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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/21 in all areas

  1. I saw my mom tonight, and her response to the Gaetz scandal was "Look at his face, of course he pays for sex".
    4 points
  2. The software is bad on PC and worse on mobile lmao Sailor Moon episodes 193-200 I'm finished.
    3 points
  3. Dead Space is scripted to drop ammo mostly for your equipped weapons. Always liked that game, and it (and Prey) are likely to be far more worthy successors to System Shock than whatever the official SS3 comes up with.
    3 points
  4. I recently passed the 5th anniversary of moving down to North Carolina. Can I consider myself a southerner now?
    2 points
  5. The world according to Westerners especially Europeans.
    2 points
  6. Sort of an old fashioned with Writer's Tears Double Oak, Benedictine, Peychauds, orange bitters, a bit of syrup, some orange peel around the glass before dropping in, and a cute little cherry to hang with the ice. It's very interesting, in general I prefer Irish or rye to bourbon and dislike Scotch so it works pretty good for my tastes. The Benedictine was recommended to me in place of sugar, but I don't think it quite gets there so I used the syrup I have on hand to get it to where I like it. I'd recommend it, but maybe swap out the Writer's Tears for Redbreast or Jameson Black Barrel because I get something from that whiskey I don't quite like.
    2 points
  7. Replayed Dead Space. It works well on Win10, it is atmospheric, and it has a (relatively) unique combat mechanic. Though, the horror part started only by Chapter 11 (story-wise). Almost all necromorphs dropped ammo for my equipped weapons, there were plenty of healing supplies (Normal difficulty), the map was very helpful and reliable. Completed Soma. I guess, it was not a bad game, just not as good as The Talos Principle as a puzzle or Dead Space as a horror. Edit. The thing with JRPGs for me is the lack of role-play, which is supposed to be present in a role-playing game (I mean, it's in the name). They are like adventure games with partially-turn-based combat, (usually) grind and as much choice in the terms of story as first-person shooters. So, I might like a JRPG, if the combat is engaging enough and purely RTwP or TB (but not mixed) and the story and its presentation are decent. The worst JPRG in my experience was Final Fantasy XIII (the series seemed popular and I was curious). Fortunately, the cut-scenes were skippable and I was fighting a giant flying sword at the end (not sure, if it is a spoiler). Ironically, FFXIII-3 was actually a decent adventure game, I could customize the MC's equipment and build, resolve quests in different order, and fail the main quest (which I didn't, because it was rather easy, but I could).
    2 points
  8. Well, I apparently managed to get 60.2 hours in on Horizon Zero Dawn, finishing it (and the Frozen Wilds dlc expansion) with a 95% completion rating... I have to say, I am very impressed with the storyline. Some of the turns I could see coming, but it was all impeccably told with some very emotive beats to it all. Suitably reinforced with the soundtrack. Nicely roaming open world, although it really re-inforces the "hunter not warrior" with how meh the melee combat aspects to it are. If you aren't sniping with a bow, or sneaking up to silent strike, things will go horribly wrong. I understand the sequel is in the works for release on console this year, so I imagine it'll be another 2-3 years before we get the PC adaption.
    2 points
  9. Before the dark times. Before the Kelvin, Voyager was easily the worst of all the newer Star Trek shows except maybe Enterprise insofar as that it has more episodes that aren't actively trying to deforest your scalp by forcing you to pull your hair out, but that probably was only because Enterprise was cancelled after it showed a marked improvement over the first two seasons. Seasons 4 or 5 are the closest to having runs of several good episodes, but even they suffer from Janeway having bipolar personality disorder and the writers having no idea what to do with Chakotay and the less said about Neelix the better. Or Naomi Wildman. Or even worse, both of them together in an epsiode. Go away, SuperS-level Chibi-Usa, just go away.
    1 point
  10. I think in terms of anime that and Great Pretender are on my list. Additionally I may try to finish up Star Trek Voyager, that is the only Trek I've tried that I stalled on more than once.
    1 point
  11. Awww. Tuxedo Mullet is waiting for you. You know you want to. xD Sorry, just playing around a bit. But I heard that PGSM is supposedly liked by both manga and 90ies anime fans. I fully plan on continuing it... after taking a break. So, anything up? Aside from maybe checking out Puella Magi Madoka Magica because it's short?
