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It kinda fits in here, coz it is game news: Many people did the Project Eternity baker stuff here. Now I see that some people got a KS icon and some don't... Anyone can tell me why that is so? If it's related to doing the backing via KS website or PayPal- I did my stuff via KS as well, yet I don't have the icon?


Complete shot in the dark but have you completed the managing pledge thing on the new backer site they just put up?

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Firkraag wasn't so bad my first time around, but I think that was mainly because I never fought him on my first game. I had a hell of a time taking down Thaxll'ssillyia as my first dragon fight. It ended about 3 seconds in when he used his shadow breath and drained 12 levels off my main character as his opening move. Several reloads later when I finally killed him it was after an epic battle in which I used all of my damage dealing spells and he died to my very last magic missile as I was frantically trying to keep Minsc from being chunked again.

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Wasteland 2 beta is out. Downloading right now, but probably won't be able to try it before I'll have to go to work.


It. Is. Awesome. And now I'll have to go to work, nooooooooo.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Inxile allowed it all. Screens, videos, streams, etc.


As soon as I am back home, I'll create my custom party and then the madness begins. Fits perfect, because today is my last workday till next year.

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"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Elder Scrolls Online is coming out on Mac and PC on April 4th and the new consoles sometime in June.


I really didn't care for it at all and got really bored with the intro area during my time in the beta. I'm pretty sure I just broke the NDA but I don't care


I'll check on it again sometime after release

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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Can anyone figure out what's going on here? Is this for real or are we in for more bull****? http://kotaku.com/leaked-documents-reveal-that-fallout-4-is-real-set-in-1481322956

The "War - War never changes" bit places it at the time of the resource war.


Considering if I remember correctly, either Emil or Todd said that they would never set a game back in time (DLC excluded of course) this one seems like a very lazy hoax.


Of course, I don't think anything will top the brilliance of that survivor2299 site. I will forever expect greater things because of that hoax.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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Jason Schreier has a very good track record with rumors, so I'm assuming it's true. That said, they're just casting calls, it doesn't mean they actually cover the real plot of the title, they might just be trying to convey the atmosphere.


A voice main character sounds stupid for a Bethesda game, though, so I'm *hoping* it's not real.

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Elder Scrolls Online is coming out on Mac and PC on April 4th and the new consoles sometime in June.


I really didn't care for it at all and got really bored with the intro area during my time in the beta. I'm pretty sure I just broke the NDA but I don't care


I'll check on it again sometime after release


Yeah, the little information I've seen have all said pretty much the same thing. I'll check it out myself if there is going to be a open beta, but I already have a feeling they might have to reconsider their stance on subscription fairly soon after launch.


Can't report anything on Wildstar beta yet, it's still too early to give thumbs up or down.

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Dropping Perlman in favor of a voiced main character... Nope, smells faker than the meat they use in McD's.

That too.


EDIT: (or my anticipation level and hopes that Bethesda does right this time plummets though the floor if my some weird ungodly reason that one ends up being legit.)

Edited by babaganoosh13

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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Of course it's fake. Bethesda doesn't do casting calls for voice actors, they go pick random homeless people off the streets of Maryland at a dozen or so characters per bum, plus Wonder Woman and two acclaimed thesps for some gravitas and OMG Qui Gonn Gin and Captain Picard headlines even if neither can voice act/ the material they're working with is so stultifyingly dreadful.


At least that's what I've always presumed they've done from the 'quality' of their previous efforts.

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Elder Scrolls Online is coming out on Mac and PC on April 4th and the new consoles sometime in June.


I really didn't care for it at all and got really bored with the intro area during my time in the beta. I'm pretty sure I just broke the NDA but I don't care


I'll check on it again sometime after release

TES: the bugs online.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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