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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/20 in all areas

  1. Come now, it's not the Codex. We're more along the lines of pretentious pricks.
    6 points
  2. Mass Effect 2? You duck a lot and there's no inventory
    4 points
  3. Who are you and why are you the anti-me? This thread has broken me
    4 points
  4. I don't remember reading that short rests are applied after every encounter, from what I remember you have to make a dedicated "short" pause to actually rest undisturbed for a while. There are some more hardcore people that run days as short rests, and weeks as long rest, but the Challenge Rating system isn't tuned for that at all. Suddenly all guidelines in the Dungeon Masters Guide get's thrown out the window, but that said I do like the idea. Oh, you can break the game something insane with Warlocks. Google Coffeelocks or Cocaine-locks... Granted, they take a bit of effort to get going and your DM might come down hard on you if you do that, but theoretically they can have an unlimited number of spells given time. If i remember correctly, the gist of it is you take a multiclass level Sorcerer, they can convert spellslots into Sorcery Points and sorcerypoints into spellslots. There's actually no Rule as written that you have an actual limit to the spellslots, just how many you get per day, so you convert your warlock spell slots to sorcery points, and your spell points into Sorcerer slots and repeat. You would have to avoid long rests though as they ruin everything, which can be fixed with a quick snort of 100gp worth of diamond dust each day to cast restoration on yourself as a Divine Sorcerer or Celestial Warlock to cure the exhaustion... Hence Cocaine-lock. The one downside to warlocks are the few spellslots that you do get, max 4 spells in the end, and generally speaking locks don't get free 6+ level slots the same way, they're called Mystic Arcanums and are limited to once per long rest (Thankfully!). A level 9 Warlock has two 5 slot spells per short rest, but depending on playstyle/campaign that can become a ludicrous amount. Generally speaking though Wizards and Clerics reign as usual, without twisting the rules. I hate 5e. Both as a gamemaster and player..
    4 points
  5. I'm on a roll: Wasteland Raiders No tears, no toilet paper. Your key is gone
    4 points
  6. the hoarders are a bane. have been trying to shop for our neighbors. we live in a gated community where folks tend towards older. next door neighbor is a cancer survivor in her late seventies who cares for her husband who has alzheimer's. two doors down from us is a woman current going through cancer and her husband who suffers from chf. etc. is 'bout four people we offered to do shopping for them if we were already shopping for self... which has morphed into Gromnir going to store for toothpaste or a single bunch o' parsley just so we have an excuse to do shopping for ___________. this am we went to store with an extreme reasonable list for neighbor folks, save for fact they added tp to list and we forewarned her that such would be highly unlikely. mayonnaise, dozen eggs, 4 avocados, 5lb bag potatoes, frozen peas, frozen corn, and a gallon o' 2% milk. were able to get half gallon o' milk, avocados and a couple cans o' corn in water, which we made a career move regarding and decided to purchase in lieu o' frozen as there were nothing available in the freezer section o' the local store save for ice cream and a few other specialty items . we would mention how the hoarders are most hurting the folks at greatest danger from the virus as is the old and folks with med conditions who cannot run all over town to find food and supplies who is suffering, but am knowing am up against the indifferent to almost anything as long as it doesn't affect me or mine mentality. HA! Good Fun!
    4 points
  7. I remember our NBC gear drills in the army. They are a ****ing pain to get into and out of if you want the suit to protect you for ****, and you'll be completely miserable the whole time you're wearing it. I'd imagine the folks in the units being deployed for that crap would prefer just about any other kind of emergency...
    4 points
  8. Wasteland the third Hardly Doom Eternal but Give me your key Alternatively: Home InXile Corona Isolation Hikikomori
    3 points
  9. This discussion has made me want to watch Small Soldiers.
    2 points
  10. Here it is. I'd like to think that rule won't apply to dungeons, dragon lairs etc. but we'll have to wait and see. Honestly, I'm really not a fan of spells per day or anything that breaks the flow of play and forces you to run back to camp to click the power nap button. It works great in tabletop where there's a DM stopping you from resting every other fight, and the tempo is completely different. In CRPGs, it encourages gaming the system and taking constant breaks, and I've really grown to hate when that's the optimal way to play a game.