    1 point
  12. U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time and now for something completely different
    1 point
  13. Didn't find any 4k game etc. but I did find one of LG's videos. It looks pretty good on my 1440 IPS monitor, right, nice and clean. Then I shove it over to the OLED TV and it's just "whoah." It is now what I'm going to use as a 15 minute pixel mover wallpaper after a longer gaming session. I need more stuff like this (whether CGI or 'live'), especially rain, because I like rain. Most similar uploads on YouTube are about color vs. blacks and/or has a lack of clarity (way too compressed for 55"). or is "rain on bedroom window" or "rain falling off a roof" where rain is barely visible (because rain is really really hard to capture on video without 'tricks').
    1 point
  14. It would be a Lifetaker then
    1 point
  15. Pretty much we're I'm at. Then again I have a bad case of rerollitis where I will spend hours crafting character concepts I will never really play. @majesticI think the final episode was fine.
    1 point
  16. I liked the joke the finale ended with. Look guys, Usagi doesn't get it. edit: The three movies are just one hour long episodes where nothing of any consequence happens. They're fun rides, but not really necessary. The only thing that kind of bleeds through is the beginning of Luna's and Artemis' romance in the Sailor Moon S movie. That's really minor. One does the grind because one must, in order to be either Conan in PVP (Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women!) or an achiever in PVE. It's a means to an end, not something you do for fun. The rest is people being attached to the feeling of doing something with their online friends and guild members and still playing trying to recapture that feeling that is probably long gone already. It's okay to like any MMO game as interaction platform for you and your friends. Insofar I'm also attached to my World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic main characters - they're the avatar of memories of achievements and online interactions. Not sure what the rationalization is for. It's fine to like the games as they are. Lord knows I've spent literal years playing them (as in years of actual game time, not years of being active - but that too).
    1 point
  17. That's my problem with "grindy" games like multiplayer ARPGs and MMOs as well. I've heard from people who habitually play them that they either play it to "relax" or because they're "attached" to their """characters""" (???) and don't want the game to end after all that time invested. If "relaxing" is the same as "mind-numbing", then sure, I guess I find those games relaxing, too.
    1 point
  18. Gaetz was pretty funny, ranting about the "deep state" on his case and how "they're not after me, they're after you! I'm just in the way" which I am still confused at the meaning of. He does look like That Guy that'd tell you about his porn at work, though.
    1 point
  19. Diablo 2 is, of course, the ARPG that basically every AA or AAA-developed multiplayer ARPG copied for ten to fifteen years after it released - both its good points, as well as some of its (retrospectively) not so good points. Put hundreds of hours into it when I was younger, and I've occasionally revisited over the years when a new ladder has started on Battle.Net, though usually only for a week at most - I could probably still say what most every unique is just by the item type, and I still remember some of the most useful runeword combinations like Tal-Thul-Ort-Amn = Spirit, Ral-Tir-Tal-Sol = Insight, Eth-Lum = Splendor, Ort-Sol = Lore, Tal-Eth = Stealth...too much time put into that game, . Diablo 1, on the other hand, was one of the first games I ever played - played it in church on my aunt's terrible laptop back when I was 4 or 5. Good thing I knew how to keep my mouth shut - there could've been quite an outcry in our ultra-evangelical church otherwise. Uh, I'm not sure about exploits - while I knew all the exploits in Diablo 2, I never played Diablo 1 religiously enough to figure those out or hear about them from other players, . But I am playing a sorcerer on Hellfire, and I actually just got Apocalypse as a learned spell after slaying the Hellfire end boss - a bit more difficult to use casting it properly, given it costs 90 mana every freaking cast as opposed to free with the staff charges. Need to get an Arch-Angel's Staff of the Apocalypse, I guess! I'm pretty much totally off of ARPGs - can't do the constant clicking or grinding anymore, which is what I like about Diablo 1, particularly given that I can now competently play it with a controller. I'm into shorter, more novel experiences these days, . Though years back, I played through the main campaign of PoE (well, whatever the main campaign of PoE was back then - I believe the length has changed a number of times since then) on a hardcore character, got to the end, died from a lagspike on the final boss, and thought "yeah, that was a decent game", and felt absolutely no urge to keep playing. Grim Dawn I think I tried for like 5 minutes before I realized that no, I don't really want to play these types of games anymore, haha. SU:
    1 point
  20. I loved the Dead Space series, that first one was the scariest game I have ever played...the way the aliens make noises and try to creep up on you created an amazing psychological gaming experience I also use to enjoy hunting for ammo and resources and the unfolding narrative cant be ignored because its so interesting I dont remember ever having enough ammo
