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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Wrong subforum. PoE Kind Wayfarers neither have White Flames nor can they multiclass.
  2. You keep forgetting the animal companion. If you want to compare the damage potential or usefulness of classes you can't leave it aside. Even with 0 abilities for the animal companion it's still there, scaling with level, doing damage and working as a permanent summon. No injuries and only a bit of a debuff when it goes down. I think we all agree that summons are powerful. Why does everybody say that a permanent summon that you can improve with abilities is not? Also everybody keeps forgetting Evasive Fire which I find pretty good. Check the stats: range(!), base damage (not weapon related) and recovery and cost. It's a very good ability in my book.
  3. I guess there's also a scroll of Barring Death's Door? Or a potion that does the same?
  4. No, only one step of quality can be added. At least that's the impression I got when looking at all the uniques and their enchantments. Exceptional can be enchanted to superb but not further. Uniques without quality enchantment can be upgraded to fine only (Xoti's Sickle for example). Maybe the enchantment UI changes (so that you can put on the next quality) once you upgraded the weapon - but I doubt it.
  5. Maybe you could use LoH before casting SI? I forgot about the recovery of LoH though...
  6. I'm curious: do you constantly press shift while typing the title - or do you prefer to use capslock?
  7. Just to report that crahes may not be a general problem: No problems for me on Ubuntu nor Windows. Not a single crash. Sometimes the game stutters and mouseclicks get delayed, that's all. Maybe the problems are related to a specific hardware combination/configuration.
  8. If I remember correctly he has some unique stuff as well that raises all defenses like crazy.
  9. 3.: Assassinate works from invisibility. It works from range. It works with every attack roll, including explosives. Backstab only works with weapons and from 2m distance or below. 4.: Only the first strike. Blunderbusses: only the first pellet.
  10. Nope - only with a shield. But then One Handed Style won't apply.
  11. In a subject verb object questioning sentence, you get a form of 'do' before the subject. And after a use of do/does/did, you always get the infinitive. So 'say', in this case. -> "Why did Josh say they are very powerful? Specifically considering all the cool new loot we got in-game." Seriously?
  12. Nice, but this thread is only for listing the builds. It's better to put your builds into a seperate thread each so that people can discuss them better and find them more easily. I will put a link to your build thread into my opening post which will work as a list/index for all build threads. Thank you!
  13. Abilities no longer get +1 ACC per char level (or PL). Also spells don't have bonus ACC like they had in PoE. At least not by default.
  14. Also you can use all melee abilities with the Long Pain although they are ranged.
  15. Right. I assume that stuff like Acute (+1 PL), pet bonus (+1 PL) and Death or Nature Godlike (+3 /+2 PL) also raise Sneak Attack?
  16. Yes. Tidefall + Runner's and Envenomed Strike is fun. Also used that on a Priest of Berath and combined it with Cleansing Flame for the doubling of ticks.
  17. He has a self buff that raises his defenses into the sky. If you manage to hit him before he casts it it's not that difficult.
  18. That's exactly what I did. Belt of Bountiful Healing or Fulvano's Amulet + 8 or evena14 Survival will give you lots of healing (not counting the bonus from MIG and INT). Pretty nice especially because of the enormous health pool. You could even go totally crazy on CON and clone Whispers of Yenwood for 2 x +2 stacking CON.
  19. Exactly. 3 if you count Flame Shield from the belt (procs when you receive a crit).
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