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  1. Hello! I've been a player for some time now (260+ Hours on Steam, 100% scorecard and currently Mild NG+1 [New World] ), and have noticed a significant issue with certain resources having limited uses, most notably for me personally, the "Acid Gland". Unlike other resources which can accumulate quickly as a side result of farming for other purposes ("Red Ant Parts" for example), Acid Glands are dropped by multiple insects, ranging from Tier One (Red Soldier Ants/Larva), all the way to Tier 3 (Ladybird Larva) which are usually aggressive and difficult to ignore/avoid at times, and can pile up quickly with only a handful of practical uses (Low Tier Armor, Weapons, Trinkets and specific Ammunition). I would like to propose a solid first step in solving what I see as a problem for retaining this resources significance, even into NG+, as it drops frequently but has no valuable uses, even as an ammunition component (Note "Rocky Rounds" for use in "Acorn Turret" becoming an obsolete damage source in NG+]). The solution to me seems reasonable, and involves simply copying the item "Healbasa", using its visual assets and mechanics as a throwable object which bursts on impact, to create a low-moderate damage 'Splash Damage Bomb' that deals flat "Generic" damage. These "Acid Bombs", as I think of them, would require the following materials to craft: 1 "Bug Rubber" (1 "Sap" + 1 "Acid Gland") 3 "Acid Glands" 1 "Crude Rope" (5 "Plant Fiber" or 1 if made on "Loom") These resources can be easily obtained Early-Game and onward, and provide new uses for resources which are currently of limited usage, such as "Bug Rubber" (Only used primarily in decorations and "Bounce Webs"). Here are some simple ideas for expanding on their base functionality in-game: These Items would function nearly identically to the "Healbasa", affecting entities caught in the 'splash zone', both Enemies and Allies, providing a reasonable risk/reward incentive towards using them. These items could be effected by the "Javelineer" Mutation, which improves the damage of thrown objects. These Items could have a simple de-buff added to them that affects all entities hit (i.e. Slight armor reduction for a short amount of time, or a damage-over-time effect similar to "Burn" or "Poison") These Items could have their recipes improved in NG+, unlocking something I might call "Glowing Acid Bomb", which adds "Glow Goo" to improve the damage/de-buff capabilities and/or improves the items effective splash radius. These Items WOULD NOT, be a replacement for "Bratbursts", simply damage/de-buff only items. I'm sure many other players have had similar ideas or requests to address this items usage in the game, and I hope to receive a response in regards to any current projects or features which may already be addressing this potential issue. Excellent Work on the recent Updates, -Zac
  2. Alternative title: Should it be done? Long time lurker first time poster who usually plays PotD etc. I'm still working my way through Deadfire after enjoying Pillars of Eternity. I find myself drawn into the myriad of options that Deadfire presents. I also really like priest/cleric characters in general and the idea of slamming a critical Pillar of Holy Fire on a group of charmed enemies. I wanted to get the communities read on this build concept. Right now, I’m trying to build a character (most likely a priest of Wael) with some preacher/cult leader-ish vibes and I think debonaire provides an interesting twist on the usual rogue with Charming Smile and 100% hit to crit on charmed foes. This would definitely not be solo, and the character would likely travel with a Witch Serafen and a SC Cipher Ydwin to take better advantage of the Hit to Crit. The idea would be to charm and then hit hard with some powerful spells (PoHF, Divine Mark, etc.) In theory it sounds like an interesting build but I’m seeing some issues with implementation. 1) Zealots are not the most synergistic of class multiclass combos. Although, as thelee demonstrated with his Umezawa build, the combo can work wonders a zealot is not as intuitively synergistic as say a contemplative or a cleric. 2) Aside from Pillar of Holy Fire and Storm of Holy fire the priest is lacking in friendly fire AoE spells. This can be helped somewhat by scrolls but still presents an issue. I still think this build could work and I like the flavor, but I’d like to workshop it a little before I commit to the bit.
