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^ This is a Karmic consequence of supporting Ubisoft, I'm afraid.



Well, yeah. But I got the game with a nice discount from Gamersgate.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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I finally got Assassin's Creed 2 to work, yesterday, after wrangling for a few days with Ubisoft's tech support.


This first bit of advice kind of shocked me:


"Your antivirus and firewall needs to be OFF, if not downright uninstalled. Exceptions are not good enough."


Hm, maybe we need to send Ubisoft a few boxes of condoms. "We might be getting shafted, but you better use some protection..."


Better make them these

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Company of Heroes! :thumbsup:


I am now seriously good against the CPU but remain rubbish at all the pros / smurfs / cheats (er, rangers on the field in two minutes followed by Shermans another minute later? Ultra-precise arty because of some anti-fog of war hack? puh-leez. Happily this is rare but you do come across it).


Am toying with the idea of another game of Dragon Age and am thinking of Far Cry 2 for my brand new Alienware gaming laptop mwuahahahahahaha!


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I'm cheating my way through Starcraft 1. Now I remember why I didn't enjoy the campaign.


Even with cheating, missions take upwards of 12 minutes. With some taking 30 minutes. WHILE CHEATING Without cheating, the average mission would take a half hour minimum, with those others taking closer to an hour and a half. I'm not that patient.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I'm cheating my way through Starcraft 1. Now I remember why I didn't enjoy the campaign.


Even with cheating, missions take upwards of 12 minutes. With some taking 30 minutes. WHILE CHEATING Without cheating, the average mission would take a half hour minimum, with those others taking closer to an hour and a half. I'm not that patient.

Your reward is 3 minutes of cutscene every three missions. Enjoy.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Finished off Red Faction Guerilla.. Kind of having a burn out on Just Cause 2... Not sure what sort of mood I'm in to dabble on games in the background at the moment...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Finished off Red Faction Guerilla.. Kind of having a burn out on Just Cause 2... Not sure what sort of mood I'm in to dabble on games in the background at the moment...

Look up Bolopatch before you give up on it. Extra hours of fun confirmed.

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I'm cheating my way through Starcraft 1. Now I remember why I didn't enjoy the campaign.


Even with cheating, missions take upwards of 12 minutes. With some taking 30 minutes. WHILE CHEATING Without cheating, the average mission would take a half hour minimum, with those others taking closer to an hour and a half. I'm not that patient.


I'm playing SC2 now and funnily enough I truly miss those long, arduous missions. All SC2 missions feel far too short and too easy, even on hard.


And the cutscenes in SC were indeed a good reward imo. The SC campaign just satisfies me entirely overall, unlike the SC2 campaign. It's definitely great fun, but it's just too short and easy! That's my only problem with it.

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I'm cheating my way through Starcraft 1. Now I remember why I didn't enjoy the campaign.


Even with cheating, missions take upwards of 12 minutes. With some taking 30 minutes. WHILE CHEATING Without cheating, the average mission would take a half hour minimum, with those others taking closer to an hour and a half. I'm not that patient.


I'm playing SC2 now and funnily enough I truly miss those long, arduous missions. All SC2 missions feel far too short and too easy, even on hard.


And the cutscenes in SC were indeed a good reward imo. The SC campaign just satisfies me entirely overall, unlike the SC2 campaign. It's definitely great fun, but it's just too short and easy! That's my only problem with it.

I think there needed to be one or two seiges in SC2. Not have every mission be an hour long war, but one or two missions where there wasn't an objective with a time limit, where you had to annihilate a massive well built, well fortified base without the help of a special unit.


With an AI that actually has a brain/bonuses.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm cheating my way through Starcraft 1. Now I remember why I didn't enjoy the campaign.


Even with cheating, missions take upwards of 12 minutes. With some taking 30 minutes. WHILE CHEATING Without cheating, the average mission would take a half hour minimum, with those others taking closer to an hour and a half. I'm not that patient.


I'm playing SC2 now and funnily enough I truly miss those long, arduous missions. All SC2 missions feel far too short and too easy, even on hard.


