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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/22 in all areas

  1. If a child can access cancer treatment should they have cancer, they must be able to access puberty blockers if they have gender dysphoria. For the reference, 12 year olds get neither surgeries nor HRT. Blockers only prevent the default hormones, which trigger the default puberty when the person stops taking the blockers. For younger kids only social transition, i.e. clothes, hairstyle, pronouns, is available, which obviously have 0 physical consequences. Thus, the only people threatened by trans youth having access to healthcare are transphobes (who'd rather force the children to commit suicide), not just cisgenders who are not affected by it anyhow. On another note, cis people do have their gender-affirming healthcare, TRT/HRT for the people with low hormone levels and implants for breast cancer survivors.
    3 points
  2. I imagine that that is the belief, since to imagine an afterlife we project ourselves as we are into it. It was a ton of fun when my brother was killed when I was 13 years old, and some of the **** I tried processing was that either I might not recognize my brother when I finally passed, or that he might not recognize me. I was heavily assured that it all would work out. Unfortunately stuff like that, as well as all the people telling me "he's in a better place" did a lot more to make me skeptical about the whole concepts. The latter in particular made me bitter towards religion and is probably a big reason why my early 20s was filled with militant atheism.
    3 points
  3. Electronic Arts just told me to my face that I don't have any friends On a more positive note. Despite never bringing the subject up, my boss decided to give me a raise. Not just keeping up with the inflation, but going beyond that and being an actual raise. I must have done something right. I wonder what
    3 points
  4. I would ask the opposite question... why are you religious? It makes no sense to me. I don't believe things just because tell me so. I know the world is not flat, because I've physically traveled around the globe twice for example (literally), so nobody is going to sell me the flat earth idea. But not knowing the facts also means not eliminating the possibility of one or more divine beings have a laugh at our expense. Declaring no such beings can exist is for me just as preposterous as claiming there is a god (or other beings of a metaphysical nature). The only time I feel like interfering in religious peoples lives however, is when they infringe on other peoples freedoms. I don't go knocking on church doors, trying to sell atheism to the priests or members of the congregation. But when religious leaders decides to restrict the rights of their members or worse, try to impose their limitations on me! I do speak up. Whether it's medieval dress codes, abortion issues, the right rape your daughters or telling me I can't drink wine with my dinner.
    3 points
  5. Yeah, dunno, I suppose since he actually likes IPAs and has a bunch of allergies, drinking actual beer might cause the similar issues or it might not be to his 'taste'. I'll second the recommendation for the Hirter Morchl. I have no idea how easy it is to get in the US, but it is a quality (Bohemian style) dark lager from a smaller, privately owned brewery that is noticably different from the otherwise often overly sweet darker, malty beers.
    2 points
  6. I want the US government to take the lead in designating the Donetsk and Luhansk "people's militias" and "governments" as terrorist groups. That would be a good start. But eventually we are going to have to address this issue of what is Russia's very clear and obvious new strategy in recent days of trying to terrorize the Ukrainian civilian population into surrender.
    2 points
  7. I think there's a big misconception about the ease of official transition, probably due to fear mongering. Even in places where there are trans friendly options, getting official medical transition (blockers, then hrt, then surgery) for adults is usually a very long process with a lot of vetting and bureaucracy. For kids, most likely you'll see blockers at most and even then the transition is more likely to be social in nature. As someone who lives in a place where they have made transition child abuse, I'll say that it should be allowed because the alternative is having kids taken from their parents and dumped into foster care. That's not a good thing at all.
