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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/20 in all areas

  1. I don't think it's the actors. The fundamental problem there is that Michael is intrinsically not a very sympathetic character, but you're constantly being asked to sympathise with her. It doesn't matter if Martin-Green can act or not when she has to try and make you feel something for Michael that the plot has never really established. The acting in general always seems bad when they try to do an 'inspiring' episode with lots of 'inspiring' scenes, and this episode had both in spades. You could have had the entire acting talent of the Royal Shakespeare Company- alive and dead- available and acting in that 'Yes you can do it, Ensign Tilly!' scene and it would still have been pure cringe because there's only so much that can be done with what is scripted and how it's directed.
    3 points
  2. Chill Fog is not a DOT. Its a persistent, ticking aoe effect. With a separate attack roll on each tick. So no surprises there. DOTs include stuff like Disintegration, Soul Ignition, Necrotic Lance, Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon (absolutely awesome for a BM), Corrosive Skin, Cloak of Death, Shining Beacon, Cleansing Flame, a lot of the druid stuff.
    3 points
  3. Simple problems require simple solutions. Ask a child to solve the trolley dilemma! (save the one or save the many)
    3 points
  4. So who'd been paying attention to this ? https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2020/11/cyberpunk-2077-to-become-one-of-the-most-expensive-games-in-history/ https://www.somagnews.com/cyberpunk-2077-the-most-expensive-game-of-all-time/
    2 points
  5. Absolutely what Haplok said. I made some tests recently to check which invisibility effects breaks on which action and the advantage of Smoke Veil is that it doesn't break from pure DoTs. Shadowing Beyond however does break. That means while you can use Gouging Strike, Toxic Strike, Lover's Embrace and so on with Smoke Veil and remain unseen while they tick, you can't do it with Shadowing Beyond and also NOT with Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure (which doesn't break on pure CC/debuff hits unlike Smoke Veil and Shad. Bey.). Most invisibility effects are implemented in different ways as you can see. Which is weird but that's what we got. You have to separate direct damage from damage over time (DoT), even if it "pulses". I mean sure: semantically/logically Chillfog also does damage over time. But as Haplok already pointed out stuff like Chillfog does a new attack roll with every "pulse" and then applies direct damage as a result of that attack roll. DoTs just do one attack roll and put a damaging effect on the enemy and then the "ticks" just keep coming. There are some key features that separate the two: DoT abilities: - one attack roll at the beginning - applies a hostile effect with a duration on the enemy - that effect causes damage with every tick (usually every 3 secs but there's also ticks of 1 or 6, even 12 secs) - can be shortened with high RES or dispelled with stuff like Clarity of Agony and all other stuff that reduces hostile effect duration. - you cannot get rid of them by simply leaving the area. Pulsing abilities: - an attack roll with every pulse - usually applies the effect on the ground (Chillfog for example, Binding Web, Slicken, Wall spells...) but may also be anchored to an enemy or ally (rays or beams). There's nothing on the enemy (except of course if the pulses themselves cause a secondary effect like Blind - but that's not the original pulsing effect). - that effect on the ground/in the beam also causes its effects to get applied with every pulse but with a new attack roll. - cannot be shortened with high RES etc. since the effected is not places onto the enemy directly. - you can leave the area and thus stop it from hitting/pulsing on you Because this has several mechanical implications (e.g. Combusting Wounds gets triggered by pulses but not ticks, interrupts while being Energized can happen with pulses but not ticks) the terms "DoT", "ticks" and "Pulsing spells/ability" with "pulses" have been kind of established - at least here in the forum - so that we can distinguish between them rel. easily. The same is true for Healing over Time (HoT) and Healing pulses really. Lay on Hands is Healing over Time, Consecrated Ground is Healing pulses. Just no attack rolls here in general. But HoT can be dispelled (Arcane Dampener etc.) while Healing pulses cannot. But for healing pulses you have to stay in the AoE while with HoT you can go anywhere one it's applied. And so on. Big excursus, sorry - maybe overkill - but maybe also interesting.
