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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/20 in all areas

  1. Old thread Vote Gorth for dictator! No more more uncertainty, no more pointless political wrangling, no more endless debates! On a slightly more serious note, previous thread ended with whether or not there was a point in third party candidates. In the orange corner Guard Dog, in the purple corner a tag team of other forum members
    2 points
  2. I think that we need some medical survival aspects to flesh out the experience a bit. We see lots of items that have very limited uses but could have lots of medical applications. Here's some things to consider for ailments and progression/cures. WET: Going into water will make your character get wet. Slows you down when out of water until you dry. Leads to common cold if you get wet for extended periods at night or don't dry in time. Staying in sunlight dries you faster, staying next to a lit spit dries you fastest. COMMON COLD: The cold will slow you down and occasionally make you sneeze. Dehydrates you 15% faster and drinks fill your water meter 10% less. Gles away after a while but can be cured by drinking flower tea, crafted on the spit using flower petals, aphid honeydew and water from a canteen. BLEEDOUT: Getting struck by a larger enemy can cause your character to slowly bleed out and lose health over time. Sap makes the bleeding stop for an in game hour, cures after 4 in game hours or when using a fiber bandage. FATIGUE: Exhausting the stamina meter will lead to fatigue. Each time the stamina meter is exhausted, the player's maximum stamina is decreased by 1%. After 50% max stamina loss the player will start to slow down, attacks are slower and blocking is less effective. After 95% max stamina loss, the player has a random chance to fall asleep on the spot, risking being attacked. Cures are sleeping (restores fully) and sitting down (restores 20% per minute up to a max of 80%). Crafting grub goo coffee prevents any max stamina loss and gives +20% max stamina for 4 in game hours (grub goo, pollen, boiling gland) DEEP GASHES: The largest insects may have a chance to inflict deep gashes if you have sustained damage repeatedly in a short time. The only cure is a thorn stitching (thorn, sap, spider silk) which will close the wounds. Having a deep gash will also inflict bleedout occasionally, and additionally cut max health in half whilst active. A new mutation can be introduced to prevent gashes and bleedout. FRACTURE: Large creatures can fracture your bones when attacks are not perfectly blocked, or from a large fall. Fractures can only be healed by rest after applying a berry cast (berry leather, crude rope, bug rubber) and staying out of stamina-draining activities for 8 ingame hours. Fractures slow movement and exhausting stamina drains health by 7% to a min of 25%. The UNCRACKABLE buff prevents fracturing of bones. VENOM: The wolf spider's venom could be less damaging but now lasts until it is waited out or cured. Venom slows stamina regeneration, slows down the player, and drains health by 1% every 20 seconds. It can be cured using spider antivenom (1 spider fang, 1 raw aphid meat, 2 sap) which reduces the wait time from 12 in game hours to 1 in game hour. FOOD POISONING: Eating raw or rotten meat, drinking dirty water can lead to food poisoning. Stamina recovers slower, and all physical activities cosr 30% more stamina. Eating more food whilst having food poisoning is only 20% as effective. Cured by waiting it out for 1 ingame day. Drinking insect tea (plant fiber, aphid honeydew, spider parts) reduces wait time to 1 ingane hour. IMPALED: The infected mite projectiles can impale you 5% of the time, which bypasses all armor protection bonuses. Whilst impaled, the player's armor bonuses are negated and max health drains to 50%. Sprinting and other stamina draining activities also hurt whilst impaled. To cure impalement you need to pull it out manually whilst having a fiber bandage handy to stop the bleedout. This will hurt you but you can optionally visit BURG.L and he can remove it with no drawbacks, costing 10 raw science. You can also impale bugs too, using spears and arrows, slowing down their attacks and causing most to flee, bar spiders and ladybugs. PHEREMONES: Getting hit by a worker or soldier ant can leave a pheremone trail on you. Whilst this is active, ants will continually try to hunt you and all ants including workers attack on sight. HUMANT prevents this and going into water removes the pheremones if you have them. Using ant lotion (ant parts, grub goo, sap) will prevent you from getting pheremones for 1 in game day. STINKY: Getting gassed by a stinkbug leaves its smell on you, attracting more stinkbugs. Whilst active, stinkbugs will actively hunt you and spawn more frequently, and smaller bugs will run away long before you see them. To remove the stink, you need to use berry mint soap (berry chunk, nectar, mint chunk) or stay in water for 3 in game hours to wash it out. Goes away on its own after 1 in game day. FRESH DEFENSE can prevent you from getting stinky. FUNGAL GROWTHS: Getting hit by infected creatures can leave spores on you that slowly grow into deadly fungus. At stage 1, nothing happens and spores can be washed off in water. At stage 2 the fungus takes root in your skin, draining your food and water meters 2 times faster and slowing stamina regeneration. You can wash this off with berry mint soap. At stage 3 the fungus is now in your flesh and bloodstream, sapping your health. At its final stage the fungus has eaten away at your flesh until only the skeleton remains. Cures for stage 3 and beyond can only be found from BURG.L where he literally zaps it out of you.
