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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/20 in all areas

  1. Guys, I'm starting to think some of these legal challenges might not have been thought out all that well.
    4 points
  2. seventy-five years ago today. Jackson were the SCOTUS Justice who literal left what would be his hospital deathbed to make brown v. board unanimous, and his opinion in korematsu were arguable the most important dissenting opinion by a Justice during the 20th century.
    3 points
  3. Finally got around to watch Dolemite Is My Name. Was pretty good I'd say.
    2 points
  4. My first terror mission in Xenonauts was a frontpage worthy fiasco. I eventually gave up and reloaded a previous save (capitulated). Blasted aliens were all hanging around on top of the roofs, sniping my squad to pieces. My one and only guy in buzzard armour (i.e. flight capable) died in the crossfire of 4 harridans on the roofs. No ladders leading up to them, meant, they could just move around unhindered and take potshots through windows and anywhere else I tried to take cover and work out a strategy. Short of offering them enough targets for them to run out of ammo?... nah, an example of futility. Reload, ignore this one terror mission and then craft more buzzard armour for the next one (and give it to more than just my sniper, I'll probably give it to a pair of assault guys too so they can go everywhere).
    2 points
  5. I started playing The Division 2. I figure it is a good idea to get used to seeing Washington DC as a battlefield, given the current trajectory of the country. So far so good!
    2 points
  6. Hey all (and particularly @Boeroer @Elric Galad @Noqn @NocturnalTrance), just to let you know - I finished the first version of the mod outlined above. It changes all the vanilla subclass progression as well as adding priests of Ondra, Galawain, Hylea and Abydon. You can find it on the Nexus here https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/476?tab=description Thanks for the early brainstorming! This ended up being a lot of work! It was fun though. Its my first mod so please go easy on me I'm sure there will be some inconsistencies in there. I tried to test it a decent amount to tease out any major bugs. I'll do my best to fix things people find. I was wondering if someone could help me with one practical thing. I'd like to also upload it to the steam workshop, but I find none of my custom icons get found. They all appear in game with the standard red cross. This isn't an issue if I copy the data to the override folder and install that way - its specific to steam when you subscribe to the mod. I've followed BMac's tutorial - so all my ability icons are in an atlas and I refer to them directly by the name in the atlas metadata and don't have to provide a filepath. Has anyone come across this issue?
    2 points
  7. In chapter 5 of Yakuza: Like a Dragon I was introduced to the job system. If you have played Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest (in fact, Kasuga is inspired by Dragon Quest in the story) then you know the job system already. Not every job is available to every character, but most are available to multiple characters (provided they meet level and stat requirements), save each character's unique job. Kasuga, as the main protagonist, is well balanced and suited for pretty much any type of job. I currently have him as a Breaker, which is mostly a DPS job. Adachi, an ex-cop, seems well suited to be a tank. I currently have him as an enforcer which is, well, a tank. Both Nanba, a homeless guy, and Saeko, a hostess club's mama, seem suited to be casters. I have them as a musician and a hostess respectively. Both seem to be support/control type jobs, though I am still figuring them out as I just switched to them.
    2 points
  8. Yeah my Mum had Parkinson's disease and it totally sucked. She used to be an artist but was unable to continue. Plus the decrease in dopamine can cause depression and other emotional symptoms. One positive thing that has been introduced for people with Parkinson's disease are stabilizing writing devices that help reduce the tremors. https://www.designer-daily.com/arc-a-self-stabilizing-pen-for-people-with-parkinsons-disease-52284
    2 points
  9. With a recent Grounded blog post, there are now two examples of short coded messages. Let's see how many we can find! Archer's Cookie - Center of cookie, counter-clockwise, morse code .... . .-.. .--. / -- . HELP ME Letter from the Developers [link] - Perforation lines, top-to-bottom, morse code ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. / .... .- ... / --. --- -. . / - . .-. .-. .. -... .-.. -.-- / .-- .-. --- -. --. SOMETHING HAS GONE TERRIBLY WRONG
    1 point
  10. Ah i missed that! Fantastic, thanks again for all the help!
    1 point
  11. It says so I guess you're good. The subclasses in that build are Bleak Walker/Soulblade - which is nice generally - but you said you want to play a good guy so I suggest to pick anotehr paladin subclass like Kind Wayfarer for example.
