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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/19 in all areas

  1. Looks like we'll be getting two new dachshunds this week or next, a male and a female. So need to accelerate the picking of names for them.
    3 points
  2. Watching the Mueller hearing and checking social media at the same time is a trip. At the risk of sounding like an Enlightened Centrist(tm), both sides are wildly misrepresenting what's said, but the right wing stuff is absolutely bonkers. Deep state elderly abuse! Wild! Of course, the worst part is that all the questions boil down to "I didn't read the report, I'm too lazy to do my job". I, a foreigner with no stake, literally informed myself better than the governing body of the most powerful nation on the planet. Credit where credit's due, at least the dems let him talk. The GOP fellas just yelled what they want him to say at him with increasing spittle.
    2 points
  3. On other matters, I had left the printer running for the day, so I came home to a finished piece. The project is now looking a bit more substantial:
    2 points
  4. I dunno, they look cute and they tend to have big personalities, I would go for a basset hound but the idea of a similar attitude but in a 60lb package is impractical for my family. Nothing will come close to William's though, somehow we managed to instill or encourage a god complex in the dog. I think generally dachshunds all are pretty arrogant but is part of the charm. I will recommend we name the male J.C. . As I said before I wish to say "My wiener is augmented"
    2 points
  5. He's not going to respond. And if he does it will be a rant tinged with more than a little racism. Ktchong is not a real poster. Hell, he isn't even a troll. He's the guy that runs naked into the room, s---s in the floor and dances around it while screaming incoherently then runs out.
    2 points
  6. calling bs. $8.6 trillion debt were added by obama. $5.6 trillion were added by george w bush. as such, single year deficits numbers is gonna be misleading... if you are a "moron." % debt increase can be a flawed approach and so too may dollar increase w/o adjusting for year, but is not gonna be a big adjust from obama to bush. am suspecting largest debt increase with adjusted 2019 dollars as measure would be fdr, but y'know, decreased revenue from great depression plus new deal and war makes for kinda unique circumstances. 'course population were also 'bout 1/3 what it is today, so... as an aside, trump is on pace to add $5 trillion in first term. before obama and trump took office, expectations were that there would be an increase in debt for both guys in spite o' obama being democrat and trump being a republican promising debt reduction. after all, both Presidents were s'posed committed to grand infrastructure plans which always cost money short-term. 'tween corporate bailouts, stimulus and obamacare, there were no money in the till for obama to consider meaningful and major infrastructure... and lord only knows what debt increases would look like if trump had cut taxes for rich, increased defense spending and implemented infrastructure overhaul. 'course trump couldn't find a way to get an infrastructure overhaul done during first two years when he had republicans controlling both houses o' Congress in spite o' fact infrastructure overhaul had largely bipartisan support. sure, republicans and democrats disagreed on how to pay for infrastructure, but if art of the deal guy can't work out a compromise for something both parties wanted, what does that say 'bout likelihood o' trump getting anything more contentious passed before the next election? regardless, calling bs on this deficit nonsense. obama increased debt by ludicrous amounts. trump is doing similar debt increase w/o having great recession to blame. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. Took me a while (too long, honestly), but I got a working Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Docker image. I was about to give up on the project when the thing suddenly decided to actually allow connections (server started fine before, but errored out each time something tried to connect), so I ended up trudging on after all. The in-game or Steam server browsers don't find the server and I'm not sure why, but at this point I'm already happy direct connections work (at least from within my local network) The documentation for the dedicated server is pretty much non-existent, wrong, outdated or a combination of the before and the logs are pretty useless as well. Shame they broke the supposed promise for a Linux version of the server as well, that'd have been a tad more convenient (and who voluntarily runs servers on Windows anyway?) I'm now seeing if I can automate mod updates and then I'll probably throw it up on GitHub at least. As far as performance goes, eh, not sure yet, the load on my server doesn't go above 0.6 while playing which is still just fine. CPU also doesn't seem to particularly care, memory is a tad tight (can probably free some up rather easily) and some things in the game do feel laggy (eg. harvesting corpses). Will have to do some more profiling to see whether it's actually playable for more than just kicks. In the event I do decide it's feasible to run a small server I intend to make public backups of the server database (well, accessible with the server password), this means that in case something happens (most likely some SteamCMD or Conan Exiles update breaking things) or performance does turn out unbearable people can download the database to their single player game and carry on (or host it elsewhere, of course). Server settings are not present in that database (something to be aware of when using something like Mikey's Toolbox to create and manage multiple single player games as well) but everything else is (player stats, buildables, etc)
    2 points
  8. If nothing else, we got some good memes out of Diablo Immortal.
    2 points
  9. Funny thing happened at work today. We were talking about the Apollo Moon landings and the hazards of it. One of my colleagues was talking about the Van Allen belts only he called he called it the Van Halen belts. Nobody caught it but me. I almost choked on my coffee. I excused myself and walked away singing "Panama". About a minute later he realized what I was doing and busted out laughing.
