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About PIRI

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    (3) Conjurer
    (3) Conjurer

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    Moscow, Russia

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  1. Substantial Phantom and Essential Phantom now Join Team rather than Join Party What's the point of summoning an uncontrolled phantom with spells that will try to fight everything with bare hands?
  2. As the title says, rest never restores per-rest abilities tied to weapons, which during the rest are in the next slot or inventory. I've noticed this bug since the early versions and was surprised that nobody mentioned it yet.
  3. Yes, though not as strong due to Sun and Moon nerf and turning wheel nerf from 50% burn dmg to 25% at 10 wounds. But it should still be strong and viable, just not face roll now and you may actually have to use Sacred now to maximize dmg :D Isn't wheel now 2% per wound? I hope they will fix sacred, cause now pal burns faster than a match.
  4. Just use your imagination... Heartbeat Drumming can proc swift flurry, Swift Flurry can proc Heartbeat Drumming and so on. But HB works only with melee weapon, try to find melee weapon with multiple hits and AOE. Pollaxe with aoe works, but it is next to useless. Oh so even one cannot proc itself, it can proc another and vice versa, interesting But yeah I don't think it is overpowered since PoTD, not sure about lower difficulty. Would it still cause casading? If you mean cascading, yes, it's clearly can cascade to infinity, but the sequence is interrupted too easily. HD is a PL7 ability, multiclasses not happy, chance lowered 25% and melee arsenal just doesn't have suitable weapon for this. But with something like melee frostseeker... Well, now it's way too weak, so i doubt i will be fixed\nerfed, maybe dlc weapon will make me remember this.
  5. Just use your imagination... Heartbeat Drumming can proc swift flurry, Swift Flurry can proc Heartbeat Drumming and so on. But HB works only with melee weapon, try to find melee weapon with multiple hits and AOE. Pollaxe with aoe works, but it is next to useless.
  6. Looks like every major fight get mage with arcane dampener, so no, it's kill or be killed. Also, interruption everywhere.
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