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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/20 in all areas

  1. "Experts recommend keeping up your daily rituals even while working from home..."
    4 points
  2. another repeat https://nypost.com/2020/03/14/heartbreaking-video-shows-coronavirus-devastating-toll-on-italy/ we are finding out daily how the transmissibility o' the pathogen is higher than original believed. china resorted to draconian measures to keep their numbers as low as they are, and is every reason to believe the chinese could be downplaying how bad their covid-19 outbreak has been. chinese also were initial doing the chill thing-- went so far as criminalizing those individuals who were warning their fellow citizens o' a potential disease problem in wuhan. etc. gd were wondering recent why we cannot have nice things? answered. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. @ShadySands I can recommend Clan Quest Mod. The Sabbat content is pretty good, even if it's obviously not quite up there with original content. It adds a full new act to the game that can be wrapped up in several ways. It also adds the possibility of going full Sabbat, with the corresponding new ending for the game. The new characters are voiced by "semi-professional" (?) actors. I don't remember much about the actual clan quests themselves, though. And there's actual diablerie mechanics. Keep in mind that It comes bundled with some other stuff, though. I didn't find it to be all that game-changing but ymmv.
    3 points
  4. VisualCapitalist - Infection Trajectory, which countries are flattening the Covid19 curve?
    3 points
  5. Come now, it's not the Codex. We're more along the lines of pretentious pricks.
    3 points
  6. I'd say I really don't know quite how to rank things to get to a few condensed points, I'm going to regret my decisions later I think. Rules wordings. The game is really assinine about this. Punching someone with a fist? It counts as a "melee weapon attack", but not an "melee weapon" or "attacking with a melee weapon". You have to keep in mind whichever kind of attack your spell/ability/feat ties into, and your GM might have to ruin your carefully planned out turn and have you restart your planning. This is not a problem specific to melee, but they're the ones that most often get hit the hardest by this. Concentration: You can only keep one concentration spell active at a time. Great in some ways, but a hassle to keep track of and makes spells that hold your concentration much less appealing. You will also almost always choose the same non-concentration spells, because it gives you one less thing to remember, which leads to a very much cookie-cutter feel. A cleric will always have Spiritual Weapon handy, it's non-concentration, uses a bonus action and it's a relatively low level spell. Spiritual Guardians is the same thing, use an action to cast, Concentration, does Continous AoE damage that scales with spell slots spent, and slows down enemies for a 10minute period or until your concentration is broken.. Feats: Ties into the one above. You have very few feats, they come at fixed points in the class and not tied to character level, can be used to either raise stats or get a feat. Some feats are just so very much better than others. War Caster gives you advantage (Roll 2d20 and pick the highest dice) on Concentration checks against damage, allows you to use Somatic spells without needing a free hand (So you can have a weapon and shield always at the ready, instead of having to drop your weapon and pick it up from the ground if you want to cast a spell) and let's you cast a single target spell as an opportunity attack. Or you can take Weapon Master and gain proficiency in 4 weapons and +1 to your Dex or Str ability score. Not bonus, score. Yay. Skills; Are generally all determined at character creation, if you want a new skill you have to use a Feat to gain 3 different skills or tools. You don't dole out points anymore, skills are your ability score + proficiency bonus (That rises with character level), so if something changes after character creation you will have to sacrifice that build you wanted next time you get an Ability Score Improvement (Feat) if you want to learn that skill. Or spend months with a personal trainer, paying him every day. "Bounded Accuracy": 5E is based around this, essentially all checks and ability scores are "limited" to 30, except when they aren't, so they've limited the scaling on everything. Proficiency bonuses range from +2 to +6, you only apply this bonus to things you are proficient in. So you can't really roll for attributes anymore, because those stat bonuses are worth too much, if you get lucky you can start with +5, so you apply that as a wizard would to Intelligence, the Cleric - devout as he is - chooses Religion as a skill, he has studied under the High Priest of Amaunator - but he will still, statistically, be schooled about his own religion by that Wizard, until level 13 when they will be equals.. Doesn't really help with point buy either, since Intelligence is less important than both Wisdom and Constitution, and possibly Strength if the cleric wants to punch people in the face for whatever silly RP reason. And that "bound" is not very difficult to break in various ways, rogues and bards get "expertise" in certain chosen skills allowing them to double their proficiency bonus, so hitting +10 in a skill by level 5 is far from hard. So you will end up with cookie cutter attributes aswell, 15-14-13-12-10-8, I actually ended up the second smartest character in a group because I refused to use the cookie cutter attributes, with 10. General encounter balance. The game is "balanced" around 6-8 medium combat encounters per day. If you don't mind that kind of slog, the game will eventually become somewhat balanced, because the casters will be able to do bugger all because they will be out of spell slots since they recharge on long rests, and fighters, monks , rogues and warlocks will become more balanced since they recharge on short rests. My group would never stand for something like this, it'd be a boring non-stop grind, but if you don't do this your casters will have access to all of their slots, so you need to up the ante - and it's easy as all hell to wipe a party this way because the maths get thrown out of whack. The monsters. 3.5Ed had tables for upping monsters level, 5e does not, so you have to improvise. I wanted my group to have an encounter against a minotaur in a mansion, it'd be an easy encounter for the group. I gave the minotaur a chain-mail upping his AC by two, increased his attack bonus by +1 and 34 more HP to even out the action imbalance. Nearly wiped the group out. Classes. Certain classes have really been left by the wayside. I felt so bad for the GM's girlfriend that decided to play a Beast Master Ranger... Magic Items. They're supposedly really rare now, meaning that the only way to really get a magic item is through dungeons since you can't buy a magic sword for your fighter. And your fighter really, really needs that magic weapon, because while casters don't care about mundane weapon resistance/immunity, because spells, Melee Warlocks, monks and shapeshifter druids get "natural" magic weapons after a while, your ranger, rogue and fighter don't ever get something like that. "Oh, look, a golem... anyone wants pizza? I'm sitting this one out"... ... "Hey guys, the pizza is getting... I was about to say cold, but it mutated legs and walked out... Oh, and me and Mindy started a family, and now our daughter works at the nursing home. Speaking of which, she wonders if anyone here needs their diaper changed?" **** me if some fights won't turn into a slogfest, especially at higher levels when casters have to plow through the books to find out the exact wording of a spell, check the AoE range, reference either the drawn board or ask the GM to specify the exact positioning of enemies, double check the action economy if they can actually do what they planned, and then execute. The fighter rolls his three attackrolls, the rogue gets two rolls, back to the next caster... Atleast the old editions had morale rolls for enemies that could cut things short, but why have any replacement rules for that? Wow, I have to send a kudos to whoever decided on the time between auto-saving time on the forum software, I got 3 hard reboots out of nowhere. Also, sorry for the rantiness Indira, I tend to grow bitter from remembering I've had to play 5e for months while waiting for my favourite game to come up again..
    2 points
  7. Wow, thanks for covering up my disaster of a run as the Freeburg Police Chief. I had good intentions, people!
    2 points
  8. Not really, I rarely mod games outside of bugfixes and technical upgrades. I've heard good things about Clan Quest though.
    2 points
  9. I've been playing This is the Police. I started out trying to be a good, upstanding police chief, but now I'm on the take and I even ordered a hit on one of my own officers. He was a snitch. Where did it all go wrong? I blame the pills.
    2 points
  10. On the slopes of Dragonmount he shall be born. Born of a maiden wedded to no man. He will be of the ancient blood and raised by the old blood. When the winds of Tarmon Gai'don scour the earth he will face the Shadow and bring forth Light again in the world. For he shall come like the breaking dawn and shatter the world again with his coming, and make it anew.
    2 points
  11. One other factor was Fallout 1 was developed in peoples off time and wasn't authorized as a developing project until it was in basically a releasable state. Even then Obsidian management didn't think it had much potential so wasn't given the time it needed to develop fully. It was still a ground breaking game that did well enough to make a well developed sequel possible.
    2 points
  12. Following the XXboxSe specs, Playstation 5 specs: So slower on the CPU/ GPU front than the SeBoxXx by a bit (not as much as was rumoured; but they do note variable frequency), but the memory I/O is around twice as good like/ like.
    1 point
  13. I guess that would be the Plus version of the aforementioned unofficial patch, then. To be honest, beyond that, I've never really tried any other mods for VtMB. I know there's some bigger stuff out there like the Clan Quest Mod or the Final Nights , but I have no experience playing those. @Oner? Any comments?
    1 point
  14. Can you hook me up with some of that pasta?
    1 point
  15. Going to try a Bloodlines run since nothing is really holding my interests at the moment. Any mods or anything that are needed or recommended?
