like I'm doing more than watching my dogs take down monsters.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Failing on a mission repeatedly in Ballad of Gay Tony. I'm now giving my screen an angry look.

Which mission ? Also L2P Scrub.


Right now powering Arminia Bielefeld through the Euro Cup. Rather amusing as the game refuses to recognize that my team exists in the voiceovers about the standings (name is a hint). Also the AI's BS cheating makes me think the game was just modified off of NHL 2014.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Right now powering Arminia Bielefeld through the Euro Cup. Rather amusing as the game refuses to recognize that my team exists in the voiceovers about the standings (name is a hint). Also the AI's BS cheating makes me think the game was just modified off of NHL 2014.



Your team is a victim of the Bielefeld Conspiracy?

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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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I'm doing quests in Baldur's Gate 2 simply in the order that will get them to stop griping at me.


I think I'll grab Keldorn and do his little graveyard quest, the second I step out of the Copper Coronet, Minsc complains for the third time that I haven't investigated Umar Hills.


And immediately after that, Keldorn who has only just joined the group so I could do his graveyard quest, complains that I'm not hunting down Valygar.


Get off my back, people!

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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300 years of relatively peaceful vassalage.


Yeah it can be a pretty uneventful game if you sit tight and do your duty. :) I'm going to be playing as Byzantine Duke, take control, try to take Africa + the orient and then convert to EU4, so I have a good game ready for the Halloween sale.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Failing on a mission repeatedly in Ballad of Gay Tony. I'm now giving my screen an angry look.

Which mission ? Also L2P Scrub.


Right now powering Arminia Bielefeld through the Euro Cup. Rather amusing as the game refuses to recognize that my team exists in the voiceovers about the standings (name is a hint). Also the AI's BS cheating makes me think the game was just modified off of NHL 2014.

Forgot the name of the mission, but I am supposed to destroy three helicopters that are chasing me. I managed to do it twice but failed the mission while trying to land. I had to quit the game out of fear that I would smash something to pieces.
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Ah, 'helicopters' in GTA4, say no more. I play on PC and those are just awkward as hell to use

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I have to ponder on Dragon Age 2, just what reason anyone might have for choosing to support the Templars at the end? Other than just because they feel like being a bit of a bastard?


Either you're a mage yourself, or your sister is, and the Templars have basically said they're going to kill everyone for a crime that was committed by one person, who was stood in front of them. It's kind of like "Okay, so you want to kill everyone who you know wasn't involved, and either me or my sister along with it? Yeah, I'll support you. Of course I will."


Okay, technically, it's possible your sibling won't be along, but still...

After one playthrough siding with the mages, you realize siding with the templars is the only option that makes sense. Cullen ends up leading the Templars and has come a long way since DA1, so he only plans on wiping out the mages that deserve it, which is most of them, but still. He's reasonable, Orsino isn't.


Anyway, found a game breaking bug after playing the first episode of the Tyranny of King Washington. Turns out if you have the other episides installed when you start the first one, it can't be finished, and Ubisoft never bothered fixing it. The official support response is to remove the other two episodes, and start over. Rather than start over after playing for 3 hours, I just moved on to Divinity: Original Sin. Combat is easier once I figured out lightning only arcs amongst my own party, not enemies.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Played a Kuril Islands scenario in Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations wherein my Japanese Amphibious Group of destroyers (including two Kongo Aegis guided-missile destroyers) must traverse to Akula*-infested waters of the Sea of Japan, brave missileering Naval Aviation bombers, and confront a Russian KUG (Surface Striking Force) including one Slava guided-missile cruiser, a Sovremenny guided-missile destroyer, and two Udaloy anti-submarine destroyers, to make it to Sakhalin/Karafuto island.




Thankfully, with the assistance of the submarines Soryu and Arashio, and P-3 Orions out of Hachinoche the sub threat was greatly diminished. F-15Js out of Chitose, and Mitsubishi F-2As (popularly referred to as the Viper Zero due to its more-than-passing resemblance to the F-16 that is nicknamed the "Viper", and its astounding manueverability harkening back to the famed Mitsubishi Zero of old) out of Misawa and Matsushima kept maritime patrol and ASW aircraft at bay as well as splashing their share of pestering Su-27s and MiG-31s. As a result of my surface forces observing strict EMCON, they were never located by the Russians until they were off the coast of Sakhalin. As for the Russian KUG it was crippled by two dozen F-2As flying below the radar horizon firing IIR-guided ASM-2 anti-ship missiles before finally being sent to the briney deep by the Soryu.