    2 points
  3. Not sure if related, but cut and pasting something from Forbes magazine: "The Cambridge Analytica scandal may have exposed the raw truth about data security and manipulation on social media, but the issue is rooted in the platforms—the potential for deriving intelligence from otherwise innocuous data. Many of the tools are new, leveraging AI and pattern analytics to map relationships between people “through link analysis,” to use natural language processing to “assign meaning or attitude to social media posts,” and to mine data for information about “past, present, or future locations.” And so are you really being watched? Probably." All governments have to do is flick the switch and get the end of the month summary report on the populations mood and tendencies.
    2 points
  4. Because the guy it all started under is the best guy to stop it? Also because we live here and things aren't as they seem on tv
    2 points
  5. Mamie, I have your back,,,,,I will buy this game just to support your country I am planning a visit to all east countries as I have never been to any and we always go the UK and central Europe , I want to visit Czech and Slovakia first .....when I come visit you guys can I count on to set me with some hot, Slovakian women? And you welcome to tell how I have supported your economy....patriotism is a good thing
    2 points
  6. That night time construction in the jungle...
    2 points
  7. Everyone is talking about Cobra Kai, and I don't have anything else to watch right now, so I booted it up .... I was never much a fan of Karate Kid, etc. but man, that show is pretty good. Certainly going to keep watching it.
    2 points
  8. "are we sure america isn't a dictatorship yet? " it has always been
    2 points
  9. AFIK, I never tasted dog....flowers taste horrible.....but then again so does a lot of the healthy vegan options. So yeah! Vegans why not also eat poison Ivy and die!
    2 points
  10. This man begs to differ Edit: He's 80 BTW.
    2 points
  11. Dragon Age Inquisition's loot system is annoying the crap out of me. It's one of those games I feel is trying too hard with loot. You have three tiers of loot, 4 rarities, customizable upgrades, and loot progression that goes alongside character level. Then, if you're a mage, you have to sort 3 damage types for your weapon because this will be on the test. Which means you're constantly finding utter crap. And you have to navigate the slow menus one item at a time just to make sure it's crap. And even when it's not crap, you're now going into another slow menu to take off the upgrades from your old equipment to put the upgrades on the new one. Your equipment basically has their own equipment submenu that requires accessing through a special location. And if you want to keep your entire roster's equipment up to date, you need to do this process like 10 times. Because you never know when you'll need to take someone off the bench. Customization is desirable because it's supposed to reduce the doing of all this. Find something you like the looks of and you can keep it by upgrading. Find something with stats you like and you can make it look cool. Here we're just adding more loot, more stats, more junk, more menus. I'm not even saying that games need to stop doing loot. They just need to loot to not be an obligation. It needs to be an interesting game system. It should have the value of a good skill tree, representing a play style. And only upgrading when it changes substantially or when you want a player to try something out different. Not just be ups. Soulsborne games are great at this. Even many games with too much loot show they know how... in their endgame. But games don't need the earlier filler. If the end game is where the interest is, the whole game needs to catch up.
    2 points
  12. Doors need to be resized to be flush to the floor. Pretty annoying when working on a next level and you have the top of the door sticking through the floor. Almost have to follow the exact same floor plan as the level below just so you don't see it.
    1 point
  13. Come on, I know this is going to sound extremely weird coming from me but.... let's be civil. We can have disagreements whilst knowing most people are decent and want the best for mankind. I don't expect Bruce to around with a machine gun shooting black Africans anymore than I expect you to be one of those filthy Franco Canadians that expect everyone to speak their stupid language and discriminate against English speakers. Only because their stupid accent makes them sound retarded in English, I hooked up with a Quebeqian girl and I felt bad....until I realized she wasn't retarded she just had an accent.
