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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/23 in all areas

  1. It's easily the best attempt to either reboot or restart the series in the 20+ years since JA2, not that that's a high bar to clear. The game feels properly Jagged Alliance; all the tactical options you could reasonably want, interesting cast of characters, and a story that feels like it was ripped out of an 80s action movie. I think the most contentious point is that the game doesn't give you a % chance to hit, it instead lists off pluses and minuses (e.g. +high ground +aiming +upgraded scope -dark -enemy in cover) from which you can infer a vague probability of success. I'm done with the island. After some well deserved R&R, my crew took a boat over to the mainland and now I'm ready to assault my first diamond mine on the way to Fleatown. My team's biggest weakness is that I don't have anyone good with explosives. I've got psycho covered with my own created merc, Paul Kersey, and if you've ever watched the Death Wish movies (and if you haven't, what are you doing with your life?) you know that that's an accurate character trait.
    5 points
  2. am not a biden fan, or harris for that matter, and am thinking democrats would do better in a general election with almost any other plausible and moderate ticket, but am admitting the following is a clever advert. HA! Good Fun!
    4 points
  3. I keep trying to click continue
    3 points
  4. I figured I'd start a thread on this since it seems like there are several of us playing this at the moment. I'm starting a new game now as I type this. I downloaded the Show Chance to Hit mod from the Nexus but other than that it's vanilla.
    2 points
  5. Elden Ring. Somehow, not as well-paced, enjoyable, or engaging as Blasphemous. The hand spiders are amusing, though. Defeated Loretta, then watched a dragon boss fleeing at half health bar while I was shooting at it from the safety of the nearby tower. Get in the Car, Loser. Despite a relatively interesting plot and social commentary, the combat outside of the boss battles can be bound to a macro seemingly without losses. The equipment system encourages it - each equipment item grants 1 ability, which are used in order in combat. The controls are only partially rebindable, and considering that the inventory management is a major part of the gameplay, makes the process rather unpleasant. The first boss battle required some tactical thinking and remembering how to switch targets.
    2 points
  6. I don't wish to point my finger at the SA government specifically because this is phenomenon we see quite often, but the fact remains that the SA government is perfectly illustrating an extraordinarily cynical principle, namely that of "We strongly believe in this and we wish to be a member of this except if it would actually matter; in that case we want to bail out straight away."
    2 points
  7. Okay, its still a confused message. Our government has said we will honor the ICC because we believe in it and we reaffirmed our membership of it in April but we also dont want to arrest Putin and risk war or other consequence The obvious and easy solution is simple, dont invite Putin. He can send Lavrov and attend virtually like BRICS meetings have been held in the past. It makes no difference to the functions of this BRICS meetings if Putin is here in person except for Russian symbolism, hubris and the optics of rejecting the ICC. Because Russia isnt a member of the ICC so they dont care but we are so it matters we enforce its warrants And SA has been through this before where we failed to arrest Al-Bashir of Sudan and our local courts ruled we had a Constitutional obligation to arrest him. So this is about our own laws and the ANC cant ignore that irrespective of their own ideological views and historical " friendship " with Russia
    2 points
  8. Ok yeah, but I thought SA already kinda said they won't do it. Damn, "Principal facts and complaints" reads like a Bully blaming you for him bullying you.
    2 points
  9. https://www.tor.com/2023/07/18/babylon-5-the-complete-series-is-coming-to-blu-ray-for-the-first-time/
    2 points
  10. is also kinda scary that people in 2023 are only just now learning about MAD. kennedy increased the SAC commitment from one third aircraft to half and 'course the shortest air routes to the borders o' the soviet union from US air bases in north america would be to fly over north america, even with kanadian air space verboten... so, duh. takes time to get a b52 fueled armed and off the ground. takes prohibitive amounts of time to get squadrons o' b52 off the ground. if most bombers are on the ground during a first strike scenario, then not only are those aircraft useless, but 'ccording to the rational and reasonable insanity o' MAD, the vulnerability o' those b52s on the ground makes a first strike more likely. admitted the policies o' mutual assured destruction were implemented before the term were coined, but the MAD label were embraced for multiple reasons, not least o' which were the paradoxical efforts to implement an insane plan to prevent an insane outcome. in any event, this is all so 1980s. what is being taught in schools these days? @HoonDing quoting an all-time bad movie without adding the quotation marks is 2x bad form. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  11. I don't know what's scarier, losing a nuclear weapon or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it.