    1 point
  10. Canadian by naturalization as I recall. His dad was from the US, his mom from the UK, but he grew up in Canada from memory and became a Canadian citizen.
    1 point
  11. Ahem, why was it a mistake? An obvious mistake, even? Are you implying that things depending on skills should be either impossible (because you just aren't skilful enough) or trivial (because you have enough skill and there's no check)? That sounds foolish.
    1 point
  12. Ah, (fond) memory association. I'd connect that to stuff like remembering that awesome vacation and wishing you could go back to it. I guess generally speaking I don't get that way with games since almost all my game playing has been me alone in a room ignoring the world - there's no other association, outside of the rare hubby gaming moments. I do get nostalgia for certain gaming years because I preferred the gameplay trends those years, tho.
    1 point
  13. Had to go to London to do a Company onboarding thing. The joy of early morning trains, 34 C weather..and an executive office where the air conditioning is broke. However, did have a fairly decent view.
    1 point
  14. Im sure brother and sister will be well cared for and thoroughly pampered.
    1 point
  15. Yup, that's what I used to do until people started gifting me stuff from said wishlist...
    1 point
  16. The Binding Web spell helps on this bridge.
    1 point
  17. OK, spending deficits are bad. But the real measure is debt. In 2009 on the day he was sworn in the US debt was $10.6T. The day he left office it was $20T (19.947 actually). He nearly doubled it. It also bears mentioning that through much of his second term the US did not have a set budget. Just a continuing succession of spending resolutions. I really don't know why I'm bothering to even respond to this. It's not like you are someone with whom a rational discussion can be had. There are no good Presidents in recent memory. Clinton's surplus came as a result of a Republican congress who literally shut the government down over excessive spending. Would that that Republican Party were still around. Well, they are not. Now it's spend more, and spend more faster. Edit: Gromnir beat me to it by a minute
    1 point
  18. He could show that he means what he say and make UK leave EU as his first action as prime minister. As he says that he wants hard/no-deal brexit as clearly do people who voted him to become PM so there is no need to negotiate with EU and wait that extended deadline by EU.
    1 point
  19. The insurance people called today, they'll finally be assessing the damage next week, and Amazon finally seems to have quietly cancelled the second charge on my credit card. Still leaves me with a bit o of a bitter taste in my mouth because they essentially converted 50 real bucks into an Amazon gift card without me wanting that but at the end of the day... I guess it doesn't matter that much.
    1 point
  20. Torment: Tides of Numenara was massively disappointing. The original was philosophical, bizarre, and intelligently-written. It made great use of a setting where beliefs shape the world around you. ToN is just lots of words and weird stuff for the sake of it. It's shallow. Like it was written by people who aren't that smart. It's really sad. And the combat is awful. I spent £80 on the collection edition of that game and I ended up throwing it away when I moved house because I have no desire to play it again whatsoever. Deadfire is light years ahead in every category.
    1 point
  21. I love that a private business, in under 20 year, has done more to advance space travel and technology than all the world government agencies.
    1 point
  22. I got nostalgia for a lot of games but those with stories were HoMM3 - way too many hours played with friends in hot seat mode and way too many forbidden herb consumed while laying on couch playing Tony hawk pro skater 2
    1 point
  23. Yeah, remember when mages were the best frontliners because mirror image protected you from your own fireball spam? Ah... good times.
    1 point
  24. Hello! I've got two requests for a friend
    1 point
  25. Both games have hooks: in PoE you will loose your sanity if you won’t find Thanos and gain answer to your question In Deadfire you have to find Eothas to regain your soul. Both hooks act more as excuses, and aren’t explored well throughout the game. That said, I am not quite interested in RPG telling me what my motivation is, and I found it fairly easy in Deadfire to define my characters motivation and act on them. I thought that the ending of PoE1 was well worth the metaphysical gibberish. Deadfire doesn’t really get a punchline though.
    1 point
  26. Many thanks for everyone's help. And also a huge Thank You to Victor Creed. You helped me a lot.
    1 point
  27. Although it's based in Australia, I find the forums over at Beyond Blue are some of the most helpful. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums I'd urge you to reconsider talking to a doctor if you feel your problem affects your quality of life though. Most people with mental illness think their problems are foolish or worthless, and most of them are wrong. Overboard pickyness could, for example, be a marker for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (NOT the same as OCD) and can seriously impact your life.
    1 point
  28. The story was way way inferior to that of Pillars 1. In Pillars 1 you actually get to make a world changing decision at the end. Here? Nothing. Your choices don't matter. The game is fun, but the main storyline is a downer.
    1 point
  29. There is some game data you have to set up. Each voice needs a SpeakerGameData and needs to be added to PlayerVoiceSetGameData. This will be changing in v1.1 so that mods that add voice sets don't all need to override the same PlayerVoiceSetGameData object.
    1 point
  30. Rutger Hauer https://variety.com/2019/film/news/rutger-hauer-dead-dies-blade-runner-co-star-1203278050/
    0 points
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