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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Single classes actually get more ability points than multiclasses.
  2. If you switch to another ranged weapon, e.g. blunderbuss or arquebus or whatever - does that work?
  3. With more power levels and more INT the summons last longer.
  4. Actually the damage of the weapon does influence SA. Not directly though. But once you execute SA you will do an attack roll with the weapon, deal physical damage which generates focus and then SA dumps its focus into the raw damage. So with a heavy hitter your SA raw damage will be a bit (not significantly) higher.
  5. Hover over the damage roll in the combat log, press shift. There will be a detailed explanation which dmg bonuses got applied. If Sneak Attack is not among them although the target has an affliction then it's a bug.
  6. Hi, I searched for all unique weapons via console just to get an idea what my first character (after hours of restarteritis) wants to specialize in. While there are several (awesome) unique great swords and especially lots of sabres (like - a LOT of unique sabres) there are only two morning stars, only one Pollaxe (and one soulbound), two pikes and so on. Most weapon types besides great swords and sabres only seem to have two uniques. I guess this is due to the new enchantment system - all enchantments are unique as well and require a lot of work, so it's understandable that there are less unique weapons. But why are they so weirdly distributed? Or did I miss some weapons that maybe don't follow the naming pattern? By the way: you can't go wrong with a "Devoted to great sword" in Deadfire.
  7. Some modals are really good, like the ones from Morning Star or clubs or flails - but not if you have them on all the time.
  8. I don't know. I haven't played around with Cleave so much. Dunehunter must know, he's loving it.
  9. Best synergy for summons still: Beckoner (+ Mith Fyr phrase) + Kind Wayfarer (+ Shared Flames). Both stack. Also great for the whole party.
  10. I did check it in beta, not in the final release yet (didn't try a Skald in the final game so far). May be that it changed.
  11. Cool. Was thinking about Berserker/Devoted with exploiting Blood Thirst + Cleaving Stance and can't decide on a weapon...
  12. Do you mean Blade of the Endless Paths or Whispers of Yenwood? Because there is no such weapon as Whispers of the Endless Paths in PoE.
  13. Cleaving Stance did a Full Attack to all enemy bystanders on kill - at least in the beta (did this change?) - so it's better with heavy one handers. Retribution is better with two handers. If you like two handers the most then you could pick Berserker/Streetfighter and combine Frenzy+Bloodlust+Heating Up+Blood Thirst for awesome attack speed with a two hander.
  14. If there wouldn't have been those silly complaints about enchanting from PoE it would be possible. Now it's not and I am gloating bit and say with Nelson's voice: "Haaa-haaa!".
  15. You are in the wrong forum. This is PoE1 char builds, not Deadfire. Skald: only melee weapons. Once you crit there's a chance that you receive a phrase point.
  16. Light weapons + Flames of Devotion is a suboptimal pick. For FoD you want hard hitting weapons since the use is limited to 2/encounter. So either go for dual heavy one handed weapons (battle axes, mace, war hammer, spear, sword, sabre) or two handed or arquebus. With two handers I would also add Runner's Wounding Shot as well. It's as good as FoD then and can add a good third per-encounter attack to your portfolio. One of the best picks for FoD- and Runner's WS damage is Firebrand (Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer, Forgemaster Gloves). And the belt is awesome per se. You can still use light weapons like hatchets for your auto-attacks once you used FoD. Simply equip dual spears for FoD and dual hatchets for auto-attacks and switch accordingly. Also Novice's Suffering is not bad with a paladin who has very high MIG. The high flat damage bonus works well with FoD and also for auto-attacks. You can use Two Weapon Style and skip all dmg mods like Savage Attack and use you talents for Intense Flames and Scion of Flame instead. Of course: an unarmed paladin might not be everyone's taste.
  17. I have no idea what you are all talking about. I just created an account, searched for the two servers (PoE Fan chat and Obsidian) and was in. As far as I can remember there was something like an auto-invite?
  18. Yes. It may be that there are unique items that will make this problem go away. I was talking about the general mechanics.
  19. 1. Flames of Devotion generate a lot of focus which you can then use for Soul Annihilation. You should start with FoD - SA - FoD and so on. 2. There is no "best". Depends what his role should be and at what he should be good at. 3. Yes. Basically every Bleak Walker/class combo can be build into a sturdy damage dealer. Berseker/Bleak Walker, Stalker/Bleak Walker, Devoted/Bleak Walker, Beckoner/Bleak Walker and more are all sturdy and do good damage.
  20. It's +150% base damage and has always been (was even lower in PoE at some point). All additive base damage bonuses scale badly in the late game because weapon base damage doesn't scale. And once you can't add new ones your damage will not grow further. That was the rogue's problem right from the start - also in PoE: great at lower levels, gets more lame with every level he gains. I have no idea why they nerfed Deathblows... You need lashes and/or Might to multiply the bonuses. Single class rogue can't have lashes or Might boosts via abilities, so... A weapon with a lash (didn't find one yet) and Deep Wounds help a lot. A Rogue/Monk (especially Helwalker with Turning Wheel and Lightning Strikes at 10 wounds - 130% multiplicative damage means that Backstab alone climbs from 30 bonus damage to ~70, not to forget Sneak and Deathblows) or Rogue/Paladin can make better use of the dmg bonuses (also Backstab) than a single class rogue. I suggested a lash based ability for high level rogues several times because of that reason. Something poison themed or so for a corrosive lash - similar to Lightning Strikes.
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