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  1. I think that algae is a great way to add another harvestable resource. I would make a great alternating to mushrooms and maybe it could harvest power like a solar panel. I thing that the knifes being added in the next big patch (I believe) would harvest this resource. Thanks for you time and your thoughts would be appreciated.
  2. There's another thread over this but it doesn't have a poll and I'm going to lose my eyesight trying to read all the pages. Ok, so we've got human, elves and dwarves, and I'm also excluding all their subspecies (drow, tiefling and whatnot). So what "other" playable species would you like to see in the game? I was going to add some more choices in the 2nd question but it has a limit of 10.
  3. Greedings, i was thinking of some kind of active party (combat, 5 members) and non-active party (conversations, reactivity, banter, no size limit) system. Maybe attaching companion's content (dialogues, banters, etc) to invisible objects? if that makes sense I make just one complete play through, so the companions i dont bring are just lost forever, and i noticed recently that there are a fair amount of people who see this (i saw some similar suggestions somewhere) or other consequences of the party limitation as a problem, so i decided to try and suggest this. Some thoughs on this: -People who don't replay multiple times or are just interested on interactions and banter can experience the companions they want, all of them (companions, sidekicks, imaginarly developed hirelings). -People don't have to change party members giving one companion to get another, maybe the content missed of one companion if you want 6 is not a big deal (and note that the medium player will just not change party members) but there are 11 NPCs (in the base game) and hirelings. -Would help people give a chance to companiona that they dont like or just are not in their favorites at the start. -People can bring companions that they want to bring because of the story, but wouldn't for combat related reasons. -People can choose the active party members(companion, sidekick, hireling) they really want for combat. -Invisible companions can reduce inmersion, but i think its worth for the adventages, and if you dont think about it, it won't be a problem. -At first though may look like it reduce replayability, but most people play the game just ones, among the people who replay the game multiple times little will make multiple complete playthroughs, and among those, they will not make the same choices, leading to different reactivity from companions, so unless the only variant on different playtrhoughs on the actual system is the party composition (and the main reason to do this would be the companions), the implementation of non-active party members results just in more content and freedom on the way people want to play. -In any case, people can decide who are the members of the non-active party. I wanted to give me a voice on what is a huge problem for me and what better than the official forums. I know this wont be a very accepted idea on these forums, but i made a poll anyway. Live long and prosper, and my apologies for my bad english.
  4. The question came up during this Q&A Josh Sawyer and Bobby Null and they mentioned that they aren't currently planning to enable customization for multiclass titles. However, they did mention that they welcome further suggestions (which can be added to Heijoushin's existing thread - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91412-care-to-guess-the-names-of-the-other-multiclasses/ - if you're so inclined) and that they might reconsider if there's enough of an outcry against the titles that Obsidian comes up with. I assume that they might also reconsider if forum-goers express enough interest in the feature, so I've decided to dump another poll into these boards and see where that takes us.
  5. So this is an idea that I find extremely interesting, and I really want to see what you guys think. Please do give reasons in the comment section. Thanks for any shared opinions
  6. Genetic engineering is about to become a major part of our lives. What do you think about its morals? If you need a briefing, check this link, it gives a nice overview https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jAhjPd4uNFY
  7. Right, I've been wondering which classes are the least and the most popular. Few explanations are in order I think: I didn't put Cipher in the least popular because let's face it, that's like putting Eder in the least popular comp poll. All it will achieve is gather sub 2,5% votes which could be interesting if they are put elsewhere. I didn't have enough space in the favourite class poll, so I comboed Ranger and Rogue. Please specify which you've chosen and why. I'll cast my vote at a later date so I don't muddle the sample(I most certainly won't talk about it for at least a fortnight). Thank you for your cooperation.