  3. I get that lil-fist was used a little too much on bosses and needed to be nerfed, but nerfing every aspect of it now makes it useless. It's so weak, I can't ever see a reason to use it. Punching does less damage so it takes longer for it to do meaningful attack damage, and the reset upon taken damage makes it near impossible to get the hit counter high enough for meaningful attack damage. One of these changes alone is a significant set back to lil-fist users, but both! It already receives a full reset after you are no longer being targeted, why does it need another full reset to worry about. Wouldn't it have been better to attack the source of the problem and made bosses resistant to lil-fist or punching. But I digress. First Idea: Change the new counter system; 3 approaches here. Instead of a full reset to the hit counter, why not have the count lose a set number per attack received. Every time I receive a hit, my hit counter decrease by ten. Have the decrement proportional to the damage received. The harder I get hit, the more my hit counter tanks. That way a player doesn't have to constantly have to fight to keep their hit counter alive by perfectly blocking every attack around them. Instead it would be more about trying to maintain a high hit count throughout the fight. Don't decrement or reset the hit counter at all during the fight, but instead have a limit on how high the hit counter can get and have it increase with each level of lil-fist. Like a max of 20, 40, 60 for each level of lil-fist. Second Idea: Gauntlets; Change nothing about the new lil-fist balancing and instead add something new. A problem with lil-fist is that it can't be scaled like other attack specific mutations can through the different tiers of the game. Take chopper for example: there is a tier 1, 2, and 3 axe, so as you fight stronger insects there is stronger axes to pair with chopper. Now what if chopper only applied to the tier 1 axe, making it mildly useful against weaker insects but useless against stronger opponents. Lil-fist doesn't have a specific weapon to scale through the tiers of the game with, that's kind of the point. Gauntlets could change that. They don't take away from the over-all scheme of lil-fist, it's still punching, and it gives the ability to hot-swap between punching and and another attack method. Make it a two-handed weapon, and give it boxing like animations. The different tier idea: Tier 1: Plant fiber wrist wrap. recipe: a couple of fiber bandages, crude rope, and mite fuzz model: plant fiber wrapping around the fist and wrists, similar to how boxers have their hands wrapped, with the crude rope going over the knuckles and red tuffs of mite fuzz sticking out from underneath. rough photoshop of idea Tier 2: Insect gloves. recipe: some berry leather, silk rope, and some tier 2 beetle part. model: black or purple boxing gloves with silk rope around the wrists and beetle parts plating the impact area. Tier 3: Ox Beetle Gauntlets, recipe: two ox beetle horns, lint, pupa leather. model: basically if you use the horns as punching gloves
  4. With the addition of the comfort system giving us more of a reason to decoration and design than ever before, I feel that there some things we are currently lacking and some structures that may need a bit of tweaking to make things perfect. Apologies in advance if any of these are already in the works, have already been suggested, or have already been rejected, as I'm not up to date on this kind of information. Additions: 1. Carpets/rugs They'd fit in perfectly with the new comfort system (maybe a 6th rank could be added? It could, very slowly, passively restore equipment durability or something.). We have plenty of existing materials they could be made out of. They could either replace/reskin floors entirely or simply be placed on top of them (although they would need to allow other structures to be placed over them if the latter is done). 2. Quarter Wall/Foundation/Floor Pieces I can't tell you how many times I've run into situations in which I've needed a quarter wall/foundation/floor piece to fill a tiny gap when designing a base. These would be so nice to have. 3. Ash Pillars Why don't these exist? We have pillars for everything else remotely solid. 4. Wall & hanging braziers The standing mant braziers look amazing and were a good start, but even the small ones take up a lot of room and I feel this idea could be expanded on. 5. More Railing/Fence Types Just sprig and acorn is very limiting to aesthetics. Why not have at least a pine cone variant? 6. Ash & Pine Cone Stairs Like with pillars and fencing, it just seems strange that these don't already exist. 7. More Path Variations Pebblet looks great, but why can't we also have clay, acorn, pine cone, mushroom brick, or ash paths? 8. Curved Corner Stairs We have straight corner stairs so why not these? 