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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I simply forgot about druid/barb. Also a good combo. The attack speed bonuses from Frenzy and Bloodlust work well when shifted. Shapeshifter/Corpse Eater sounds plausible.
  2. Drawn in Spring is the one handed weapon with the highest dps in the game. DiS's 25% Wounding lash is multiplicative (meaning the 25% are calculated with all damage bonuses like Sneak Attack and so on) while V. Leaves' damage bonus from the vicious enchantment is only +20% of the rapier's base damage. This means it only adds avg. 2.2 damage to each hit. Aattuuk's enchantment is even worse. Spelltongue not only speeds you up but also removes buffs on enemies and prolongs your own. In terms of damage Drawn in Spring is the best option by far.
  3. I haven't seen an exception of that active/passive rule (yet). So hats off for making stacking rules more transparent.
  4. Hi! Glad you liked the boar. The Animist druid (normal druid like in PoE) works nearly the same as in PoE. You can shift into one form (same as in PoE),can cast while shifted and so on. The natural weapons while shifted are all dual wielding setups like in PoE. The Shapeshifter can shift into all animal forms one after another in a single encounter and heals after a shift ends - and you are correct: he can't use Taste of the Hunt when shifted. Furies are special: they have a two-handed ranged weapon in the shifted form that does shock damage (works with Heart of the Storm) and after it hits the initial target it jumps to one additional target. If you multiclass with a monk the bonuses from Transcendent Suffering will not get applied to your shifted weapons. Like in PoE where Novice's Suffering didn't boost Spiritshift weapons. But there are synergies: for example Lightning Strikes (+30% shocking lash) stacks with the Wildstrike lashes. The attack speed bonus of Swift Strikes works while shifted and so on. Good candidates for multiclassing (if you want to be a better melee druid) are fighter, monk, paladin, rogue and even ranger. There's synergies with all of them (I or others can elaborate). If you're looking for the same "feel" as in PoE I would use the Animist druid and no subclass like Shapeshifter or so.
  5. Priest of Wael can summon a rod with +50% shocking lash and Furies have their Spiritshift weapon (and Wildstrike). That and Lightning Strikes is all shocking stuff "with weapons" that I know of. Melee classes besides monk: nope.
  6. Nope. At the moment only attacks who have a primary elemental damage source (Firebrand - burn damage, Fury spiritshift weapons - shock damage, Concelhaut's Draining Touch - corrosive damage and so on) and abilities that are keyworded with the element (for example Flames of Devotion - fire). If you simply have a shocking lash on claws or fists or weapons this won't work (as far as I know). At least not for the initial attack roll. Might be that the PEN of the lash vs. the elemental AE is affected and compared in the background, but I can't check that. So in theory a Bleak Walker/Fury with Flames of Devotion + Scion of Flame + Spirit of Decay + Heart of the Storm can get +3 PEN with FoD (his FoD is keyworded with Fire and Acid and the Fury's attacks are shocking). He can add +30% burn, +20% corrode and Wildstrike Shock to the FoD. Fun times.
  7. No, usually enemies don't change targets because they lose engagement on you. Enemies with ranged weapons don't even have engagement at all - and some creatures that fight in melee also don't have engagement (tigers for example). Usually enemies pick their targets based on stuff like your current health, defenses or class. If they think that you are worth attacking they will continue to do so with or without engagement. But without their engagement you can run around freely without getting any disengement attacks - and those can be nasty as heck (disengagement attacks have higher ACC and do +100% damage).
  8. It depends. If their costs don't change and you only get bonuses with the upgrade, it replaces your lower tier ability. Example: Flames of Devotion (1 Zeal - Full Attack with +30% burning lash, +20 ACC) --> upgrade to Shared Flames (1 Zeal - same as FoD + a 20% lash for your allies for some time) or Eternal Devotion (1 Zeal - same as FoD + a 20% lash for yourself for some time) Both will replace FoD because it makes no sense to leave it in the action bar. Knockdown/Mule Kick is no Full Attack by the way.
  9. Yeah the Ogre has a dual wielding setup. So maybe this bad armor is intentional just to slow him down a bit. But I hope not. The whole package is just weak compared to other "transformations" like spiritshift.
  10. The only thing that comes close to new game+ is Berath's Blessing: That stretch goal was reached with ease, so it will be in the final game.
  11. The max level of a multiclass character is 20. There are no seperate levels for each part of the multiclass because you can decide rel. freely from which class tree you take abilites. The only time you get forced to take abilities from both class trees is when you reach a new Power Level. The max Power Level (shows you the ability tier as well) is 9 for single class characters and 7 for multiclass characters. Relentless Storm comes at PL 5. It's in the beta so you could try it out.