And the cutscenes in SC were indeed a good reward imo. The SC campaign just satisfies me entirely overall, unlike the SC2 campaign. It's definitely great fun, but it's just too short and easy! That's my only problem with it.

I think there needed to be one or two seiges in SC2. Not have every mission be an hour long war, but one or two missions where there wasn't an objective with a time limit, where you had to annihilate a massive well built, well fortified base without the help of a special unit.


With an AI that actually has a brain/bonuses.


Yeah that's exactly what I mean! I don't need all the missions to be difficult/long, but I wanted *some* of the missions to be that way, without special objectives!


Also I wish I could find the current Terran music. I can only find "SC2 beta soundtrack", but some of those tracks have been replaced with new ones. I wanted to listen to those new ones (that I love) out of the game some time.

Edited by taviow
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Dragon Age: Origins as a Dwarf commoner rogue.


Rat-Bastard 'Bad Warden' with the Dog as permanent wing-man and other NPCs as and when. Poison / traps / stealth and a bit of DW. Spamming dexterity so little armour needed.


I only played through DA:O all the way once, with a human noble warrior who was a 50/50 good guy bad guy. DA:O is a pretty good game, my biggest disappointment is how poor the modding scene is, there are lots of tweaks and stuff I'm not interested in.


But even in the vanilla game there is enough fighting in tunnels. With a dwarf. Sneaking. :)


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I only played through DA:O all the way once, with a human noble warrior who was a 50/50 good guy bad guy. DA:O is a pretty good game, my biggest disappointment is how poor the modding scene is, there are lots of tweaks and stuff I'm not interested in.

As soon as there's a Viconia Companion mod, I might pick up the game again. That's what saved Oblivion for me.


But... dwarves?! R00fles!

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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The dwarves rescue the DA setting from mediocrity and are the best thing about the game. Part Medici, part 16th Century India tied up with heavily-tattoed mafiosi with Brooklyn accents.


Honestly, fair play to the writers, DA's dwarves are the best twist on conventional high-fantasy races since the Drow take on elves. No hyperbole, either.


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I've lost my gokking manual, so I can't replay it.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Final Fantasy VI via GBA emulator


Tempted to buy PSX version from Amazon (it's like $16 for two games-in-one), but some of the mistranslations from the earlier versions are having me think otherwise.

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BG Trilogy Run continues.


The party has now made it to Chapter 6, and fast nearing the end of Shadows of Amn - still amazingly fun. SCS's suped up, contingency-loaded mages also make life really difficult: even at 2millXP (~lv15), high level enemy mages are a walking disaster - often it's impossible to take down their defences within the first few turns, and they have free license to wreak havoc. I think it was a good decision to go with a more 'clerical' party - Keldorn's Inquisitor abilities and Jaheira/Anomen spells really help the party survive until it can lay the smackdown.


The mindflayers were also problematic, I think SCS gave them an innate invisiblity ability - I don't know if that's kosher in PnP or not but it makes it even harder to get them down before Devour Brain gets my guys down. I ended up resorting to judicious uses of the Slayer.


Currently the party is marvelling at the Monty Haul of crafted items you get after your underdark trip, getting ready to do Kangaxx and the Twisted Rune - the mages there will be absolutely brutal.

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I decided to give WoW another trial run after enjoying Starcraft. I don't know why, I guess it was just the general Blizzard feel that their games ooze. I'm actually getting into it a bit more than I have in the last few years. I had a level 58 Paladin from way back in the day. I couldn't get back into playing him, but the Death Knight role seems rather fitting. I can just pretend my Paladin has been dead for a few years and suddenly woke up as a DK. I just finished the into instance, it was decent. I'll try to give Northrend a try before my 10-day trial is up, so I can decide if a subscription is worth it.

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once you hit outland things should pick up in terms of pace simply due to the sheer overpowered nonsense that is DK's before 80. Also quests are much better grouped. Although you won't see the phasing/epic questlines from the DK starting zone again until you hit northrend.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I just finished the single player campaign in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and I must admit that I am impressed. I have never been as hooked on a single player RTS, well, ever. The plot and the characters were nicely fleshed out, and although the dialogue was a bit clich

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