9. More Spiral Stair Variants We have more than just Acorn for normal and half stairs, spiral stairs need some love too. 10. Ash Foundations Seems like an obvious addition to me since ash is supposed to be our mini version of concrete, right? 11. Zipline anchor Variants I feel like it's a waste to only ever build these out of the same materials when we have so many different possible styles available. 12. Small Garden Patch Why must I grow smaller plants in such a massive patch? Especially when said patch still only gives me a small return on these smaller plants? 13. More Arch Variants At least Ash wall arches would be nice. Just having these available for mushroom walls is a waste. Tweaks: 1. Diagonal Triangle Wall Placement It would be nice if we could place triangle wall segments diagonally like we already can with other wall types. 2.. Triangle Ash Wall Curve Why is the normal one curved on one side when the inverted variant is straight? The curve just creates gaps and it isn't like ash walls all have a curvy style to them, I don't see the point. 3. Pillar Placement Having more snap points for Pillars would be much appreciated. For example, being able to snap them at points halfway along flooring or maybe on the edge of floor segments would be nice. 4. Curved Wall Gaps Curved walls have gaps that need fixing. This is most obvious on the left side of ash curved walls and ash curved half walls. 5. Garden Patch Snapping The snapping for these is full of problems. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Often times you can't snap a lot of them next to each other for no apparent reason. They often refuse to snap correctly next to walls, despite there being plenty of room. This is more for convenience because you can, of course, manually place them in such locations. 6. More Chest Snap Points It would be very convenient if chests and other storage structures could snap to more locations other than just the center and edges of a floor segment. Having to eyeball everything takes a really long time if you want it looking nice. 7. Middle Mouse Rotation Alignment Generally, most structures other than floors, walls, roofing, etc tend to not rotate with the correct alignment when using the mouse wheel. Trying to line everything up to look neat is something I do in every building game. So the mouse wheel rotating things to an off angle can be infuriating when I'm, for example, trying to place a row of chests sideways along a wall and keep them lined up perfectly with that wall. This is all I can think of for now. If I come up with any more ideas I'll add them. If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions.
  5. A fledgling barbarian discovered the majesty of being a wizard after taking down the Termite King. Seriously I'm loving the staves and the wizard hat. I would love to see some wizard robes and slippers to complete the outfit I currently have the black ox armor and leggings for that sweet, sweet charge time reduction. I'm hoping the armor set bonus could reduce charging time on the staves or add some sort of dodge effect to keep our squishy mages safe. A sleek benefit could be a decrease in stamina consumption while using staves. Loving this game! Thank you Obsidian for an awesome game. I really appreciate having a fun new experience with my friends. Have an awesome New Year!
  6. I would like to wish building elements/parts/components that can be used to build machines (The Incredible Machine) that are completely free in terms of function. This makes it possible to build sophisticated traps, defense systems or automate workflows, etc. There are no limits to the creativity of the players. You could integrate these the whole thing into your base, in combination or as a stand-alone object/machine/outpost. What do you think?!
  7. solifuges are a type of spider if you dont know about them, its like a spider + scorpion, they are even more dangereous than black widows and can eat even pidgeons.
  8. I was thinking of adding an accessory to the zip line like a cable car or platform that can hold weed stems or grass planks that can then travel along the zip line this will add a much needed faster transport of hucked resources.
  9. The idea I have is to implement a new type of quest. These quests would send you out to kill a specific bug that has it's HP, movement speed, attack speed and defense all buffed. Perhaps these bugs could have and extra attack or two, though they would no doubt be more difficult to implement. In addition to Raw Science, rewards for these quests could be rare, hard to get materials. Also, the Beefy Bugs could have materials unique to them so that are required to craft new variants of the old armors. This could allow you to re-use the textures of armors while adding or changing only minor cosmetic things such as horns, spikes, extra armor plates and additional armor covering exposed areas of the kids bodies better. Thanks for the great game.
