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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/21 in all areas

  1. Returned to work after 12 day break, motivation evaporated in about 10 minutes.
    5 points
  2. Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of 5 of 6 counts. Good. That bitch should be in prison until she dies. I am more than a little disappointed she hasn't started naming names. i'd be very interested to hear what former Presidents and Senators, Congress and business leaders paid Epstein and her to go and f--k children on one of their private estates. Not going to mention Bill Clinton or Donald Trump by name but both are linked to them. Not proof of course. But knowing what we do about the character of each man would it surprise anyone?
    5 points
  3. yeah i knew this about arterial strike (had some fun kiting some dex "immune" foes around), but did not know this about gouging strike and toxic strike! i have a mental image of you as a mad scientist in some lab just constantly trying every permutation of ability/class against every permutation of enemy.
    4 points
  4. Against a dex immune ennemy, Arterial Strike applie first the damage roll. On success, also applie Hobbled. Intuitively, the immune ennemy take only the damages and that's all. But no : the secondary effect, DoT on walk (per 0,3s) is applied anyway the immunity, and the same for Gouging Strike (but not Counfouding Strike) vs Per. immune, Toxic Strike vs Con. immune, and Perplexing Sap thing vs Int. immune. I personally didn't know that before today, when I had some fun with Arterial Strike in AoE + Telekinetic Burst repeatedly (less efficient than 3* Imbue Eora but it is nice)
    3 points
  5. Swery's latest bit of nonsense: Naomi seems to love the place.
    2 points
  6. tbf this is like the worst UI decision i've ever seen. who on earth would intuitively think of that demon head as a button?
    2 points
  7. I haven't seen it...and I probably won't because I just saw that it stars two of my least favorite current big-time actors (Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence - although it does have Mark Rylance whom I rather like)...but I was under the impression that the film was more for how little we're accomplishing in the realm of climate change and the imminent crises that are likely to occur as a result over the next handful of decades. And Wikipedia says it was written and filmed in 2019, before Covid-19 existed, before being delayed because of it...
    2 points
  8. Yeah, inversions make negative modifiers much more impactful as @thelee brilliantly explained. Which is good when you're using e.g. Recovery reduction buffs and bad when negatively adjusting your damage or healing etc. This is also why the BPM version of Hand of Berath can be very powerful IMO: Hand of Berath : - minus 5PL -> minus 10PL - Now auto-hit. - <Version 1.5.2> Duration 30s -> 45s Go dig your offensive or healing abilities out of a -10PL pit.
    2 points
  9. Actually, yesterday I used console to respec my char to Tactician/Wizard. It was not bad, I just feel that if I am going to use Aloth as pure wizard, then my MC is not really required to fill that role. But playing it was not bad, it was fun actually....almost every spell taken was buff, so I can instabuff myself and run inside. Then I tried Barb (Berserker), with Wizard was really good, but then I tried to multiclass Barb with Paladin (which I said I don't really like because of Zeal, but hey, passives are good)....so this was unexpectedly good to play. I frenzy myself, go in and make a carnage! Need to try Barb + Cipher also to see which I like the most. But I am using Sera as MC Cipher, so he has me covered with debuffing the enemy. Yeah, I will give it a try, should be a nice combo. I tried monk, and it is really good. Maybe in the future I will make SC Monk to be a true beast!
    2 points
  10. How does negative Power Level work? I tested this with the Lifegiver subclass, and apparently having negative PL doesn't merely apply the flipped values of its positive counterpart. Lifegivers always have a default bonus of +2 Rejuvenation PL, but lose 4 Rejuvenation PL after Spiritshift ends, so they end up with a total of -2 Rejuvenation PL. Before: After: EDIT: Ah, nevermind, found an answer here: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/inversions
    2 points
  11. I'm playing a Shattered Pillar/Soulblade right now and it's pretty awesome because you fill up two resource pools with one instance of damage. I think a CP Shattered Pillar is competetive with other Monk subclasses because it's back at 10 wounds. Imo it doesn't need more. On top of non-ability-damage you can still gain wounds from Dance of Death, Mortification of the Soul, Parting Sorrow, Imagined Pain and Xoti's Lantern (on kill). To me the best thing is that Offensive Parry (WotEP) generates both wounds for Shattered Pillars as well as Focus. And of course the cone attack helps gathering wounds more quickly if you can hit several foes at once. Also Rooting Pain is quite cool to use as an offensive helper, triggering and doing damage/interrupting while you are attacking. While Swift Flurry procs do not generate wounds, Lightning Strike lashes do (when on non-ability attacks). Getting wounds from ability dmg was def. too strong. You could spam WotW non-stop for example. With high quality weapons/fists and Lightning Strikes + Turning Wheel and maybe some other dmg bonuses on top you don't need a lot of auto-attacks to gain lots of wounds. Iirc they do not. Only Offensiv Parry does this. I did some tests a while ago but I don't remember 100% what the outcome was. Maybe I can find the post again...
