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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Cascading Blast with Swift Flurry still works if you have enough ACC and conversion by the way.
  2. Like in PoE the true power of casters is not within their single nukes but with the combinations of effects you can achieve with them. One example: Take Pull of Eora + Binding Web. A whole group of enemies will be crammed into a circle and can't get out unless they resist a fort and a reflex attack. Other party members can then lay waste with Blast, Carnage, Cleaving, nukes and so on. Summon six skeletons with your Beckoner, let Xoti cast Spark the Souls while Aloth casts Combusting Wounds. Stuff like that. Those effects that can break the game if you combine then with a bit of creativity. Like in PoE casters will be seen as lame (look at all those complaints a la "wizards are useless!" when PoE came out even though they had complete tier mastery instead of spell mastery) - and after a while it became common to place the casters on the top of PoE's food chain. I assume it will be the same in Deadfire. Once people start to figure out the rad combos the perception will change.
  3. If resonant touch works anything like in PoE then there's a threshold when a new resonant touch instance is added to the target and it was capped at 10 RT per enemy. It was a hassle to use and not worth my time (only my personal experience). Maybe in Deadfire it's different...
  4. Hi y'all, let's assume I made a char build for Deadfire and not only wanted to share it's data and backstory, but also stuff like portrait, watercolor portrait and maybe even voice set (like the critical role stuff I assume?). A bit like Sidekick light. Would that be possible? With a mod? Or otherwise? I remember the days of Icewind Dale and such where you simply could export/share/import characters you made. While this is no official thing in Deadfire there might still be a way to share "custom" adventurers... I hope. This would make creating/posting/sharing char builds a more complete process/experience and also fun I guess.
  5. Jup. Still pretty cool if you combine it with stuff that does something per hit/crit - like Confounding Blind or Combusting Wounds.
  6. One thing though: if PotD is too easy that's a strong hint that all other difficulties will be too easy as well.
  7. I will only start posting builds after finishing Deadfire with them - and I can't properly start with the game until June. So don't be afraid.
  8. Cool - I don't have the time to watch the complete streaming. I'm surprised he's that far already. After the char creation I had to stop because of dat demanding real life.
  9. Where does this information come from? Latest stream?
  10. Centers around the target. Range... I can't remember the exact number but I guess 1.25 meter base? Maybe 1.5. Yes, the Berserker will hit his team member with Carnage in that case. But it's pretty easy to remove the confusion: just give him either Resistance to Intellect afflictions or give him an Intellect inspiration.
  11. Best thing: once you summoned 30 mini-skeletons you cast "Spark the Souls of the Righteous"...
  12. I think it's game over. Never experienced it myself so I can't say, but from what Josh said it sounded pretty much like "game over".
  13. Or a monk with enervating blows, or priest interdiction, some chiper powers... There are lots of comboes... Atm i'm fan of pure class barbarian, at lest until i havn't tried heart of fury and barbaric retaliation ( dump resolve was never so mandatory...) For Iscalio Rule of thumb: everything is addittive, ecept might and lashes. Semplified math for non experts: all additive or subtractive dmg are calculated--> the total gets multiplied by might --> this is your total dmg. Lashes are calculated than as a percentage of the total dmg MIG is multiplicative and a 25% malus is actually a 33% malus. So no, they don't cancel each other out but the malus has more impact. However, you can simply hit an enemy with the morning star + modal once and then switch if off for full damage. The debuff has a good duration.
  14. Two Handed Style works with the staves and the lance. Any Weapon Focus works because summoned weapons are universal. Kalakoth's Minor Blights and Llengrath's Blunt Wisdom are implements, so Dangerous Implement works as well as Marksman and any Weapon Focus. Also Blast works with them. The weapon styles don't work with ranged weapons in PoE.
  15. Yes, I also thought that a Barbarian crit build with Morning Star + modal + Brute Force could be very nice. Maybe in combo with the weaking phrase of a Skald and Killers-Invocation? Or Devoted?
  16. Still don't get the stuff with the white jacket... Anyways - lots of summons/pets is always good and you can't go wrong with that. Paladin/Beckoner is an exeptionally good combo in Deadfire and although stuff like Mith Fyr got nerfed in the final game version it's still good to use Zealous Focus + Mith Fyr + Shared Flames on your party and the summons. The other pally/chanter can use Exhalted Endurance + Ancient Memory to heal them all up all the time. Druid/Ranger is also solid, especially with Boar + Wounding Shots. Ghost Heart would not be my favorite pick though.
  17. Heaven forbid that anyone actually *likes* the ship combat system, amirite It's cool with me if people like it. I didn't say that it should be removed from the game. I'm also not saying drivel like "They should have put the money elsewhere". I'm just happy that there's an option to bypass it - because I can't stand it. I also don't like fennel. Doesn't mean I want to forbid other people to like it. Actually I like fennel... I just couldn't come up with food that I don't like...
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