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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/21 in all areas

  1. My project is announced: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/107410/view/3024723032369226389
    5 points
  2. I know that name but not from a history book or anything but from the civil war episode of Psych
    4 points
  3. I'm glad you liked the video. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I've never seen the word "woke" appear in a publishing agreement, but they'll usually specify what happens if the studio fails to deliver the game by the deadline. I'm just going to put out there that Obsidian has a combat designer job posting that mentions "exceptional first-person gunplay experience" in Unreal Engine 4. I'm not sure how many guns they're planning to put in Avowed... (Note: More likely that's an Outer Worlds 2 posting)
    4 points
  4. Morrowind had a plot. You had to find Caius Cossades, the creepy skooma addict, and follow his creepy skooma addict instructions. Most people just spent all their time admiring the giant mushrooms though rather than getting naked for his entertainment. All I can remember about Oblivion's plot was that they got Jean Luc Picard and Sharpe to do the voices, and spent a grand total of 0.50c on the rest of them. And, of course, daedric glass elemental armoured bandits, mudcrabs- memorably horrible creatures, I avoided them whenever I could- and the radiant AI deciding 3 o'clock was time for people to rake their carpets after staring at a wall for the past hour or so. I did, for my sins, finish the game but literally the only thing I can remember was Sean Bean walking up temple steps or something. Fallout 3 you were looking for your father, a middle aged guy, maybe someone's seen him? Sounds suspiciously like Qui Gon Jinn phoning it in? In the most Bethesda move possible it originally had the single most stupid ending ever written, orders of magnitude worse than 'rocks fall, everyone dies' NWN2. Of course the PC has to commit sudoku by radiation rather than sending someone immune to radiation in, otherwise he wouldn't be the hero thick as two short planks, unable to walk and chew gum, a drooling imbecile etc etc. Or maybe that's just all the people who thought that ending was a Good Idea™.
    3 points
  5. Hi everyone, It is relatively well known that the Helm of the White Void can be very useful with its unique Rymrgand's Influence enchant, granting +10 Accuracy with Body Affliction / Mind Affliction attacks. What I didn't know was that the implementation of Rymrgand's Influence can be a little funky depending on the weapon/ability you use it with, which will be either very generous or not generous at all in granting the +10 ACC bonus. It doesn't necessarily depends on whether there are 2 rolls or just 1... it seems a bit more complicated than that. It can have really cool implications for certain builds, as I've discovered when doing a bit of testing. (note: I'm using the Community Patch) The Bad: it is not very generous in granting +10ACC with weapon triggered Affliction effects: e.g. Sungrazer's Impacting, Griffin's Blade's Howling Blade, Effort's Hemmoraging... Either it won't apply at all, or just to the separate Affliction roll, not to the roll dealing damage. The Good: it is however a lot more consistent and useful with martial abilities, whether they have 1 or 2 rolls. for example with Mule Kick, Power Strike, Lower Their Guard, Spirit Tornado's initial attack, Driving Roar... both the Affliction component and the Damage component get the +10 ACC anyway. Obviously, Ciphers and Chanters can also benefit quite a bit with a number of signature Affliction actives (e.g. Killer Froze Stiff, Ring Leader...) and passives as well (e.g. Long Night's Drink, Echoing Horror...). The Amazing: BUT, I think that Wizards and Druids can benefit the most because they have a lot of very powerful AoE abilities mixing Damage + Affliction that can both get the +10ACC (!), and those powerful abilities often target FORT - so +10ACC is very helpful. The list of verified Wizard/Druid abilities with dual Damage + Affliction components that get the +ACC bonus on ALL the rolls is actually amazing, see below. And of course on top you can add all the spells that "just" deal Afflictions and that also get the bonus! Wizard: Chillfog, Ghost Blades, Draining Touch, Noxious Burst, Shadowflame, Freezing Pillar, Bitter Mooring, Wilting Wind, Freezing Rake, Black Bow, Corrosive Skin. Druid: Sunbeam, Vile Thorns, Returning Storm, Wicked Briars, Overwhelming Wave, Relentless Storm, Embrace of the Earth Talon, Plague of Insects, Venombloom. Conclusion: If I think about a Sorcerer build like the Thundercat 2.0, the Helm can become an incredibly useful tool that I somehow overlooked before! It can also make SC wizard even more OP given how many devastating high level spells can benefit, as if SC Wizards needed more OP-ness....
    2 points
  6. Do you like Suikoden? The creators of that series are making a new one and it has the Octopath visuals:
    2 points
  7. If you start now, you might even be able to finish the novel before the second part of the movie adaption comes out!
    2 points
  8. That's a fair point, for a fair build... but I can't hear you over the deafening sound of my infinite Shadowing Beyond casting over and over
    2 points
  9. ICYMI: basically an interrupt build using helm of the white void. lot of explosives also benefit from helm of the white void (sparkcrackers, cinder bomb, the acid bomb, the lightning bomb, stun bomb, implosion bomb, imp spray, frost bomb)
    2 points
  10. Yep, the scientist girl. His defense to Shepard was basically he couldn't wait 6 months without a chick. Not really sure if Bioware thought much on what they were doing there.