  10. Pretty simple, you would just relocate a chest/basket to a Zipline and it would attach, maybe even have a option where it doesn't move until you send it so you can load stuff into the container before sending it off. I think this would be an amazing thing for people who like to go on long gathering sessions across the map or maybe want to make a new base but don't want to deal with the relocation of their chests. I mean if a player puts the work in to have Ziplines going all over the map, maybe we should be able to do more and have ways to maybe just send items over long distances like with the stems. This could even be really helpful if you have a multiplayer world and your friend needs food or repair ingredients for their stuff but are all the way across the map, instead of just heading home their friend could just send over stuff and they can continue on with whatever they need to do across the map
  11. I think it would be great if you added preserving cooked meat to the game using salt shards. People have used this for ages in real life, so I think it should be added to the game.
  12. Introducing, the grass snake. A foe not to be messed with unless you have the required gear and know how. These fierce creatures will attack anything in it's path.. If you're lucky enough, and take it down however, you could use it's skin to craft yourself some awesome new scaly armor. (Short idea for something that could be rather big in general)
  13. I think a basketball would just a fun little thing to add in Grounded. It's recipe would be pretty simple (something like 2x bug rubber, 2x berry leather, and 1x silk rope.) You would obviously use it with the basketball hoop. It would be quite bouncy, so if you threw it straight down, it would bounce right back up. When shooting it, you might be able to see an "arc" show up on your screen so you know where to shoot it. Also, I think a new mutation, called "Baller," should be added for the basketball hoop. You would unlock tier one after making 20 throws into the basketball hoop. You would then unlock tier two by making it 50 times, and unlock tier three after making it 100 times. This mutation would increase jump height.
  14. As it stands right now, you can custom-build a house, placing each piece individually. My idea is to give us complete house plans that include everything already designed, you just have build it. Such designs could include but aren't limited to: - A simple 1-room, 1-floor house - A 1-floor house with X rooms - A 2-story house - A house that's built on stilts
  15. My idea would be to have a cassette radio or record player you have to go around the world to find the parts to craft it (side quest) with a side table craftable if (sitting in a chair) gets Implemented, I can imagine sitting in bases in our chairs listening to the music we find Extra side quest would be finding cassette music or records for pacific bugs, these music tracks playing from your cassette radio or record player would attract certain bugs that get put in a trance, but to fully tame these bugs you would need to find a rare mushroom that spawns in the mushroom patches randomly and/or the infected goo for different types of bugs that you would want to tame, you can only tame one bug at a time, what ever special bug you tame could also unlock more side quests to go looking for parts to craft ride-ables or more special items for what ever you could use your pet for. Also an idea to be able to bookmark a few crafting recipes to the HUD (CTRL + LMB click on a Recipe to bookmark to HUD) that shows the items you need for said crafting recipe, shows the amount you have in your inv and how many of said items you need A few times I find myself going in and out of the menu because I forget what items I need for a crafting recipe, would be a nice thing to see while working on a few recipes at a time, especially if the game is going to get a lot larger in the crafting/building
  16. Add Doves because they symbolise peace and love and stuffs. So then make positive potions made from dove feathers that help the player by giving them positive effects like water breathing, regeneration, etc. Then with the crow feathers add negative potions where it can damage enemies but also the player. For example harming, poison, fire, drowning potion effects.
  17. So I've read just A few entries here (not all) and I didn't see an idea for a shield nor a vehicle. For the shield, maybe rubber and an acorn shell could be used to make it. It could be used in combo with the single handed weapons. I can't begin to tell u how many times I wished I had a shield while fighting spiders. Now for the vehicle, the acorn tops could be wheels, grass blades and weed stems for the body, sap for lights, and maybe a basket for storage made from woven fibers and clovers. A little golf cart type vehicle would be helpful with transporting things and in multiplayer it would be fun to have races. As little people, we work so hard building and trying to survive. Why not have a little fun and race eachother on little or big tracks we make. Imagine having a long distance race around the backyard. How much fun would it be to make a track around the acorn tree and race while spiders are going nuts trying to figure out how to get u as u wiz by? Lol, I would love that!!!!