    2 points
  11. "An android user checking his device for Covid-19..."
    2 points
  12. Well, because of the proficiency system they have in place in lieu of things like Base Attack Bonus, up until level 5 an Eldritch knight(Fighter) is as good as a mage (If he's proficient in his melee weapon) in a swordfight, the Eldritch Knight can summon two different "bonded" weapons from thin air, and that's pretty cool I suppose. At level 5 the fighter gets two attacks, and at level 11 three and 4 at level 17, which gives him an edge. Heh. Hehehe... A popular "mix" is a Hexblade Warlock that can make weapon attacks with his Cha bonus(And later add Charisma bonus to damage) and two levels of paladin. Warlocks get their (Very limited number of, but full caster level)spellslots back after a short 1 hour rest and slots aren't exclusive to your class, meaning you can use your warlock spell slots for your low level paladin spells. And at level 2 paladins get an ability called Divine Smite, which let's them do 1d8+slot level extra Radiant (Very rarely do monsters have resistance against this) damage. Normally paladins get 5slot spells at level 17, warlocks get them at level 9...
    2 points
  13. Alright, I have been playing around the changes Fighter - I find the original skill design to be muddled * Inspired Discipline giving all T1 Inspirations is fine for 2 Disciplines, but I never understood why this skill existed in the first place. Perception (and possibly Intelligence) Inspirations are already provided by a PL1/PL3 skill, so it feels bad to double down on it. Inspired Strike at PL9 gives you Nimble and Acute, so even more redundancy. I would like to see some clean-up, for example Inspired Discipline would give fewer Inspirations, maybe it only give Body Inspirations (Might/Dexterity/Constitution), but T2 ? If the Fighter want Perception or Intelligence Insp, they go for Disciplined Barrage&upgrades. If they want Resolve Insp, they go with Unbending. * Power Strike and Inspired Strike : The big single target nuke and CC, feels good - I would remove the Insp from the upgrade and go deeper it that "I will kill you, single target" theme, and give it an even bigger %dmg inscrease *Take the Hit, Into the Fray&Upgrade all fell good and fine Paladin - I like that Pladin is a poor ranged healer, with their main direct heals (LoH, Healing Chains, Divine Immolation and LoPZ) all having short range or being PBAoE * LoPZ feels very expansive, and kinda similar to Sacred/Divine Immolation : Same PBAoE, damages and heals. Immolation is duration-based, while LoPZ is bursty, but I would like to see more separration between the two skills. Maybe LoPZ should only be a strong, burst PBAoE heal skill, while Immolation is a strong, duration-based PBAoE dmg skill, with Divine Immolation upgrade not healing any longer. * I love love love having Exhortation to cost 1, it feels great * Abjuration still feel expansive at 3 Zeals, but I honeslty don't know how to change it. * Healing Chains is fun But 50 bounces might be a bit silly * Side note on LoH upgrades - its been a petpeeve of mine that the upgrades cost 2, how do you feel about it ? Chanter - The Troubadour nerfed is well-thought out, it feel fairer, also thanks for the upgrades costing the same as their parent skill, I really prefer it Ranger * I don't think Sharpshooter needed the extra range boost * All the pets abilities : I wish they had the same universal range - you increased Heal to 10m, could you think about doing the same for Bonded Fury ? *Vengeful Grief : Instead of Inspiration (being dispalable with Afflictions), maybe a unique beneficial effect ?
    2 points
  14. Wasteland 3 Beta Steam key Best haiku by tomorrow this time wins it
    2 points
  15. You're a good man, Gromnir. Some stores around here have started doing "elderly hours" in the mornings so that high risk people, caretakers, and whatnot can come do some shopping without crowds and while stocks are still fresh.
    2 points
  16. You've just been handed a two week paid vacation. But can't actually GO anywhere or do much. It's very ironic isn't it?
