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  1. Need to trigger brilliant through Shroud of the Phantom before combat tho. BDD + Salvation + Tons of mage buff, once trigger Blade Cascade, then switch to 2H axe, main dps source is DoT of bleeding cut, since u are at 0 recovery, each attack trigger DoT and thus u literally ignore enemy armor. Finish with Worthy sacrifice. Edit: luckily I triggered blade cascade one first hit, otherwise it will be a bit slower, around 2:30 min, but I also paused a bit, so it's kinda of compensate Edit 2: Might be able to reduce the time to <1 min with Monk/Priest because of Heartbeat Drumming + Swift Flurry, but this a concept so it doesn't matter. New videa as Contemplative, 40 secs killed Dorugudan.
    3 points
  2. It has a German or "Germanic" minority that once was a majority (maybe even until the 1990s, but surely around 1900). Of course they were Romanians in terms of nationality and citizenship. But they identified themselves as Germans when it comes to their culture. They spoke German, build houses that look like the ones we build in Germany and so on. The German name of Transylvania is "Siebenbürgen". All the cities there have an original German name. Sibiu was originally Hermannstadt, Brasov was Kronstadt, Kluj was Klausenburg, Sigisoara was Schäßburg and so on. Most of them called/call themselves "Siebenbürger Sachsen" (Saxons) but there also were other groups like "Banater Schwaben" (Swabians) and such. Even though nowadays most of them left the country you can still meet quite a lot of Romanians in Siebenbürgen who speak German. Of course rulership changed a lot. KuK was there until 1918 believe (KuK was what you now would call Austria and Hungary) and so on. I think it's quite interesting that you can travel to Romania as a German or Austrian an suddenly feel like you are driving through your hometown but like 100 years ago. All those nicely conserved medieval buildings... Other regions of Romania are also very beautiful of course. Especially the rural ones. I've been to the Maramures region and its landscape and those beautiful little farms and villages are awesome. By the way we didn't learn anything about Romania during 13 years of school.
    2 points
  3. Well, the first Purge in Conan Exiles finally triggered, wasn't quite so bad. But I might have over-prepared a tad...
    2 points
  4. <will insert backstory and picture here > <or maybe not...> =================================== The Cauterizer =================================== Difficulty: PotD -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Barbarian -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Fire Godlike (optional) -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: The Living Lands - Colonist -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: MIG: 19 CON: 10 DEX: 09 PER: 18 INT: 19 RES: 03 -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Survival 12 (+2 from Sanguine Plate) We can't use Second Wind from Athletics because you will hit yourself with Battle-Forged's burn retaliation when using Second Wind (bug). -------------------------------------------------------------- Talents (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) 2: Veteran's Recovery ® 4: Weapon Focus Soldier® 6: Accurate Carnage® 8: Rhymer's Summons 10: Scion of Flame 12: Two Handed Style 14: Apprentice's Sneak Attack 16: Savage Attack Abilities 0: Carnage(a) 1: Frenzy(!) 3: Savage Defiance 5: One Stands Alone® 7: Blood Thirst 9: Bloodlust 11: Heart of Fury 13: Dragon Leap 15: Blooded Story Talents: - The Merciless Hand - Gift from the Machine - Dungeon Delver - Song of the Heavens - Hylea's or Galawain's Boon --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (!=important, r=recommended): Weapon Set 1: Firebrand (!) / some backup Great Sword (Justice for example) Weapon Set 2: some arquebus or arbalest Boots: Shod in Faith ® Head: none (Fire Godlike) Armor: Sanguine Plate ® Neck: Lost Periapt of the Winding Path Belt: Belt of the Ryoal Deadfire Cannoneer (!) Rings: Iron Circle, Band of Union Hands: Forgemaster's Gloves (!) --------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! A late build for PoE since recently the traffic in this forum rose again and I never posted my favorite Barb build since the Deafire Pack came out. The Cauterizer combines two very strong things: Firebrand and Blood Thirst. Firebrand has immense base damage and thus works very well with all sorts of dmg bonuses, including crits. Unfortunately you can't enchant it and so - most of the time - other weapons become better options when reaching the late(ish) game, mainly because of Durgan Steel and its speed bonus. But Blood Thirst helps: it can completely remove the need for attack speed bonuses IF you can manage to kill quickly enough. And nothing kills stuff more quickly (and triggers Blood Thirst with the kill) than Firebrand + Carnage. Add as many dmg bonuses as you can because you want to max out the damage per attack (not dps - dps comes from the removal of recovery through Blood Thirst). So the stuff I picked (Scion of Flame and so on) is there to increase damage per hit. You also want to crit as much as possible because Firebrand has Annihilation. In combo with Merciles Hand and Dungeon Delver you'll do +90% crit damage which is so powerful combined with the high base dmg of Firebrand. Good thing about Carnage: it may start off quite underwhelming because of its reduced damage and more importantly reduced accuracy - BUT: Carnage gains +1 ACC per char level. Combined with Accurate Carnage you will surpass the ACC of your initial hits at lvl 6 already. The more levels you gain the more likely you crit with Carnage. After lvl 6 it's better to attack a low deflection target in order to better hit a high deflection target with Carnage. The best way to use this is to gather the enemies and then hack away at them. Best to not jumo into their midst since this build has low RES (unless you have Heart of Fury). Better jump to the edge of a cluster. Squishy enemies may get one-shotted and immediately trigger Blood Thirst (and Bloodlust) which leads to a cascade of burning death strokes with no recovery. Kills with Battle Forgedalso trigger Blood Thirst - I found that to be a nice addition - also because it works with Blooded and Scion of Flame. Even more speed if you get hit. In game pre lvl 7 you have Frenzy to speed you up and balance out the lowish DEX a bit. With Sanguine Plate you can even get several Frenzies per encounter. Also great for your fortitude, healing and health loss. "But Boeroer: sometimes there are not that many squishy enemies and then I will be left with that very slow burning attacks!" True - that's where Rhymer's Summons come into play. The fun part is that Blood Thirst and Bloodlust also trigger if you kill your own skeletons. Carnage still applies to enemy bystanders. So... only one or two tough enemy left at the end of a fight and you need more speed? Good you summoned those incredibly squishy skeletons and can now kill them for insane attack speed! If you don't like that part of the build (because it feels like cheese or something) just pick Barbaric Blow. At the same time we don't want to go down all the time while we swing around. Because of that we maxed outr self healing potential. 14 Survival leads to a +60% healing bonus which applies to Savage Defiance and Consecrated Ground and Veteran's Recovery: tons of virtual endurance. Health is usually no issue with Barbs, even at 10 CON. But you need some levels to feel the effect. So play it safe in the early levels (like always with barbs). Your biggest friend in the party is somebody who debuffs enemies' deflection and your ACC - for example a druid with Nature's Mark or a Wizard with Eyestrike and a Priest with Blessing + Devotions and so on. You want crits! You also want Holy Meditation because your concentration is pretty bad. This combo is so devastating that my jaw literally (not figuratively) dropped the first time I used Blood Thirst and Firebrand together. He cauterizes enemies in half so quickly that other party members sometimes even don't get them chance to finish a spell. *whoosh-whoosh-whoosh* done. You may not want to use Tidefall as backup because wounding kills don't trigger Blood Thirst. It's too good to use it as backup anyway. You'll have 6 uses of Firebrand per rest (gloves + belt uses do stack!). Usually that's more than enough from camp to camp. That's also a reason why I don't use Runner's Wounding Shot. Enjoy!