  8. With newest version ( I assume after updating to 3.0/WM2), changing the attributes of the Obsidian companions such as Sagani no longer works, unlike previous versions. While you can change in game with AttributeScore, any reload from a save sets the companions attribute stats back to default. Apparently they are now picking up companion default attribute scores from a table somewhere on loading a save. Atfer patching game discretly changed previous values of companions attributes modified earlier by console to default, so entire gameplay also changed... Changing atttributes for companions with conosle it was big advantage... Now we forced to choose npc and theirs stories or customize own party. Personally I spent huge amount of time on writting attribute console commands to adjust my companions stats. I prefer playthrough with Companions, which You created, and with their intresting stories,dialogs.In that way, immersion, atmosphere is a way much better,scripted interactions, influence on conversations etc. At the same time I admire option to change their stats via console command and adjust to my game style, which is very important to level of difficulty of the game.Now I'm kind of stuck, couse whole game I was playing with companions,with modified attributes at beginning , customize on that theirs builds, and now I'm forced to either create whole new team or completely change build of companions with default stats ,which it's pretty impossible , since PoTD, and prefered style requires specific build with related attributes, not with just average 10-10 stats etc. pls make it happen( no idea how much effort it demands, but maybe it would be little fast fix for devs and so important aspect for players) , this feature mean a lot for players and their playthrough with companions Some quotes from another players, who looking for it also: Everyone else, for whom playthrough with companions is major feature, pls support this request. greetings
  9. This Friday, join us while we play Pathfinder Adventures on twitch.tv/obsidian 4:00PM PST I will be playing Black Fang's Dungeon on LEGENDARY difficulty with 6 characters. The scenario will have extra powers that make it more difficult and will also limit my travel between each location on the map. Tell me which characters you'd like me to play in the attached poll. If you don't know who these people are you can find more information here: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/iconics/meetTheIconics I could only include 10 possible answers on the poll so if you want Valeros the Fighter put a note in the comments. See you Friday!
  10. http://www.smh.com.au/world/bernie-sanders-would-hammer-donald-trump-in-a-headtohead-race-for-the-white-house-20151223-gluj3l.html http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/poll-against-bernie-sanders-donald-trump-would-get-schlonged-20151223
  11. If you've done multiple playthroughs, choose all that apply! Interested to see which races and classes people gravitated to the most. (I had to split the classes into 2 questions, since their polling only allows 10 options per question and there are 11 classes total)
  12. Update by Brandon Adler, Producery Fellow Hey, everyone. This is just a quick and dirty update for you on the backer poll we mentioned in our update from last week, some pics of the strategy guide, and news about PAX East. Our next update will come out in the next few weeks when we will discuss how backers can redeem their game from the Backer Portal. Poll Results First, we would like to thank all of our backers for taking the time to vote. It is very important to us that you are able to express your choice and voice your opinion about the shipping of rewards. At close to 75% of the vote, it looks like shipping the physical rewards at the game's release and the game discs at a later date is the winner. This is how we will proceed with the shipping. We realize that some of our backers have been asking about the possibility of selectively opting out of this choice and instead getting their items shipped to them all at once, multiple weeks after the game's release. We don't have an answer for this right now, but we are discussing the possibility with Paradox. Depending on the logistical realities we may not be able to provide this option, but we will explore the possibility. As for now, everyone will have their physical rewards shipped as soon as possible, and their game discs at a later date. Prima Games - Collector's Edition Strategy Guide We've been hard at work collaborating with Prima Games on the strategy guide for Pillars of Eternity. The folks over at Prima Games are not only working on creating the awesome Digital Guide for you backers, but will also be releasing a beautifully printed copy of the guide. Pillars of Eternity is a big RPG, and Prima Games is working to make sure that every inch of our huge game world is covered. The guide will include: Main Quest: A comprehensive walkthrough of the main story. Side Quests and Tasks: An easy reference to all side quests. Atlas: Maps for all critical locations in the vast world of Eora. Training: How to create a character and expertly assign points to attributes and skills. Achievements, Secrets, and exclusive bonuses. The guide will also feature a Thank You section. If you pledged at a tier that included getting your name in the game's credits, you'll also find yourself featured here! As an added plus, all physical copies of the guide will include an access code for a free digital guide, viewable on any connected device. If you missed out on pledging for the strategy guide, the Collector's Edition Guide is a great option for getting all the tips and tricks you'll need for your journey through Eora. To preorder the guide, you can head here. PAX East The Pillars crew will be heading to PAX East to give a panel on March 7th. Josh, Tim, Adam, Chris, Shane, and I will be there to demo and answer questions about the project. If you are going to be there make sure to stop by the Albatross Theatre at 4:30 PM to check it out. That's it for now. Talk to you folks again when we give instructions on how to redeem your game and rewards.