    2 points
  12. 11 Year old boy saves two different people in the same day Someone get this kid a cape!
    2 points
  13. This morning I'm working on my laptop and I keep hearing text messages come in on the phone. I get at least 200 SMS a day for work so I'm not paying much attention. G comes in the room with my phone and says I have like a to of texts. I just laughed and told her she can answer them if she likes. She said she wouldn't know what to say. I said "just make something up". I told I do that more ofthen than you'd believe! So anyway she is flipping through them then comes up to me and gives me a big, passionate kiss... and takes a pic of it. She smiles, walks away and I hear the sound of a SMS being sent. Who did that one go to I asked. "Your ex-wife" she said with a laugh! That WAS funny. But man she does have a serious jealous streak.
    1 point
  14. So far so good, but I only just finished the prologue. It's got all the hallmarks of a Swery game: Heavy David Lynch influence, bat**** crazy characters, a murder mystery under bizarre circumstances that's only the tip of the iceberg of weirdness. I could do without the sleep and hunger systems. They're not punishing, but why is that crap in this game? What does it add? Keep that garbage out of non-survival games.
    1 point
  15. I remember you were quite excited about this when it was first announced. Is it living up to your expectations?
    1 point
  16. You should know by now that there is never a bottom and it can (and usually will) get worse. I haven't watched the last three episodes but from what I gathered most of the supporting cast needs to get ora'd (or muda'd) into retirement.
    1 point
  17. Dangerously high levels of confidence...or low levels of shame, depending on your point of view.
    1 point
  18. IT IS ALIVE!!!! AND TEMPORAL COCOON CAN BE CHEESED TO IMMORTALITY!!! YESSSS. BTW I think you should trademark this new technique, like "Cocooning" or something. That would be cute. "Now, just nicely cocoon your Wizard to infinity, before you go murder everyone in the game with impunity".
    1 point
  19. Yes, I think the only enemy in the game that won't outright die if given enough time under Gouging Strike is Auranic if you haven't taken her Sigils out before (because of her death shield before she can trigger Last Trick, which she can only do if you're in her visual range - then die). As I discovered on a solo run when I was just patiently waiting for her to die under GG, she didn't, I went up there to check it out, she cast last trick and died >>>> all the sigils went ballistic on my character no matter where I possibly was in the cave and I died in seconds.
    1 point
  20. Oh no, Okuyasu really is dumber. However he's more enjoyable than Polnareff. Lali-ho. I mean...
    1 point
  21. I literally was thinking "well, I'm going to have to post the Dr. Phil seizure" as I was reading your first paragraph, and then it just kept going...and then you more or less beat me to it. So how about this gif I "randomly" found on Google: Eh, brutally murdering kids isn't as bad as...whatever Pegasus was getting up to. Sort of.
    1 point
  22. The new Tomb Raider trilogy is free on Epic. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
    1 point
  23. Komi helps majestic read random Japanese sentences, episode 11. Begins with Insane Stalker Girl(tm) saying that they should create a haunted house for their school festival, because in a dark room nobody will notice when they're all fondling Komi's ass. Najimi wants to put her into a maid café uniform, Insane Dragon Power girl wants to form a band and Komi is supposed to sing (well, that'll work), God Girl wants to play whack-a-mole with her as the mole who is whacked by Komi, the Komi-Bodyguard Ninja troupe wants to make a movie, Insane Stalker Country Girl wants to sell nigiri, Competitive Psycho wants to play games, weirdo who I don't really remember (maybe she's a new character) wants to play "Are you compatible with Komi-san", so some sort of relationship oracle stuff and finally some other weirdo with glasses who is new and helpfully called "Non-Otaku Yuuji Otaku" wants to write fanfiction and put Komi into cosplay. But halt, it does not end here. Insane Stalker Girl(tm) also wants to sell sausages, probably to make Komi kneel and eat her sausage again. Someone else wants to build a dance club or disco, and they vote... again, and it's a tie. Again. Which by the way is 同票, the kanji for "same" and "ballot", so more literally the same votes. The first I already know, and the second I'm pretty sure I'll not remember if I ever happen across it again, but hey, at least the first five minutes of this episode aren't a complete loss. The content is - again - making me contemplate that having a stroke right now might not be the worst thing. Time to get through the remaining 20 minutes. edit: Now they've added an obviously high girl to the cast who got lost at a home depot, and I'm out for the time being. Time for a nap, I'll finish this later. Maybe I'll get lucky and die in my sleep.
