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  1. Three is the perfect number indeed.... "And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it. "
    4 points
  2. Which basically means the three of us will sit down together and make Majesty.
    3 points
  3. I will make a war game where all that happens is you going on patrol and nothing ever happening.
    3 points
  4. The Cow, like the voter does have another option... turn around and walk away
    2 points
  5. I know what you've all been thinking, "Where the **** are all the anime fútbol games?" Your prayers have been answered:
    2 points
  6. ^ My fave unit in Majesty was the Monks. Especially before they patched it so units couldn't pick up more than one of those stats types ground loot items, which Monks loved to pick up. When they'd picked up maybe 4 or 5 of those they were literally invulnerable. It's the reason I'd install it from original disc and play it for a while like that before patching it. Good times.
    2 points
  7. So excited to have a few active runs going again! Good luck to you both, and hopefully (work allowing) I'll be joining you with a new run soon! P.S. Astrid looks especially cool. Looking forward to seeing another solo run.
    2 points
  8. Elanna Part III Note: This is where my coverage goes out-of-sync with my game-play, and as such it's even lighter on in the detail than before. I've found screenshotting and writing much more difficult than I expected, but I look forward to improving in the future. Having resolved most of the immediate issues plaguing Gilded Vale, Elanna decided it was high time to seek out what information she could from the mysterious Maerwald, the one who could hopefully help cure her of her disturbing visions. The party headed off to his castle, and after a mishap with some blights outside, managed to make it into the keep. I totally missed my chance for screenshots in this fight, but you can see my positioning. A well-documented spot by now, but it meant that only Eder could be targeted. A huge mass of spirits filled the main hall, but with Eder holding fast the two magic users were able to hurl enough firepower across the great hall that the spirits never stood a chance. Descending into the first level below ground, Elanna and her companions were able to quickly find Maerwald. What they found was not what they expected, however. The old man had lost his mind from time and isolation and tried his best to kill them. Once again, with Eder holding the strong point, Elanna and Aloth were able to bring their full might to bear and the fight was won with little issue. Despite Maerwald’s madness, their search was not in vain. Before his death Maerwald gave them one clue to continue. The City of Defiance, searching for the Queen. Elanna and her friends set off. Having made an uneventful journey to the city, the party took a well-deserved rest. Their search would commence again in earnest in the morning.
    2 points
  9. Wait, I think I can turn this into a BG2 anagram as well. Just give me a minute. I'm pretty sure I have it, I just can't formulate it.
    2 points
  10. Only if you look at "Into the Fray" as a dmg tool. But the main part of the ability seems to be the CC/pull effect (especially in TB mode I reckon) which will remain untouched. The change he suggested would simply shift the focus away from damage and towards that aspect of the ability. Since the ability would do less dmg but keep its pulling effect it needs to be cheaper then. Thus his "problem-creating+solving" is necessary. I have not tried to contact @MaxQuest besides tagging him like so. PS: Hey!
    2 points
  11. I dunno what's wrong with me but I've really come to hate my Amazon Echo. It does almost nothing right beyond setting timers and it doesn't always get that right either. I daydream about destroying it like I'm in Office Space. I kinda wish it could feel pain as I think that's the only thing stopping me from breaking it. If it ever becomes self aware then I volunteer for the suicide mission to take it out.
    2 points
  12. Book of Gorth, Chapter 2 Verse 7
    1 point
  13. It's really the only outcome of a two party system. Only thing worse than a two party system is a one party system.
    1 point
  14. Oh boy, another one for hard awakening. was it not enough last time? xD
    1 point
  15. The problem I have with this mid game ones is that they tend to feel really disconnected with the main game. Example, White March... it might be the best part of the first game but going to do that and then returning to a lower quality game is really jarring.
    1 point
  16. Well, I'll say this at least - the fact GoG doesn't FORCE you to use their launcher to simply play their (single player) games is a win. When I first heard of Galaxy that was my main concern. If they ever do go that route then I'd personally not see any reason to buy newer games from them vs. Steam. Just me and my own "don't want lots of launchers" pickiness of course.
    1 point
  17. you know what, you're right, i misremembered. it wasn't even close between Throne of Bhaal/WM-style versus what I said.
    1 point
  18. Hmm, I could have sworn that the majority result was a post game beefy expansion a la Throne of Bhaal... yet they chose not to do that.