    2 points
  6. LOL I had to look that one up. I had no idea who that was. But he DOES sound like me!
    1 point
  7. funnily enough that is approximately how much health dorudugan has
    1 point
  8. Honestly man, sometimes I think you should have Ron Swanson as your avatar
    1 point
  9. Bloodborne is getting seriously creepy now. I don't remember ever feeling this uneasy in Dark Souls games.
    1 point
  10. They need education camps, you mean.
    1 point
  11. That really does sum up how badly China reads things internationally though. I'm sure tweeting out photoshopped images and the like seems like a masterstroke if you're some true believer apparatchnik in Beijing looking for a cheap hit that would go down well in China, but all it actually does internationally is give Australia a chance to distract from the main issue and give more exposure to Chinese abuses. Now Scotty from marketing can stand up and shout about Chinese interference, Chinese fake news, Chinese faked photos and appeal to his nationalist base. People aren't going to look at China's input and decide to vote Morrison out, quite the reverse. At some point the Chinese proxies in the mining industry etc are going to decide to cut their losses because public opinion is simply too entrenched to change. And it also means that every western news report on the issue mentions organ harvesting/ re-education camps/ Hong Kong etc etc again to give 'context'. The worst result though is that awful Murdoch puppet who so aptly deserves the sobriquet Scummo can distract everyone away not only from the fact that Australian soldiers murdered people in comically evil ways for comically evil reasons but that he* did his best to suppress it, cover it up and punish the people exposing it rather than those doing the murdering. Sometimes, the best thing you can do when an enemy makes a mistake is just keep your mouth shut and let them suffer the consequences rather than grandstanding. *well, the L/N Coalition government in general, since it started under Turnbull.
    1 point
  12. i pull enemies back away from the sigils they are huddling around, and then later just nuke the sigils outside of combat. it's very rare where i actually have to deal with sigils in combat.
    1 point
  13. Even the National Review, the conservative magazine of record, calls Trumps fight disgraceful
    1 point
  14. Xi doesn't take criticism very well
    1 point
  15. I had an interesting e-mail exchange with an associate from work. Her team is working on a publicly funded solar energy project from the finance side. Now, this project will not actually accomplish anything. It will convert a number of landscaping lights in city parks to solar powered. Most of these are low lumen LED so they are already energy efficient. Converting these to solar power is a cost that will never, ever be recouped in energy savings. But, the city folks can go to the voters in 2021 & 2022 and thump their chests about their "green" energy initiative even though solar in this application is less environmentally friendly and is actually costing the taxpayers more. But.... I can't fix stupid. All I can do is verify material costs of re-working the non-potable groundwater irrigation system that must be moved to accommodate solar panels. Oh, and by the way, THOSE costs will not be counted when the city folks running for re-election crow about their cost savings even though they were only incurred BECAUSE of their pet project. That is how governments work. Anyway, if you hear people talking about power entire neighborhoods using solar energy just nod and back slowly away. They do not know d--k s--t about solar or electricity, or ecology, or cost savings, or much of anything.
    1 point
  16. After a million tries I've finally beat Father Gascoigne. Took the fight to the stairs and after grinding 2 vitality levelups, I was finally able to get through with it. Turns out I used him as a blood echo piggy bank, and once he was down, I got almost 18k blood echos. So I went right ahead and pumped everything into vitality. Will see how it goes from here.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I’m glad you’re enjoying the build. After the initial blanket nerfs that needlessly over-corrected the power creep that was in place on release, I felt the build lost lots of its punch. Rather than adapt it and roll with the punches, I decided to publish a mod that did away with the nerfs I thought were unwarranted and kept those I thought were warranted. That mod is Deadfire Unnerfed, linked in my signature. At that point I could play the build again, experimenting with different equipment, but I couldn’t publish any of that—no point in publishing a build I’ve only tested with a mod not everybody’s gonna be using. That being said, I believe a Ghost Heart / Ascendant (which I’m playing now) is strictly better than a Brawler for DPS. Next playthrough I’ll be trying a Devoted / Ascendant. I won’t publish any of that because my game is heavily modded, but I reckon these builds would fare well in the unmodded game too.
    1 point
  19. Listening to Heilung is like stepping into a time machine. The old world before the scourge of Christianity swept over northern Europe
    1 point
  20. In Yakuza: Like a Dragon I got to fight my way to the top of a lavish Chinese restaurant while this music played: /wipes away tears of joy It's everything I ever wanted.
    1 point
  21. Tell me about it. UK Twitter was trending Michael Cain. Only when I checked did I find it was because of the Muppet Christmas Carol, and not because he had died.
    1 point
  22. the anticipated trump phone call with Justice Barrett: am wondering when somebody gets around to informing trump that Justices have lifetime appointments. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. It's kinda funny that China's government and economic system is basically everything neoliberalism tried to be but ended up being cast as it's global opponent by gullible leftists who want it and conspiracy addled righties who think it's evil incarnate. Perhaps I'm just too much of a troublemaker, but being ruled by a cabal of Harvard business and/or law degree holders is bad regardless if they're politically united or disunited.