    1 point
  5. New Features Ship Combat UI update - A new UI has been added that pops up when you encounter a ship, allowing for some immediate options. This bestows the ability to interact with ship combat for players that continue to enjoy it, while allowing a way to quickly choose a different options to avoid them such as boarding or parley. Turn-based mode leaving Beta - Thank you to our players that have tested turn-based mode! This will now be set to live with the 5.0.0 patch. The Book Of Woedica: Unfortunately, The Book of Woedica contains a bug that doesn't allow for Woedica's VO to be heard unless the player opens the book on the World Map due to technical limitations. We apologize for this inconvenience! A Note from Narrative Designer Paul Kirsch: After Deadfire's launch and public reception, leadership and the writing team closely scrutinized some of the narrative issues which could have presented better or required some clarification. We distilled the most prevalent issues down to a couple of core factors: a lack of clarity regarding the metaphysics of Eora, and missing connectivity between Deadfire's "god plot" and "faction plot," for lack of a better term. Shortly before launching The Forgotten Sanctum, those of us still attached to the project had some availability to address these concerns. A handful of developers pooled their efforts to execute on a plan that seeks to address these story problems through modestly-scoped, unobtrusive changes to the core game experience. What follows behind the Spoiler gate is a broad outline of the solutions we pursued. We hope you enjoy them. Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing! Expanded Eothas Dialogue - The end game with Eothas has had many new voiced lines added to address some pressing questions from the players. The Ultimate Challenge - The Ultimate Challenge is now available for those adventurers that dare try to brave it. Those that manage to best the challenge may even find themselves with physical rewards! The Ultimate Challenge requires the following to be enabled/completed: Triple Crown - Expert Mode, Trial of Iron, Path of the Damned Level Scaling (Only scale upwards) Solo All 11 God Challenges - Wael, Woedica, Hylea, Rymrgand, Ondra, Skaen, Abydon, Magran, Berath, Galawain, and Eothas. All DLCs - Beast of Winter/ Seeker, Slayer Survivor/ Forgotten Sanctum. All major enemies and boss battles completed. The Ultimate Challenge requires the following to be disabled: Console Command Cheats Mods Beraths Blessings Anarchist Path - Changes have been added to the Anarchist path to allow for more of the game to be experienced before the player can attempt to finish the game. Resolved Issues Afflictions now work as expected for immunities, resistance, and suppression. Players should no longer be experiencing low frame rates due to multiple NPC's being on screen at once. Terrified party members who cannot move will now pass their turn correctly. Effect durations in breakdown tooltips are now displayed in Rounds when turn-based mode is enabled. Caltrops traps will no longer cause the turn-based combat to become stuck in certain cases. Pulsing spells are now displayed throughout their entire duration in the turn-based mode. Resisted Afflictions will no longer progress in real time in turn-based mode. Turn-based Combat Start banner behaves properly on ultra-widescreen resolutions. Party AI can no longer continue to use quick items with no charges left. Firearms users that act last in a round will no longer be incorrectly placed first in the next round. Creature summoned with Berath's Throwing Bones is now correctly queued in turn order in turn-based mode. Attack abilities will now apply their effects to child attacks such as AOEs in addition to the character's primary weapon attack. Characters with unused engagements will now engage enemies that move in range even if they are not the primary target. The description of Berath's Challenge now describes the effects in turn-based mode. Berath's Challenge will now show an effect icon and timer on unconscious party members. Wall spells now apply their effects on the turns of the characters affected by them. Imp Tricksters will no longer become stuck when attempting to use certain abilities in turn-based mode. Characters using Whispers of the Wind in turn-based mode will no longer remaining invisible until their next turn. Beam spells now deal the same damage per second in turn-based mode as they do in Real-Time with Pause. Turn-based movement indicator will correctly show the unreachable segments when targeting an enemy. Turn-based movement indicator will show a better estimate of the character's final position when using ranged attacks. Turn-based movement indicator will now be more accurate when attempting to move through a narrow space between multiple enemies. Invisible characters will no longer block movement. The player can no longer briefly switch weapon sets after hitting with an attack in turn-based mode. Cancelling the animation during a full attack no longer prevents Initiative from being set in turn-based mode. Creatures summoned with Figurines now appear for the correct number of turns. Priest's "Symbol of Eothas" has been adjusted to turn-based mode. Ability tooltips will clearly show "Not Your Turn" when it isn't the selected character's turn. Modal abilities cannot be toggled unless it's the caster's turn. With Berath's Challenge enabled in turn-based mode, enemies will never exit the turn order. Consuming drugs properly sets the character's initiative in turn-based mode. Priest's "Blessing of Wael" has been adjusted to turn-based mode. Camera in turn-based mode no longer moves to dead enemies between turns. Blade Turning now ends early if the monk moves. Monk's "Whispers of the Wind" ability now correctly uses an action point in turn-based mode. Characters that are naturally neutral to the player will no longer drop out of turn-based combat when they are all charmed. Brilliant Tactician's effects will work correctly when there are multiple Tacticians in the party. Fixed the flanked condition rarely persisting after combat ends. The Miss glossary entry now has the correct threshold value in turn-based mode. The End Game Slides "Continue" button will no longer permanently disappear. In turn-based mode, pulsing AoEs no longer pulse in real-time when the caster dies. Cost numbers on the ability bar will no longer occasionally show when the ability bar is hidden. Combats in turn-based mode will more reliably pull nearby enemies. Resurrection's "Cannot Die" effect is now applied for correct amount of turns in turn-based mode. Enemies will no longer lock up when attempting to target destructibles with certain attacks in turn-based mode. Auras are now updated in real time in turn-based mode. Passive abilities will no longer show "Action Type: Free" in the ability tree. Immobile creatures will now switch to ranged weapons if necessary in turn-based combat. Barks of the enemy ships' captains are properly assigned to them instead of to the Watcher. Camera in turn-based mode with Hylea's Challenge enabled no longer moves away from party. Option to disable camera centering on active character in turn-based mode has been added to the game. Characters will play a visual-only flinch animation when they are bumped by allies. Relentless Storm in turn-based mode will now Daze by default, and its Daze attacks that critically hit will upgrade to Stuns. Gaze of Adragan has had it second redundant defense roll removed. "Llengrath's Safeguard" no longer can be cast out of combat. Combat Attack Results tutorial has been updated to reflect new Graze range. Mortification of the Soul is a free action in turn-based mode.
    1 point
  6. IIRC, non-active party members only leave if you side with an opposing faction before the endgame.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. @injurai If you haven't heard this album yet, give it a spin. It might be of your interest.
    1 point
  9. haha tested this with Helwalker/Priest and killed the hellfire in around 40 secs. Takes like 20 seconds to buff and trigger blade casade, then boss died in like 15 to 20 secs...
    1 point
  10. It's been so long, was there a Shadowkeeper type utility for the NWN2 series of games? I used to use those utilities all the time to give myself enough exp to insta-level to lev 3, then later I would subtract the same amount of exp to make things fair, just because I despise low level D& D with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Before I found Shadowkeeper, the beginning of BG1 was the most frustrating experience. Having to save scum again and again until my chars got strong enough that they didn't sometimes get 1-shot by friggin kobolds... or whatever the mooks at the beginning of BG1 were? Was it kobolds? Oh God, I just remembered Neshkel mines... *shudders*
    1 point
  11. The cloak that has 1% to trigger brilliant on being hit. That is the key, using firewall to trigger it before combat.
    1 point
  12. https://youtu.be/tek0YZE8Gos
    1 point
  13. Just watched a hilarious two year old video of our (now) vice chancellor and his party's floor leader sitting in a Russian owned villa on Ibiza discussing the acquisition of our largest newspaper, installing journalists that favor them and telling them freely of company and non-profit association constructs that would allow them to funnel funds into their party without them noticed - for bonus hilarity mentioning large companies and investors that already do (most prominent among them Glock apparently) - and promising overpriced construction contracts assuming the discussed funds and activities would land them an election victory resulting in them heading or being part of the government. I'm not entirely sure why this wasn't released prior to our 2017 parliament elections instead of now a week before the EU ones but whatever gets these two grubby, greedy buttholes out of our government and ideally behind bars is all right with me. I always knew these guys weren't the sharpest tools in the shed but discussing how to best use dirty money for six hours while being utterly embarassing in the process is more than a little sad. In German we have a really nice word for what I'm feeling right now: Fremdschämen. Meaning - literally - to be ashamed for/instead of someone else because these people obviously have no shame at all. Or any decency. Hey Visegrád countries, you sure you want to be associated with these fumbducks? Here be an English article in the Financial Times.