    2 points
  8. The idea of getting into a twist over religion or lack thereof, makes no sense to me. There are two possibilities: either there is a God or there isn't. Either there is an afterlife or there isn't. The existence of either cannot be verified so you have faith or you don't. If they don't exist believing in them changes nothing. If they do then disbelieving changes nothing. Suppose for a moment God does exist and is a supreme being and creator of all things. Such an individual is completely beyond the comprehension of us. So it's absurd for one person to tell another "God wants this" or "This is God's will". So the idea that a bunch of middle easterners had conversations with God 4000 years ago strains credulity. But that does not rule out God's existence. I look at it this way. Don't be an as---le and everything will work out fine. If God is what most folks believe He is then you'll be in good shape. Be honest, compassionate, and charitable with the fellow humans and I think it won't matter that you believed in God. I think God will believe in YOU. And if none of it was true than at least you will be remembered as a good man but the folks you knew and made the world a little better while you were in it. There are my own opinions of course. I believe in God and Jesus because the events of my life led me to that. But I have no more insight than anyone else so it would be foolish for me to insist on anyone else sharing my conclusions or criticizing them for their lives leading them to different conclusions. BTW if you have never read or watched The Life of Pi you should. It's an entertaining story but it also has a very enlightened take on religion.
    2 points
  9. Every good anime has a baseball episode. See: this, Sailor Moon, and Steven Universe, . This show has the weirdest art style - there are times where I actually quite like how the aesthetic and character designs look, and there are other times where it makes me want to get the flamethrower out. I hope Najimi is completely wacko and insane (but in a fun way), because their design certainly suggests they should be.
    2 points
  10. So, who is the official spokes person of a religion? The one with a divine appointment or the one with enough clout to convince his/her peers, that they better accept your leadership. Or else... Which one is the correct Islam? Sunni, Shi'a or Sufism. Which one is the correct Christian faith? Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestantism, Anglican (insert long list of overseas sects here)? Etc. Are the Catholics just heretics after unilaterally declaring the patriarch of Rome as the one and only ruler (the original Orthodox faith recognized 5 patriarchs, Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antioch... famous for its hand grenades)? I.e. there is no simple "right" faith and every variant is a cult or a sect or just deviants. They all claim to speak on behalf of their god. For me, people are either good or bad. People can be good people *despite* being religious, not because of it (and vice versa with bad people). I'll leave it to religious people to sort out the mess that is the claim to the one and only true righteousness. Trust me... life as an agnostic is simpler. Only thing to worry about is to convert the Imperial measurement heathens to accept the metric system as the guiding principle of the universe.
    2 points
  11. We (the general we in the thread, that is, not us two) talked about that briefly before, when it comes to Sailor Moon Crystal. It is, by far and large, faithful to the manga, and the series is just terrible. I would not call the manga good (far from it, it's by far and large bad, a mess and really iffy at times and I do not understand anyone who prefers it over the first anime adaptation), but even then it is still a lot better than Crystal. Just reading and looking at drawings is a whole lot less offensive than being assaulted by animation and sound too. So yeah, it is entirely possible for the manga to be better than the anime. Also, uhm, stay way from Sailor Moon Crystal. MOON TIARA ACTION! or something. Maybe @Bartimaeus still has the image where Usagi looks like a praying mantis alien.
    2 points
  12. I think it started with a Q and she also believed in period sniffing or something.
    1 point
  13. Kaiyo Japanese Whiskey. Very good, it's sweet heavy but not overpowering. Like a mild honey with a bit of spice and a slow burn that gives me a bit of fruit. I'd recommend for fans of Irish and for anyone looking for a smoth sip.
    1 point
  14. To be fair to The Boys that's a description of maybe 90% of TV in general. It's amazing how many short 'premium' series end up feeling padded just as much as a 22 episode season on CW or whatever. It can get really weird too, Wheel of Time felt padded yet objectively clearly needed more time- from better writers though. Have to say, as someone who hasn't watched Boys S3 most of the commentary around it does not sound overly good for someone who was already rolling their eyes at the contrivance of not having Homelander just kill everyone in S2. From a mechanistic pov you know why, because it can only happen once and after that the main premise of the series is gone... My personal peeve about subscription shows is how many are obviously focus grouped into having constant cliffhanger endings to get engagement up. It's like watching things out of phase, with the last five minutes of the previous episode tacked onto the next. 'All of us are dead' (may be slightly wrong, Korean zombie show on Netflix) had this to an almost parody degree.