    1 point
  24. As various discussions have been seen regarding the ages of the forums and those "old regulars"...
    1 point
  25. Deltro's Cage Helmet is too cheesy for me personally. For the same reason I don't use Barring Death's Door and Salvation of Time which are excellent with a Bloodmage: if you can't die you can do Blood Sacrifice all day and night and can drop CON to 3 while raising MIG to 20. My normal routine (admittedly not in TB which I don't play) is to have the tank exposed and then first start buffing/preparing with the other stealthed party members. That means Dire Blessing, then Devotions etc. while Assassin Wizard would do Arkemyr's BD, Infuse wVE and so on. The Wizard can then switch Grimoire no problem (no idea how long that takes in TB). Everybody except tank is still stealthed after that. Usually the tank is completely surrounded by enemies by now. Then I start CC'ing and debuffing which usually would drop stealth. And that's why I like Arkemyr's BD so much: first of all l'll get the party buffs as always and thus I'll be able to hit way better with the debuffs/CC which will increase my nukes' efficiency a lot - but on top of all the buffing I'll be having constant Assassinate (which stacks with all that for all the CC/debuff you're doing). Which then means my final nuke that will lift invisibility will have enormous impact and the best possible damage. It's a bit like chess to me I admit and I play the game slowly because of that (even if it's RTwP). I can't get no satisfaction(r) from casting Shadowflame from stealth at the start of every combat while my buddies just stand there watching. But on veteran it may indeed be the better solution in terms of time investment/result ratio in nearly all cases. As I said: I'm not doing Turn Based so I don't really know if that's working there. Also stuff like Death Ray is crap for Assassins in RTwP and Smoke Veil better than Shadowing Beyond. And honestly when I wrote my last answer I already had forgotten that you wanted to play TB mode, heh. So take it all with a huge grain of salt. But it's indeed so that I only get little enjoyment from doing stuff like casting Chain Lightning on myself to get a huge lash (you don't need high CON for that if you have access to Barring Death's Door and Salvation of Time as I said - to make the cheese completely round ;)) and then blasting the enemies with Shadowflame (presumably while wearing Engoliero do Espirs to maximize the overkilling ;)). But it's also so that everybody is different and enjoys different things - so I guess all different angles mentioned here may help you to find a character that is fun to play for you - just don't feel pushed into a certain direction. It's def. saver to have high CON and not too high MIG and that can prevent frustration. It's certainly no fun if your char is dropping in every fight.
    1 point
  26. Just added in the priest changes description : For deeper changes about Priest Subclasses, feel free to check following mod : https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/476?tab=description It adds subclasses for all gods and all priests get an unique or "borrowed from another class" spell on each tier depending on their deity. The mod has been designed to be compatible with Community Patch and Balance Polishing Mod. I think you should be able to register CP and BPM in the "Nexus Requirements" field of your mod. The good point (if I understand well) is that it will automatically add your mod in the "Mod Requiring this file" field from CP and BPM.
    1 point
  27. Great Maelstrom for me. Scrolls all have 1.6 secs casting time and 3 secs recovery in RTwP I believe. Edit: now my scrolls say 4.5 secs recovery - but I don't know if that's a vanilla nerf or if Community Patch nerfed that.
    1 point
  28. I bought it day one. As is with most paradox games it takes me 10 tries before I get into it. I'm really liking that I don't feel the urge to blob in the same way CK2 always made me. Really don't like the Catholics wanting me to imprison my daughter's any time they have sex though. Going to have to change that when I get stronger.
    1 point
  29. Never be said I missed a chance to post this gem
    1 point
  30. Star Citizen... it is a game I keep forgetting about because it seems to just not want to die. A continuous death rattle and every time you think that's it is dead, it coughs up some more blood. As if we were in the gaming industry's version of a morbid slapstick comedy.
    1 point
  31. Scalebound is the first one that comes to mind, mainly because it was being developed by Platinum Games, and I'm a big fan of theirs. I concur about Prey 2. Sure, we got a "reboot" instead that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original, but is a good game, however I still really wanted to play Prey 2. I'll also throw Star Wars 1313 out there. I personally didn't care since my inner Star Wars fan died a long time ago (in a galaxy far away), but it was a high profile cancellation a lot of people were devastated about. P.S. When can we put BG&E2 and Star Citizen on this list? /hides
    1 point
  32. I'm sort of hoping that I won't have to play through the main quest every time I load a new game. In Skyrim I can ignore the main quest and any other quest line in the game and still have a blast. I have a prospector who is now level 51 who has never even spoken to the people in Riverwood about the dragon attack on Helgen. I would also really like it if the npcs in the game were a little more reactive to the things going on around them, like when a companion is killed. Please don't just have them sit next to a dead body of a friend and just go on like the corpse isn't just rotting two feet away from them.
    1 point
  33. Avellone seems like such a b I t c h Dude seems angry at everyone. Any time I hear a statement from him, it's so whiney and putting other people down.
    1 point
  34. Looks like BBQ all week long. I might skip it this weekend though as it's just going to be too hot for "hot food". Temperatures in the low 20's at night and late 30's in the afternoon (for those across the Pacific, that's 70-100f) More like a weekend of ice creams and cold drinks I think...
    0 points
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