    1 point
  14. My new building site. I may eventually build multiple structures jutting out of the cliffs between the giant statues and connect them with what they call in the game "horizontal elevators", which are basically hanging cable cars or aerial tramways. I'm going to begin constructing the first structure roughly where I put the green circle: You can see a few basic sandstone foundation pieces I constructed (and will later destroy) just to help me climb up and down to a lower platform: Here they are from the top: Here's the view from the top of the cliff out of which I will build the first structure. I'm standing next to a temporary crafting area I'm starting to build:
    1 point
  15. No. We know that beside "Outer Words" Obsidian works on two other projects. It is unlikely they will reveal anything about those two, until OW ships. One can only hope that one of those is PoE3, or at least Eora related.
    1 point
  16. The trickster class has deceptive description. It states that sneak attack is significantly weaker. This is not the case. It lowers sneak attack by a fixed 10%. So a character that would sneak attack for 60% for instance would sneak attack for 50%. The extra abilities you get by far outweigh the loss of 10%. There's no reason to go normal rogue over trickster.
    1 point
  17. Makes me realize that I really loath Blizzard's visual styles. For me it's just always way too much. The ornaments, the proportions, all that stuff just looks so unappealing to me.
    1 point
  18. Haha, my dancers still wear slightly more On the topic of clothing, it's funny how many of the Thralls you capture will suddenly have more, or different clothing, than you captured them with, and I don't recall handing out clothing. Love these ghosts that point you to certain caves: Also cleared out my first cave (not the one from the ghost, that was croc-cave, which I haven't messed with too much), this one had a whole slew of humans, many of which T2, T3 and a priest of Mitra (which I have no use for, so I just ripped out his heart) Annoyingly enemies already started respawning just when I got to the end, so getting out was a pain. I also finally unlocked the big gate building piece, which turned out to be a tad larger than I had anticiped, so I had to redesign my main gate. If you thought my base couldn't look any more megalomaniac, well... I captured a named figher as well, Ennika of Cimmeria, I have the slight impression this is a pretty high tier Thrall since breaking her has been going on for forever with barely any progress (I still use the first Wheel of Pain...). I also built a second Wheel of Pain so I don't have to pass up on any interesting Thralls when I'm on harvesting runs. Other than that I've mostly been Thrall hunting and fortification building, the Purge meter is getting real close to the marker now. Btw, for Keyrock on the naked foraging topic (mechanics spoilers inside):
    1 point
  19. I am also playing on lewd settings Here's my throne room from the edge of the raised area where my throne sits: You can see the entire floor is covered with hide rugs and pillows (I keep adding more pillows periodically, my goal is to eventually have piles of pillows everywhere), there are benches and you can see a keg. There are 4 kegs total in my throne room, I'll probably add more in the future (can't be running out when debauchery is going on). There are also 2 beds up on the raised area where my throne is. And yes, that's me on the stairs in the buff. I usually run around my base naked and when I'm farming in relatively safe areas, because I can carry more that way. From a RP perspective, no one is allowed to wear anything more than a loincloth and jewelry in my throne room, that includes visitors, be they diplomats, warchiefs, whatever. Several reasons for this: 1) My base is in the jungle and it's hot as hell. 2) Debauchery may break out at any given moment, less clothing to strip off 3) If someone tries to send disguised assassins to try to kill me, good luck smuggling weapons in when all you're allowed to wear is 2 triangle shaped pieces of cloth.
    1 point
  20. Ultimately, this discussion is not worth continuing because a lot of the elements being discussed are down to personal taste. What elements can be delved into in a more objective manner are also not getting us anywhere because we both have very different ideas on how they work, and it's not clear at all who is correct on each point, from a neutral perspective. While I'm willing to say 'well, we disagree on this, so I'm not going to debate further on it because it's a waste of time for both of us', you can't respect that, instead seeing it as a victory that one person in a discussion decides not to debate further. See it that way if you wish, but I hardly think that means you are good at debating while I am not. As for the accusation that I'm being disrespectful, that's probably fair, I can be an ***hole sometimes.
