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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/22 in all areas

  1. A DA4 is indeed in development. Although today is actually my last day at BioWare. Got a really interesting and dorky opportunity with Epic Games that I start on the 18th!
    5 points
  2. we got an ex, call her kim, who still jokingly credits us with her marriage. we met her in college and managed to stay friends with her. kim ended up dating a serious football junkie and so she came to us for help 'cause, "didn't you play football?" ... serious? when we were dating, approx 1/3 o' our waking hours were dedicated to football and kim only had some vague recollection we played the sport? whatever. anyways, we got a hard time saying no to a serious appeal for help, plus we were also friends with kim's sister and mother (and yeah, am knowing that sounds weird) so were triple difficult to do other than acquiesce. so we explained cover 0-6 and the various man v. zone permutations as well as how a qb reads a defense before the snap. taught her how to identify the "mike" backer, which isn't always the middle lb, and why that is such an important aspect o' the qb read. etc. after more than a dozen hours o' the Gromnir Clinic, (we even had a film tutorial) kim knew a fair 'mount o' football, particular defensive side o' the ball. unfortunately, her newly acquired football acumen intimidated her beau and they broke up, but the next guy she dated felt same as you, that sports knowledge in a gf is sexy, and they got married and thus far have lived happily ever after. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. Today I am doing no work, taking no calls, etc. Baseball starts today and I'll be parked in front of the TV. Well, it actually started yesterday. G & I watched the Brew Crew lose to the Cubs but it was a great game.
    3 points
  4. It's very entertaining in Canada as a lot of the conservative wing says the world needs to buy our oil instead of oil from dictators, while the base for those politicians strongly feel that our Prime Minister is also a dictator.
    3 points
  5. Dolly Parton is awesome. I took the family to the Dixie Stampede many years ago.
    2 points
  6. Last day at work so uh, cashing in all my store points and pretending to work >.>
    2 points
  7. Apologized for Rwanda as well, good thing all sins are forgiven, heh. Also the fact that the number is inaccurate doesn't matter that much - her reaction to the number is the thing to note. In any case, nothing all that shocking that a high official isn't all too concerned with people.
    2 points
  8. I mean I know Russians are ... confused ... but this? xD https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-lavrov-says-belarus-should-become-security-guarantor-ukraine-2022-04-08/
    2 points
  9. edit: HA! Good Fun! ps have mentioned previous, but donkeys is just 'bout the most underappreciated domesticated animal evar. they are at least as smart as dogs and as likely to bond with humans. most got sweet dispositions and is quite affectionate, though they tend to be territorial, which makes 'em excellent guard "dogs" and they is fantastic at dealing with coyotes. growing up on a ranch, our favorite critters were our burros, and little in our experience over the years has changed that opinion.
    2 points
  10. Ok, I've tested non-random Blight summon. And wow it feels great. Tier 4 Flame Blight can spam fan of flames, has a self-buff and explose on death (I made it scaling, for both summons and foes, like I did for passive player abilities). It is a very fine Fire spell (Tier 4 didn't have one). Tier 6 Ice Blight is super cool ( ), it has AoE and debuffs. VERY nice summon. Encourage going Frost druid. This change is even more critical for druid summoning capabilities than scaling armor and weapon was IMHO. The duration is short but their powers are great. I must really stress how the predictability change the feeling of the spell. (Call to the primordial is "less random" since you summon several creatures, evenning a bit the odds). Lesser Storm Blight is bugged. Not the summon, the creature as a whole. It has a range of 5m but actually hit only in melee. I will correct this. I will also make Storm Blights "weapon" damages more progressive, as it is the case for other blights. Currently : - Lesser : 5m, 4-7 damages, 7 PEN, no bounce - Average : 10m, 8-13 damages, 8 PEN, 1 bounce 