    1 point
  12. Gald to be asked that... no one seems to take an interest when I mention that game. Of all the isometric cRPGs out there I feel this one has the best D&D ruleset implementation of them all. Turn-based (done right) feels great. And the 3.5 rules are complex enough to give a good amount of replayability to the game, even if the campaign is quite restricted in its storyline. But what gets me on that game is that there are very few generic encounters. Every combat seems to be very well balanced and feels very challenging without seeming like the developer just threw "more minions" at you for the sake of difficulty. You cannot always choose how to approach them and that is also great, makes it feel more like a well thought out campaign than a cRPG. Finally I like the fact that there are a lot of companions available AND a lot of overlap between them. So I have once ran a game with a party full of rogues only, and the game did not break. Some encounters were a LOT harder but nothing was undoable. The game makes you feel like you can control the difficulty really well by your choices, and at least for me, I did not believe I could break the game with any choices I made. The restricted nature of this closed campaign gives you a perfect balance, if not in a small world. But that is allright, because at the end of the day what matters most in a game is how much fun you can have, and for how long. Don't know if I could get into it nowadays. It has a rather slow paced feel and a slow paced beginning section that I remember all too well doing tens of times over while settling for a specific build. But it just feels amazing to enter an encounter that you know is hard and get an appropriate reward for it (Hill Giants right out of the first town feels like a boss and is probably the most memorable encounter in any game I have ever faced, even if there is nothing special about it, it makes you REALLY use your arsenal of low level abilities to beat it with just the right amount of RNG to make things exciting without being frustrating). EDIT: All of the above apply using the CO8 Modpack of course. I have never played it without it.
    1 point
  13. Every time I read your posts, I feel compelled to start a new game. But I think I am going to try and be patient and wait for Xenonauts 2.
    1 point
  14. And sold out instantly! Good grief...
    1 point
  15. If we're going with LoTR adaptions...
    1 point
  16. it's all automated. People simply drive on a road the game thinks you contributed to building, you get auto-Likes. After a certain amount of those however, they stop (not sure what the limit is). People use a structure you built that appeared within their own play session, you get auto-Likes just because they used it (seemed to be a set number). No one has to manually Like anything, those are just small bonuses. This is why people place bridges in the middle of land/weird places sometimes, trying to get those auto-likes. Structures you build are stored/saved on their server and have a chance to appear in other people's games that are all designated as being on the same server as you, but there is no controlling that. If you "connect" to a player, you may see their stuff more often but still random. This is why you'll never see anyone's entire "zip line network" for example and it may seem like some things that pop-in make no sense (without the rest of what that player built to go with it). Also, if you keep deleting structures over and over, game will just replace with something else similar in that spot - but it might be something more useful to you. Random and not worth bothering to do tho. Edit: outside of the road-building help, which can be substantial, imo it's better to play the game "Offline" - especially if you want more challenge (and less clutter). Just me tho.
    1 point
  17. I watched someone play a lot of it on Twitch before I bought it, so I knew what it was about and what to expect. I would just watch some YouTube or browse forums when they were on and on replays I just skipped. Most of it is in the beginning and towards the end so I knew it was mostly "freeplay" so to speak, in the middle. I'm not against story, per se, or "ooh and ahh" cinematic here and there. I simply don't like the way a lot of games often present, frame and edit such scenes now, vs. older days/games. I feel too trapped into watching some 5-15 minute thing (vs. 30-60 seconds) every 500 steps vs being engaged as an active participant. Occasionally I'm in a patient mood, or curious, or it's eye-candy, or half-way through a game I'm invested enough into chrs. by then to care but...
    1 point
  18. I like how you barely notice Melania has been turned into Voldemort.
    1 point
  19. LOTR wise 5 people used the palantiri. Saruman (ruled out now I guess*); Salman ibn Saud is clearly Sauron, the closeness of the names cannot be coincidence; Denethor; Pippin; Aragorn. If we exclude Pippin (Trump has notoriously small hands and presumably feet, so cannot be a hobbit) then it comes down to Denethor or Aragorn. If he's Aragorn people had better get prepared for him to end up ruling long term- and it has to be said, if Melania dyed her hair dark she'd look pretty similar to Liv Tyler's Arwen. I can't see Trump being Denethor though, too much of a narcissist to ever kill himself. I suppose if Jared somehow 'dies' (flies off to Tel Aviv maybe?) and he sends Don jr off on a suicide mission I'd have to re-evaluate that though. *but we can't forget that Saruman is a Wizard, and does have a reputation for scheming, he could have magically altered that photo somehow to get him and 'Donald' in the same shot, throwing people off the scent.