    1 point
  21. English Breakfast time, yaaay its the weekend Today Im cooking bacon, eggs, mushrooms , fried banana and toast
    1 point
  22. Oh, perhaps - but can't hurt to show them in case they hadn't seen it.
    1 point
  23. Crab, shrimp, and corn in spicy garlic butter then some macadamia cookies
    1 point
  24. White cheddar popcorn drizzled with black truffle oil
    1 point
  25. As far as I've experienced, all beam spells have a fixed duration not affected by INT, PL etc. But they don't all have the same duration. Antipathetic Field is 6sec, Ray of Fire/Ninagauth's Death Ray is 10sec but Ninagauth's Bitter's Mooring is 12sec for example.
    1 point
  26. Jordan Peterson's Connection to Red Skull In Ta-Nehisi Coates's Captain America Explained (esquire.com)
    1 point
  27. Last night I made pan seared jerk salmon with mango-pineapple salsa and couscous. Should have made it spicier.
    1 point
  28. Everclear and OJ. I'm not ****ing around.
    1 point
  29. Using velcro to wrap my knuckles works pretty well. I need more 4k game graphic environment porn showcases. edit: wish Ghost of Tsushima was on PC
    1 point
  30. We are clearly in a Grey area of Cheese. This one is delicious with Savennières white wine.
    1 point
  31. Techland Dying Light 2 Q&A (barely worth reading tbh, no definite answers to important questions, but a few interesting technical tidbits)
    1 point
  32. On a game related tangent... BBC - Loot boxes linked to problem gambling
    1 point
  33. Hey All, There is some great advise in this but there is still a lot of uncertainty as well on this whole process. I've finally got it to work and I've a much better understanding on the whole process so hopefully this post will clear it up for those wanting to try it and help clear up if you are going to be able to get it to work for you, as some folk its just not gonna work since you can't qualify an argument. First up, there are 3 arguments, each argument needs two 'won' point to qualify for a win of that argument. Those arguments are: 1. (conversation option 2) - Perhaps Abydon was meant to forget his past. Some knowledge is too dangerous for this world. 2. (conversation option 3) - You speak as if history were a guide. Yet it doesn't always provide a good example. 3. (conversation option 4) - Memory remains a burden, even when the events and people it recalls are long gone. It's pain with no purpose. Check the wiki to see if you can make 2 points to any of these 3 arguments, if you can't forget about it. Your not going to be able to clear the win one argument requirement that this guide needs. - wiki: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Lair_of_the_Eyeless#Tempering_Abydon Okay so you can see at least one arguments of the 3 you can win, next is to edit the xml file as described by Skywayz above: Open folders: Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_data\data\conversations\px2_04_eyeless_stronghold Edit xml file: px2_04_cv_abydon_finale.conversation Do a find (Ctrl+F) and look for the line: <string>n_abydon_arguments_won</string> The next line immediately under that should read: <string>EqualTo</string> The next line immediately under that should read: <string>3</string> If it doesn't you are on the wrong line instance of '<string>n_abydon_arguments_won</string>' ...do a find next and keep looking. Once you've found the right one update the values from 3 to 1, save and exit. Okay so here is the rub the string value 3, correspondent to the 3 arguments. Changing the values from 3 to 1 means instead of the requirement being win the 3 arguments you now only have to win one to get the 'Best' option. The only caveat being you still have to win 2 points in one of those arguments. Hence the checking first above. Here is screenshots showing it working, notice in the last screenshot i still have argument (2,3) presented but i have the win option(5) available to me now after wining conversation argument(4). https://imgur.com/a/4JWK1pV To win arguments 4 i present and won two points. My own awaking (moving on) and used Maneha choosing to forget. Hope this clears it all up and allows you to figure out if you still have a chance.
    1 point
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