    1 point
  14. Bruce probably idolizes Rhodesia.
    1 point
  15. I likewise enjoy talking with you. You're probably on of the most patient and considerate posters in here. I am voting Trump, same reason I voted Trump back in 2016: I don't like establishment politicians. That's probably a view shared by a lot of Americans, specially after 2 decades of conflict in the middle east, the fall of the middle class and the bailout. The push to the far left in America is a result of this, Bernie Sander said it best when he equated socialism to social planning and that we now have social planning for the rich, so why can't we have it for the poor. Unfortunately a lot of people just look at what they stand to gain short term and ignore the long term failures of a state run economy. Simply put, you trust a mechanic to fix your car but you would be wary of a state appointed administrator that doesn't know a wheel from a carburetor directing the fixing of your car. Socialism fails because it promotes based on ideology and inner politics rather than merit. Antifa is already being dealt with in a way, from journalist Andy Ngo (he was attacked by Antifa) crusade to hold violent members accountable by tweeting their PUBLIC arrest records. To the Trump administration deputizing State and Local PD in these areas in order to bypass District Attorneys that won't prosecute these violent criminals and instead charge them in a Federal court. The problem is that Antifa is just a symptom not a disease, they are the result of ideological subversion and a corporatist culture that has grown unchecked and denied constitutional rights to citizen. Whilst telling you that you're being whiny just because you can afford a smartphone.
    1 point
  16. Yes, every political dissident needs to be put in a hard labor camp where they can properly concentrate on becoming better citizens. So they can do their part. Like the Chinese do. Wait a moment, you don't really like the Chinese government, that can't be it. Are you sure you're South African and not Argentinian with German ancestry?
    1 point
  17. Too time consuming to make a larger post, but it's quite dismaying that Ginsberg died. I swear, who in the hell broke a mirror this year? I personally disagreed with her philosophy, especially in disparaging the US constitution as a document of negative rights. Of course, it *is,* but that's good! It's really too bad that her death comes at virtually precisely the right time to cause increased chaos within the electorate. I never wish death on people unlike the folks around here who crow about the deaths of conservatives. Another thing that's really too bad is that the death of this human being is distressing primarily for political reasons. I feel guilty, but my first thought was about the political situation when I heard she'd died, and she was certainly a massive figure in US history. Anyhow, don't have much time to climb over the walls of text, but remember to vote for Trump in November. Don't buy the nonsense that our 'erudite' members peddle. Yeah, Biden will probably win, but you never know, so go vote!
    1 point
  18. The focus of the far left rhetoric pretty much involves race and gender; at least at face value, qualifications never come into play when they demand that more POC, women and LGTB should hold positions of power like CEO. Why would they care that a POC, woman or LGTB doesn't accurately represent their views anymore that they care if a business fails?
    1 point
  19. Ok, I get where you're coming from but right now they're in the position where there's a national push for politicians to defund the police. If you are hostile to someone do expect them to be hostile back to you. Plus, it is unreasonable to ask people to risk their lives on the daily and see pretty horrific things for a low pay. Even cops that join the force because of their values will become disenfranchised. They're already probably feel very ostracized because of their job experience, a little praise and respect is probably what they get from the job. Don't get me wrong I'm all for police accountability but I understand the difference between a human doing their job and some bureaucrat PoS that's playing politics in their favor. At this time, PDs seem to be fighting the political establishment to do their jobs, in a lot of states. The Portland riots only died down after the Federal government deputized the State and local PDs because the District Attorney refused to prosecute any rioter.
    1 point
  20. It was sort-of resolved for second+ playthroughs. There should be a golden nug statue next to the stables in Haven or at the basement of Skyhold. It allows to share crafting schematics between your characters/saves. ---- Completed Titanfall 2. The story was rather touching, optimization terrible, controls customizable. ---- Completed Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition - Dark Dreams of Furiae. It had somehow odd pacing (no combat at the beginning, a classic NWN dungeon at the end), interactive-but-not-really objects (I could poke a door and see a message "This place is unimportant, move along") and all side quests included checking on NPCs each in-game day. Though, the implementation of time limits was interesting (I did not know that it was possible in NWN). Story-wise, I saved the city of Furiae from some planar evil thing, so it can transfer to the LE plane on its own? I also found a gelatinous cube. I don't remember seeing those in any other D&D game.
    1 point
  21. That's weird. Dummies don't talk. Is this book for ventriloquists? Anyway: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2020/september/minneapolis-city-council-complains-to-police-chief-about-rising-crime-rate-after-pledging-to-defund-department
    1 point
  22. You could always move there, here's something to get you started.
    1 point
  23. I think a good idea for a higher tier weapon further on down the road is glass. The main reason being if there’s cans all over the yard, why not a glass soda bottle as well, or maybe an old jam jar. You would need to use a high tier hammer to break into usable shards. It could be used for blades, spear tips, or even arrow tips potentially. This is just my two cents on better weapons, while an insect pincer might cut well, a glass blade would cut even better. Though I do like all of the insect tools, I think some more items from humans would be cool. Another potential candidate, but less likely to be randomly found in a yard is a sewing needle.