80% damages* - Greater : 10m, 12-17 damages, 9 PEN, 1 bounce 80% damages Target : - Lesser : 10m, 8-13 damages, 7 PEN, 1 bounce 80% damages - Average : 10m, 10-15 damages, 8 PEN, 1 bounce 80% damages* - Greater : 10m, 12-17 damages, 9 PEN, 1 bounce 80% damages Then Lesser Storm Blight will feel legit as a Tier 2 summon. It is basically an auto-attacker with ability to Teleport at will (with slow activation). That's what I thought, but @Exanos pointed, even if it is well-rounded, it doesn't feel optimal. Avenging Storm might be better than with other shift, BUT less optimal than using a blunderbuss for example. And I think that Fury having no choice with their form should get one a bit better. * The Average Storm Blight has the Fury weapon. So it will boost a bit Fury damages. 10-15 shock 8 PEN 3s recovery is very good, I think. It is basically as much other shifts (bar Cat), at range, with bounce, so fairly respectable as an auto-attack, even against single target. Then there is the casting while shifted being inferior to caster sticks. I don't think this is a Fury specific issue. That's why I'm currently thinking about buffing my modded Wilstrike(Greater) from +1(+2) to : 1) +2(+4) Power Level bonus to the corresponding element 2) +2(+3) Power Level if it is a bit too much 3) starts as +1(+2), get some scaling later on to end up at +2(+4) Power Level This would be close from what you get from top caster sticks. (Deltro's Cage comes with a huge +55% recovery drawback, so I would say it is more about competing with the weapons). I don't want to mix Wildtrike Frenzy with this change (MC Spiritshift should work, and Wildstrike Frenzy is good enough in its current state). Obviously, I will let Maelstorm only with Frost (from CP) and not Water KW, because double benefit would be too much. What would you think of such change ? (especially the values) A Storm Blight shift, extended by its damage spell kills, with a neat auto-attack (even vs singe target, but with a nice bounce) and a serious boost to one element should be good. Twin Stones : I think I will tweak the spell so each projectile explode on the first target, not Wall. So that's 12-20 Crush to 2 targets. Plus 2 AoE 15-28 Pierce. With proper aim (Risk), it has good damages (Reward). At Point Blank, you can even have it all on 1 target, but you'll suffer the AoE too (Woodskin could help). Maybe I will tweak down the damages value a bit.
    2 points
  11. You were right! The Fury (and the other Druid subclasses) don't have the DisableKeywordAbilities effect that the Wizard subclasses have, so a Fury Sorcerer should be able to use a stolen Moonwell!
    2 points
  12. Cane and Pineapples by Dostoevsky. "And the more I drink pinatas the more I feel it. That’s why I drink too. I try to find sympathy and feeling in drink.... I drink so that I may surf twice as much!"
    2 points
  13. gotta admit, if as a teen we had a similar photo o' a parent working through the anger stage, we woulda' found ways to replicate it ad nauseum even with admitted far more limited early 80s technology. we did have photography as an elective in high school, so perhaps we coulda' managed to find a way to even garner school credit with the image. almost goes w/o saying we woulda' had the photo affixed to the outside o' at least one trapper keeper. etc. as a parent, you don't get take backsies. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  14. I admit, I had a much less action packed day. Some back and forth on work, some assorted paperwork. British Airways got in contact with me over the "You know those tickets you had booked right before pandemic hit, so we gave you vouchers to use on an equivalent flight once normal travel resumed? Well now that costs of flight are going up, we're going to save more money by giving you a direct refund rather than letting you cash those vouchers in this year." Still pondering on the 3D Printer repair. Puttered around on designs for Mando armour still. Possibly sliding a touch more like this: But it isn't completely sparking my creative juices for a "this is the one"...
    2 points
  15. Why the English language and spelling is such a bastard...
    1 point
  16. No, it's not, but I'm not sure what my support is worth. I hate most controllers layouts, think the GameCube controller was the best, and I'm using a Logitech M1 laser mouse to play games and want my PS/2 ports back. I'm clearly not the target audience for any modern input device.
