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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That's correct. But is Aloth's, Serafen's or Xoti's accuracy that much better than Tekehu's or Pallegina's? By the way: I get abysmal attack rolls for my current MC - like... every time. He has the same ACC as Edér - but while Edér hits all the time I *always* get dice rolls below 10. It's really, really suspicious...
  2. Test a Beguiler with Eyestrike: cast it on a group of enemies that surround your tank. You can see that you get more focus back than you spend. That's the beauty of the Beguiler...
  3. You have a point with the 5 guys who play the game for a couple of days. I also don't get why Obsidian doesn't do more intense beta testing with some externals. There are also a lot of bugs that got reported during the beta phase but are still in the game (for example Soul Annihilation working with certain melee AoE attacks). All in all they need to improve the QA. It's always worth the money - always.
  4. He can die after being knocked out, yes. That's because he's not in your party yet. He's basically a NPC. And those don't fall unconscious when they are at 0 health - they die!
  5. If you want to achieve something you can be direct - but acting like a douchebag will only get you so far (not saying that you are a douchebag). Using a term like "We all know/agree that..." while knowing exactly that it's not the case or using stuff like "Are you blind? Have reading problems?" will not get you anywhere - if it's really the improvement of the game you're after. It will just lead to repulsion on the side you wish to convince. You don't have to convince the people who think the same - you want to convince the people who do not. But you won't achieve that with arrogance, insults or insinuations. If you'd present your arguments in a reasonable way (and I'm sure you have some good arguments) the chance of success and agreement would be a lot higher. So I wonder if it's really the improvement of the quality of the game what's driving you or if you just want to rant...? Your discussion style has been awful so far. If you ask yourself why a lot of people oppose you: that's the only reason. That's a pity because I think that the thoughts behind your reasoning are decent - even if I may not agree.
  6. Yes, they do - but not in reach range but in the usual melee range - as you assume. So you have to get close in order to engage. In the beta of PoE they engaged at reach distance but Sensuki showed how game-breaking that is (standing in the second row and getting tons of disengagement attacks while enemies try to reach you) and it got changed.
  7. And you can just drop it behind the enemy lines. Another nice move is to cast Echo on an animal companion (doesn't matter it summoned or usual) and then use Evasive Roll (which has a huge range and is near instant).
  8. No caster class has acc bonuses on spells anymore. So if you have problems with a chanter to hit stuff you will also have with a wizard, a druid, a cipher, a priest...
  9. What do you mean? Edit: Ah - the title. Haha - that was a copy & paste error. I copied the whole opening post from the PoE charbuild subforum and must have missed that number when editing it.
  10. Funny - I backed D:OS 2and then missed the release because I saw nothing about it anywhere.
  11. Hi! If you want this build to go into the build list please PM me a name and a short description. Thanks!
  12. If you would like to get one or both of this build ideas into the pinned build list: could you PM me a name and a short description? Since there are so many new builds popping up atm I start to lose track. PM makes it easier for me.
  13. Animal Companions do indeed scale with char level, not PL. I put your build into the list.
  14. I will put this into the build list. Please use PM to write me a short discription (a sentence or so) if you want the "Coming soon..." to be removed. I'm losing track of all the threads and builds posted atm and therefore I'm asking for PMs so I don't miss stuff.
  15. I don't even know if cleave gets triggered when you kill with the Long Pain. You can use melee abilites but for example engagement doesn't work - so it's still considered to be ranged...? Same with Intruments of Pain I guess?
  16. Chanter (non-vanilla) is one of the best classes in the game right now. I don't understand how sombody can come to another conclusion. The phrase that holds up the Brilliant inspiration alone is game breaking. But then there's also unlimited summons!
  17. Hm - I think the marketing was pretty extensive for a game with only ~4 million dollers of a budget. The ads were like everywhere for a short time before release (if you didn't use an ad blocker of course).
  18. Huh? How did you add me to your party? Console easter egg?
  19. Yes, you guess. But first of all you can't know until you ask them all before speaking in their name and secondly it's bad style to post your opinion on a matter and then do so as if everybody agrees with it - even if you firmly believe that everybody thinks the same way (which you don't because you opened a thread about that topic and learned that not everybody agrees with your opinion about per rest vs. per encounter). While I may share some of your opinions on the whole matter (I don't think the injury system is nice for example) I don't think that you present your arguments in a way that leads to approval or a fruitful diskussion. I personally really liked the endurance/health system of PoE because it prevented endurance healing from being too strong (see Deadfire) and thus prevented builds and party compositions that circumvent the need for defenses and health by abusing healing. I mean I like powergaming, but breaking the game balance completely is only short-termed fun if you ask me. Others may think otherwise, that's fine - but I think my argument is solid. Of course PotD is too easy in Deadfire. It's known and it's worked on. Bug removal had priority which is a resonable decision. In nearly every thread you say that you don't play Deadfire yet because you wait for PotD to be fixed - which I can totally understand. But if you didn't play it yet: why do you feel the need to discuss its elements so fiercly (using personal attacks every now and then?) even though you didn't experience them? Wouldn't the discussion be more valuable if you at least experienced and "felt" the new mechanics? Maybe they are not as good or bad as yout thought once you dive into the game? I criticized a lot of the new stuff when the first beta came out - but after playing it for a while now not everything is as bad as I thought (I mean I miss my endurance/health and also my per-rest spells as well as the universal talent pools - but the game still plays nicely for me).
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