    1 point
  15. Based on what is known today, a quark is considered to be 10^-19 m. What is smaller than that? Maybe neutrinos, photons and gluons. Not sure if there is a defined size for these. But even if you keep finding more particles, each smaller than the previous smallest one, you'll eventually reach the Planck length (1.6 x 10^-35 m), the smallest size we can possibly measure considering the limitations of quantum mechanics. Again, this is based on current knowledge, if a new theory is developed, things might change. But for now, the Planck length is considered the smallest anything can be. As I explained above, even if you could mathematically divide a centimeter into infinite divisions, physically it is not possible. You'd reach the Planck length and wouldn't be able to measure anything smaller. And if you can't measure it or define it, then you can't say you are still dividing it, I imagine.
    1 point
  16. Yeah the story of Lot and his daughters is probs one of the largest examples in the Bible where it's important to understand that much of it is descriptive, rather than prescriptive; this passage is not telling anyone how to live, it's an account of what happened. While many would point to this as an example of God thinking sodomy is bad (hence naming it after the town in question) it's also pretty feasible that the townsfolk were seen as awful because they wanted to do some rapes. Another thing I've seen suggested is that, culturally, one's duty to one's guests is seen as a relatively high priority. Also, y'know, it's a horrible patriarchal society so the two daughters are seen as worth less than the men. Interesting that you take pains to describe the daughters as underage, I see nothing in the text to support that. In any case, the text describes the daughters as each date raping Lot. It is described as their fault because they raped a man they'd gotten drunk to the point of not knowing what is going on, specifically for the purpose of getting themselves pregnant. Also, the Kingdoms which descended, in part, from Lot's daughters raping him, (Moab and Ammon) were apparently looked down upon by their neighbours, in part because they were the product of incest. I suppose it's possible that there are people who read this text and take from it 'yeah it's totally good for men to rape their daughters,' but they would have to misread it about as poorly as you have done. Hmmm don't think what I said was quite as simple as that Bruce, although I'm happy for you to try and find the quote if you'd like. Also I don't think the logic you follow this statement with works at all. I'll see if I can try to explain why. Let's say a school doesn't have a mathematics curriculum. Let's say 'Jane' supports that school having a mathematics curriculum. Does her supporting that school having a mathematics curriculum mean that suddenly, a mathematics curriculum is something that exists? Back to CRT though. As has been mentioned elsewhere, CRT is a uni course. The ban seems to be not on CRT, but on concepts from it. This is the link to the legislation: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ba=HF 802&ga=89 Did a quick Ctrl+f, and neither CRT nor Critical Race Theory appear, so if they wanted to specifically ban that course, they've messed up a little there. Also, as far as I'm aware there is no teaching that the US was founded 'only' on racism and inequality, but it's important to understand that it was a big part of its founding. Also the USA absolutely has systemic/structural racism, and multiple times when this topic has come up, multiple sources have been provided demonstrating that this is the case, and each time you've gone 'hmmm well let's agree to disagree' so at this point, it's hard to care about your opinion on the subject.
    1 point
  17. The world would be a better place if the people who say they follow Jesus actually paid attention to the things Jesus said and did and followed His example.
    1 point
  18. If we are discussing some sort of "soft" transition, dressing and acting as the preferred gender, that is all good with me. Even light hormone treatments. This is all reversible if desired later. Once you start having surgery and cutting things off there is no going back. Not to OEM normal at least. That is life altering and NOT a decision to be made by someone not mature enough to understand. So save the surgery until after adulthood.
    1 point
  19. If when I die, some part of me is returned to some primordial quark soup, then groovy. But imo, your personality resides exclusively between your ears and when you die so does it.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I couldn't have said it better myself
    1 point
  22. Have you listened Evangelical Christian sermons? They seem to have forgotten why they were called Evangelical in first place. It is modern Christian sects that have twisted Sodom and Gomorrah and many other stories in bible as political messages
    1 point
  23. Wait for LHC II and they will tell you As a thought experiment, think about a ruler. You know, good old ruler you used in the class room to measure distances and drawing straight lines on a piece of paper. The distance between the 1st and the 2nd centimeter can in theory be divided into an infinite amount of subdivisions. I.e. divide it in half, in quarters, eights, etc. Continue until you get an infinite number of subdivisions. That means, the distance between those two points on the ruler is infinitely long. But, the universe didn't end because an infinitely long ruler suddenly stuck its ends through the barriers of the known world. We just look at it from a distance, gloss over the details and decide that, the distance between the two points is probably somewhere around a single centimeter. Give or take an infinite number Humans tend to do a bit of abstraction when it comes to comprehend things we can't comprehend. It also makes it easier to draw straight lines on a piece of paper without our heads exploding.