    1 point
  16. Coming-to-Jesus moments are rare, even moreso for folks who benefit from not doing so like leaders. I think that when the covid-19 panic mellows, regardless of the number of corpses it produces, people will largely go back to where they were before as if it had never happened. To be crass, I think the biggest political impact of Covid-19 would be if it killed off a significant number of old folks(who have a higher mortality rate compared to general population) because they tend vote a certain way.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Larian make Bethesda look like Dostoevsky.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. in the most bass akwards and krazy twist, am confronting reality that best case scenario results in trump being re-elected. we don't want another four years o' trump. is hard to imagine a worse President. no remaining viable candidate could be worse than trump. however... at the moment a majority o' republicans, based on recent polling, are not worried 'bout covid-19. such will not be the case if we get a trajectory similar to italy insofar as infections and deaths is concerned. only takes a few % point loss o' the otherwise ironclad obtuse base to doom a trump reelection. deaths in large numbers and/or months o' quasi-lockdown following the market nightmares is gonna eventual take its toll, even if toll is only a few points. am not wanting italy situation. vaccine is, at best, 'bout a year away, which means if even after a summer respite, the virus will likely be back in september/october and will be in full swing by november. the uk study we linked earlier with +1 million deaths were not worst case scenario. we checked and +2 million were worst case scenario. best case scenario requires an almost complete lock down o' everything for the next year. not next two weeks or months. to prevent an explosion o' cases until a viable vaccine is developed and has widespread distribution, study suggests best case requires near total lockdown for a year. year... earliest. but... quasi-miracle happens and spring followed by an early summer arrives this year and covid-19 proves just as weak to heat and humidity as is flu. vaccine gets sooper fast development, production and dissemination beyond any expectations. prayer ends up working. etc. so, we all get very lucky and covid-19 patients do not overwhelm medical facilities for months with patients dying in hospital hallways as they is triaged with brutal but necessary efficiency. such a best case eventuality is the one for which we should all hope. anybody doubt such a result convinces republicans and independents that trump were right (or right enough) all along and they vote him in for another four years in november? am not hoping for a continued trump Presidency. nevertheless, am genuine praying we get a situation which makes another four year o' trump inevitable. #$%& HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. For the cheap repost of social media political commentary...
    1 point
  22. Mass Effect 2? You duck a lot and there's no inventory
    1 point
  23. Who are you and why are you the anti-me? This thread has broken me
    1 point
  24. Even during the apocalypse, no one will buy these groceries.
    1 point
  25. the hoarders are a bane. have been trying to shop for our neighbors. we live in a gated community where folks tend towards older. next door neighbor is a cancer survivor in her late seventies who cares for her husband who has alzheimer's. two doors down from us is a woman current going through cancer and her husband who suffers from chf. etc. is 'bout four people we offered to do shopping for them if we were already shopping for self... which has morphed into Gromnir going to store for toothpaste or a single bunch o' parsley just so we have an excuse to do shopping for ___________. this am we went to store with an extreme reasonable list for neighbor folks, save for fact they added tp to list and we forewarned her that such would be highly unlikely. mayonnaise, dozen eggs, 4 avocados, 5lb bag potatoes, frozen peas, frozen corn, and a gallon o' 2% milk. were able to get half gallon o' milk, avocados and a couple cans o' corn in water, which we made a career move regarding and decided to purchase in lieu o' frozen as there were nothing available in the freezer section o' the local store save for ice cream and a few other specialty items . we would mention how the hoarders are most hurting the folks at greatest danger from the virus as is the old and folks with med conditions who cannot run all over town to find food and supplies who is suffering, but am knowing am up against the indifferent to almost anything as long as it doesn't affect me or mine mentality. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. Ahoy hoy matey! Go shiver some timbers! You have inspired me to get on with the game again, I think I will make a selfish pirate character.
    1 point
  27. Fallout1 is very compact. First games in the series do have tendency to be either spread to thin, or small compared to other established IPs. Building engine, systems and world from the ground up does take time.
    1 point
  28. Fallout had more content? No way. Fallout 1 was like 15, maybe 20 hours long.
    1 point
  29. I served my time in the Danish Civil Defense (Denmark at the time still had the draft, you picked a number from a ballot, low numbers went to do military service, mid range numbers go to the civil defense and high numbers are "jack pots", you go free). We were constantly drilling for what In Danish was called "ABC" warfare (Atomic, Biological and Chemical). The gear for the chemical warfare stuff was not what the 100% hermetical stuff you see today and part of the kit was a satchel of Atropine injectors for nerve gas emergencies, the ubiquitous gas mask and the suit and wrappings around wrists and ankles to seal the gaps between the suit and gloves/boots. Atomic warfare, well, the strategy was to survive the blasts, so mostly similar gear and Geiger counters (and Iodine tablets, yeah, no kidding). Now, for biological warfare, the teachers pretty much taught us, don't bother. If someone is stupid enough to let a deadly pandemic loose, pray to Odin, Jehova, Cernunnos, Allah, Your Mother or whatever, because the world (and you, by association) is screwed beyond repair.
    1 point
  30. I remember our NBC gear drills in the army. They are a ****ing pain to get into and out of if you want the suit to protect you for ****, and you'll be completely miserable the whole time you're wearing it. I'd imagine the folks in the units being deployed for that crap would prefer just about any other kind of emergency...
    1 point
  31. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who actually enjoyed Origins.
    1 point
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