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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. It's not a requirement - it's just so that without it I can't find builds after one day or so - because they get buried too quickly under a ton of new threads while the forums are so busy. You can always shoot me a PM or post in the list thread if you want builds to be added of course.
  2. Exactly. It also doesn't matter which weapon you use. Pets don't get injured. And they can still do good damage. Takedown Combo is very good in combination with a heavy hitting weapon. Evasive Fire + Furious Call is a very powerful combination.
  3. I would prefer if there's a basic build that also works without Berath's Blessings - and then you can simply evolve it in your build description and tell people how Berath Blessings improve it.
  4. I would have to check if there are any bashing shields that are worthwhile - and because Heart of Fury is PL 8 I would maybe use a single class barb. Or multiclass with Unbroken and substitute HoF with Cleaving Stance and Blood Thirst. Or maybe Barb/Paladin.
  5. What are the good abilities? Gunner and Marksman? I have to repeat myself: Evasive Fire is good. Apparently nobody ever used it because nobody answers when I bring it up. It's a very good mobility skill that also does decent single target damage and is very fast. But they keep saying that ranger's abilites are bad... Accurate Wounding Shot (Full Attack with +20 ACC and a bit of raw damage for only 1 Bond) is pretty good, too. Marked for the Hunt is also decent. Just because there are several pet abilites doesn't mean that the whole class is bad. As I said before: having an animal companion is a huge advantage per se. If people don't like the animal companion and feel that the rest of the ranger's abilites that don't include the pet are not exactly OP (surprise surprise!) then why not take another class for a ranged build instead of trying to play a crippled ranger? I agree that high level abilites feel pretty uninspired and not thought through. Twinned Shot is just bad.
  6. It would be totally ok if it didn't chain-proc. In other words: crits generated by Swift Flurry shouldn't be able to proc Swift Flurry. Same as a kill did via Cleaving Stance swipe shouldn't proc another Cleaving Stance swipe. Problem solved...
  7. Do you need anything else but skeletons as a Beckoner? I think since they scale with level probably not. Just cast skeletons over an over and buff with Mith Fyr and Shared Flames and that's the whole trick.
  8. I again want to point you guys towards Evasive Fire which I find to be very, very useful. No thoughts about it? I didn't try yet if it works with Sneak Attack and Deathblows...
  9. While I strongly agree on the first sentence and the first half of the second, what's that "self respecting" part supposed to mean?
  10. It's surely better to play in English if you want to discuss stuff in the forums on a regular basis.
  11. I think it's not intended. Who wants to design a weapon that does less damage in crit? The designer who did blunted criticals obviously didn't know that the implementation actually leads to -33% instead of 25%.
  12. If Nerdcommando posts a proper build description in this subforum I will happily put it into the list.
  13. Wrong subforum. PoE Kind Wayfarers neither have White Flames nor can they multiclass.
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