Final tallies of losses and expenditures:




SIDE: Japan

1x F-15J Eagle Plus
3x F-2A FS-X

31x AAM-3 [Type 90]
11x AAM-4B Kai [Type 99]
40x AIM-7M Sparrow III
38x ASM-2 [Type 93]
27x Generic Chaff Salvo [5x Cartridges]
3x Generic Flare Salvo [3x Cartridges, Single Spectral]
336x J/HQS-12 DIFAR
113x J/HQS-33B DICASS [AN/SSQ-62]
6x Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5
4x Type 89 [G-12]
4x UGM-84D Harpoon IC

SIDE: Russia

2x BPK Udaloy I [Pr.1155]
1x EM Sovremenny I [Pr.956A]
6x Il-38 May
6x Ka-27PL Helix A
5x MiG-31B Foxhound
1x PL-877 Kilo
1x PLARK-949 Oscar I [Granit]
1x RKR Slava [Pr.1164 Atlant]
10x Su-27S Flanker B

16x AA-10 Alamo A [R-27R, MR SARH]
6x AA-11 Archer [R-73]
15x AA-9 Amos [R-33S, ARH]
21x AK-100 100mm/70 Frag
11x AK-130 130mm/54 Twin Frag Burst [2 rnds]
13x AK-630M 30mm/65 Gatling Burst [400 rnds]
4x Generic Acoustic Decoy
24x Generic Chaff Salvo [4x Cartridges]
5x Generic Flare Salvo [4x Cartridges, Single Spectral]
28x PK-10 Chaff [sR-50]
26x PK-10 Flare [sO-50]
6x PK-2 Chaff [TSP-47]
18x RGB-75 [basic Search, Passive Omni]
23x SA-N-4b Gecko [9M33M3]
64x SA-N-6a Grumble [5R55RM]
41x SA-N-9 Gauntlet [9M330-2 Kinzhal]
4x SS-N-14 Silex [85RU, Dual-Role, UMGT-1 Torpedo + 185kg Unitary]

SIDE: Neutral

1x False Contact (Small)



*Russian for "shark," but in US naval parlance, a Russian class of nuclear attack subs.

Edited by Agiel
“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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I've started a new game of Fallout New Vegas and it is still awesome. Unlike Fallout 3, which bores the hell out of me as soon as I see the main menu screen.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I managed to complete GTA IV: Ballad of Gay Tony.


I liked it but there were a lot of flying and that is not the strong point in GTA games. For the flying mission that required me to destroy the chasing helicopters, I managed to shoot a missile on the first and got lucky with the other two. I made them fly very close to each other and all three of us crashed. Luckily, I could afford to take another hit when they were dealt with. I was so nervous during my landing attempts. It took me about 2 to 3 minutes to properly land the damn thing.


Next up is the biker expansion.

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Next up is the biker expansion.

/pats Labadal on the back


I'm sorry.  Lost and Damned has even more unlikable characters than base GTA4.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Next up is the biker expansion.

/pats Labadal on the back


I'm sorry.  Lost and Damned has even more unlikable characters than base GTA4.


That's okay. When I get annoyed, I will go on a killing spree. Then I can go back to the unlikable characters.

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Next up is the biker expansion.

/pats Labadal on the back


I'm sorry.  Lost and Damned has even more unlikable characters than base GTA4.






Next up is the biker expansion.

/pats Labadal on the back


I'm sorry.  Lost and Damned has even more unlikable characters than base GTA4.


That's okay. When I get annoyed, I will go on a killing spree. Then I can go back to the unlikable characters.



I loved the Lost and the Damned, I played a hardcore biker. I would ride over people and randomly attack police cars just to start a war with them :fdevil:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I hate the planar sphere, but it's a love-hate thing.


I simply love planehopping, visiting new and crazy worlds, with feral halflings and demons, fighting tough monsters. But you're locked inside and I have so many bad memories of running into enemies I don't have the equipment to defeat.


Things are going better this time since I know to expect it, something I didn't the last two times. And the only character who is struggling to fight is Jaheira, because a +1 scimitar isn't cutting it, and +2 scimitars are rare as heck.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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