    2 points
  11. The US Civil war was a lot more recent. There are people alive today whose parents and grandparents actually KNEW people alive during the war. So the history is not so far removed as the middle ages. One other note on atrocities. Very often the acts were retribution for previous acts. The Border War between Kansas & Missouri was the worst outside of Sherman's Army of Tennessee. In Sherman's defense they were fighting militia, armed citizens, and regular army most of the way. The worst acts of the Border War were against civilians. The Lawrence Massacre is a commonly held up example. But what people tend to forget is one of the things that led to that was the death of female civilians held as prisoners of war. The military commander of the Kansas forces ordered the arrest and imprisonment of women who were "aiding" Missouri guerillas. The women they imprisoned were wives/family of suspect guerilla fighters. There are numerous and credible eye witness accounts of rape and other abuse of the prisoners by Ewing's soldiers. Ewing was not a military man and had little real control over his troops. It's widely speculated the collapse of the building where the women were held was deliberate to cover up what had happened. I think that is possible and may be likely. Ewing was a politician and a personal friend of the President. There was also Doc Jennison and his "red legs" and their raids into western Missouri. In fact this was depicted in the into to the movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales". And all of that was in response to a three year period where Missouri slave owners tries to "take over" as much of Kansas as possible to prevent it from being admitted as a free state. Bad act followed bad act. No one one in that war had clean hands.
    2 points
  12. Heart-Chime amulet is probably the most disappointing magical item of the game. Great lore, weaksauce effects. It's unfortunate that it doesn't work at all for Tekehu, but it would be meh anyway, so I probably won't correct it.
    2 points
  13. If you didn't find it, it on the top tower, with a Milk Molar. I was hoping for a path though, so I wouldn't need to build up to it. It the same with some Sca.B's, you need to build to them. Hope this helped you find it.
    2 points
  14. As a testing professional, I'll add that while proper and timely testing can be very helpful when given with specific goals, a lot of exams aren't given with a targeted purpose and using test scores to the exclusion of other metrics cuts out the fuller picture of the student academically. As a former Learning Support/Developmental Studies/Remedial Learning professional, I should also point out that according to what I've seen the vast majority of college freshman (at some points up to 50% of the incoming class) don't test at the college level in writing, math and reading. In most cases, they're still going to be picked up by the generic freshman courses and do okay.
    2 points
  15. Survived the Con. Got back home midday and semi-sprawled, went for the cup of tea, then settled back into that pre-interview analysis and presentation building. After a two year break, it was good to see the MCM London ComicCon back in action and all the vibes that went with it.
    2 points
  16. by the same token, if a young and pregnant woman gets in a car accident 'cause she were speeding, how often does the da seek to prosecute her for manslaughter if she miscarries due to the resulting accident? take medication but not according to prescription is illegal. so a woman takes two vicodin post root canal instead o' one as directed. do you expect manslaughter prosecution if the expectant mother miscarries? is not a hard and obvious line, and if is being applied selective, then one needs question why some illegal behaviors resulting in loss o' pregnancy is prosecuted and others is not. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  17. TNG Second Chances Riker returns to a planet he left and finds himself. Once again, the story is hurt by the McGuffin (getting the data), because the interest in this is the two Rikers. While there is some fun bits, rather than have Data & Worf speculate as to why the Rikers are having trouble getting along, it'd have been nice to actually have the Rikers deal with it (and not in the yelling at each other when forced to work together to get the McGuffin way). EDIT: OH I forgot, I watched the first two episodes of ST: Lower Decks' first season. "Second Contact" - a nice introduction to the basic tone of the series, a bit goofy, but ok. "Envoys" - Beckett kind of annoyed me in this episode. Still overall funny.
    1 point
  18. Butterfly as new animal it'd be good for atmosphere they will be everywhere and can land when you kill one you get wings, however you only get 1 wing per butterfly the wings is used for a new glider! so for short New bug: Butterfly New Glider: Butterfly wings
    1 point
  19. Me too! Actually that’s true of just about everything I know about the Civil War. Most of what I learned through books are actually visiting historical sites. One of the best books I read about the border war was “three years with Quantrill“. It was an eyewitness account. It’s only telling one side obviously and it’s heavily slanted towards that point of you. Some of the events recounted I am pretty sure it did not happen. But the descriptions of the fighting, conditions, thoughts and motivations of the people make it worth reading.
    1 point
  20. Its funny, other than some information about Quantrill's Raiders, I think most of what I know of Bleeding Kansas I learned after High School.
