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Everything posted by OldRPG'sAreGood

  1. There are several different monk concepts that I'd like see: -The traditional god worshipping monk, but, also someone who aims to reflect the worshipped god. For example, monks who worship a god of fire would use fire and fire based weapons, because it would be "pure" in their view, as it may be sacred in that cult. -Then, monks who take the "my body is my temple" in a way that they worship themselves(or their souls!), if you catch my drift. They hone themselves in order to reach perfection, to be like gods, or as much as a mortal can be. -And finally fighter monks, who just use the monk-ish concentration and the sort, to reach better fighting prowess and physical fitness. And mental as well perhaps.
  2. Even if I dislike time limits, sometimes they fit, for example if someone is in instant peril. But the only way I'd like(well like isn't really the appropriate word but still) time limits in the main quest is in a form of raised difficulty. Let me explain: Say the MQ takes you to a situation where there is a plan that has to be executed before the enemy catches a clue of it. A time limit is given, and if it is reached, the quest becomes harder, like in the form of added guards and other enemies. And of course this could be done in a greater extent with some quests, with various time limits that each heighten the difficulty when reached. But I actually don't want the MQ to feature time limits, as it takes away enjoyment in a way.... But I wouldn't be opposed to some time limits in quests that benefit from them in the 'making sense' department.
  3. I'd prefer if the enviroment would be altered by quests or some such "solid" events. For example in Fallout 2 there was a quest where you blew an outhouse and after that was done, that portion of the town had **** all over it. So instead of slinging a fireball at some random wooden cabin and having it burn down, we'd have a quests which may or may not result into destroyed enviroments.
  4. I do care about it, but I don't mind naturally illogical enviroments if it's explained why is it so. Afterall, magical disasters and such can have quite an effect on the world but if they aren't taken into account, I prefer a realistic world design with rivers and woods and so on.
  5. Aye, this would be good. And when it comes to combat logs, I would like to see some descriptive options there, in a similar fashion as in Fallout 1 and 2, for example: "Raider was hit for 35 hitpoints in the groin. He falls like a rag." (Ain't the best of examples but the only one I could remember of the top of my head, and there were some very much more descriptive possibilities) But anyway, I'd like to see something like that in P:E combat logs, if they're present.
  6. The trick to make armour and weapon design immersive and believable is, IMO, to make a mix of fantasy and reality. Something real like that looks fantastic, or something fantasy like that looks real. Because I find nothing more frustrating than characters waving christmas trees in their hands and wearing a coat of skulls and spikes, and why one may ask? Because it simply isn't believable that a set like that could keep the character alive in combat. And that, in turn, breaks my immersion. Also, when we come to the subject of weapons and armor looking "badass" and awe inspiring, I can only say that if an equipment piece practicaly radiates and screams "badassery" it has been done wrong IMO. It has been taken too far. While something that has been designed to actually protect or kill in an practical manner will more likely look intimidating. Why? Because it looks like it can actually work, and that, at least in my case, creates much more respect and awe towards the piece of equipment in question. And usually it is apparent if the design was made with looks or functionality in mind, and when it is made with looks in mind, IMO the design turns rather bad because it usually turns out as "cool" looking, but far from the like that one could actually believe to accomplish the task it was made to do.
  7. Generally I dislike it when the game continues after an "ending". To me the last quest is kind of peak point, after which it's just downhill from there. And I get a feeling that the game basically says: "Hah, lol, ur not dun yet!" when it throws me back into the game even after a claimed "ending". A proper ending for me, please.
  8. I'd like to have a possibility to assemble a library that could help in various checks, for example the lore checks(if they're present that is). Other than that, can't really say I'm hoping for anything particular for the stronghold.
  9. I watched Pink Floyd The Wall the other day, and even if it was a bit odd, it was a rather enjoyable experience.
  10. Can't really say that I have experience with this sort of phobia, but doesn't it only add to the monster? Make it a tiny bit better with that extra flavor that the fear brings? But anyway, I'm personally against giant spiders, seeing how I find them rather dull after seeing them in too many fantasy games which makes me lose interest in them.
  11. Well, the orlan cipher detective character kind a gives hope for this kind of thing... And IMO, this sort of quest(s) would be most likely fun. Especially if the mystery is far(very far) from easy to solve.
  12. I always thought human dominance to come from the ability to adapt into almost every situation and enviroment, so no for bonuses from me. Dwarves and elves and the rest seem more like specialists in their respective enviroments and fields, but who lack the ability to fit into near everywhere. So I hope these races have both bonuses and penalties.
  13. Aye, this would be a good thing IMO, if there's time for it. Because there's little sense in it if there's only, say three, different animations. If they're implemented, they should have variety a plenty.
  14. Well, my current plan is to play as a madman cipher, race still to be determined. Though when information about the races and classes come to hand, my plans will probably change after changing after changing once more.
  15. A mighty fine decision, stopping with the stretch goals, the better your content is, the more there is in it. Also, congratulations on breaking funding records.
  16. So 440 OO members? That's around 3500$ ain't it? Quite a good result might I say.
  17. Well, I just added the eternal numeral to my pledge in hopes of helping the reaching for the 2nd Big Big City. So, I'd like my Obsidian Order title to be: Svef addict of the Obsidian Order
  18. $65+15, I just had to get the boxed copy. And them extra little goodies don't hurt either.
  19. Svef sounds like something that people that are 'looking for themselves' might use, due to the "see your own soul" part. So...... Monks that are high in another way than status, maybe?
  20. As long as the humor is subtle, I'm all for it. But if it jumps to my face all the time, then it would be most unpleasant.
  21. If only this would be reached...... Would be wonderful! Though something I'd like to see for a (second) big city, would perhaps be that is "tribal". Series of tribes gathered in one area creating a city of it's own right, combining complex civilization and simple tribal atmosphere. But any big city would be more than nice IMO.
  22. Amazing screenshot, awesome new stretch goals.... Just an magnificent update... except that lore tidbits. Tidbits?! How dare you torment me so, I want more...
  23. Well, apparently there's an giant statue in the depths... so cults? Living inside the gigantic head.... Would be good, IMO.
  24. I've wondered about how undead would even exist in Project Eternitys world, because wasn't it so that souls move into a new body? Though undead could be souls trapped within an rotting body or just unlucky enough to be reborn into a carcass, but still, I'm kind of skeptical if they're even possible in the soul cycle. But to the actual topic : Yes, I'd like to see undead in, provided that they're plausible that is. And yes, I'd like them to play a part in the story, although a small one. And I'd like them to be of varying alignments. That is all.
  25. Sure, why not, arenas always loosen some enjoyment. But they are, IMO in no way, essential or even a high priority.
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