    1 point
  24. no idea if they have the french style stuff. pasztet z kaczki is what we gravitate to, but we don't get it from tarnowski's... not bacik either though as we make our own. many delis which carry polish foods is gonna have bacik brand, but pasztet z kaczki is not particular hard to make at home and we like our duck. (edit) curious, we recall never seeing bacik brand goods in pittsburgh. if we had to name the three big(er) US cities which is most polish, w/o checking a search engine, we would immediate guess chicago, pittsburgh and buffalo. we recall a distinct absence o' bacik in pittsburgh. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  25. https://polishfooddirect.com/ is our second favorite source for sausage. highly recommend these guys HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. Blood sausage. I'm salivating just thinking about it. Pan fried with sauteed onions... I had a long 12 1/2 hour work day on Friday, so I'm rewarding myself this weekend with the good stuff.
    1 point
  27. Samurai Champloo 22-23 The first one here was kind of boring, they meet some guys that are digging a treasure. But episode 23 (the baseball match) was hilarious. Three to go.
    1 point
  28. Najimi is starting to wear a bit on me, but I find that they're the main driver of things in the anime. Without them, Komi and Tadano would sit around paralyzed while the Komi stans terrorize them. It probably is better in the manga. On the other hand, JoJo is faithful to the manga and it's awesome.
    1 point
  29. I'm more interested in knowing if we retain our tastes and interests. Would that mean heaven for one guy would be painting warhammer miniatures? What about a heaven for furries? Or BDSM. Or people who just love creating RPG rulesets. Anyway how does pleasure and happiness work without dopamine?
    1 point
  30. as 4chaners would put it >implying the democrats give half a F about student loans (or any other social issue for that matter) other than use it as vote bait.
    1 point
  31. I am guessing, the classic artillery might not be taken into consideration, but probably MLRS attacks are counted. IIRC there was a number released by British, that RU has launched over 2k Iskanders only (unable to find the source now, so feel free to correct me someone, if I remember it wrong), and they are shooting all kinds of missiles from planes, ships, submarines and land vehicles...
    1 point
  32. Yes, I know a lot about the UA situation pre-war. I had more than a few business trips there And yes you are correct, that even in this war, you cannot expect 180 degree turn on lifestyle, but it changed a lot in last 4 months. Zelenskyi's administration tried a little bit to lower the influence of Oligarchs even before the war, and currently in the war time, there are more cases of UA army and police fighting the corruption than anytime before. Because everyone has already witnessed, what has corruption done to the performance of RU army And no the corruption in UA will not magically disappear after the war, it will stay there, but hopefully being on the EU candidate list, will be enough motivation to lowering it on par with EU "standards". Because the sooner, they get into EU structures, the sooner, they will be rid of the RU threat.
    1 point
  33. Bull Sand Fort: Humber defence to be sold to highest bidder - BBC News
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. How the people know, that this is Ukrainians, and not Russian fakes? They have captured a lot of these weapons during the February and March around Kyiv. Also Sputnik is pretty solid Russian propagandist news, so I would not be very convinced, that this is just another attempt "hybrid attack to the west", which wants to spread doubts into people willing to support the Ukraine with weapons. The funny thing is, that most of these videos, including "100% guaranteed news, that Ukraine sold HIMARSes and CEZARs" to Russia have started to spread as soon, as the Russian positions have been HIMARSed to the Mars all over the Ukraine... Completely forgetting the fact, that HIMARSes and CEZARs are heavily under the microsoft of USA and France, as these weapons are capable to hit Russian targets in Russia as well. If anything like that would be true, USA and France would already know about that, and would not signed 4 more HIMARSes and 8 more CEZARs to the battlefield.
