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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/20 in all areas

  1. I'm sure he's trolling, but still funny:
    6 points
  2. Too bad, you should have made better life choices when you were conceived.
    3 points
  3. Never apologize to these censoring fascists! Banning stuff rarely has much to do with the content itself. Instead it is just a way of controlling people through their access to information. You know, instead of teaching them to think critically about what they are reading. It is the laziest form of manipulation, I guess. edit: Also, bit comical to hide an article on censorship behind a paywall. Certain articles should just be easy to read.
    2 points
  4. The internet is great because you can always find some picture somewhere to express how you're feeling any given day. That is basically me for several days. ...btw, the 55" TV is already feeling too small - if I want to sit farther away/not at the desk, I mean. What I need is a ceiling rail track mounting system so I can move the TV closer/farther by pulling on it or a handle, like a curtain.
    2 points
  5. That is a terrible idea. You want your child to be exposed to a wide range of ideas, but you want them to be completely sheltered? How does that work, exactly? I teach Machiavelli in depth in 7th grade. It is a part of the curriculum, and it plays well with the transition from feudal kingdoms to city-states in Italy during the Renaissance. When I discuss the concept of the end justifying the means, only about 5 percent of students really get it. I can talk until I am blue in the face about it, but it is a complex concept. Some aren't interested, but most just lack the context about how society works. Homeschooling your kid isn't going to help them develop that context. I have no idea where and why Orwell would be banned. I doubt it is in my school district, but it isn't tied closely to my curriculum. Machiavelli, Dante, Cervantes, and Chaucer are all part of my classroom library. Edit: Now that I think on it, I taught Animal Farm years ago when I still had ELA classes.
    1 point
  6. This whole ****ing season:
    1 point
  7. I played pretty far with a barbt he other day, when I tried out your leech build and in most fights it's not an issue if you know it is coming (most ciphers have original names like "xy cipher"). I had a couple retaliation items and also targeted the ciphers from stealth with leap + Hof. At the end of the day at least if you play solo a lot, it is the same principle as tagreting adragan or similar first. because otherwise they will eventually disable you. With Carnage triggering from retaliation and the initial HoF with duration steal buffing your durations like crazy (the base 1 or 2 sec duration from Carnage 25% damage boost, sometimes goes up to 20+ for me) IF a cipher survives the initia HoF the melees will rush you and usually the ciphers just die to retaliation. That being said I didn't make it to WM2 with the barb, yet.
    1 point
  8. I identify as a politically homeless leftist - meaning, my family left "the party" as those masquerading as "left" and representing the party are immoral charlatans with only their self interest at heart. Political correctness by itself is not something I have an issue with. That is, I have no issue with teaching people what should be common decency. Bringing up Homer in this context though is extremely intriguing. Because truly reading those classics, not for the "Achilles was a max level fighter wit epic gear" but for the sociopolitical context they give us for the time, is fascinating. The Iliad especially (though later tragedies such as Aeschylus's Oresteia even more so) judges very harshly actions that we now explain away as "those were different times; you cannot judge them by today's values". It turns out, yes, you can. There is no denying that Cassandra is the most tragic character in the Iliad. She spurns Apollo and is cursed by him to see the future but have nobody believe her. She is locked away as a raving lunatic by the people she loves and tries to save. She sits helpless as she watches events that will lead to countless deaths, including her own. And the audience knows this. The audience back then knew that what Apollo did was wrong. Troy falls and Cassandra seeks protection in the temple of Athena. Ajax the Lesser rapes her regardless. The audience is on her side. It understands that rape is wrong. Perhaps wrong because she was a princess seeking protection of the goddess, where raping a slave girl would have been acceptable, but it is obvious rape wasn't just "just rape". As he isn't punished, Athena kills a lot more people than just him in retribution. Of course, that didn't stop the Locrians of venerating him as their national hero. Cassandra will later be murdered in Aeschylus' Agamemnon, first of the Oresteia trilogy of tragedies. Which incidentally has a lot to say about violence against women. Cassandra as the most tragic character shows that there was understanding for subjects we see as new now. Otherwise the audience could not have recognized the tragedy. But, as my pasta is getting cold, what I am getting at is: the classics have a lot to say about the matters we of the left are interested in highlighting. And they are not just a showcase of a more unenlightened time - these are matters that interested poets thousands of years ago as well. And they had something to say about the matter as well.
    1 point
  9. Chris Parker was Chief Development Officer and Senior Producer for New Vegas and additional producer for Outer Worlds. I want to mention Technical Designer Nick Carver. Not because he was on New Vegas or Outer Worlds (no idea) but because he's the one who gave us the new "4th" subclasses in Deadfire (like Forbidden Fist, Debonaire, Furyshaper, Steel Garrote and so on) which are all very enjoyable imo.