    1 point
  20. Ryzen 5000 cpu's arrive on Silicon Lottery tomorrow (22 of Nov Eastern Standard Time). Since this website has a relatively low volume of users, I figure I'm comfortable enough spilling the beans for the few and the proud in hopes maybe a few can get lucky and pick one up. I may even be tempted myself if I see that one is available because humans are quite opportunistic creatures like bipedal rodents xD
    1 point
  21. Trump can't be Saruman you guys. Here's a picture with him and Saruman: So that's a bit of a pickle. He's clearly not Sauron either. How about Denethor II (the movie version, book Denethor is fraught with despair but not completely incompetent). He might as well try to burn Gondor down on his way out. So what's with the missing siege. Uhm, where did that migrant caravan invasion force go? Did it ever arrive at the border?
    1 point
  22. Haha! Made it! Past to the left of me, future to the right. Here I am, stuck in the present with an orange frog wearing a top hat.
    1 point
  23. Trump considers executive order ending birthright citizenships there are also a number of stories where people in the CIA and elsewhere are worried that he will reveal some of the nations secrets on his way out of office. Add that to the numerous election challenges that even he knows are now pointless. He appears committed to creating any kind of mischief he can in the time he has remaining even though he knows it is all over. Do you know who this guy is? This is Saruman going to the Shire after being kicked out of Isengard. hey I should get some points here for finding a way to associate US politics with lord of the rings.
    1 point
  24. Yay for the weekend where I can cook my famous English Breakfast This time Im having eggs, bacon, toast , hashbrowns and fried banana
    1 point
  25. I dont want people to misunderstand me, I am not saying the CCP doesnt pose a threat to a Democratic world but its a different threat than what Russia presents and should be dealt with differently But your post really made me laugh and also highlights how sometimes countries like China misunderstand Western culture , why would you ever want to infiltrate a country like NZ and spy on them ? What would be the benefit....I can only imagine the Chinese feedback being being sent to Beijing by the local NZ " spymaster " Report 1 : November 23 2019 : " Very busy day in NZ, local farmer upset with how his neighbors sheep ran amok in the town square and upset his chickens ability to lay eggs at important framers market. Army deployed to address rogue sheep. Maximum restraint has been called for as sheep is an understandable beloved member of family "
    1 point
  26. Following the news that the Pope's Instagram accidentally liked a risque model's ass pic..
    1 point
  27. Now, the key question.. Is that camel doing Blue Steel?
    1 point
  28. I am having delicious, unctuous lamb chops..I fried them which is best for inside cooking I looooooove lamb....its just very expensive relative to beef and pork
    1 point
  29. I can't decide if this is for the US politic thread or here.
    1 point
  30. Hello! My name is Conrad, me and my wife have been playing Grounded, gotten pretty far I think, seen most of the yard. I am actually a Pest Control technician, termites specifically, and we use these things called Termite Bait Traps or Stations. They are these cylindrical plastic things that go in the ground and encircle a home, they have bait inside that attracts and is slow acting to make sure the entire colony can get some of it. Sometimes the caps on top of them can break off and expose the inside, and need to be replaced, so maybe one or two are open around the yard? I just thought it may be something not thought of yet, maybe a resource you can get to make a poisonous weapon or trap or something similar. Anyway, thanks for reading! Love the game.
    1 point
  31. It's not eggplant/squash or spaghetti.
    1 point
  32. I Think Milipedes/Centipedes and Scorpions Would Be Cool Additions
    1 point
  33. @ComradeMaster Bro, are you even trying?
    1 point
  34. ROFL... I just tried a Trickster/Shattered Pillar with Offensive Parry and Riposte + Swift Flurry/Heartbead Drumming. Riposte and Offensive Parry can trigger Swift Flurry/HBD. While Offensive Parry is a single target attack the Rogue's Riposte does the whole cone attack (!) - and all attack rolls in the cone can trigger SF/HBD, too. Just annihilated 10 tigers in seconds. Also Blinding Strike is cool because it not only lowers enemies' ACC (=more misses) bus also their deflection (because flanked) which means more crits for SF/HBD. Offensive Parry is giving wounds obviously. If you use Avenging Storm from Heaven's Cacophony it gets really ridiculous. What a fun test that is. Maybe I'll do an animated gif. Edit: I'm getting way too many Ripostes. Like nearly on every miss. Maybe Offensive Parry somehow confuses Riposte or something?
    0 points
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