    1 point
  12. I just got wiped out trying to take an underground bunker but I enjoyed it. Don't remember the last time I enjoyed a fight that I lost, maybe because I was way outgunned but still nearly pulled it off.
    1 point
  13. One of you should want me to play this so much you'll buy it for me.
    1 point
  14. Yes, almost every spell left surface at the start of EA. I think I have seen saving throws from fire arrows in recent Panel from Hell, so maybe they won’t be a guaranteed hit in 1.0. They have been completely wrecking concentration spells, together with guaranteed damage granades. It doesn’t seem like BG3 will support starting with custom party (though 4 instance multiplayer trick will likely still be a thing). There will be hirelings available through the camp ghull. I got an impression we will need to collect them but I am not 100% sure. I think hirelings are to some extend pre-made, but respec allows to not only reset levels but also change class of our hirelings, PC and companions.
    1 point
  15. Indeed. But odd as it is, that is genuinely quite common (and of course Russia continues to hold "the West" responsible for essentially everything Russia itself has done wrong[*]). This is off-topic, but I find it extremely interesting that there genuinely are people whose temperamental makeup and lack of self-awareness reach such heights that they perceive the world as a place where they quite often come across people who positively beg to have a fist smashed right in their face, and so they themselves are positively not to blame for any aggression at all, ever. This description of a certain kind of sociopathy, by the way, comes straight from a (locally) well-known psychiatrist with a long experience of working in institutions for criminals. [*] Such a can of worms, that last word, but I left it there anyway.
    1 point
  16. International Human Rights Court has struck a case against Ukraine about oppresion of Russian language speakers. And blaming Ukraine for destruction of MH17. Russia ignored all requests by the court for “clarifications”, so the court “dismissed” it. I do not speak lawyerish, but this looks to me more as technical verdict, although with it, it has dismissed cases, which are not covered by other applications. Although, it is also written, that the court found no grounds relating to respect of human rights, to pursue in further examination of the case. https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/app/conversion/pdf/?library=ECHR&id=003-7706301-10639634&filename=Russia v. Ukraine - struck out of Court's list of cases.pdf
    1 point
  17. the encounter(s) you reference is a perfect example o' the god-power o' reload. the seven spectres have specific spawn points, so even w/o resorting to an online guide you will eventual know exact where on the map you need prebuff. also while each spectre has a different means o' trying to annihilate your party, those spirits is consistent. for instance, the spectre who unleashes sciroccos always does the scirocco bit. this is also one o' the encounters where the bane of spirit ring is making pain in the arse battles far much more manageable. the bane o' spirit is requiring only a free action, so whomever is wielding may buff the entire party during his/her turn and the ring wielder may also do full move and attack actions during the same round. make certain everybody gets deathward and then add stuff such as protection from fire as needed. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. Russia seems happy to accept "collateral damage" when it's convenient It would make life for the his successor a bit easier if Putin became a "glowing" example of Russian leadership (Fallout reference) Edit: You may not have noticed, but the decision making process in Moscow isn't always rational by western standards
    1 point
  19. They could nuke SA from a distance without ever setting foot there...
    1 point
  20. I got myself brutally mauled to the point of reload because of my own silliness. That place where you loot a trivial object that spawns some angry wraiths (unless you put it back again)? Yeah, I forgot I had vendorized that for a few pennies and went back later to pursue another side quest on the same map. The welcoming committee was overjoyed to see me again... to the point where they wouldn't let me leave Need to prepare a bit better, go back and spank them for their effort.
    1 point
  21. Not sure if new in any way, but from various sources (including satellite images), Wagner forces are now congregating around 100km south of Minsk. Lukashenko has already offered them "work", defending Belarus against hostile neighbors (a veiled threat against Poland?)
    1 point
  22. I'd swap Skywalker and Rogue One but agree with the rest, especially what you wrote about to The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.