  13. Don't care would have been the right option for me as well if it existed when I voted. Should the POE that was released have been more appropriately considered Early Access, rather than marketed as a finished product, based on these comments: "Since the release of the game with have fixed around 1000 bugs with the help of the community." Why were 1000's of bugs in a game that was released as a finished product? "There are many of you, with many different playstyles. It isn't something that we can easily replicate on our side so we will gladly take any help that the community is willing to give us." So why not early access? The description of Early Access suits the released version of Pillars of Eternity perfectly, especially version 1.01: "Early access, alpha funding, or paid-alpha is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can pay for a game in the early stages of development and obtain access to playable but unfinished versions of the game, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue work on the game." "This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development." "These are games that evolve as you play them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content." Playable but unfinished version of the game: Check (Version 1.01 was not even playable due to some bugs.) Pillars of Eternity is not complete: Check Pillars of Eternity may or may not change further: Check Pillars of Eternity is Evolving as we play: Check Pillars of Eternity developers are getting feedback from the players and updating and adding content: Check. If you (i.e the customer) are not exited to play this game in its current state: Check (for many customers) then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. (POE is developing further, with UI tweaks, bug fixes, additional features, balances and so on, except this was not mentioned as a disclaimer for POE, it was marketed as a completed product, which it is not.) So next time, please release the game as early access and spare paying customers like me who do NOT want to get involved in the development of an unfinished product and who simply want to play the game. This poll is solely related to POE, please do not make comparisons to "other" buggy released games to justify the label "Finished product." Simply weigh up the state of completion of POE on its release and consider the amount of changes and fixes brought into the game based on both community feedback and developer input. Also consider whether the game is "Playable but not complete." and if it is subject to "Further development" or not. Thanks.
  14. If you're going to pick "Yes I did and I'll tell you why!" why not TELL US WHY! All the negativity here (and elsewhere) are seriously making me think I got hosed from this game. From what little I've been able to play (I really REALLY suck at these games due to the real-time nature of the combat,) I've been enjoying it but according to this forum (and the two chans' forums,) Obsidian screwed up on damn near every single aspect of the game. Keep in mind I don't agree with these things personally. These are just things I've seen mentioned. The story is weak The classes are either too balanced (from the chans) or not balanced enough (here) The game's too easy The game's system sucks The characters are lame Too much voice acting Weak ending Too small world Too few quests Choices don't matter The music sucks The writing sucks The keep sucks The "endless" dungeon sucks Etc. Etc. Etc. So with all this negativity, I have to ask: Do you feel like you got ripped off, hosed, or otherwise lied to by Obsidian as it pertains to the game itself?
  15. Noticed this thread here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68940-really-old-player-here/ .. and like many others, felt 29 isn't really all that ancient to be quite yet. But I can't remember (that's age for you) if there's been a poll of average PoE forum dweller age. And if there has been, what is the age bracket now anyway. And then when making the poll, figured I'll as if you discovered gaming yesterday, or have been gaming since rocks were invented. -- And then I was going to go up to 40+ yrs of gaming in poll options, but mucked it up because of age-unrelated reasons. PS. if you happen to feel very old and prone to going on and on and on about ancient history, feel free to tell how you get on the gaming train. But do skip the interesting bit about prostate treatment...
  16. At the current state of the game, combat remains its major flaw, where instead, this should be one of its major strengths. Obsidian is trying their best to eliminate bugs & tweak combat to make it fluid & fun-to-play. Backers are crowding the forums suggesting ideas on how to 'fix' combat since everybody wants combat to feel as enjoying as in the IE games, but also refreshed, absent GM sucker punches and not susceptible to exploits and cheesy tactics. All of this effort is sincere and worth commended for. The purpose of this poll is to determine whether you feel a radical change in combat should occur. Back in the IE D&D-like games, there where 'invisible' combat rounds that determined each & everyone's actions. Although that is arguably not the best way to handle combat in a RTwP game, it worked well placing limitations & making combat more easily to control (for the GMs) and easier for the player to handle. It is easier for a GM to design encounters when she knows what each combatant can & cannot do due to mechanical limitations of the combat round. This knowledge can extend to balancing out every single game aspect, from encounters to begin with, up to class abilities & weapons/armor. It may be possible that combat in PoE is 'chaotic' as many describe due to the absent of such a limitation. However, this does not cancel the fact that with everyone's best effort combat can be made to work retaining its current round-free state. You can vote about it, say your opinion & make your predictions/suggestions.