    1 point
  19. "Create"? Riggggggght. Bet they were hiking in the desert at Roswell when the idea just came to them.
    1 point
  20. And instead of the player completing quests, the quests will complete the player! It will be a true journey of self-improvement.
    1 point
  21. Grim Face (Hearth Orlan, Priest of Eothas) & Co - Part 1 - Intro The Bears are gone down. Since we were going to rest back in Gilded Vale anyway, we went 'all in' vs them. Grim Face placed Repulsing Seal in advance for the emergency sake (if Bears went past Eder), Eder opened with bow shot to start combat, Grim Face fired Inspiring Radiance>Armor of Faith buffs, Aloth hit with Chill Fog>Arcane Blast>Curse of Blackened Sight for mature Bear (Chill Fog target Fortitude - the Bear's highest defense, while Curse target Will - the lowest one). Young Bears went down really quick but mature Bear hit Eder hard so Grim Face fired Iconic Projection and hit Bear with Halt spell to lower their Dex (by 2), Accuracy (by 5) and most importantly Deflection (by 20). Aloth fired some MMM and Bear gone down. Back in Gilded Vale we let Nonton and Ingroed go in peace to build their new (hopefully happier) life, got new recipe from Tenfrith, rest (for Dyrwood's Pride Resting bonus) and enchanted The Disappointer Pistol with Accurate enchantment making it the best and most damaging weapon available for us at the moment. I didn't particularly favor firearms in PoE before but with some Deadfire experience I've changed my mind and not that strict at them anymore. They are partucularly convenient for casters in Deadfire (still need to test how this work in PoE) since they are great for Hit-n-Cast approach, allowing to cast a spell immediately after shooting bypassing recovery stage unlike all other weapons: With all that done now the true Adventure begins! to be continued...
    1 point
  22. The greenest thing you can do is plant trees. Plant life (most of it) metabolizes CO2. More trees = less CO2. I planted three in my back yard a few weeks ago.
    1 point
  23. Ekera gellarde? ENLIGHTENED EDIT: ...postenago?
    1 point
  24. True. But just thinking about the next time I have to move somewhere else stresses me out, because this thing is so huge and apparently quite fragile. It's one of the reasons why I try to buy as little physical stuff now as possible... the more you have, the more moving the house becomes a pain in the arse. Especially if the next one might be smaller than the current one (I've already downgraded and had to fit in A LOT into a small space). A part of me wishes to just throw away half the stuff I have, because I rarely use it anyway. But there's memories attached to everything, and it would pain me a lot.
    1 point
  25. Alrighty then: Let's get started! I am officially back in action! Meet my new character: Astrid, Pale Elf Rogue (Solo) Game Version: with White March I & II, Difficulty: Normal, Settings: Maim Before Death: On; Injuries: On; Expert Mode: OFF, Mods: None Character Description: Born in the White that Wends but uninspired by the dreary ways of her people, a teenaged Astrid set off for the Deadfire Archipelago, harboring dreams of gold and glory. The Deadfire had something else in store for her, however: instead of a swashbuckling adventure novel, Astrid's life became a rise and fall tragicomedy of epic proportions. After rapidly ascending to the rank of quartermaster aboard a pirate ship, The Reticent Squid, Astrid found herself accused of treason by her captain, Rai Nui- an Aumaua who had trusted and admired her until he lost his mind to syphilis. When The Reticent Squid was captured -due in no small part to the captain's compromised decision making- Astrid suddenly found herself on the gun barrel end of both pirate law and the law of the authorities. That she is alive today and free is a miracle. If she successfully returns to the Deadfire as she intends it will be a greater miracle still. Gaming Notes: When this challenge opened last winter I had virtually no PoE experience: I had nary a clue how to play. In the two month that followed I became marginally proficient, completing full party no reloads on normal, hard and potd respectively. After a one year break, I've decided to get back in the action, this time tackling solo play, starting at normal and, hopefully, culminating in a potd no reload run. Having practiced a bit over the last week, I'm confident that I'll have a first success soon. Hopefully Astrid will be the one. My intention is to cover this run in significant detail, partly for my own reference, but mostly in the interest of soliciting feedback (I'm still learning!). Please do feel free to chime in with an advice! Astrid needs your help!