    1 point
  21. PM me the strategy? Are you with the Hand Occult or something?
    1 point
  22. The rest isn't worth responding to.
    1 point
  23. Most of your characters != tank
    1 point
  24. O-ha. That's an improvement which most players will dismiss as unimportant, but I guess it will have quite an impact (if you play around with engagement slots).
    1 point
  25. The fight gets much easier, once you understand what makes the fight hard: - AoE CONE breath - Terrify aura - Adragans dominating party members So: - let Eder solo tank the dragon. And either place the party 120 degrees to the side from were dragon is facing. Or keep the dragon perma-disabled. - let ciphers switch to Adragans when they come in range. Because building focus on lower-DR enemies is faster than when hitting the high-DR dragon. - buff party vs Terrify (so Prayer against Fear) - buff party vs Dominate (Prayer vs Treachery) - buff party accuracy - use Scale Breaker - let cipher paralyze the dragon (Mental Binding + Backlash) and let Aloth help with cc as well - choose your source of damage. For me it was: Disintegrations + Dragon Trashed + Shining Beacons + Cleansing Flames (to double the tick rate) You can see an example: here
    1 point
  26. My usual tactic is to finish the conversation and then run as far to the left of the cave as I can. The Dragon will try his breath attack initially but it will miss because you won't be there. Then, when you're in the corner, immediately start buffing. Have Durance cast Crowns for the Faithful, Devotions of the Faithful, and Prayer Against Fear. Let Aloth buff himself with Deletrius Alacrity of Motion, Spirit shield, Llengrath's Displaced Image, Iron Skin, etc. Have a few characters summon monsters (with figurines, which you should have plenty of at this point) in front of you to buy you some more time to buff. Have those monsters engage the Dragon. Then, once buffed, you can start engaging the dragon. With your accuracy buffed that high from Durance's spells you should be able to hit it. Even better, what you can do now is have Aloth try to throw a Ninagauth's Shadow Flame at the Dragon. It is not immune to Paralyze, so if you can land it on him, the Dragon will be disabled and you can then kill it. It will go down fast once paralyzed. Of course, you might not have Ninagauth's Shadow Flame. To get that, you would have had to beat White March 1 and find the Spellbook, which maybe not everyone does. That's OK. If you don't have that, try crafting some scrolls of Paralyze. I'm assuming Aloth or Durance or someone in your party has high lore. Let them cast that on the Dragon once you have finished buffing, and eventually it will land and you can kill it. As a Cipher you also have the paralyze ability which should work. The key really is buffing your accuracy up high enough that you can land the spell on the Adra Dragon. Crowns for the Faithful and Devotions of the Faithful should get you to have sky high accuracy. Prayer Against Fear should prevent your accuracy from taking a huge hit from the Dragon's fear aura. After that it's a matter of getting lucky enough to hit the dragon with paralyze. Keep spamming it at him and it will eventually land. Once it does, it's game over for him as you can then focus fire the Dragon with all you got. I killed it very quickly recently on a run (PC Ranger), using the tactics above. Once Aloth hit him with the Paralyze I was able to shoot him with Persistence, then land a Cleansing Flame with Durance, and also everyone else was hitting him too. He went down in seconds. Of course his defenses are high and you might not always hit him with the spells even when buffed. But eventually you will, and once you do, he should go down quick. Paralyze is a devastating debuff in Poe1.
    1 point
  27. Can you elaborate? Example: Whitleaf's drug crash reduces all defenses (except deflection) by 8 with 1 in alchemy and this penalty will decrease with every point you have in alchemy (I think it will be -2 instead of -8 at 20 alchemy). A nalpazka monk can even have a positive effect for drug crash (+1-2 bonus instead of penalty).
    1 point
  28. As for other Rekke content in the DLC, a raw code check has: (spoilered, coz it's kinda long and because there are a couple of interesting finds in there) That's actually a pretty decent chunk of content for a sidekick. Not nearly as much as Ydwin, but more than I was expecting for him before I started the DLC.
    1 point
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