    1 point
  17. On the one hand I envy you, on the other I can't justify to myself getting a new PC as I play so little games nowadays and the ones I do play are not that resource intensive.
    1 point
  18. I wish they had never made controller thumbsticks clickable. It never works well. I wind up pressing the stick when I don't want to press it all the time when moving it around rapidly. And when I do want to press the thumbstick I wind up moving it when I don't want to move it. It's a really terrible place to put a button. I get it, controllers have limited buttons to work with, but there has to be a better solution. I'd rather we went back to 6 face buttons like the SEGA Genesis controller and did away with thumbstick buttons. 6 face buttons is more awkward than 4, but I'm 99% confident that I would erroneously press face buttons with the 6 buttons A LOT less than I erroneously press thumbsticks. Is this just a me problem?
    1 point
  19. Did taxes, so with the refund cash will get a new rig. Although looking at the games I do play, I doubt I actually need the power of a 5600x or something but it has been 7 years since I built one. Worst part is actually having to go to the stores as the big Canadian online retailer died a (deserved) death a couple of years back.
    1 point
  20. I mean I'm not much better. I'm on the first gen of the x99, but I still have an ssd for a primary. My trusty OCZ Vertex 4 with a mighty 128gb. I did upgrade recently to a Intel 6950x. Ditto on the graphics card.
    1 point
  21. Sure thing. The hardware I'm currently using is 10 years old, except for the 970 GTX , that one's slightly newer - but not much.
    1 point
  22. Finally decided to buy some hardware upgrades. Going from my trusty old Western Digital WD10EALX to a Samsung 980 PRO SSD should be, let's say, slightly noticable.
    1 point
  23. Hey Chill, That's a fair callout. I think that is a leftover of our old system (where we had multiple ways to log in) as we were converting to our current login system. I put in a request to our web dev to look into making this work off of just 1 click As for Sarex, yea we are still on AWS, though we are just about ready to convert over. This has been something we wanted to switch over to for some time now, but have been a bit busy to get to. We are currently testing out the change away from AWS for our login system, the websites, and forums on our testing server and hopefully will have that all pushed live soon Thanks for letting us know your thoughts on the forums!
    1 point
  24. I am legit working on a bug with a tool and the guy I worked with and am gonna info dump (since I'm not THAT guy) were joking that it'd be quite a mic drop "check in and leave" to do something like that on my last day lol.
    1 point
  25. “The diligence and sophistication of those the defendant and his co-conspirators targeted during this scheme to defraud are not appropriate considerations at trial,” prosecutors noted. “Indeed, in proving a scheme to defraud, the government is ‘not required to show that the intended victim was actually defrauded.’ […] Nor should the defendant be able to use his and his co-conspirators’ own ruse against their victims by suggesting that, had they only asked certain questions or taken certain steps, they would have known that they were being provided false or misleading information.” [citations omitted] the sucker born every minute defense? well, ok then. on a lighter note... also, edit: and is good to know not every person from tennessee supports book burning... or is a gop law maker. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. Well I don't want to endorse piracy on a forum where that is against the rules, but....a lot of IP holders really do it to themselves. I'll leave it at that instead of invoking Nintendo's wrath. In a lot of ways NFTs really are the antithesis of memes and I have a suspicion that they were created with the intent of making the internet worse. Yes.
    1 point
  27. It's actually funny, my time in gamedev has actually softened me a lot towards piracy (my politics in general have shifted left quite a bit too), so when I hear about ways to restrict access to digital goods I'm pretty against the idea on that principle in general. Ideally scarcity isn't an issue for things!
    1 point
  28. Oh man I don't follow the league too closely anymore (mostly just track Oilers progress after games) but he's still going eh!? I'm down for him winning. Also always nice to see a new team win the cup. Also uh, to keep it on topic for Politics... uh, it'd be good news for some Florida people too?