    2 points
  17. have never played star trek: on line, but we have played too many bad star trek games. we kinda liked star trek: starfleet command, but in our experience that title is more notable as an exception than rule for decent star trek pc games, and am recognizing many folks didn't like starfleet command near as much as we did. whatever else, we don't need another bad or forgettable star trek game. has been too many less than stellar star trek titles... which is unfair to the star trek fans who deserve better. +90% o' the time we would prefer a new ip as 'posed to a title which might require a license. am typical more interested in the developer o' a game than the setting or the license o' a new title anyways. that said, is a few unique novels, movies, tv shows, old crpgs and pnp rules systems which we s'pose is deserving o' consideration as inspiration for development o' a new crpg, but our list o' such is gonna be most frequent populated by obscure properties in large part precise 'cause they is obscure. fans is, all too often, annoying baggage which adheres to a license. developer/publisher need meet the unreasonable, fluid and elusive fan expectations. unnecessary burden on a developer. regardless, we would be okie dokie with a good star trek rpg. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  18. am not gonna reexamine our personal criticisms o' deadfire, particularly as we enjoyed deadfire in spite o' those numerous criticisms. however, we will make two quick (brevity is a perpetual elusive goal) observations: 1) deadfire "exploration" were a predictable developer reaction to poe fan criticism. am unable to recollect all the games wherein developers attempted to find some kinda perfect exploration balance. sad reality is developer attempts is near always met with a significant % fan disappointment. sequels is particular targets o' developer efforts to find the ideal mix o' dense locales and opportunities for exploration. sequels which alter the scheme as a response to fan feedback is illustrative as such makes clear just how doomed is developer improvement... and so were the case with deadfire. poe, so we learned from poe feedback, didn't have enough exploration. *sigh* deadfire actual did a goodly job with all those rando mini-encounters spread 'cross the world map. unlike bg1, which had us need overcome near identical encounters ad nauseum, deadfire developers took significant pains to vary those brief world map encounters. each poe2 world map encounter offered a slight different challenge-- quite an achievement considering just how many o' those there were. 'course chances are it didn't matter if challenges were different when players could find an ideal party scheme and set o' tactics with which to overcome 90% o' all encounters. still, deadfire did a much better job o' varying than bg1 and morrowind/oblivion and other sandboxie games which sell exploration. regardless o' efforts and achievements, deadfire exploration were, predictable, criticized by fans. at least as many people were bothered by deadfire solution to poe lack o' exploration. net gain o' 0... at best. exploration is a no-win battle for developers and attempting to add encounters or features to inflate sense o' exploration is wasted blood sweat and tears. 2) the gods y'know, am believing this is gonna be a contrary opinion, but for us, full vo hurt the deadfire gawd stuff. yeah, the gawd confabs were exposition heavy and the info drops were frustrating for the seeming obvious questions you could not ask the gawds, but has been other games with as much ham-fisted narration which did not much bother us. vo made deadfire gawds worse. any other game we woulda' read through the gawd dialogues in seconds and gotten back to killing and 1007ting and faction choices and saving villages, or whatever. however, 'cause deadfire were full vo we actually listened to the gawd's smack. particular during our first run o' deadfire, a few o' the more tedious narrative interruptions no doubt felt much longer than they appeared to be when viewed from the pov o' the game script. am knowing people were general much in favor o' the deadfire full vo even if they didn't approve o' the cost o' vo. contrary pov is deadfire didn't improve our game experience at all and may have hurt 'cause were a personal tendency to listen to the more tedious deadfire dialogue exchanges as 'posed to giving 'em a quick read and click inspection. ... so, maybe not quick observations after all? nevertheless quick for Gromnir. baby steps. HA! Good Fun! ps we did like erik the viking approach to communion with the gods. skip to ~8:30. apologies for poor quality, but is a not particular popular movie, and is a 1989 release, so not many clips from which to choose.
    2 points
  19. FYI as a reminder to everyone here - spiritual weapons scale from 20% lash to 31% lash depending on well you've been paying attention to dispositions. Neutral case is 25% lash. Obsidian-provided NPCs have no disposition, so they will always have neutral effects on anything that cares about disposition - so Vatnir will get a 25% lash (and a neutral Holy Radiance), which is plenty good. Truth be told, even being the worst role-player whatsoever, even a 20% lash on legendary weapons is pretty good, especially for a zealot that gets a lot of additive bonuses multiplied by that lash. 31% is pretty great though, arguably makes max-disposition legendary weapons some of the best in the game (especially woedica's). I really like Vatnir's priest subclass and really wish it wasn't just limited to him.