  12. I searched for reports about the ogre, but the ones I found addressed mostly other parts: the weird "clubs" that now are gone (except that the shadow and char-sheet VFXs of the ogre still show clubs). Then there was a report that he suffers from weapon recovery after transforming (which is weird as well). So for the weird armor I thought I'd make a seperate threat.
  13. As far as I know it's like the spell resistance of the Mage Slayer: 5% chance that the graze/hit/crit is canceled completely (maybe turned into a miss? Don't know how it's done). But I didn't test it. I guess the blocking of the medium shield modal works the same way? Also didn't test that one yet.
  14. Fun Fact with summoned weapons: when you summon Concelhaut's Parasitic Touch (is a one-hit summoned weapon that disappears after use) and use it with Taste of the Hunt you will deal good corrosive and raw damage and the weapon will stay with you and not disappear. Wonder it that also happens when you do other primary attacks with it...
  15. Oh ****. You are right. I totally forgot that I reinstalled it the other day. Gods, how embarrassing. Sorry! Then you are totally right: 3 secs is not so nice.
  16. Defensive Roll doesn't dodge anything. It just makes you immune to engagement after you got slapped with a crit (which can be great if you want to flee or just move over the battlefield unhindered - great in combo with move speed bonuses). Yes, the duration is ifluenced by INT. At 14 INT I have a duration of 2.4 secs (only visible on the char sheet, not in the ability tree).
  17. Hey! I guess this is a relict from the times when all armors had higher recovery penalties and the ogre's armor was simply forgotten when penalties were reduced. The Ogre Form of the Transmuter gets a medium armor that has 6 AR at lvl 9 (if I remember correctly . it scales I assume), but has a whopping +100% recovery penalty. Is this a bug/oversight or intended? The form itself is very weak compared to Spiritshift anyway (which uses no spell resource, has no casting time, no weird alteration of stats, good armor with 0% recovery penalty and better weapons). So why gimp it further with that armor that's most likely made from durgan reinforced concrete?
  18. What? I don't know where you looked that up but here's a screenshot from 30 secs ago from the beta4: 0.5 base cast time and 0.0 recovery. Pretty great for a self buff that gives you +3 to a stat, +10% range and AoE and +1PL don't you think? Also lasts more than 100 seconds...
  19. That makes me want to check if the new Concelhaut's Parasitic Touch also gets a bonus from Transcendent Suffering. The Priests of Woedica might not get multiclassed with monks - but they will have access to Monastic Unarmed Training... The best solution would be to implement them like Ogre's fists (Transmuster): they are their own weapon (that look like fists but are not "real" fists - like spiritshift weapons basically) that scale with level but don't benefit from Transcendent Suffering/Monastic Unarmed Training.
  20. Erm... but it has a cast time of 0.5 base. What's your DEX? -500?
  21. Dunno, but the spiritual fist + monk is very strong as it is a enchanted fist that get bonus both from scaling and transcendent suffering It has same basic damage as monk fist, fast weapon, scaling and +25% raw lash. Ok, that's totally bonkers.
  22. The familiar isn't too bad generally. +3 to a stat, +10% AoE and +1 PL is useful stuff. The randomness of the stat boost sucks though. I would want to choose which familiar I want - like a ranger with his animal companion.
  23. I think that crits are severely underrated. If you only factor them in with +25% damage at 10 MIG this will not display their power in the actual game (as you already said). Crits very often lead to overpenetration which adds another +30% damage. For the same reason I think that hit/crit conversion is much better than most people think and surely 20% translates to more than ~3% dps in the actual game. I know it's impossible to calculate that without major efford. Just saying... That makes one handed weapon usage the best offensive melee option for auto-attacks (and primary attacks without ACC bonuses) in the beta in my opinon. And that's ok, because heavy dual weapon setups profit massively from Full Attacks. Two Handers a bit meh at the moment. Good option for primary attacks with dmg bonuses but not so good for Full Attacks and not for atuo-attacks. This could easily be changed with +1 PEN for Two Handed Style. It makes sense (weapons that get used with both hands have higher kinetic energy and due to their weight also more momentum and thus can pierce armor more easily) and translates to higher dps because you prevent underpenetration or can even overpenetrate. Or give the style a higer dmg mod if you fear the stacking of PEN. The only thing where (I guess) two handers will be the best option at the moment is with Blood Thirst (non-beta ability) if it works like in PoE (0 recovery after kill).
  24. Maybe Josh meant with "inspiration trumps affliction" that you can always remove a high-tier-affliction with even the lowest inspiration (of the same stat). I mean it also works the other way round, but I don't know what else he could have meant. Or he had no clue.
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