    1 point
  10. baby forget about those k-pop stalker fans. when teenagers on tik-tok diss the alt right you should use the ♥ emoji only
    1 point
  11. By the time they're done, you'll get a $50 voucher for rent and a coupon for a peanut butter snickers with a purchase of at least $10 or more.
    1 point
  12. I'm sure Dr. Mengele would disagree. The Swedish government sort of tried the herd immunity approach. It failed miserably and they ended up becoming the pariahs of the Nordic countries with the highest infection rates and number of deaths (with nothing to show for it other than their neighbors closing their borders to them)
    1 point
  13. https://bigmemes.funnyjunk.com/movies/Crowded+tightlipped+finch_db80cc_8166083.mp4
    1 point
  14. Clothing store in city centre, forget where precisely. Go into a clothing store, the guy welcomes me back but I sure don't recall going there or getting a call about it - mabe was lost in the Regina spam. Cyberpsycho bursts in, you kill him and then meet a MAXTAC officer named Melissa Rory who has an awesome pair of Mantis blades and really enjoys killing people. Quest is called Bullets too, so is even more on the nose
    1 point
  15. My bad. :( The mystery was resolved in Neketaka - Beodul was found in my old ship, so I sailed without helmsman
    1 point
  16. I'm trying to create a trinket which, among other things, give all Tier 3 inspirations to the wearer. Here's a link to what I've got. Essentially, all Tier 3 inspirations work perfectly fine except Intuitive. I can make Intuitive work on its own, but as soon as I had even one other Tier 3 inspiration, Intuitive gets cancelled and cannot be gained again (not even from other abilities like Disciplined Strikes.) Anybody knows why this would be the case?
    1 point
  17. Single dads without health insurance trying to make it in the gig economy The Mandalorian: Who Are you? Geralt: I'm you, but I can say "****" The Mandalorian: Well, I have a jet pack. Geralt: ****. Geralt, pointing at lil yoda baby: what is that? Mando: a magic baby that evil dudes dressed in black want, I'm adopting him Geralt, now pointing at Ciri: I got one of those, how'd you get yours? Mando: I was hired to bring him to aforementioned evil dudes, then I raided their base to break him out, yours? Geralt: I won her at an engagement party through ass-kicking and sarcasm
    1 point
  18. My wife bought me a new Cowboys sweat shirt to replace, and Im not kidding, my 15+ year old "lucky" Cowboys sweat shirt. Loe and behold they win by 20 points. The Cowboys are winning the super bowl this year! WOOOooo!
    1 point
  19. I want to be born 100 years from now. My primo cyborg body, with adjustable dong, would no longer be a slave to the ravages of time/illness/disease and I could explore the cosmos.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I don't think I'd be able to get along in times much beyond maybe the 1970s. Beyond modern comforts I'd need a time and place where I could speak the one language I know and my race wouldn't be a factor.
    1 point
  22. 1929 checks those boxes LOL! Actually here’s how I know there’s no such thing as time travel. Nobody was short selling US steel and Standard Oil in August of ‘29.
    1 point
  23. I'd be dead without modern medicine, but if I was able to control all variables? Maybe hunter/gatherer I suppose. If not, I'd like to be born in about 40 years. Either we've advanced quite a bit or things have gone all way to post apocalypse. Either way, win/win.
    1 point
  24. For me, I really need a time period with decent plumbing and toilet paper. Also, antibiotics are nice.
    1 point
  25. I watched Wonder Woman 1984 last night. It was a decent 90 minute movie spread out over 2 and a half hours. And Cheetah kind of got the short shrift didn't she? I'd give it a B-.
    1 point
  26. Ah yeah forgot I played Wasteland 2. That was also pretty good. Hm, I need to play more awful games, feed the rage.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Paladin/wizard with Wizard's Double using Cloak of Major Deflection/Cadhu Scalth/Casita Samelia can probably have both deflection/reflex over 200, while a paladin/helwalker with Magnera's Chain, Giftbearer's cloak, ring of minor protection, Wahaki Tua can probably reach over 200 fortitude/will.
    1 point
  29. melkie it sounds like you were being lazy...you know that is one of the naughty things we dont do ? Please dont make me revoke your Internet privilege's like I nearly did with Mamie...neither of us wants that kind of punishment
    0 points
  30. Thank you. I don't seem to have the attention span for a title that long and missed it going through three years of topis
    0 points
  31. I don't know. Disco Elysium is a bit too mainstream.
    0 points
  32. As an Englishman, I can only whole-heartedly agree with this:
    0 points
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