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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Why do you say that? Livegiver gets +5 PL (on top of the +2 PL it already has and also on top of something like Wellspring) with Rejuvenation spells when shifting. If you anticipate that you need a very strong and long lasting healing effect it's very good to shift before casting Moonwell for example. Sure, after shifting ends you'll get -5, but that's all manageable.
  2. Erm... because you get +2 PEN and increased crit damage and that's pretty good? Especially it you (as a player) don't like to switch weapons a lot. What do you mean with "I will take a hit"?
  3. Why keep people saying that? Casting times of many powers got reduced a lot. Focus generation got buffed. Ascendant is crazy good, Soul Blade is good. Beguiler can be very useful. Cipher still has Whisper of Treason at lvl 1. That alone makes that class good.
  4. ROFL - hilarious. Waitwaitwait... what happens when you have Kalakoth's Minor Blights in the main hand an kill with a offhand sabre (or whatever melee weapon)? AoE * AoE? I suppose the hand mortar will also do double AoE? What happens with Driving Flight + Hand Mortar + Cleaving Stance?
  5. I meant for muticlassing. Won't die may be an exaggeration, but a Moonwell with +7 PL helps a ton not to get roasted easily... I totally forgot that every spell works once you get the lash. Never tried if you can hit yourself with the Fury attack... Your spoiler tags contain nothing by the way.
  6. Isn't there another source of Acute than Fighter's Tactical Barrage? I tought about some buff from other party members or items that might grant you Acute. I mean there's also Brilliant which you can gain from a fellow chanter's phrase, right?
  7. Shall I put it into the build list? I'd need a name for the build (if it's not supposed to be called "The Solo Arcane Knight" ) and a short description (one sentence) what it does (else I would just use the initial question in the title because it's telling enough I guess).
  8. It's a great combo - but I prefer the Whisper of the Endless Paths...
  9. Rapiers, daggers and so on have lower base damage because they are a lot faster. Swords can't compete with the dps (damage per second) of a rapier IF you don't face enemies with high pierce AR (or immunity). So: swords = more versatility, rapiers = higher dps against foes that are not resistant to pierce. Dps wise all weapons are pretty well balanced. Some are better for auto-attacks and others better for Full Attacks and so on. But on average they are all pretty close. Besides that I will not engage in a fruitless discussion about (maybe ill-perceived) realism in a fantasy game. Rapiers are there and they are ok. Also the unique ones are ok. What bothers me most about the weapons types is that some get a ton of uniques and others one or two. That's the real shame - the base values are ok. The modals are also a bit "ehh?" in some cases...
  10. What about the Acute inspiration? It gives you +1 PL as well. Doesn't stack? Stats are capped at 35 by the way. So +10 MIG/INT from drugs and +10 MIG/INT from Helwalker could be overkill. At least if your MIG/INT is already highish. Could be worth it to do a build with low MIG/INT though... MIG of Helwalker stacks with everything (passive) - INT from Duality doesn't (active).
  11. Does Wizard's Double get removed by grazes/hits/crits that are not targeted at deflection but fortitude/reflex/will? It was like that in PoE. Actually in PoE it had to be hit or crit, grazes didn't remove the spell. That would make Wizard's Double useless in fights where you get attacked by CC or AoE stuff. For example in PoE it was totally useless against dragons because the fear aura would remove Wizard's Double instantly (even if you were immune because the hit roll still happened). What about Arcane Veil? It provides an even higher bonus to deflection (against non-veil-piercing attacks).
  12. What we know for sure: - It's in the "top sellers" on Steam - It's in the "most popular" list on GoG - It has a Metacritic score of 89 - It currently shares #1 in "Game of the Year" ranking on Metacritic It can't be too bad...
  13. It's very easy to find console commands in Deadfire: Open console, type one (or more) letters and hit tab to cycle through all commands that are available. Some commands from PoE made it into Deadfire, some got changed a bit. Some got added, a few removed. So for example in order to check if AreaTransition still works you can type area<tab> and even while you are typing the console will suggest the commands in grey letters. It also shows you the parameters that have to be used.
  14. What about Fury (shock attack) or Livegiver (won't die)? Does the buff stay even though the helmet temporarily disappears while shifiting? Or does it get removed instantly? I reckon that Storm spells could be really nice with this helm as well.
  15. Did you overlook that Livegiver gets +5 Power Level for Rejuvenation spells while shifted? This stacks with all other PL boosts (like the +2 he already gets and stuff like Wellspring of Life) and makes his healing *extremely* powerful. The -5 after shifting is an ok trade-off for that. The Unbroken is actually a good subclass. +10 PEN on disengagement is huge and nearly always leads to overpenetration with disengagement attacks which means that they deal +30% damage combined with the +100% the usual disengagement attack deals. This leads to a situation where enemies will not leave the Unbroken once he engaged because it's too painful. Try not to think "superhard tank" but "supersticky tank". If you combine engagement abilities/items with Cleaving Stance: whatch the gib once one of your enemies disengages... Also very nice for multiclassing with stuff like Streetfighter (Heating Up, Riposte) or Barbarian (Yells,Blood Thirst) as somebody else wrote. Tanks that play the taunting teethless tincan don't work in PoE/Deadfire. Why is the Sharpshooter supposed to be a glass cannon? He trades recovery speed for accuracy/penetration with ranged weapons, that's all. Totally legit. Then, if you look at reloading weapons (from crossbows to guns) you will see that they have no recovery... exactly the weapons you would expect to see on a Sharpshooter will give him no penalty at all. So some of your complaints don't seem to be justified. Black Jacket or Corpse Eater need some rework, I agree. The malus of BJ is too big for the rel. weak bonus (since the PEN/AR ratio was changed). And the Corpse Eater's increased costs are too high at the first 1/3 of the game. What I also think is pretty poorly balanced are most wizard subclasses (loss of a whole school is too much), Darcozzi Paladini (the Flame Shield is too weak), Mage Slayer (why the malus on non-spell/non-"magic" buffs like Frenzy?), vanilla Chanter (why not always take Troubadour?) and some others.
  16. Supercool idea! I love that stuff. I added the build to the pinned list by the way.
  17. Hehe - I meant that I already put it into the list. It wasn't meant as an order. Thanks for the description. I'll just extract a short version for the build list from it.
  18. No, you can level up pretty fast in Act II - especially with some bounty hunting (which has no story and no connection to other quests or the main plot). Also with a bit of sneaking you can get past a lot of encounters with a fight and grab those companions earlier. You can retrain after getting them in order to remove the "overbundance" of stealth points if you don't need them anymore.
  19. I will put this into the build list, right? It needs a short descriptor though. Edit: put in in - waiting for a short description...
  20. Hi, thanks for the build, but you should put your description into a separate thread so I can put a link into the build list (which gets edited/maintained by me - see my opening post). Then people can also discuss the individual build without filling this thread.
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