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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That seems to be too strong. Does it stack with Wounding Shot or Taste of the Hunt or the rogue's DoT upgrades of Crippling & Blinding Strike?
  2. Eh? They are simple: passives stack, actives don't (if they affect the same stat). I found no exception so far. All modals are considered actives.
  3. You really like to spin a yarn and construe stuff. First with Katrina and now with Josh.
  4. All ranged weaoons are two handed but don't profit from two-handed style. Tthose styles are melee only. All chants have the same range/AoE size. With decent INT it's quite big. Suff like overseeing items (diverse, like rings, armor, gautlets..., adds multiplicative 10% to AoE) and Voice of the Mountaintop (amulet, adds multiplicative 20% to AoE, stacks with overseeing) increases the AoE even more so that it's ridicilously big. Here I have a screenshot from an old save which I did to show the size: The lighter yellow circle is with 20 INT and a Ring of Overseeing + Voice of the Mountaintop. The darker yellow circle is the orginal base range. eInvocations differ. Most of them are cone-shaped and vary in length. My non-min-maxed stats for a swashbuckler chanter would be like so: MIG: 16 CON: 10 DEX: 14 PER: 14 INT: 16 RES: 08 I will always use Veteran's Recovery + Ancient Memory + Beloved Spirits with a chanter because it makes him and the party more sturdy (but those are 3 talents out of 8, so not everybody likes this). All of those effects profit from MIG and INT and thus I will make sure both are decent. PER can be a bit lower since chanter's starting accuracy is not abysmal and single weapon usage will give him enough accuracy. I would like to give more DEX but that would require me to drop RES further. Play him more like a rogue who lets the tanks engage first while he shoots his pistol or blkunderbuss and then close in with the sabre(s). You don't want to tank with him although he can handle some hits because of his passive healing. My talents would be like: 2. Veteran's Recovery 4. Weapon Focus Ruffian 6. Ancient Memory 8. Beloved Spirits 9. Penetrating Shot (when using blunderbuss) 11. One Handed Style 13. Runner's Wounding Shot (great with an armor-piercing blunderbuss - also works in melee) 15. Apprentice's Sneak Attack (just for the swashbuckler feeling - works ranged or melee) There's a nice blunderbuss that fits the theme perfectly: Fulvano's Blunderbuss is obtainable very early and can charm on hit/crit. I couldn't get it to proc the charm but maybe that was only a local problem, can't say. other great blunderbusses are Lead Spitter and Silver Flash.
  5. open console type iRoll20s use basically the same commands as in PoE - some have changed though and there are some new ones, too. You can type some letters and the console will try to guess what you want to type (grey suggestions). If you hit tab you'll get autocomplete which works a lot better than in PoE.
  6. It's right here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/96540-black-isle-bastards-any-news/?do=findComment&comment=1996570
  7. Here it is: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94713-compilation-thread-balance-classes-feedback-game-mechanics/?do=findComment&comment=1968369
  8. - yes - they cancel each other out. The tier of the affliction/inspiration doesn't matter. Any strength inspiration will remove one strength affliction - and the other way round. If a debuff like for example "Dull Mindedness" targets a stat directly without using an afflction then it will simply lower the stat and will not remove any inspiration. More active debuffs of the same kind will not stack if they target the same stat: because stacking follows a simple rule:: passives stack, actives not. But if an active buff does +20 accuracy directly and not like Aware inspiration (+5 PER, 50% graze to hit) they stack because it's not the same stat (although PER itself boosts ACC by +5). But if you want to stack let's say +10 INT from Duality of Mortal Presence (active modal) and +5 INT from an intellect inspiration (also always from an active source like a spell) they won't stack. But a Helwalker's MIG bonus per wound is passive and thus stacks with a strength inspiration. Same for debuffs. - they are removing each other. - lots of stuff - too much to post it here. MaxQuest did a nice table with all the afflctions and inspirations. Let's see if I can find it... brb
  9. Sure, it's possible. I want to point out one "special" thing about the chanter that fits the "pirate" theme quite well: Chanters' offensive phrases (The Dragon Thrashed, the Dragon Wailed/Endless Host/Soft Winds and so on - everything that does a hit roll) also get an +12 accuracy bonus when the chanter wields a single one handed weapon. Thus it can make sense to play a one-handed chanter (with one sabre for example). Since pirates often swing here and here on ropes and throw this and that around they need a free hand. I personally think that one single sabre fits a (former) pirate better than two (style-wise). One-Handed Style does nothing for your chants, but it will lead to a god crit rate with the sabre, which is good in case you want to use Resolution (which I would), because it has increased crit damage and already has graze-to-hit conversion. If you don't want to use offensive chants at all than this synergy is gone of course and you might as well go with small shield or dual sabre. Most people decide between the "tank" way with low DEX,fat armor and Dragon Thrashed, not using a lot of invocations - or they go for an agile build whith short phrases in order to spam good invocations (Killers Froze Stiff can paralyze-lock whole groups with enough DEX, PER and INT. Or they make a summon-based chanter. Swashbuckler sounds more like the second "agile" approach. With Weapon Focus Ruffian you can always change between pistol or blunderbuss (and sabre). Since the chanter has access to the Hel-Hyraf invocation that lowers DR by 5, blunderbuss is a good pick. 5 DR times 6 projectiles is like +30 damage per shot... If you take Penetrating Shot as well your blunderbuss can overcome 14 DR without damage loss. Pistol doesn't need Penetrating Shot. To make the best use of Hel-Hyraf you can pick Island Aumaua, get Arms Bearer and carry 3 blunderbusses and one sabre set. Cast Hel-Hyraf, fire first blunderbuss, switch after every shot and then to sabres and close in. If switching is too much micro for your taste (which I can totally understand) then stay with one gun. Veteran's Recovery and Ancient Memory/Beloved Spirits stack by the way - so you can be quite sturdy without shield and with ok MIG and INT - just watch your health bar.