  18. Not sure if this is where to post an idea about the thing lurking in the hedge, but here goes! I have an idea that I think could make the Hedge Broodmother more accurate and way more terrifying at the same time. I went up against her solo and only took 5% health worth of damage, overall if she is supposed to be a boss I think she needs to be more difficult. So wolf spiders can get big, I think that she should be made a little bigger to start with as a spider that is older than the others, with more health to go along with that size. Now for the main idea, wolf spider mothers also carry their young on their backs, and it is a scary image if you dare to look it up. I realize that having 1000 baby spiders in such a small area is probably not possible due to frame rates and whatnot, but I think it should be possible to have maybe 10 or so crawling on her back? They could possibly jump off (or spawn off her) and attack the player/players from different angles making it harder to simply focus on her during combat. I am not sure if this idea has already been considered and dismissed, but I think (granted I am not a game developer so I have no idea what is really possible here) that this idea is definitely worth some looking into. I am in love with the game so far, and can't wait to see what new things are added to the backyard, I will be exploring all of it. Thank you!!
  19. Dont know if its possible but it would be nice, really enjoy the game, just omg I cant seem to help but always freeze cuz I'm terrified of insects, the ants and ladybugs not so much. But if I start to look at them for too long I start to get a panicky skin-crawling feeling, but its not as bad as the other hostile bugs, I really enjoyed the base building and the map itself is just gorgeous I just wish I wasnt such a wimp when it comes to fighting these things. I just panic XD hoping to get more of my friends into it cuz I feel I'll be a lot less scared if I have other people there to experience the fear with me lmfao XD hope this game goes far, it has so much potential !!!!!
  20. You know? Where you could start the game over again with your current level and items. I love this game so far. I'd definitely play it again.
  21. As a veteran No Man's Sky and ARK player and after spending several hours in Grounded, these are some suggestions that I think would improve playability: - Add the ability to increase inventory space over time, and on that same note: add armor and weapon slots to the character tab so that these items aren't taking up general inventory space. - Add dynamic weather, ie: rainstorms, snow, fog, etc. The consistently warm, sunny days get a little monotonous. - Add some sort of character leveling so that players can increase damage delt to NPCs and damage reduction for the player. - Add the ability to prevent plants from regrowing within base boundaries.
  22. there should be more spiders added in future so I made a list of potential candidates from what probably makes the most sense to the least 1. hobo spiders would make a nice addition to the game having a moderate threat level between the orb weaver and wolf spider 2. daddy long legs would be really cool in an ecosystem like grounded preying on weak bugs like aphids to uncommonly trying to prey on other spiders! 3. brown recluse is likely to be really deadly and poisonous, the only reason its low is because im not sure they will add this since we have the wolf spider already i personally hope they add the daddy long legs (yes i know there are multiple spiders under this nickname but you get the idea) but even if none of these are added I think it would be cool to see certain spiders preying on each other
  23. Hey guys, after logging about 14 hours into the game I have some ideas that I feel would be cool to see in the game :). 1. Boss Battles - I think having boss battles in the game would be an awesome feature and a cool way to get boss exclusive resources, items, etc. Some ideas I have are a black widow boss possibly under the deck of the house, a queen ant located in the ant hill to the west side of the map, and maybe some kind of a Koi fish or something in the pond? 2. Insect Types - Here are some insects that I think would be cool to see in the game: Praying Mantis, Fruit Flies, Fire Flies at night, and earth worms :). 3. Buildings - I think it would be cool to have more types of building that can only be built in high up branches and foliage, like rope bridges made from spider silk and weed stems, housing and balconies that can wrap around branches of the berry bushes and stuff like that. Also a pully system to pull up large amounts of planks and weed stems from the ground to your base in the branches, and a zipline also made from spider silk. 4. MAKE INSECTS AND ARACHNIDS CLIMB MORE - That's all I have about that. Lets make it so spiders can climb up to the top of rocks rather than sit and watch you from below. That's it! I hope everyone who sees this likes my ideas and let's see if any of them actually end up coming into the game
  24. I've played through this game 2 or 3 times the entire thing except maybe some DLC here and there and so far I like some builds and some not. I absolutely hate Ranger class I just find the pet or the ghost pet annoying. I prefer Shieldbearer/Unbroken tank. I love the Eothas/Troubadour Support/healer And I really like the Ancient/Wizard no subclass(maybe I should try Blood Mage?) for magic dps and aoe. Now there are 4 unused classes left Monk, Cipher, Barbarian and Rogue. I'd like to build 2 more multiclass builds with these 4 but I am a bit lost. I heard something about a Helwalker/Ascendant Dual wield mortar build? That would leave Rogue and Barbarian are there any good Marauder builds? I've been looking around on the forums but I haven't found more. Any replies would be helpful.