    2 points
  20. Checked the COVID-19 dark humor thread: all clear to post.
    2 points
  21. Screw balance in single player games until it is raw, then kill it dead with fire, lightning, poison and then some more. That was the best part about Kingmaker. Finally being able to create cheese again and no fear that the developer is going to empty your pantry when they feel like it. If players want balance they can imagine it, make different choices or purposefully gimp their characters like in the olden days of playing single class clerics in Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale.
    2 points
  22. The stimulus would work out to exactly what I still owe in Federal taxes this year, so yay.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I think I agree, but it is also one of the reason why I wasn't too affraid to buff it. Also consider that casting it before Tier 3 Perception makes Tier 1 Perception redundant, but also makes Tier 3 Per last longer, so the anti-synergy is not so bad. At least it works as backup Inspiration. Also : my aim is not to change all abilities, by the way, unless they really don't have a purpose (such as Healing chain). So for now, I won't change this but I keep your ideas in mind. Same as above : I don't want to change completely Inspired Discipline, but if I was "designing the ability from scratch", I would agree with you. But maybe I can leave the inspirations as they are in official version and indeed buff the damages to something like 300+%. This would reduce redundancy with Inspired Discipline too. Great ! Consider that Paladins have Divine Retribution passive that works on summon. Burst Healing (even if costly) + this is very very very strong. LoPZ is a kind of Deluxe panic button and has a clear identity as single best Burst Healing of the game. Thanks ! This is arguably one of my small but favorite changes. I really like what Obsidian did with Paladins because I truly dislike them in DnD (Cliché Lore + basically Cleric/Fighter). Commands really feels like the uncomplete piece of their Battle Commander identity, so it was important for me to make it more viable. Me neither. It is simply a situational ability, but it probably worths 3 zeal when used in the right conditions. Maybe a bit silly indeed, but I still see it as the only way to work around randomness of the jumps. To make it simple : it's very annoying to change it to a mere upgrade. Like very very annoying. The code would be extremely ugly and fat with potential conflict with other mods. If I change this to 1 zeal, this would enable to have 2 abilities with same cost with one being strictly better. ANd this is ugly like ugliness. So I preferred keeping it like this (and buffing them a bit). Copyright @Boeroer. My idea was to increase +1 phrase malus to +2 but this one was better. -10 Deflection feels bad even if it feels like specialization. And the subclass felt a bit bland for my own taste. I wanted to add Something cool, but not just another ranged damages bonus. I keep your point in mind though. Oh yes, I should have thought about this ! Maybe unecessary change ? For some reasons, I'm fond of infinite duration inspirations (well, at least I like them on foes). Just side message : I have not abandonned the project. It's simply that I have few time to do it IRL (because baby, work and now freaking quarantine - that doesn't even prevent me to work ) and I admit I used it to... well... play a bit. Small update by the way : I finally ended with Something clean about Shadowed Hunters : I simply added an effect that cause the first pet Attack (which doesnt' break invisibility for some reasons even in the normal game !!!) to cause 16 raw damages per 3s tick for 30s. So you hide while your target bleeds, which sounds very Shadowed Hunters for me (and very Komodo Dragon too, which I like). I did like this because it is mostly unique, doesn't feellike another backstab and also solves the current "first Attack doesn't break pet invisibility" issue. There might have been other ways to rework the ability, but it has already many effects (including untargetability, effects that break on Attack...) so it quickly degenerates into weirdness when you add Something (and I really tried). I honnestly prefer to stop wasting more time on it, but I'm still open about changing the numbers (but no new effects, please ) And thank you very much for your review !!