  10. "Forced to choose"... Well if you are a monk and only want to use fists then just pick some random stuff (*click-click* while loking away) and forget about it. As AndreaColombo said: everybody gains the unarmed proficiency automatically now. A Devoted can have two proficiencies: the automatic unarmed one (gives you the modal "Haymaker" which does +2 PEN and +50% recovery time) and one additional of your liking. So if you're going Monk/Devoted you will be proficient with fists and another backup-weapon of you choice - dual hatchet for example or quarterstaff or whatever.
  11. What do you mean? If you gave money to Obsidian then most likely for the forum badge, right? I see you have it right beneath your avatar. The Black Isle Bastards pirate crew that will be in the game was a forum efford, we gave money to Fluffle who then bought the "Pirate Crew" tier on fig for us contributors. So the funding and discussing and deciding (what unique item, which ingame recognitition) for the Black Isle Bastards pirate crew, the Isle and the item was completed long time ago and if you weren't a part of it back then there's little chance that you were able to jump on late onto the wagon...? The forum badge and the actual pirate crew (includng ingame recognition in form of a ledger where some text of every contributer has its place) are only connected thematically but in terms of money they are completely seperate.
  12. Baldur's Gate combat wasn't complex...
  13. Cool - I mean the testing. I just assumed that because usually developers want to reuse code. I agree that there should be another term for this to avoid confusion. Something like eschewal or what? English is not my mother tongue, so can't really say...
  14. DR bypass doesn't apply to lashes in PoE. Thus, things like FoD + Intense Flames + Burning Lash on a blunderbuss are a bad idea if the enemies' DR is high, no matter the DR bypass you were able to stack (i mean if the enemy dies from the pierce damage then who cares, right? Just saying... ).
  15. Haha - man you should really put a smiley here and there - just for us guys with the withered humor sensors. Yeah, official c.' stats are not optimal for every build one wants to try.
  16. People keep saying this - but usually it's not based on actual experience but hearsay. Not in PoE and I guess also not in Deadfire is playing with official companions harder than with hirelings in general. Because stats have rel. little impact and official companions start one level above hirelings - which is a huge advantage over non-optimized stat point distribution. Some of the official companions even have unique abilites (like Pallegina's Wrath of the Five Suns, Zahua's Anitlei, Maneha's Clean Conscience/Satisfied Mind or the afflicition immunities of the Devil of Caroc) which hirelings can never get. Also people are soloing PoE/Deadfire beta on PotD. Why should adding official companions make them aboandon it? They still do.
  17. Character level. So there's no damage drop because of multiclassing when it comes to melee damage. When multiclassing with a rogue you'll get a lot more dps from Sneak Attack (casting something like Tanglefoot first is a good idea). Mulitclassing with a fighter gives you Cleaving Stance and 75% graze-tohit and hit-to-crit conversion as well as sturdyness. But don't pick Devoted because he will be non-proficient with the claws since there's no proficiency for that. Muticlassing with a monk will get you stuff like Swift Strikes/Lightning Strikes and Stunning Blows and so on. Furies should consider Helwalker because he can get +10 MIG and +10 INT with 10 wounds which is awesomest with the elemental druid spells like Storms and whatnot and especially powerful with DoTs like Plague of Insects or Maggots and such. I'm seriously thinking about an Animist/Helwalker (emulation) for my last-last-last PoE run to import to Deadfire.
  18. The only thing I would like is a "duel" mode where just two people/chars meet on a rel. empty map and fight. I think the whole "real time combat with pause" makes any attempt to introduce multiplayer moot. Just imagine the mess with all the pauses. And PoE's/Deadfire's combat is too complex to play it without pause. Or you'd have to choose very slow combat speed - which is a tedium as well.
  19. Not really. If you want to rush the enemies in the backline and don't want to waste Guile on Escape you can just run,catch one crit from disengagement and then run to your target unhindered.
  20. Druid Boar/Ranger works well because ranger has Wounding Shot (also works in melee) that is a Full Attack and thus good with dual weapons. Marked Prey is giving an ACC buff which is good for the druid who sometimes struggles with grazes. Also the boar's woundig tusks trigger Predator's Sense for the animal companion. Also the healing spells of a druid help a lot to keep the pet alive. And seriously: what's more cool than a were-boar running around with another boar?
  21. Ah, right. Cool.
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