    1 point
  29. Picard or whatever. Garbage is pretty much right. Edit: How does Ms. Estonian Capital know what a mind meld is? At the current time it is still a taboo on Vulcan. Or should be, at any rate.
    1 point
  30. I suspect that the stag pet for rangers is having all their attacks scale by PL and not just their pseudo-carnage. I am getting >12 base damage rolls on their basic attacks, including grazes, hits, and crits. Hmmm maybe I am just going crazy. I tweaked the mod file so that stag carnage scaled by 5000% per PL. Stag base damage is still only a bit over 12 damage but carnage is doing hundreds of damage as you might expect. I guess the stag pet has undocumented naturally higher base damage like the wolf, rather than scaling by PL.
    1 point
  31. People talking about a "suicide squeeze" are people to run away from.
    1 point
  32. I'm the exact opposite. Everything that happened 20 years ago was like just the other day.
    1 point
  33. I had to double take your name sir! XD
    1 point
  34. Seem nice for Weather the Storm. For fury spiritshift, different possibilities : - autoattack : buff damage for first target, nerf for the second - autoattack : remove jump, add an aoe (like mortar) - autoattack : add a 2s stun on crit - add bound abilities at different PL (1 use per encounter) - give it a "free" unlimited use of an elec spell (long cast/medium recovery for no abuse) like the PL1 cipher's one - give it a permanent active effect (like returning storm), maybe something togeable with a negative effect too (like can't move) - add a bonus PL to all storm/elec spell while shifted (something like +2 to make it on line with LDV) edit : - autoattack : like for LDV, add a stacking charge on hit and proc on crit edit 2 (the heavy change) : - add all precedent changes, but remove the abilitie to cast spells (like shifter) -> make the blight a living battery
    1 point
  35. Easy, Entropy + Wildstrike for groups, Avenging Storm + normal Blunderbuss vs single target The AR passive is not necessary for Ghostheart and the +2 AR feels overall balanced for this case. +2 PEN +15% damages talent is indeed hard to pass. I could change it to +1 PEN +15% damage and give +1 PEN to pet attacks. But the talent would feel still a bit necessary, so I think tweaking it is a bit unnecessary. I must draw a red line for my Modditisis. Not so much IMHO. I tend to value pet talent half the corresponding value for a character. 1 talent = 1 resistance for characters, to 1 talent = 2 resistance for pet feels right. It is not a mandatory talent. It probably situational talent, but for a party without Mowdyr or Devil of Caroc Breastplate, having a character that can "tank" those spore and gets another resistance on top of that is OK. For a Tier 1 Talent at least. Other update : For Weather the Storm, I will finally add +5 Crush AR. Actually, there are several Storm spell that deals Crush damages, so it makes sense. Basically fits Fury playstyle by protecting your party... from your own AoE (including Maelstorm that deals Crush damages !) And Crush AR is rare enough to worth a Tier 7 spell slot ! Still thinking about Fury Spiritshift. Now start to thinking there could be indeed some tweaking to do.
    1 point
  36. Subverting expectations? Or just garbage writing? Who knows.
    1 point
  37. Latest Picard episode On this episode Rafi was totally different than she had been in this season so far. Previously she is the one who has been pushing the plot forward. She is willing to do anything to save Elnor. This time it's the opposite. In the end she's the one others have to convince so the plot can go forward. What happened? Did I miss something?
    1 point
  38. I tried to proc the secondary explosions on a building, but I never got it working. And I had actual bugs too. It seems weird to hear that it works fine elsewhere. I'm thinking about modding it so the explosion proc on the first target Hit. The spell is barely worth using and certainly not worth picking as it is now.