    1 point
  25. Then we probably won't figure it out. Mass Effect 2 was the best guess with what little you remember
    1 point
  26. US, UK coronavirus strategies shifted following UK epidemiologists' ominous report For the study, researchers used a simulation model that was originally developed to support pandemic flu planning and modified it to examine the impact of certain scenarios for the coronavirus pandemic. Their models show that under a mitigation strategy: "even if all patients were able to be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US." It was not immediately clear what length of time researchers assumed to be the full course of the pandemic. The study concludes that the suppression strategy will likely lead to the disease quickly spreading again once these measures are lifted, and that such measures will be needed periodically until a vaccine is found. It says: "The major challenge of suppression is that this type of intensive intervention package -- or something equivalently effective at reducing transmission -- will need to be maintained until a vaccine becomes available (potentially 18 months or more) -- given that we predict that transmission will quickly rebound if interventions are relaxed." ... one hopes these is worst case scenarios
    1 point
  27. No not commando, I have that one. Lol you can duck in ME2 ? All I remember is the ramming screaming ''Singularitee!''
    1 point
  28. 'course you mean it sounds similar to the chinese/hong kong response? we see emoticon, but we hope this ain't a crude attempt to compare to yang's $1000 per month. a stimulus check is not at all similar ubi. obama did stimulus. stimulus is not new. yang's ubi is not similar save amount o' the check... but 1/12th. now alaska has something similar to ubi, and that ain't changing fact they is gonna get additional stimulus. @Guard Dog y'know, if any other republican frontrunner from 2016 had been elected instead o' trump, he/she would be able to use this crisis to validate the inevitable downsizing and belt tightening which woulda' occurred during the past three years. for decades, republicans, pre trump, has been kinda united in efforts to reduce fed spending. a guy such as jeb bush or even ted cruz would be able to point to efforts to reduce debt as being perspicacious given the need to raise huge amounts o' money during a time o' genuine crisis. if republicans had showed a bit o' backbone and resisted trump worst urges regarding debt, we coulda' been in a much better position to absorb a new crisis. unfortunate we got obama debt plus trump debt and now are gonna add necessary coronavirus debt all in a relative short space o' time. is a bill which needs be paid by somebody, and somebody is you and Gromnir and other americans, regardless o' party affiliation. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  29. Meanwhile: https://www.usdebtclock.org/
    1 point
  30. Upworthy - Millenials and Boomers may freak out over social distancing, but for Gen X it's finally time to shine
    1 point
  31. Wait, broccoli crust pizza is a thing? Why hasn't it been imported to Poland yet?! I must have this in my life!
    1 point
  32. I will be sitting out from further elections until a strong 3rd party candidate shows up. I may vote Lisa Savage for Senator but that's about it. Will never vote D or R nationally ever again.
    1 point
  33. On another note, there will be a lot of disappointed people grabbing the Witcher Goodies Collection without paying attention that it's just the goodie, not the actual games
    1 point
  34. A man of taste and refinement I see
    1 point
  35. I remember reading about this in the AMA. Short rests are apparently abstracted and unless specified otherwise, every time a (combat) encounter ends, the benefits of a short rest are applied. Clerics, wizards, druids and other long rest classes need to head back to camp for the night to get their spells back. I haven't played 5e, but just from that I'm getting strong Warlock Master Race vibes...
    1 point
  36. I served my time in the Danish Civil Defense (Denmark at the time still had the draft, you picked a number from a ballot, low numbers went to do military service, mid range numbers go to the civil defense and high numbers are "jack pots", you go free). We were constantly drilling for what In Danish was called "ABC" warfare (Atomic, Biological and Chemical). The gear for the chemical warfare stuff was not what the 100% hermetical stuff you see today and part of the kit was a satchel of Atropine injectors for nerve gas emergencies, the ubiquitous gas mask and the suit and wrappings around wrists and ankles to seal the gaps between the suit and gloves/boots. Atomic warfare, well, the strategy was to survive the blasts, so mostly similar gear and Geiger counters (and Iodine tablets, yeah, no kidding). Now, for biological warfare, the teachers pretty much taught us, don't bother. If someone is stupid enough to let a deadly pandemic loose, pray to Odin, Jehova, Cernunnos, Allah, Your Mother or whatever, because the world (and you, by association) is screwed beyond repair.
    1 point
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