  25. Intro: I think it would be really cool if Obsidian added a 12th class to Deadfire and I think that class should be the Shaman. I know shaman right now is a multiclass between a Barbarian and Priest, but I think that should be changed to something else and Shaman should be its own single class. Why Shaman? I think shaman could be a really fun, unique class if it was added as a stand-alone class. Totems are cool and add a completely different play style. I gathered my thought and made up what I think would be a cool approach to making Shaman an official class. Below are class descriptions, abilities, and subclasses that I made up for this class. Obviously, there is no way for me to test any of this and maybe this class would be super overpowered the way I have thought of it. I also just described the abilities and didn't mention anything about what defenses they go against or anything that specific. This is just something I made up and would love to see added to the game with real values! I am very open to suggestions and ideas and even though this will probably never be added to the game, it is fun to think and dream about! Thanks for reading! Class: Shaman Roles: Striker, Support, Crowd Control Power Source: Ancestors (Shaman would use Ancestral spirits as a resource like paladins use Zeal instead of having spell slots like a wizard.) Subclasses: (names pending) Double number of allowable active totems. 25% chance to regain resources when totem unsummoned/destroyed. Totems are weaker and have a lower duration Totems no longer consume resources and are have a 0.5 sec cast time. Can only cast each totem once per combat. Total resources cut in half. Gain ability “Extract Spirit” – consume the spirits of fallen kith, wilder, and beasts to regain resources. Can also target low level/near death spirits. Successful use also grants Strong and Smart for 5 sec. Can no longer use empower. -10 all defenses All totems are more powerful, have longer duration, higher defenses, and more health. Having a totem active gives +1 all PL. Can only have 1 totem active at a time. Totems destroyed by enemies inflict damage to the shaman. Not having a totem active gives shaken. Abilities by Power Level PL Active Abilities Passive Abilities 0 Shaman use spirits to summon Totems in combat. Shaman use spirits to infuse their weapons with special abilities Can only have 1 Totem active at a time. Totems Count as summoned creature Totems are immune to Intellect Afflictions but have low reflex 1 Purge Totem – Removes 1 negative affect from nearby allies every 5 sec Fire Totem – Shots small fire balls at enemy targets Taunt Totem – Forces nearest 2 enemies to attack. Enemies are distracted Earth Weapon – Full attack, Deals additional Crush Damage Poison Weapon - Primary attack, Applies poison Hex that sickens the target Arms Bearer Monastic Unarmed Training Will of the Spirits - +5 Will, +5 defense against spirits 2 Water Totem – Regen health in area Earth Totem – Damage enemies in area, enemies are hobbled and shaken Totem of Atrophy - Applies Curse of Atrophy in AOE Shaman Modal – Earth (-5% damage taken), Water (Gain Concentration every 5 sec), Air (charges up, pushes back enemies tat attack in melee), Lightning (+5% Crit Chance), Shadow (increase duration of will targeting attacks) Lightning Weapon – Primary Attack, deals additional lightning damage in small AOE around target Shadow Weapon - Full attack, applies a Hex that lowers accuracy of target Weapon and Shield Style Two Weapon Style One-Handed Style Two Handed Style 3 Pull Totem – Pulls farthest enemy