    1 point
  24. i phrased it badly, what i mean is, for example, if you have a ranger/priest to get champion's boon+stalker's link on your pet, is there anything special about it versus a ranger and a priest separately (answer, no: a separate priest can still cast champion's boon on a separate ranger's stalker's link pet)? not literally take up an additional party slot, but does combining the two actually get anything new (the sum is more than the parts), or could you get the same outcomes through other setups and you don't have to have it via multiclass.
    1 point
  25. The stats affecting conditions is one thing that is best turned off in the difficulty settings. They're just an annoyance that has nothing to do with making things challenging.
    1 point
  26. I agree with you, and I add that if Shattered Pillar could gain Wounds with abilities (meaning potiential wouds's refound for most of them), then the "5 wounds only" made sens, the penalty for Duality of Mortal Presence too. I think I had tried this subclass at less once in this case.
    1 point
  27. I like this kind of daring idea but I think 15 Int/fire lash could be a little too much. I even wondered if putting back the limit to 5 but with a super low 10 damages threshold wouldn't have been nice, since it would favour a totally different playstyle. But I plan to nerf some monk ability with a cost above 5 so it would conflict. Currently, I would still favour 20 damages threshold. Offensive parry is not enough build to make the subclass relevant, 20 damages threshold wouldn't make it that broken and there are other pretty good Offensive Parry build anyway. With 20 damages threshold and rooting pain, shattered pillars would be great. Generate wounds from ranged auto attack would basically make Shattered Pillar into a ranged subclass.
    1 point
  28. Diamond is Unbreakable: Harvest What looked to be unassuming ended up being a very creepy stans. Okuyasu continues to make Polnareff look smart.
    1 point
  29. Indeed. I just recently learned that you need to press on the demon head in the opening screen to access the Magran's Fires screen.
    1 point
  30. Well, Kingmaker sure feels as if I was playing a teenager's D&D campaign... Resting is pretty much as stupid as in Encased. While healing with it is good, the stat decrease spam from many opponents early on in the game makes it so you need to rest multiple days in a row just to be able to get back in the fight. The starting party is also basically crap. Devs want to make a game that is just a standard D&D campaign, but then they want you to have useless characters in the party so they can break the mold.
    1 point
  31. Great news, its our first sunny day since the 21st at our beach cottage so I thought I would take some pictures of the beautiful scenery. The beach photos are taken from the deck outside and its about 6 meters to the beach, its at high tide so you cant see the real beauty of the rock pools. The entire beach is known as a private beach which means no shark nets or lifeguards and this area is now deemed a Conservancy by the SA National Parks which means no fishing or catching of any sea creatures like lobster, crayfish, muscles or sea urchins. Then one of brothers and his wife are at a game reserve about an hour from the beach cottage and they took these animals pics from game drive vehicle, the one photo has a Buffalo hiding in the bushes
    1 point
  32. James Webb Space Telescope begins unfolding delicate, massive sunshield.
    1 point
  33. https://www.gog.com/news/bget_another_gift_grab_xmorph_defense_complete_edition_as_the_winter_sales_third_giveawayb
    1 point
  34. I click on 100% of the free games you guys link.
    1 point
  35. Well I seem to have somehow glitched my way into having two drones. One is the game's normal limit. I suspect if I "deactivated" one, to try to change unit mods on it for example, it wouldn't let me place it back again and that would be the end of the glitch. It's very handy having even MORE traveling storage space tho, so I will not be deactivating either one. Although, two of them "getting in your way" is twice as annoying at times...
    1 point
  36. Cost effective? Perhaps not, but still entertaining.
    1 point
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