    1 point
  24. I can find no mods that make it so the loot isn't just piles of crap that's managed by horribly slow menus. It's mostly cosmetic mods, a few rebalances. Ooh, I see one that drops even more loot. That would just make the problem worse.
    1 point
  25. I like how they inverse characters and show the different perspectives. It would have been easy to make one the good and one the bad guy, but they didn't went that way. It's especially good because if you rewatch the old movie, the "good kid" comes off as a real ass now (it was covered by some other youtube videos as well a while ago - basically showing examples of why he is actually the real bully). tl;dr - pretty good so far.
    1 point
  26. This is exactly why you need to Mod a game like this, I have included the list of Mods that could address.. You just need to use the Frosty Mod Manager to install relevant Mods There is no need for your gaming experience to be negative because of this type of design flaw. Let me know if you get stuck with the Mod Manager https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/search/ You know what we say in the Modding community ..." never accept the unacceptable "
    1 point
  27. Just a curiosity. One of those little forgotten pieces of military history from a different age (before ICBM's) A large military exercise... where results got classified for half a century because it didn't fit the official line.
    1 point
  28. There's no accounting for taste.
    1 point
  29. All of my discrete video cards since the early 2000s have been Nvidia, simply because that's when I switched to Linux. For the longest time the ATI, later AMD, Linux drivers were laughably bad, while Nvidia's Linux drivers were more or less on par with their Windows counterpart. So it really didn't matter if ATI/AMD had superior hardware because it would still perform like ass on Linux. That has changed over the last few years, namely with AMD open-sourcing driver tech specs, something they did many years back, but it took some years to pay off (Valve also had a helping hand in getting AMD drivers up to snuff). These days I'm not stuck with Team Green, there are good Linux drivers for Team Red, and Team Blue, for that matter.
    1 point
  30. Every gen was a game changer back then went from a ATI Rage Fury ('98) to a Voodoo 3('99) to Geforce 2 Pro('01) to a Radeon 9600('04). AMD HD4650 & HD5870. Then GTX 970, 1080, and now RTX 3080. I tracked the launch of the Vega 56, but it was more expensive than the 64 by the time I wanted an upgrade and they were both very uncompetitive. The 1080 was way cheaper with better performance, lower power, lower noise. I can't wait to try a ray tracing game at 4K DLSS 2.0 @ 120FPS. Right now my 1080 can't output 4K 120hz or GSYNC to my OLED.
    1 point
  31. Fun fact: My first video card was a Voodoo3 3000. I remember playing UT99 in STUNNING 800x600. Back then I also didn't suck at FPS... I wasn't great, but I didn't suck, like I do today. Good times. P.S. UT99 is still the best competitive FPS ever.
    1 point
  32. Michel Ancel, creator of Rayman and Beyond Good & Evil is leaving video games. Did he watched way too much of SaveAFox in the last 6 months as well?
    1 point
  33. That url from the video really exists: https://www.nightcity.love
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Empire of Sin is coming out on December 1. Available for pre-order now. Not a fan of multiple packages. 35 pounds sounds fair, but I feel exclusive content pressures me to buy at least the middle one. Meantime, I am still not quite clear on how EoS plays. They started a continues playthrough. Part 1 is out, but it doesn't show anything new so far:
    1 point
  37. only problem i see with glass is it's fragile, the edge would chip away with use quite quickly. Sewing needle, or a pack of needles, would be cool. That family that owns the house is horribly messy, we could get a lot of cool items dropped in the yard.
    1 point
  38. Aaaand it was time to visit Ancient Dragon again This time, I've decided to clear all mobs in the area, so I would not get any interruptions while trying to get to the boss. In NG it took me 139 attempts to defeat him, in NG+, he went down after 5 without any extra cheese When you learn all of the gimmicks of the fight, he became much less of the threat, and you are able to outmaneuver his randomness much easier
    1 point
  39. Another bossfight, which I've tried to postponed as much as possible was optional Darklurker. Not because his difficulty, but because of annoying way, who to get to the fight, and the need to use one humanity each time you die. To my surprise, the "gauntlet" to him in three areas needed to clear was much more casual friendly than in NG. Probably, because I had much better spell arsenal now Anyway, as before, one of the more interesting fights with enjoyable fight mechanics Three attempts and 1 minute 20 seconds in the final attempt were needed
    1 point
  40. Have enlisted a legion of screaming goats in WL2. We shall see what use they are. Not very good for minefield clearing though.
    1 point
  41. Despite no hints about that on developer's homepage, Vaporum: Lockdown ha been released today on GOG!!! https://www.gog.com/news/release_vaporum_lockdown Prequel to exquisite grid-based steampunk dungeon crawler made in Slovakia. Now go and help grow my country's GDP with the purchase
    1 point
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