in range to totem Stone Totem – Throws rocks for crush damage at enemies Totem of Nightmares - Applies Curse of Nightmares in AOE Taunt Totem 2A – Increases health, defenses, duration Taunt Totem 2B – when destroyed or unsummoned, deals fire damage and staggers and sickens enemies Earth Weapon 2 – Successful hits also bleed the target over time Poison Weapon 2 - adds poison damage to weapons attacks while hex persist Can have 2 active Totems Bear’s Fortitude Snake’s Reflexes Bull’s Will 4 Water Totem 2 – Activate again for instant heal. Destroyed when activated. Heal amount determined by time remaining Spirit Totem – Frighten nearby enemies Shadow Totem - Applies Curse of Darkness in AOE Modal 2 – Earth (increase AR by 2), Water (Gain Acute at the beginning of combat), Air (recharges faster), Lightning (crits have 50% to set off lesser chain lightning), Shadow (Will targeting attacks also lower will by 5) Water Weapon – Full Attack, target ally instead of enemy, heals instead of dealing damage Lightning Weapon 2 – Full Attack, increased AOE damage Weapon of Rot - Primary Attack, Applies hex deals poison damage over time +1 Penetration with Fire Attacks +1 Penetration with Earth Attacks +1 Penetration with Electricity Attacks Spell Shaping Tumbling 5 Pull Totem 2 – Immobilize Pulled targets Stone Totem 2A – Has a chance to knock down Stone Totem 2B – Stone explodes and deals pierce damage in AOE Defense Totem - +5 all defenses, stacks with other defensive abilities Totem of Obedience - Dominates targets in small AOE Lava Weapon – Primary Attack, increase the time of beneficial effects on allies in a small AOE around the enemy hit Plague Weapon - Primary Attack, Applies a hex that adds damage each time the target is hit in melee Shadow Weapon 2 - The hex also deals damage each time the target misses an attack Tough Uncanny Luck Practiced Healer Far Casting (Totems Only) Strong Totems – Increase Totem defenses and AR 6 Air Totem – Blinds in AOE Lightning Totem – Deals damage in AOE Spirt Weapon – Primary attack, terrify enemy Water Weapon 2 – if ally is below 50% health, leaves a small heal over time Weapon of Rot 2 - Target explodes if killed while the Hex persists Spell Resistance Improved Crit Quick Summoning (Totems Only) Increase number of resources by 1. +1 Spirit 7 Speed Totem – Increase stride and lower recovery speed. Doesn’t stack Rez Totem – Revives ally Air Weapon – Recover Instantly on next weapon Crit Lava Weapon 2 – Crits cause the attack to be more benefical Plague Weapon 2 - the Hex spreads if the target is killed while still affected by the hex Killing blows have a 25% chance to recover 1 resource Lasting Empower Accurate Empower Penetrating Empower Potent Empower 8 Water Totem 3 – Using the active ability with 10+ seconds remaining restores the resource cost Lightning Totem 2A – chance to stun Lightning Totem 2B – increase AOE Spirit Weapon 2 – Hit enemies behind the initial target in a cone area Totem of Serpents Gaze - Petrifies targets in a cone in the direction the totem faces Great Soul Totems have increased Duration 9 Ancestral Totem – lashes out at enemies at range dealing Fire, Earth (crush), lightning damage Rez Totem 2A – Revives in area and gives robust and resolute Rez Totem 2B – Revives 1 ally with more health and brilliant Air Weapon 2 – Recover Instantly on next 3 weapon crits Prestige Totem Master – Can have 3 active totems EDIT - Added some totems and weapon attacks to go along with the theme of curses and hexes and made some minor wording changes
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