  17. I'm not sure if this has been answered and this question came up in another thread (Beard technology). I wanted to get everyone's opinion: would you like to have your portraits show up as they did in Baldur's Gate (an artist's rendition) or as they did in Neverwinter Nights 2 (as a 3D model)? Please tell us why in either case. In my case, I've detailed my own pros and cons. Baldur's Gate portraits: Limitless customization. Ability to truly make your character look how you want them to. Inability to change the portrait when wearing different headgear or armor, or showing injuries. (Could use layered images to fix this however) Neverwinter Nights 2: Ability to change portrait due to injuries, different armor, etc. Easier to make animated portrait (head looks around, makes faces, portray emotions, etc). Will never be as detailed as artist's rendition. Limited by polygon count can make faces look blocky. Takes longer for devs to implement.
  18. I returned from my summer trip and do want compare my personal feelings whith feelings another people. Personal favorites of my Worst Tourists top is Britts. Always totally drunk, loudly, aggressive in big companies (but very quiet alone, cowardly), though mostly harmless ( their brawlings looks childish ). Often by own offensive actions create dangerous situations for yourself. Girls often looks terrible, fatty, cellulitis, ugly tattoos everywhere, strange dresses. Germans is number 2. Same thing as Britts, but more quiet and mostly avoid real conflicts ( though this is probably their personal fear of Russians after WW2 failure). Girls looks too manly. French. Many of them IRL are Algerian migrants, can be loud, but don't create real problems. Number 3. Some girls are nice. Italians. Norm people, can't say something bad about them. Many their girls looks nice. Number 4. Americans. Eat strange food, but don't create problems for another people. Young girls looks nice. Russians. Don't like them, but this is just internal competition, for our culture it's norm. IRL they are one of best tourists ever, hosts like them very much and this is really strange ( i don't have illusions about our people, we are quite fiendish and dangerous creatures). Though our cold perfectionists behaviour create big butthurt to other tourists, many of these drunkards really hate us.
  19. Just your standard "what x will you play as?" topic where no one reads the posts as you're only here for the poll. Doesn't make for interesting conversation but someone had to do it. I'll probably be rolling aumaua as I usually prefer to play as one of the 'unique'/non-standard races and I thought the aumaua portrait in this week's update looked pretty cool.
  20. This poll and thread is a 're-launch' attempt of another thread (@ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65236-co-operate-with-torment-ton-in-allowing-shared-art-assets/ ), with clearer languaging around the (now multiple) poll questions. The really key thing that would make this happen (or not!) in any form is dev interest, of course, and that is what these threads/posts will hopefully stimulate. For myself, Q1: Yes - of course. :D Q2: Only if the devs feel like it. Not attached either way. Q3: As Q2. Cheers!
  21. The recent discussions about Combat Challenge =/= Obfuscation and the inclusion of a stat popup and Bestiary logs raises an important question to me regarding a particular feature of the Infinity Engine games (and Dungeons and Dragons) that I rather enjoyed. In all of the D&D campaigns that I played, the target values of skill checks and Armor class were never revealed by any Dungeon Master, you had to do the math yourself. You might be able to figure out what the AC of a monster was if you knew the value from the book and the DM was using it or you could approximate it by the armor they were wearing, or you rolled a miss on a 17 and then someone else hit the same monster on an 18 in a later round. In Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment - Armor classes were never shown in the combat log, only the attack roll was displayed: For example Sensuki attacks Josh Sawyer: 15 + 6 = 21: Miss However in later titles (the trend started with Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2 I believe) the target DCs for skill checks and AC values for enemies were shown upon rolls in a manner similar to this (using a D&D example here). Sensuki attacks Josh Sawyer: 15 + 6 = 21 (vs AC 24): Miss Eternity will be supporting transparency by default as Josh wants players to engage in the mechanics, and it makes it easier for people unfamiliar to RPGs of this kind. That's fine with me because we will also be able to disable the popups that fill in the enemy defense scores. However I am a bit worried that the combat log will still show target values. I have asked multiple times but have not got an answer yet - perhaps the question wasn't noticed or they haven't decided yet, so I thought I'd post a poll. Please keep in mind this is for EXPERT MODE only. Personally I do not want to see target values in the combat log, I would rather work them out myself, yes it means I have to do some 'unnecessary' arithmetic which some people may find bothersome, but these people are hopefully not Expert mode players. I am not too phased about whether values are shown in the Bestiary as I probably won't use it, but I wouldn't be against having stats disabled in the Bestiary as well on Expert Mode. I don't want to know anything, let me figure it out please. Personally I felt Baldur's Gate 1 gave the best feel, it didn't give you any feedback about the states of enemy health either. I'm not too phased about that I'm more concerned with not being able to see their defense scores and skill check targets than anything else. Hopefully there's some more Expert Mode players out there that feel the same.
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