    1 point
  21. Oh, right, there's something: Feels like Stardust Crusaders had a little blunder there with D'Arby the Younger.
    1 point
  22. Apparently having fast fiber 'net makes uploading to YouTube a faster than light process. I remember when it would take 15-20+ minutes to upload 100MB videos or whatever. Now it's 2GB in like mere seconds. Thankfully the house we bought also has ATT fiber available. Going back to "low speed" after you're used to uber would be stone knives and bearskins. One day I may have to be moved into a "retirement" hospital care place and I will complain endlessly about their terrible wi-fi until the nurses get fed up and take all my toys away.
    1 point
  23. I'll be honest, I got completely sidelined by the Stone Mask being... well the Stone Mask. So the tail end of episode two really had me going "...vampires?" But yeah, JoJo's is usually fast paced. It's close to a straight adaptation of the manga so aside from part 4 everything pretty much barrels forward. Part 4 is different but is still very good, think of it like the best of Sailor Moon filler but absolutely insane. A main character fights a plate of spaghetti. He's seen But yeah, In like 10 episodes he will be into some very weird territory. Just wait until he finds out about STANDO POWAH.
    1 point
  24. I guess that makes the Nordic people part of the 1%... our bronze age ancestors were cannibals and practiced ritual human sacrifice, our iron age ancestors (vikings) were raiders, pillagers and rapists. Our medieval ancestors were feudal lords, effectively slave holders and greedy as ****. Having turned to Christianity added an extra element of brutality and heartlessness that even our bronze and iron age ancestors didn't know. Our renaissance ancestors were imperialist, land grabbing scum. Just a few centuries ago, German was the de facto language of the nobility, because it was thought of as being sophisticated. Yet, the only thing they all remember these days is that the Swedish sucks... Edit: Granted, Denmark never had much in the way of prolonged civil wars, leadership disputes were usually settled quite quickly, first with regicides and later with economic blackmail.
    1 point
  25. Not entirely on topic, but I feel like stating that I had exactly one multiple choice test in my entire life, and that was the entry exam for my high shool of choice. I can kind of see what the point is, especially for the ease of mass testing. There was no other way they could efficiently sieve through a couple of thousand of applications for the ~200 free spots (ended up being ~220, in the end) in the time they had for the examinations. They did take grades and averages into account as bonus points though, so if you did well enough at school before - and we never have multiple choice test there, a least, you had a pretty big starting bonus. Although that required you to have teachers that cared. Luckily mine did, at the time. Something that went a good deal worse later on though, but that's neither here nor there. I mean, I was assigned to a remedial course once after getting 100% on three consecutive tests because the teacher hated me thought I needed, ah, help with learning, so... let's better not talk about my experience with teachers, lest it depresses Hurlshot or something.
    1 point
  26. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 1-5: Wow. This one doesn't take its time, right? This is exactly what I needed: no boring/filling episodes and plenty of crazy stuff happening when you least expect. I definitely had no idea about what this was all about. I'm pleasantly surprised.
    1 point
  27. The game isn't for everyone. It rewards players for non linear play and exploration. They put secrets everywhere. So looking it up on you tube takes away from the exploration. Don't get me wrong it took me 30 minutes to figure it out when I played it and I found it annoying but then again I prefer a game not to hand hold me......kinda like fallout new vegas
    1 point
  28. Just make a weed killer that when applied to your structures disables grass. Of they prevent grow back completely some mobs would destroy areas. Especially those infected ladybugs and their bombs. Other mobs that destroy grass are larvae, ladybugs, infected weevils, all it takes is an aggressive mite to start a fight to trigger them. I lost a bridge over the pond because a wolf and a lady got into a Kaiju battle
    1 point
  29. Saturday was poker night with some friends and they took my lunch money. Two of the seven players at my table were invited to the WSoP next month in Vegas so I guess I cant feel too bad.
    1 point
  30. So...is this justice? It's a tragic story. You have a young woman struggling with drug addiction. She suffers a miscarriage. So an unborn child is not given a chance at life. The mother is then thrown in prison for 4 years. Does that solve the problem? Who does that serve? Is the idea that she will be an example for other pregnant drug addicts? Or is it that the unborn child deserves justice against their mother? That seems like a slippery slope, given how common miscarriage's are. I don't get it. It sounds like taking a terrible tragic situation and making it worse.
    1 point
  31. Tried attending some agile cult meeting, they wanted us to develop an Epic to extract a man from under a burning car.
    1 point
  32. Grounded needs a dedicated server option. My friends are not always online when I'm online so would be nice if you where able to host your own server so everyone can join on the own time
    1 point
  33. I forced my wife and daughter to watch Dune with me. They seemed to enjoy it by the end, but were super pissed I didn't tell them it was only part 1. Personally I missed Sting. The whole cast was really good, but Javier Bardem was my favorite part. It was a beautiful movie.
    1 point
  34. 150 mph without a driver: Indy autonomous cars gear up for race Please, please tell me the cars are controlled by teenagers with X-Box controllers!
    1 point
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