    1 point
  26. Fair enough, habit got the better of me and I was rather pedantic about how one would go about examining these reasons. While, as you said, social media tend to be crude and reductive, when conveying a message or a criticism, it's mostly the absence of coverage and the lack of proliferation, that I was talking about. As for reviews, I definitely would never expect a negative reception, since the game is pretty solid overall. However, I do have to disagree that things such as unimpactful skill checks or disconnected stronghold (which are just some examples), can be considered as nitpicks or too esoteric. Especially not for someone who is looking for a crpg and is familiar with the genre. This is the game's main target audience after all, so, while I wouldn't pin everything on them, I would definitely pay more attention to core crpg characteristics in general, if I wanted to examine what and how it went wrong. Not sure what you are referring to exactly, that won't work. They actually have replied to most of my points instead of repeating themselves. As for "utter conviction", aren't you being a tad hyperbolic? I don't think anything I said warrants that expression. Since you keep mentioning it in every reply you make, if you were piqued by how I phrased my initial post (by using "amused"), again, I didn't mean to provoke or insult, so apologies if I did. However at any case, paying attention to the message, instead of just the way the message was phrased is more important.
    1 point
  27. It's good to meet you too, Concrete Monster! I'm sorry to hear that Ellana's run has ended, but you're more than welcome to post your progress, nonetheless. Your character's story still matters, even if it didn't have a happy ending. I'll note, too, that we have a Graveyard in our Hall of Heroes for fallen aspirants. Ellana will be eligible if you post. It would be nice to get things rolling here once again. We had great momentum last winter. Sadly, participation dropped off dramatically after I abruptly disappeared. I'll have to leave again once spring comes, but I'll be playing and posting for the next couple month at the very least. And when I do leave this time I'll give everyone advance notice. Between you, I and Serg, we have a good start! Hopefully we can entice a few others to join. @Borco, @Enuhal, @FNGRenegade, @Ivanfyodorovich, @Jaheiras Witness, @semiticgod and anyone else I missed: What are you up to these days? Best, A. NW: I started a solo rogue this morning. I'm excited about her. I'll start posting soon!
    1 point
  28. Personally, I think anything that isn't fossil fuel based is an improvement.
    1 point
  29. I know that's a fairly unpopular opinion amongst greens but nuclear power is a decent way to reduce the carbon footprint of power generation.
    1 point
  30. Not so much world news, more like Australian news, but the dirty laundry of a superannuation/wealth management fund named AMP deserves a lot more exposure: A royal commission investigating the financial sector in Australia decided that AMP had to refund a few hundred million dollars that they had incorrectly charged people in fees (after the no service, no fee principle). To steal the money back, that they had been ordered to return to the rightful owners (after AMP had stolen them in the first place), they just created a bunch of new accounts without those peoples knowledge, put their money there (effectively in AMP accounts) and... yes, charged people hefty fees for looking after their money for them. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-21/amp-fees-for-no-service-scandal-cash-repaid-in-new-accounts/11883032 Those not familiar with Australian Royal Commissions, it's a commission with extrajudicial powers with a mandate to investigate and correct wrongs, usually with a very specific mandate, in this case the numerous banking scandals that needed to be gotten to the bottom of. A Royal Commission is effectively prosecutor, jury and judge, not bothering with all the usual red tape stuff, like needing warrants etc.
    1 point
  31. He obviously didn't do enough loyalty missions.
    1 point
  32. Divinity: Original Sin 2 Brilliant game. 2nd in a series, in fact.
    1 point
  33. This is an anagram of Action Used, and you know a game in which actions are used? BG2.
    1 point
  34. Also Darkwing Duck. Which incidentally stars Jim Cummings. Who was the voice of Minsc. In BG2. it all adds up
    1 point
  35. Actually some good things were made more than 20 years ago, for example the devs of bg2.
    1 point
  36. It's not a scam because you should be aware that there is risk involved. It's more of an investment. Some are riskier than others, and you need to be realistic about what the end product will be. Greenlight and everything else is the same idea. You are paying to help something get produced, but you are also risking your money. Buy finished products if you are worried about not getting your money's worth.
    1 point
  37. YES! I've been saying that for ages. Marry me now.
    1 point
  38. I have corrupted a fellow forumite into also calling it Torture Porn Raider.
    1 point
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