    1 point
  39. Please don't^^ it's fun and yeah, balancing other abilities to compete with it is dumb. Rusted armor and Corrode wildstrike passive stack? If yes i overlooked it. I found +55% recovery on (mostly) 3s recovery spells t is not that painfull (way worst than 0 for sure), i use abraham pet mostly for such build. For a fury druid their best spells are elec worded so even +4 water/frost won't make me pick it (and no moonwell :/) it will be an entire other story for other subclass. I missphrased, sorry (not my native language as you may have guessed :P) What i wanted to say is than starting from lvl 8-9 (so quite early), i still have some spells to cast at the end of each fight. Only very early or on rare event (like some SSS fight) i may struggle. Even then, a bit or arcana for some scrolls (or a cipher as you say) can ease this. My feeling is than as a fury, casting spells is more impacting than AA (auto attacking ), different story for a shifter, but then, no blight form. The jump is nice but few way to use it effectively : other jump weapon are easy to get and can AoE to apply effect (like rogue poison/blind). Vs multiple opponents, your spells are better (AoE king), and vs single target (like a boss), the jump is useless, and single damage very low. The chance to interrup on crit is nice (for wildstrike elec), but vs a boss, not that easy to crit for a SC druid. Blight form is not bad in anyway, i just feel it's not optimal to use it (except early game). Elec is indeed really nice and the lash is quite potent, but again, there is an hunting bow with elec damage very early... Having better passive bonus or let's say a permanent active effect while blight shifted (like returning storm) will make it more incentive to use (at least for me). So sad than cat form > blight form for a caster druid Edit : i assume playing in a group, in solo the teleport from blightform can be a life saver.
    1 point
  40. The spell work like that, two lines (like cipher's Mind Lance) that proc an explosion when hurting a wall or something else that is solid surface. Explosions are "new but same" spells, I say that because I tested it for Least Unstable Coil topic. So unlike Stag's Horn that cause damages and penalty to the first target in the spell's path, Twin Stones can hit everyone in the double path and potentially can ending in a little explosion. Damages are lowest than Stag's Horn and the spell is slowest too, and both are not foe-only, so Twin Stones can be hard to manage in a mixed melee situation in my experience.
    1 point
  41. Don't tempt me into nerfing hemoraging abuses. It least I won't balance other abilities to compete it The answer is simple : Don't pick elec Wildstrike. So you can cast your Elec spells while bearing your Elec/Storm panoply, and Spiritshift to use Moonwell + Water/Ice Wildstrike or Rusted Armor + Corrode/Decay Wildstrike, or whatever. Ah and Water/Ice Wildstrike is +4PL to Maelstrom due to double KW (from CP). That's quite close for avoiding +55% Recovery. Then play with a Cipher buddy so you could cast more than most of your spells. No idea what AA stands for here. Boar is indeed great. That doesn't discard Fury being the only ranged Spirishift with fairly good damages (most likely more than boar, instant but splitted). By the way Elec is a far better damage type than pierce.
    1 point
  42. To me PoE 1 is an overall better experience and a vastly superior game, plus a much better tribute to the old classics. I recently finished a PoE 1 playthrough and jumped straight to PoE 2. This is what I immediately missed: - linearity > in my opinion linearity is a trademark of classic cRPG's. semi-open / free worlds do not work for me in these games as they take away the core elements of immersion and intimacy that are inherently linked to the rest of systems (e.g. character development) in cRPG's. - pacing > a bit related to the above, the pacing in PoE 1 is much better as it's organically embedded into the main quest development. This is a critical element where PoE 2 fails tremendously imo - dungeon crawling > horrible in PoE 2. the hyper simplification of combat really kills this integral part of any cRPG. The injury mechanic and the rest system was what made PoE 1 good and what justifyed in my opinion a really weak character creation / develoment system. I do not know why Obsidian decided to go for a console-dumbed version for combat / dungeon crawling and a multiclassing system that is close to pointless given how simple the whole character development is. - story > to me this is very subjective so I will not comment in detail. I honestly expected something different in PoE 2 and was very disappointed to see that it is just the same again but made worse as everything you do is loosely connected (being generous) to the main quest. Basically the best PoE 3 experience possible to me would be PoE 1 with the technical aspects and artwork expertise from PoE 2.
    1 point
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