    1 point
  23. lol at level 6 party running into random level 15 12d6 eye ray murder robot spider got lucky it used fire ray against Seelah I had made fire immune this game is really something unique
    1 point
  24. I'll have to murder her anyway
    1 point
  25. I have not watched Andor or Kenobi yet, but the only Post-Disney buyout Star Wars that I acutally liked, in an unironical fashion, were the first three episodes of The Book of Boba Fett, which pretty much puts me at odds with everyone else. How I would currently rate the movies: The Rise of Skywalker > Solo > Rogue One >The Force Awakens >>> dying of rabies > The Last Jedi My initial impression of The Force Awakens was better than it is now. I called it a better movie than the prequels here on the forum, which is a statement I would nowadays amend to more competently made movie. The only reason it is not dead last in the list due to being utterly uninspired is because The Last Jedi is, well, what it is. To address the elephant in the room. Yes, I actually liked Solo more than Rogue One. Not by much, and no real indication of any actual enjoyment there, but Solo was the more fun theater experience. The reason Rise of Skywalker ranks so high is because The Last Jedi killed the past for me, and I could just enjoy the film on its own "merit" - which is to say it was so bad that it became hilariously good. What an absolute blast where Palpatine, uhm, blasts an entire fleet with force lightning. Then there's the ending where Rey Potter fights Lord Sheevdemort. How can you watch the film and not love it for being so bad? I must add a caveat here, I watched all the movies in the theater and did not pay for anything, courtesy of a friend of mine being a member of a fan club that does get hired for promotional trouping. My disposition might be much worse had I paid any amount of money to be allowed to experience those travesties.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, as a kid, I used to have pet black widows. Well, they were less "pets" and more "an infestation local to my home", but the same idea, really. They're pretty cool.
    1 point
  27. Andor is good, and IMO good good, not "good for Star Wars".
    1 point
  28. One thing JA3 does better than JA2 - The map is huge and complicated and feels like a real place. In both JA1 and JA2, you just kind of worked your way across the square map until you had it conquered. This map is a lot more dynamic. I just took over my 2nd mine and now I'm thinking about fielding a 2nd squad. Still broke though. Also Omryn is terrible and I think I'm letting him go at the end of his contract. I hired Nails because I needed a psycho for a quest, and he is a good back up bomb guy for Red.
    1 point
  29. am knowing many posters have an allergic reaction to any fox story or link, but this one is worth your couple minutes of time. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6331366651112 "ok, i knew this was a bad idea." HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. The surface effects were more prominent in D:OS2, so one might have wanted to hit an oil puddle with a fire sword. I think, they were lessened somehow, the cantrips used to create them on contact. I guess, I'd prefer more typical actions (such as reviving a knocked out companion or hitting a foe instead of the floor) to be the default ones, with specific keys to access all available actions. I'm also curious how the stat unrestricted multi-classing is going to work and whether it will be possible to create the whole party at the start without running 4 instances of the game. Finished Blasphemous. Overall, a very well-made and good-looking action-adventure/Metroidvania. The combat, traversal, and exploration are enjoyable, though there are significant difficulty spikes in the DLC areas and the insta-killing spike pits are extremely irritating. Also, the "true end" version of Crisanta is an amazing farming point, as each stage counts as a separate boss battle. Review:
    1 point
  31. I am coming back regularly and trying to S rank it. Managed the lowest difficulty but got stuck on higher ones. There are two missions that I find frustratingly difficult to S - the biggest offender being the one where you fight V’s summons over and over again.
    1 point
  32. It's not so bad, I can understand like 3-5% of what they're saying
    1 point
  33. Didn't know Jedi Academy 3 was made
    0 points
  34. The rules only apply to the weak.
    0 points
  35. Why do they think that Putin will be arrested in SA. Did I miss something?
    0 points
  36. Interesting trivia: there's a Russian fellow who covertly reports to the biggest newspaper in Scandinavia, and the other day he pointed out that many ordinary Russians are struggling badly because Russia produces no nails. Or screws. Not proper ones, anyway: the guy said that Russian-produced stuff like this can be used to build a bad doghouse or a poor barn, but nothing better. He's also in serious trouble with having to use Russian-produced paint, because it sucks. (People in the western parts of Russia used to get their paint from Finland, from companies such as Tikkurila who produce excellent paint.)
    0 points
  37. JA3 - Machine guns are crazy in this game. I mean, it has some limitations, but a properly placed MG is an absolute terror on the battlefield.
    0 points
  38. It will get even worse since she sets out on an adventure with her friends, probably not bringing any spare clothes.
    0 points
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