    1 point
  36. Spark the Souls of the Righteous is not only brilliant with the Least Unstable Coil or Effort+Avenging Storm for the Priest himself, this spell can generate an untouchable point of damaging pulsation. The effect (extendable because beneficial) continue to pulse even when the beneficial target (party or the priest) is isolated with Withdraw or Temporal Cocoon. Invisible, untargetable, damage dealer. With Beetle Shell, the allie is unvulnerable during the effect until the shell break, and he stay able to receive friendly effect ; the Spark the Souls of the Righteous effect also work well, like riposte effect etc. We cant target every summon with the spell, barbaric totems sadly cant be targeted by the spell (but by Withdraw).
    1 point
  37. blt season is almost 'pon us in our location. shelf stable tomatoes is a bit tasteless compared to the good stuff, so if you can find a decent farmer's market am gonna highly recommend trying such a source. am not offering for the recipe but rather the process. mentioned a few pages back how simple is mayo, but am nevertheless confident many people has never made mayo. our personal recipe is not gonna match anything you see on the internet, which is a good thing as am making to match our taste, however, we got a couple recommendations using the video ingredients and quantities as a baseline. 1) you do not need a full cup of oil is nothing wrong with a full cup, but we typical go with 3⁄4 C or even a smidge less. am preferring our mayo to be on the lighter side. if you want something which tastes closer to most store bought brands, use vegetable oil. grapeseed is an ideal choice but our most frequent choices is avocado or vegetable oil. even so, you willget full and stable emulsion even with 3⁄4 C o' oil. 2) do not use extra virgin olive oil an immersion blender is the wrong tool if you want to use extra virgin olive oil 'cause it is gonna make the mayo bitter. if you serious wanna do immersion and use olive oil, make sure is extra light olive oil. 3) consider adding a full teaspoon of salt salt makes most food taste better right up until you hit point where is too salty. 4) one full egg as 'posed to 2 egg yolks works perfectly fine 5) garlic addition gets you closer to aioli and may be overpowering would recommend not trying to make with garlic your first few attempts especial if you are hoping to get something close-but-better than best foods/hellmans or duke's. 6) sugar is not our jam, but... particular if you prefer miracle whip, add a half teaspoon or more o' sugar. if you want like dukes, then skip sugar but use vegetable oil, and go 50/50 white distilled vinegar/cider vinegar and add a bit o' paprika. 7) room temp ingredients you don't wanna try and emulsify with cold egg, water, mustard, whatever to room temp oil. take your egg and whatnot outta the fridge +20 minutes before prep. ... for reference, when having a blt, we make mayo with the following ingredients: 1 large egg 2 teaspoons lime juice 1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar + typical 1-2 teaspoons of cider vinegar, but am admitted fluid as to how tangy we want the mayo 3⁄4 teaspoon salt 3⁄4 cup vegetable oil we then let cool in the fridge after you got your emulsion as it will firm up a smidge. downside is you got a fair amount o' mayo with this and if you make a single sandwich, your remaining homemade mayo is gonna last no more than a week. HA! Good Fun! ps we mentioned tomatoes at the start o' the post. the one variety o' tomatoes which ain't been bred for shelf stability is cherry tomatoes. cherry tomatoes is not a great option for blt, though not terrible. regardless, if you don't mind a bit o' extra sweetness in your recipes and you want more tomato flavour, consider replacing whatever tomato you ordinarily use with a similar volume o' cherry tomatoes. grow your own or find good farm tomatoes is also viable options.
    1 point
  38. My dad is in Poland attending to some business and he has been sending me pictures of some of the delicious looking food and beer he is consuming. This inspired me to make the half hour (each way) drive to the Polish deli in Pineville. Szynka myśliwska (hunter ham, double smoked), boczek cygański (gypsy bacon, super duper heavily smoked), ser podlaski (a popular variety of Polish yellow cheese, I don't have a better description) with horseradish, tomato, white onion, and ogórki małosolne (Polish pickles, małosolne translates to low salt) on rye bread. Plus, the obligatory Polish lager to make it a proper lunch. I have kabanosy drying: It's going to take all my willpower to give them the 4 or 5 days necessary to reach peak deliciousness and not devour them early.
    1 point
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